"From this point of view, the loss of vitality of the Pokémon may have something to do with the disappearance of the children." Miss Junsha said.

"One mystery leads to more mysteries. Now it's up to me, the famous detective Xiaozhi, to solve the mystery with my organized brain cells."

At this time, Miss Junsha suddenly rang, and Miss Junsha took out a machine that looked like a detector.

"Is it a mobile phone?"

"Yes, it reacted again."

"It turns out that this is a detector that will react when a good man is nearby." Xiaogang came forward and said.

"Sir, don't bother me." Miss Junsha pushed Xiaogang away.

"This is a hypnotic wave detector."

"Hypnotic wave detector?"

"Recently, I often receive this kind of hypnotic wave. It is a wavelength that makes people sleep." Miss Junsha explained.

"But our Pokémon Center does not have Pokémon that can emit this wavelength." Miss Joy said.

"It came from outside." Miss Junsha said.

As he spoke, Pikachu also became listless and fell to the ground.

"Ah, how come even Pikachu has become listless."

"Could it be that the Pokémon's listlessness is related to this hypnotic wave?" Xiaogang said.

"This is very likely. Anyway, let's find out the source of this sleep wave first." Miss Junsha said.


Following the guidance of the detector, Miss Junsha led Xiaozhi and his group to the door of a tall building.

"It's this building. It should be coming from the roof." Miss Junsha said.

"What a tall building, let's go."

The group took the elevator upstairs. The closer they got to the upper floor, the stronger the detector's reaction became.

When they walked to the rooftop, they found that there was actually a big house on it.

Xiaogang knocked the door open, and the group rushed in, but found that there was a Soliber and a Solip, as well as a group of people inside.

Seeing Xiaozhi and the others rushing in, a man quickly came over and asked, "Who are you?"

"We found this place because we were tracking the source of the sleep wave." Miss Junsha explained.

"Sleep wave? Oh, I know, it was emitted by this Soliber. It finally evolved from Soliber to Soliber three days ago."

"Three days ago!" Xiaogang was surprised.

"When the children disappeared and the Pokémon became listless, it happened exactly three days ago." Miss Junsha said.

"We are asking them to replace our sleeping pills now. This is the Pokémon Fan Club. We are all members of the Pokémon Fan Club. We all like Pokémon very much.

The most popular one among members is this Solip. With everyone's joint efforts, it evolved into Solip.

In short, the pressure of living in the city is too great, so everyone becomes sleep-deprived, and we come here to rely on Solip's power."

"But the Pokémons have lost their vitality due to the influence of the sleep wave. Look, even my Pikachu has become like this."

"Ah, how could this happen?" the man asked with a guilty look.

"This is a side effect. Solip's sleep wave was originally launched against Pokémon, but because it was forced to change to target humans, the Pokémon were affected.

Then, the sensitive children were also affected by the sleep wave, so they disappeared."

"In this case, it seems that we have made a big mistake." The man said.

"Where are those children now?" Xiaochun asked.

"Oh, now I remember that these children must have suffered from Pokémon Reversion due to the influence of hypnotic waves."

"Pokémon Reversion?"

"Yes, this is due to the influence of Soliper's sleep waves that changed the wavelength. All the children have turned into Pokémon. The children are now most likely in the park in the center of this city." Xiaozhi said.

"How did things turn out like this?" The man said with annoyance.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and find the children." Miss Junsha was about to set off.

"Wait, it won't work if we go now. We must first find a way to solve the Pokémon Reversion in the children." Xiaozhi said.

"Then what should we do?"

"Just ask Soliper to help. Soliper can emit the wavelength of dreams, and its wavelength can break Soliper's wavelength." Xiaozhi said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

Xiaozhi used his super rookie physique to carry the fat Solip and ran into the park, and the others followed Xiaozhi.

In the city park, the missing children were found. They all seemed to beturned into a Pokémon.

"Solipu, please, let everyone return to their original state."

Solipu sent out a wave, and the children fell asleep and began to dream. Solipu clapped his hands, and the children woke up and changed back.

Seeing this, the parents who had already been notified by Miss Junsha rushed forward and hugged their children.

Then, everyone took Solipu to the Pokémon Center, and the same process was followed to make the listless Pokémon return to normal.

"Great, everyone is back to normal." Miss Joy said happily.

"I really don't know what kind of dreams the Pokémon are having." Xiaogang said.

"The incident has come to an end. The reasoning of the famous detective Xiaozhi is really brilliant."

After the incident came to an end, Xiaozhi and his group also left the city and continued their journey.

On this day, they came to another city.

"Beauty Street? What is this place?"

"You'll know after you take a look."

"It seems like there are many Pokémon beauty salons in this place."

Beauty Street, needless to say, the person who insisted on coming to this place is of course this person - Xiaogang.

"This place is the Street of Breeders. As a man who aims to be the world's number one Pokémon breeder, how can I miss this place?" Xiaogang said.

The group was walking on the street, and suddenly, Xiaogang said excitedly,

"I found it, it's here."

"This is the store you are looking for."

Xiaogang walked to the door, but his face was red and he didn't dare to look at the door.

"Why are you blushing like that?"

As he said that, Xiaozhi and Xiaochun pushed the door open and Xiaogang followed him in.


The store manager Xiaoxue said, she was giving a massage to a Jigglypuff.

"What a beautiful Vulpix."

While Xiaoxue was still busy, Xiaochun and Xiaozhi observed the beautiful Vulpix.

Xiaoxue's work was completed quickly.

"Miss Xiaoxue." Xiaogang said stiffly.

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