The next day, Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey, and Xiaoxue also closed the shop and embarked on her journey.

On this day, on the road, an Aibilang was running and exercising.

"Wow, look, it's Aibilang." Xiaogang said.

"This Aibilang looks very strong." Xiaochun said.

"Xiaozhi, do you want to capture it?" Xiaogang asked.

"No need, first, it should have been someone else's Pokémon, and second, its level is too low, only level 30, not in my eyes."

"Young man, then are you willing to compete with my Aibilang? If you are careless and underestimate the enemy, a second of negligence may be a lifetime of pain. No matter what kind of enemy you face, you can't be careless."

The man named Shandou walked over and said.

Xiaozhi clearly remembered that in the original animation, it was this guy who tricked Infernape away.

"It's not that I underestimated the enemy, but if I go all out, I'm afraid you won't be able to recover unless you stay in bed for three or five days, and you won't be able to participate in this year's P1 Fighting Tournament." Xiaozhi said.

"So you also know about the P1 Fighting Tournament. Well, then, boys and girls, let's meet on the ring."

"Wait, stop, that's enough, stop, Dad, don't indulge in fighting anymore, come home, okay? Dad."

Suddenly, a girl rushed out, holding Shandou's hand and crying.

"Aimee! Humph, I will never go back without winning the championship cup of the P1 Fighting Tournament. I won't be afraid of anyone who challenges me."

Seeing his daughter appear, Shandou was a little surprised, but he still didn't plan to change his mind. After saying that, he ran away with Abby Lang.

"This..." Aimei hesitated.

"Yes, do you have any questions, Miss?" Xiaogang said attentively.

"Well, I'm sorry, my father has caused you a lot of trouble."

"Nothing, nothing." Xiaogang waved his hand.

"Since you are Pokémon trainers, I want to ask you a favor."

"Just tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help you, no problem." Xiaogang said.

"My father... no... please defeat that Abby, please."

"I'll take care of this." Xiaogang said, holding Ai Mei's hand.

Ai Mei took Xiaozhi and his group back to her home.

Looking at the poster on the wall, Xiaogang asked, "What is the P1 competition?"

"It is the first prize of Pokémon, referred to as P1. It is a fighting competition held specifically for Pokémon. In order to win the championship of this competition, my father has been hiding in the mountains and has not cared about the family's affairs."

"So, you want to find someone to defeat Abbylon so that your father can wake up, right?"


"Leave this matter to us." Xiaogang patted his chest and said.

"We?" Xiaozhi asked in confusion.

"Xiaozhi, don't you have Infernape? It is the most suitable Pokémon for fighting." Xiaogang said.

"That makes sense."

"And I have Geodude. Let's go to the competition together and defeat Abbylon."

"Okay, I must win the championship of the P1 fighting competition." Xiaozhi made up his mind.

That afternoon, the P1 fighting competition venue.

The host said, "The P1 Grand Prix competition is about to begin, and the contestants are about to enter the arena.

First up is Abbyron, known as a fighting machine, and his trainer, Fandou, the first candidate for the championship of this tournament.

Next up is the kicking ghost, Sawaron, and his trainer, Titan.

Next up are the new trainers, Ash and Brock, who are making their debuts temporarily. It is of great interest to see how well their Pokémon can fight."

Soon, Ash was on the field in the first match.

"Okay, then the first match begins. Facing the confident Armstrong, what Pokémon will our new trainer Ash send out?"

"Infernape, it's you."

Level 33 Infernape versus Level 28 Armstrong, the advantage is mine.

The two Pokémon looked at each other, and the battle was about to begin.

Armstrong took the lead in attacking, using his hand knife to attack Infernape continuously, hitting it hard, sending Infernape flying and crashing into the surrounding ropes of the ring.

"In the first round of the competition between Armstrong and Infernape, Armstrong seems to have the upper hand. Although he is small, Armstrong is very powerful."

Seeing this, Infernape was not convinced and used a kick to attack, but Armstrong stretched out his hands to catch Infernape's attack and grabbed Infernape's feet.

"Too strong, Armstrong used his"Super Strength, caught Infernape and threw it, this is its best move, Earth Throw." The commentator said excitedly.

Wrist used Earth Throw and threw Infernape out.

At the critical moment, Xiaozhi stepped forward and caught Infernape. Infernape was so moved that he shed tears and recognized Xiaozhi.

"Infernape, let's go again. This time, we must be careful of Wrist's hand knife and take the initiative. "

Infernape nodded, indicating that it was no problem, and returned to the ring again.

"Infernape, use Cross Chop."

The Cross Chop hit Wrist, and the damage was very high.

"Now, Infernape, jump up and use Kick Down."

Infernape jumped high, because there was a light on the back of Infernape, the dazzling light made it difficult for Wrist to open his eyes and dodge. He was kicked and hit from the front, fell to the ground, and lost his ability to fight.

"Wrist lost his ability to fight, and Infernape won. "The referee said.

"The winner is decided. Armstrong can't stand up. Xiaozhi's Infernape won the victory."

"Great, we won." Xiaozhi said happily.

"That Infernape is quite good." Fandou said.

Then, the game continued.

"The second game is between Savage and Geodude. How can Savage defeat it? All right, the game begins."

At the beginning of the game, Xiaogang turned around and said to Aimi in the audience, "Aimi, I want to fight for you. Cheer for me, Aimi."

"It's dangerous. "Aimee said worriedly.

As soon as the words fell, Geodude was kicked away by Xawad and fell on Brock.

Seeing this, Ash sighed. Brock used a rock-type Pokémon to fight a fighting-type Pokémon, and he was distracted during the battle. It was hard not to lose.

This time, Xawad's trainer, Titan, was not affected by Team Rocket, so Xawad, which had good combat power in the original animation, has also improved its combat power.

"Ouch, it hurts, Geodude, we can't admit defeat, attack again."

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