After saying that, Xiaozhi turned over and jumped onto the horse's back.

"Great, it's not hot anymore."

The competition venue.

The audience was huge. After all, this was the most grand event of the Laramies. Although the competition had not started yet, it was already crowded with people, and the shouts and cheers were endless.

There were several huge screens on the scene for broadcasting, so that the audience in the audience could see the competition situation of all the players throughout the journey.

"The Laramies Pokémon competition is an obstacle race with valleys and streams. As long as you overcome all obstacles and lead all others, the person who reaches the finish line first is the champion, and the Pokémon used by this person is the best Pokémon this year.

Pokémon and trainers participating in the competition, please come to the starting line." The host said passionately.

All the participating trainers rode their Pokémon and stood at the starting line.

There are Mischievous Thunderbolt, Sandsang, Nidorina, Kentaro, Dodo, Rhyno, Rattata, etc.

Ash rides Charmander, Doliev rides Dodo, and Brock rides Onix.

It is worth mentioning that there is another special group of contestants, that is Pikachu riding Blastoise.

Koharu and Tomiko, who did not participate in the competition, cheered for Ash and Brock in the audience.

"Everyone must come on, Ash, Brock, and Charmander, run."

Tomiko shouted, waving her left hand in the first row of the audience.

"Charmander, burn your fighting spirit."

Charmander also responded to Ash's expectations, and the flames on his body burned fiercely.

"Ready, go!"

With the host's gunshot, all the contestants began to run wildly.

"Well, this year's Pokémon Grand Race has begun again. Who will win the title of the best trainer and the best Pokémon?"

When the race started, everyone flew out like an arrow, except for a yellow-skinned rat riding a turtle.

"First, the straight path. Who will be the one who can lead the way? Here it comes, it's the speedster, it's leading the way, running at full speed from the beginning. Can it keep running like this until the end?"

Doliv rode on Dolov and took the lead, followed by Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and the trainers riding Kentaro and Rhino.

Soon they passed the straight path.

"Next is the slope path with a 45-degree angle. The key is the breathing of the trainer and the Pokémon.

At this stage, Dodoli is still in the lead."

In this climbing section, Dodolif is in the lead.

Ash rides Ponyta and ties for second place with a trainer riding Rattata. Behind him are Brock and the trainer riding Turbo.

The last ones left are Blastoise and Pikachu. Blastoise can no longer run and is about to collapse from exhaustion.

"It is impossible for the special guest Pikachu and Blastoise to race against each other."

The slope is divided into uphill and downhill. When it comes to the downhill path, the trainer riding Turbo takes the first place.

"Look, the one running at high speed on the downhill path, everyone is panicking, it's worthy of being the round and round Naughty Thunderbolt, this move is brilliant, using the advantages of its body to move quickly downhill."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the trainer of Naughty Thunderbolt fell down because Naughty Thunderbolt rolled too fast and couldn't control it. Naughty Thunderbolt couldn't control its forward direction because of its high speed and also hit the rock.

Dolif, Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, and the trainer riding the Rhino took the opportunity to overtake.

Soon they came to the water path.

"This place is also difficult. You must step on the small rocks that floated on the water one by one, otherwise you can't get to the other side."

"Go, go, Duduli." Dolif rode Duduli and passed it easily.

As soon as Xiaogang and the trainers of the Rhino reached the water, they stopped at the same time.

The trainer of Rhyno didn't believe it, so he let Rhyno jump onto the small rocks. As a result, because Rhyno was too heavy, both the man and the cow sank.

Seeing this, Onix, who was afraid of water, became even more afraid and cried.

Seeing this, Xiaogang also gently stroked Onix's head and said,

"Okay, okay, let's stop here, it's okay."

"Oh, rock-type Pokémon are afraid of water, Onix is ​​retired." said the host.

On the water path, Pikachu riding Blastoise was like a fish in water, and his speed was very fast. He didn't need to step on the small rocks, and he jumped into the water and swam over directly.

"This side is Pikachu walking on water. Blastoise is worthy of being a water-type Pokémon., like a fish in water.

The little Charmander, famous for its jumping ability, is not afraid of water at all. It moves forward quickly. Can it catch up with Dolif? "The host explained.

"Hurry up, catch up with Dolif in one breath." Xiaozhi shouted.

"Yes, that's right, Xiaozhi, that's it." Tomiko in the audience was also excited.

"The next level is to fill your stomach. Eat up all the feed, and you can return to the game. Which one to eat depends on how the Pokémon chooses. "

Dolif rode on Toot Toot to reach this level first, but Toot Toot has three heads, and they started arguing over which feed to eat.

"You three, if you want to eat the feed, wait until I get back and feed you. "Doulif was anxious. He had finally established an advantage over others, and he didn't want to waste it here.

"What a surprise. The three heads of Doulif had a disagreement and started fighting over feed. The original leading advantage was soon gone. Blastoise and Charmeleon took the opportunity to catch up. "

"Okay, just hold on to the end." Xiaozhi's confidence increased greatly.

"Damn it, you guys hurry up and do it, what are you waiting for."

Doulif was furious. In order to win, he hired a cheating team to help him win. The previous few levels should have come out to hinder other trainers and Pokémon, but they didn't come out. Now it's a critical moment, and Doulifu can't help it.

But there was no response.

"Okay, stop shouting. Those people you invited to help you cheat in order to win have been dealt with by me in advance." Xiaozhi said lightly.

"What did you say. "Dulifu was horrified.

A few seconds later, Duduli and Charmander finished eating their feed at the same time and started running towards the finish line.

"In the final sprint, Duduli maintained the leading position, followed closely by Charmander. Can Duduli get rid of the pursuit from behind? This year's Pokémon competition has become a one-on-one competition between Duduli and Charmander.

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