"Why is there not even a piece of bread in the bakery!"

"Sorry, boss, we want to buy some bread."

"Oh, it's a customer, sorry, we don't have bread to sell here now."

"Isn't this a bakery?"

"Sorry, we also want to make bread, but we don't have the ingredients."

Similarly, there is not even a handful of vegetables in the vegetable store.

The shops in the whole town are basically empty.

A group of people sat on the public bench in a daze.

"Young man, what's wrong with you?" An old man came over with a cane and asked.

"We want to buy food in this town, but we can't buy anything."

"I'm so hungry, I can't move."

Seeing this, the old man also invited the three people back to his home and took out the few food in his home to entertain them.

This old man is the elder of this village.

"Oh, so you are doing a training journey with the goal of becoming a Pokémon trainer. That's very hard."

"What's going on? Why don't bakeries sell bread and vegetable stores sell vegetables?"

"That's because the rivers here have dried up and the crops have not been harvested. So, we don't have much food left, barely enough to make a living."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the other two stopped eating.

"Oh, you don't have to be so polite. It's okay. I still have some food in my house. I can barely make ends meet."

The elder also realized that what he said affected Xiaozhi and the others, and waved his hand quickly.

"Is the rainfall this year so little? I don't remember. It rained a lot this year." Xiaochun said.

Hearing this, the elder also sighed and said,

"Well, follow me."

The elder led the three people to the river outside the house. The river had dried up.

Next to the river is the village's field, but the crops planted in it have all withered.

"Oh my god, all these crops have withered."

"This river is the main river in our village, but you see, it started to dry up two weeks ago.

Neither wheat nor vegetables can be planted, and everyone is very worried."

"Without water, crops cannot be planted." Xiaogang said.

"Yes, we are all very worried."

"Elder, do you think the reason may be in the upper reaches of the river? Xiaogang, Xiaochun, let's go upstream to investigate the reason." Xiaozhi suggested.

"Okay, let's think of it as a way to repay the elder for treating us to hot soup and bread."

"But even people in our village rarely go upstream, so it's hard to guarantee that something won't happen."

"No problem, leave it to us."

Xiaozhi and his group walked upstream and found a lot of thorns near the upper reaches.

"It's thorns. These thorns almost cover the entire forest." Xiaozhi said.

"It seems that we can only crawl in."

After saying that, Xiaogang looked for a gap in a pile of thorns.

Xiaozhi hurriedly stopped him,

"Xiaogang, you are too slow to go in like this, and you may be cut by the thorns. Watch me,

Charizard, Blastoise, it's up to you. Charizard used jet flames to attack the thorns. After clearing a passage through the thorns, Blastoise used a water cannon to put out the fire."

"Look, it's a spring."

"But this spring looks like it's about to dry up."

"Then let's go in and see."

Several people continued to go deeper and found a Snorlax lying down and sleeping, just blocking the exit of the spring.

"So that's why. It's because Snorlax blocked the spring's outlet, so the spring can't flow into the river."

"In that case, why don't we just move it away or wake it up?"

"It won't be easy, Xiaochun. Snorlax weighs 920 kilograms. It's impossible for the three of us to move it away. As for waking it up, Snorlax will only wake up when it's hungry. It's hard to wake up at other times."

"Ah, what should we do then?"

"Don't worry, I have a way. Have you forgotten that I got a Pokémon flute when I was in Lavender Town?"

After saying that, Xiaozhi took out the Pokémon flute from his backpack and played the melody.

Hearing the sound of the flute, Snorlax moved his ears and woke up, then started doing radio gymnastics, first rotating his body, then stretching, and finally doing sit-ups, and stood up from the ground,

walking away step by step.

"But only a little water flows out."

Wait for Snorlax to wake up.After Snorlax walked away, everyone realized that it was not only Snorlax that blocked the water flow, but there was also a large patch of thorns behind where Snorlax was lying.

"In other words, if you want the water to flow into the river, you have to clear all the thorns here."

"This is impossible."

Just when everyone was worried, Snorlax came over leisurely, grabbed the thorns and started eating them. He ate them very quickly, and the thorns disappeared faster than the speed of burning them with fire before.

"I didn't expect Snorlax's stomach to be so hungry that he would even eat thorns." Xiaochun said in surprise.

"This is normal. Thorns are one of Snorlax's favorite foods. I have to say that Snorlax's teeth are really good. He can even eat thorny plants like thorns.

Moreover, Snorlax has to eat at least 800 kilograms of food at a time, but he will want to sleep again after eating." Xiaozhi said.

After Snorlax ate the thorns, he found a place to sleep. Without the thorns, the water flowed back to the river.

The three returned to the village.

"Great, now there is water flowing in the river again." Xiaochun said.

Seeing this scene, the elder was moved to tears.

"Great, now our village can finally be restored to its original state, great, well, let's celebrate together, hot soup and bread are all you can eat."


After eating and drinking, Xiaozhi and his party left the village.

A few days later, the group traveled to a place called Dark City.

How to say it, the situation in this place is a little wrong, I hope not to get involved in any trouble.

"No, it's broad daylight, why is there no one on the street?" Xiaogang asked in confusion.

Suddenly, a child ran out of a house to play outside.

Seeing this, the child's mother ran outside and took the child back, saying, "Don't run outside casually. What if the Pokémon trainer sees you?" After that, the mother took the child back to the house.

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