N is a typical extreme idealist.

His actions can be said to be a large-scale double standard scene.

First, he preached that Pokémon should leave humans and gain freedom, saying that people use Pokémon as tools, and felt that everyone must accept his ideas, and then forced others to abandon Pokémon, but he used Pokémon battles to deal with those who disagreed with his views, making him seem like a different person.

Also, he only wanted to be a hero and be recognized by the Unova Twin Dragons.

Of course, there is also the fault of Quixote. N grew up with Pokémon that were hurt by humans and rarely came into contact with humans, so his thoughts were distorted and more extreme.

Then there is a boy with yellow hair, wearing an orange jacket, gray trousers, and a gray messenger bag.

"Hello everyone, I am Xiudi, a genius trainer from Deer Town in the Unova region. I really don't understand why my parents sent me to a rural place like Kanto to study. What future can I have studying here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw angry eyes from the audience and hurriedly stepped down.

Xiudi is the character the author hates most besides Gougou. He is too arrogant.

As a junior, he doesn't even have the most basic respect for his senior Xiaozhi, let alone respect. He only mocks him and says that Xiaozhi should learn more basic knowledge and that the Kanto region is a rural area. He looks superior.

Especially the plot where the level 5 Snake defeated Pikachu. First of all, how did your level 5 Snake know how to use the Grass Blender? I suspect your Snake is illegal.

Also, even if Pikachu couldn't use the Electric Move at that time, it would be more than enough to defeat a novice, but he was defeated.

But later in the Unova League's Qualifying Tournament, Ash commanded Pikachu to kill the strongest fighter of Xiudi, Monarch Snake. Xiudi was crazy for a whole season, but in the end he couldn't even enter the qualifiers of the most important League Tournament, which was very satisfying.

There is no comparison with Shinji. Shinji is a hundred times stronger than Xiudi.

First of all, although Shinji is also crazy, but after all, Shinji and Xiaozhi have traveled to four regions, and the two are peers, unlike Xiudi, who is a novice.

Secondly, except for fighting against particularly strong trainers such as the champion, Shinji rarely fails, while Xiudi is not the case. For example, in the East George Tournament and the East George Fighting Tournament, Xiudi suffered a miserable defeat in these competitions.

Also, Shinji has great respect for powerful trainers such as Champion, but Shudi is not like that. When he saw that Adek did not agree with his philosophy, he clamored to defeat Adek, and said that after defeating Adek, he would defeat Zhulan.

In the battle with Adek, he knew that the opponent was herbivorous, but he deliberately used grass-type skills to increase the attack power of the Explosive Head Buffalo, and said that he wanted to defeat the strongest Adek, but was easily crushed by Adek in the end.

Next is a dog.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xiaohao, from Vermilion City in Kanto. My dream is to capture Mew as the first Pokémon, and to capture all the Pokémon in the world."

Gogou is the most annoying character in the history of Pokémon, no doubt about it.

Laziness, arrogance, jealousy, rage, greed, gluttony, lust, the seven deadly sins are all in Gogou.

Gogo's crimes are too numerous to list. First, he is arrogant. He is weak but arrogant. He bullies the weak and fears the strong. As a rookie trainer, he refuses novice Pokémon and says he wants to capture all Pokémon and Mew, but he doesn't fight. He just throws the ball to capture them. After capturing them, he throws them directly to the backyard. Except for occasionally feeding them or using them as tools, he ignores them.

Moreover, Gogo has taken away many of Xiaozhi's roles. Many plots that originally belonged to Xiaozhi are now played by Gogo, challenging the audience's bottom line all the time. The Pokémon journey is almost turning into a Gogo legend.

All of Galar's Pokémon were captured by Gogo, but Xiaozhi didn't capture any. You know, Xiaozhi had captured all the Pokémon in the previous seasons, and his capture methods were also ridiculous. Blaziken fell in love with Gogo, but Gogo said he wanted to capture Mew, not Blaziken. Lizard was captured by Gogo's random ball, and Knocking directly broke the Rocket Team's Poké Ball and was captured by Gogo. I think it's better for you to follow the Rocket Team than to follow Gogo.

When Gogo wants to capture a Pokémon, Xiaozhi will follow him, working hard and never complaining, and will not snatch Pokémon from Gogo. Xiaozhi also helped Gogo a lot with his Mew plan, but in Alola, when Kachi asked Gogo how to help Xiaozhi, Gogo said he would not help Xiaozhi.

In the Pokémon Big Eater Competition, Greedy Chinchilla had tried very hard and was full. Dr. Sakuragi and Koharu both saw that Greedy Chinchilla was in pain and asked Gogo to give up the competition, but GogoHao refused, and only had the champion in his eyes, not Pokémon, and he also despised Greedy Chinchilla for being useless.

When Gogo was taming the Parade Soldiers, because Gogo's Knocking Monkey was too naughty and angered the Parade Soldiers, Xiaozhi accidentally separated the Parade Soldiers in order to protect Gogo, but Gogo said that Xiaozhi had gone too far.

Also, Xiaozhi was depressed because he suffered three consecutive defeats after losing to Caidou. When fighting against Desert Dragonfly, he actually asked Gogo to teach Xiaozhi how to fight.

In the Glass Whistle Cup competition, Gogo was not strong enough and lost the game. Xiaozhi went to comfort him, but he was angry and said that it was more fun to tamer, and then ran away.

When Xiaozhi captured a Pokémon that Gogo didn't have, such as the Galar form of Farfetch'd, he was so jealous that he pouted. You know, when Gogo successfully captured a Pokémon, Xiaozhi would be happy with him. Even when Xiaozhi was close to Pikachu, Gogo was jealous and insisted on catching a Pikachu himself. What's wrong? They have traveled together for so many years, and their bond is certainly not something you, a newcomer, can compare to.

When the journey animation was about to end, Gogo planned to travel alone, but Xiaozhi took the initiative to propose traveling alone, and then Gogo directly said that he would break up with Xiaozhi.

There are also Suicune and Reggie Elchi, who are mythical beasts, but they don't have the style that mythical beasts should have, and they were actually caught by Gogo.

The most exciting part is the part where Xiaomao mocked Gogo.

Then a few classmates introduced themselves.

Finally, Xiaozhi was left.

"Hello everyone, I'm from Kanto, I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and my dream is to become a Pokémon Master."


Three years have passed in a flash.

During these three years, Xiaozhi has achieved many achievements.

First of all, he has excellent grades, including Chinese, English, mathematics, history, biology, music, geography, art, sports, computer, etc. He ranks first in the grade in all these subjects.

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