First of all, in the original animation, like the Vermillion Gym, the Crimson Gym, and the Tokiwa Gym, Xiaozhi won these three by his own strength, and Xiaozhi also had the upper hand in the Cerulean Gym, the Rainbow Gym, and the Crimson Gym. When he was about to win, the Rocket Team came to make trouble, otherwise these gyms could also be won by strength.

Then at the time of the Nibe Gym, Onix was already soaked in water, but because of the obstruction of Xiaogang's younger brother and sister, Xiaozhi took the initiative to give up the game, otherwise he could also defeat Onix.

As for the Golden Gym, there is Haunter, and it is not a problem to defeat Yongjira.

In summary, if the Rocket Team trio did not come out to make trouble in the original chapter, Xiaozhi could completely rely on his own strength to win the eight badges.

What's more, after crossing over in this life, every badge was won by hard strength.

And without the guy Xiaoxia in this life, Xiaozhi's road has also been much smoother.

Apart from anything else, Misty's Frog took the prize that Xiaozhi won through the competition, the token of the king, and used it without permission, and evolved into Bullfrog.

Xiaozhi and his group continued their journey.

On this day, they came to a town, and Xiaozhi saw the advertisement of the foster shop of Yamato and Kosaburo displayed on the big screen on the street.

Xiaozhi went directly to the local police station to find Miss Junsha without any hesitation. Miss Junsha in this place was not qualified.

In the original animation, she listened to Yamato and Kosaburo and arrested Xiaozhi and his group, and then sent Xiaozhi and his group to the headquarters for trial without caring about Xiaozhi's explanation or investigation.

However, in this life, after receiving Xiaozhi's report, she quickly led people to seal up the foster shop.

Xiaozhi sent Pikachu and easily defeated Yamato's Rada and Kosaburo's Dalupi.

Afterwards, Amado and Kosaburo were arrested by Miss Junsa, and Miss Junsa was responsible for returning the Pokémon they had deceived to their respective trainers.

After resolving this matter, Xiaozhi and his group set out on their journey again.

In order to go to the Red Lotus Gym, Xiaozhi and his group boarded a cruise ship to Red Lotus Island.

"We are finally going to Red Lotus Island. Great, I want to get the seventh badge. My hands are itching." Xiaozhi said excitedly.

It has been too long since he played in the gym, and Xiaozhi has been thirsty for a long time.

"Red Lotus Island is a volcanic island. The research institute there is also engaged in research on cultivating more powerful Pokémon. It is a place where Pokémon trainers from all over the country flock to." Xiaogang said.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Xiaozhi and his group.

"Oh my, I was wondering how there could be such a rustic person, what's going on, isn't this Xiaozhi."

"Xiaomao! What are you wearing?"

Xiaozhi and the other two looked back and saw Xiaomao wearing a pink beach suit, sunglasses and a straw hat, lying on a beach chair and drinking juice leisurely. He was still followed by the six beautiful fans in swimsuits.

"What's going on, Xiaozhi, don't you know that Crimson Island is the dream place for Pokémon trainers? All this has become a thing of the past. Now Crimson Island is a tourist attraction famous for its hot springs.

Now my girlfriends and I are preparing to go to the hot springs there to eliminate combat fatigue." Xiaomao said.

"Master Xiaomao, you look so leisurely, you must have got all the badges." Xiaozhi said with a wicked smile.

"This...what does it have to do with you?"

Then Xiaomao turned around and asked his girlfriends, "I'm asking you, is there a gym on Honglian Island?"

"No, no." Several girls said in unison.

"Xiaozhi, you are not dreaming because you haven't collected badges for a long time, you are really a nervous person."

At this time, the broadcast on the ship sounded, and Honglian Island had arrived.

Honglian Town, located on Honglian Island, is a large island in the southern waters of Kanto region, located south of Pallet Town.

There is a huge volcano on the island. There is no land road connecting Honglian Town. Waterway 20 in the east and Waterway 21 in the north are both sea routes.

Xiaozhi and his group ignored Xiaomao and got off the boat directly, but after a tour of Honglian Island, they found that it was indeed a tourist place, and most of the people who just took the same ship with Xiaozhi and his group came to Honglian Island to play and relax on vacation, rather than to conduct Pokémon research or battles.

"Looking at this situation, we really can't find the Red Lotus Gym. Where did the dream place of Pokémon trainers disappear to?" Xiaogang said frustratedly.

The three of them were walking on the road when they suddenly met a man wearing red clothes and sunglasses.

He took the initiative to ask, "What is that thing that makes your head cold but your body warm?"

"I know, it's an open-air hot spring." Xiaozhi answered quickly.

"You're right. That's right. This place was indeed a dream place for Pokémon trainers in the past. But since the hot spring was dug out one day, Honglian Island has become a tourist attraction since that day. How sad it is."

Xiaozhi knew that the person in front of him was Xia Bo, and he deliberately asked, "Uncle, you should be from Honglian Island, do you know where the Honglian Gym is? The gym trainer of Honglian Gym is named Xia Bo."

Hearing this, Xia Bo's eyes lit up and asked, "What is something that is right in front of you but you can't see it?"

"It's the eyelids." Xiaozhi said.

"You're right. Xia Bo's gym is right in front of you. Can't you see it?"

As he said this, Xia Bo pointed to a collapsed building on the street today.

"Ah! This, this, this is the Honglian Gym?" Xiaogang was shocked.

"Pokemon trainer Xia Bo couldn't stand too many tourists coming to challenge the gym for fun, so he closed it in the end." Xia Bo said.

"Uncle, we are not the kind of challengers who are just playing around. We fought hard and finally reached Honglian Island." Xiaozhi said.

"You should say this to Xia Bo. Anyway, if you have any questions, come here to find me."

After that, Xia Bo handed Xiaozhi a business card with the words: Homestay Mimi.

When the three looked up again, Xia Bo had disappeared without a trace.

The group wandered around Honglian Island for a while and planned to find a place to rest. On the way, they met Xiaomao again.

"I thought you were a homeless person from somewhere. Oh, isn't this Xiaozhi? I guess you didn't make an appointment when you came. You finally came to Honglian Island, but you have to sleep on the street. It's really pitiful.

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