"Charizard, use Rocket Headbutt."

"Charizard, use Storm."

Storm stopped the Rocket Headbutt attack and hit Charizard, who was already a candle in the wind.

"Charizard, end the battle, use Dragon Claw."

"Charizard, push Charizard into the lava."


After receiving the trainer's instructions, Charizard hugged Charizard, and the two fell into the lava together.

"Hmph, Mr. Xia Bo, this is useless. The fire will only make my Charizard stronger." Xiaozhi said.

As soon as the voice fell, Charizard flew out of the lava, holding the fainted Charizard in his hand.

"What, how could this happen?" Xia Bo was shocked.

"What is this? That's right, it must be right. Great, Charizard, you've learned a new trick, so use it to decide the outcome, use Flash Charge!"

Hearing this, Charizard's whole body was ablaze, and it quickly swooped down from the air with Charizard, smashing Charizard to the ground, ending the battle.

"Charizard lost its ability to fight, Charizard won, so the winner is the challenger, Ash of Pallet Town."

"Very good, Charizard, you worked hard, we won."

"Uh ah!"

After the battle, Charizard changed back and spit out a victory jet of flames to celebrate.

"Come back, Charmander, you've done your best."

Xia Bo took Charmander back, walked to Xiaozhi, took out a crimson flame-shaped badge and handed it to Xiaozhi, saying,

"It's really amazing, Xiaozhi, I can't help but take off my hat to you."

After saying that, Xia Bo put on his wig again, then took it off again, and bowed to Xiaozhi and Charizard.

"Wonderful, it's really wonderful. Although I didn't lose to you in spirit, I lost in the battle. I was overheated, and I was burned to ashes.

Okay, Xiaozhi, let me ask you, what is the deep red thing? The color is deep red, the color is deep red, it is the proof of the victory over the Red Lotus Gym, the deep red badge, here, this badge belongs to you now."

Xiaozhi reached out to take the badge and said,

"Thank you, Mr. Xia Bo.

Very good, the deep red badge, I got it!"



After the battle, Pikachu reached level 41, Charizard reached level 44, Blastoise reached level 42, Bulbasaur reached level 42, Pidgeot reached level 43, and Forsaken reached level 41.

Charizard learned Flash Charge and replaced Flame Fang.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also spent all his EP points in one go,

Exchanged for the 100,000 horsepower skill learning machine and the cross shears skill learning machine, ready for the future evolved crab.

Exchanged for the moon power skill learning machine, the spirit strong mind skill learning machine, and the air blade skill learning machine, ready for the future evolved Pokkis.

Exchanged for the crazy volt skill learning machine, the will-o'-the-wisp skill learning machine, and the loud roar skill learning machine, ready for the future evolved wind speed dog.

The group said goodbye to Xia Bo and left Honglian Island.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, I remember that there should be a gym in Viridian City." Xiaogang said.

"Okay, then let's go to Viridian City tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow? Aren't you leaving now?"

"No hurry, I'll take you to a place first." Xiaozhi said mysteriously.

Xiaozhi got the seventh badge. In order to get the next badge, the group set the next goal as Viridian City.

However, Xiaozhi and his group were not in a hurry to leave Honglian Island. Xiaozhi took Xiaogang and Xiaochun, rented a small boat, and took a boat to Kemebomei Island near Honglian Island. This island is the Blastoise Island in the original animation.

In the original animation, when Blastoise went out to sea to swim, he met Jigglypuff. Jigglypuff's singing caused the Blastoises, Squirtle and Squirtle on the entire Blastoise Island to fall into a deep sleep. Only one Squirtle escaped for help and happened to meet Xiaozhi and his group.

But in this life, Xiaozhi and his group did not meet Jigglypuff, so Blastoise did not fall into a deep sleep.

There is a huge Blastoise on this Blastoise Island. It is the turtle king of this island and also a leader Pokémon.

And this leader Blastoise is exactly the purpose of Xiaozhi's trip.

It is not to subdue it, but to defeat it.

Ever since Xiaozhi's Bulbasaur defeated the boss Bulbasaur in the Wonder Garden last time, Xiaozhi learned from the system that as long as the Pokémon he was under defeated the boss Pokémon of the same type, his own Pokémon wouldcan become a leader Pokémon.

So Xiaozhi's trip was to improve the strength of his Blastoise.

"Come out, Blastoise."


After arriving at the Blastoise Island, Xiaozhi took his Blastoise and went straight to the leader Blastoise to challenge him.

The leader Blastoise gladly accepted the challenge and roared. The rest of the Squirtles and Squirtles retreated to the sides to watch the battle, leaving a large open space for the two sides to duel.

"Kami!" The leader Blastoise signaled Xiaozhi to attack first.

"Very good, Blastoise, it's time to go. I'll take the name of Xiaozhi and the bond as a guide. Please respond to my heart. Evolution Keystone, surpass evolution, super evolution, Blastoise, mega evolution!"

Xiaozhi touched the Evolution Keystone embedded in his glove.

Feeling the strong bond between Xiaozhi and Blastoise, the Evolution Keystone in Xiaozhi's hand and the Mega Evolution Stone on Blastoise were connected. The Mega Evolution Energy was transmitted to Blastoise through the connection between the Evolution Keystone and the Mega Evolution Stone.

Blastoise roared, and its whole body glowed, feeling the new power in its body. After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and Mega Blastoise made a brilliant appearance.

Mega Blastoise grew a small turtle shell on each of its arms, and there was a water cannon in each shell.

At the same time, the two cannons on the turtle shell turned into a giant cannon, and the muzzle of the huge water cannon exceeded the head of Mega Blastoise, and its maximum attack range could reach 10km.

Due to the huge barrel, Mega Blastoise made its limbs grow stronger in order to stand up straight.

Its eyes turned red, its chin grew a point, and there was a bulge on its forehead.

Mega Blastoise's characteristics became a super launcher, using wave and wave skills with 1.5 times the power, but Xiaozhi did not let Blastoise learn any wave and wave skills here.

And the total racial value of Mega Blastoise increased by 100 points compared to Blastoise, of which the special attack racial value alone increased by 50 points,

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