Seeing the way Xiaomao just looked, Xiaochun was afraid that Xiaozhi would become like that.

"Don't worry, I am confident enough to win this battle, believe me."

After saying that, Xiaozhi strode into the Viridian Gym.

After entering the battle field, Xiaozhi saw Manbird standing in the battle area from a distance, and he was also ecstatic in his heart. This is called "it's better to come early than to come at the right time". If it weren't for Xiaomao, it would be him who would face Mewtwo first.

However, Xiaozhi was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that after the Rocket trio didn't follow him in this life, Sakaki would actually send Manbird to guard the Viridian Gym.

"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I am here to challenge the Viridian Gym."

"I am Manbird, the acting gym trainer of the Viridian Gym. If you want to fight, hurry up, use three Pokémon, and there is no time limit." Manbird said coldly.

"Now, let's start the Everglades Gym Tournament between the acting gym trainer Mana and the challenger Ash of Pallet Town. Three Pokémon can be used. When all the Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, the match is over. In addition, only the challenger has the right to replace Pokémon. Please send Pokémon from both sides at the same time."

"Go, Stellar."

"Pidgeot, it's decided that you will be the one. Get ready to fight."

This Stellar is level 44, with the attribute of perseverance. When it falls into an abnormal state, its physical attack increases by one level. If it falls into a burning state, it can ignore the effect of the physical attack being halved due to the burn.

"Stellar, use Barehand Chop."

"Pidgeot, use Storm."

Storm hit Stellar head-on, and the effect was outstanding. Stellar was already a candle in the wind.

Ash knew that Stellar's four hands were difficult to deal with, and did not intend to let Pidgeot use close-range attack skills.

"Pidgeot, use Destruction Beam."

"Giant, get out of the way."

But Pidgeot was so fast that Giant didn't have time to dodge and was hit head-on by the Destruction Beam.

Giant was hit by two powerful skills with a power of more than 100, one of which was very effective, and died on the spot.

"Giant lost his ability to fight, and Pidgeot won."

"Come back, Giant, go, Crab."

This Crab is level 45, with hard shell armor, and will not be hit in the vitals.

Seeing Crab, Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain.

Isn't this a ground-type gym? Why did you send a water-type Pokémon to fight.

"Cran, use bubble attack."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi laughed, it's really hard for you to let him win.

Not to mention that the basic power of the bubble is low, only 40 power, Crab is a physical attacker, and the special attack is only 50. What special attack skills does it have? Will it hurt the opponent?

The bubble hit Pidgeot, but it did little damage.

After taking the bubble attack, Pidgeot's stiffness was over.

"Giant Crab, use Crab Hammer."

"Why did you remember to use physical attack skills at this time? Pidgeot, get out of the way quickly."

Pidgeot successfully avoided the attack of the giant crab with its amazing speed.

"Pidgeot, get ready, I'm going to attack.

I'll take the name of Xiaozhi and the bond as a guide. Please respond to my heart. Evolution Keystone, surpass evolution, Mega Evolution, Pidgeot, Mega Evolution!"

Xiaozhi lightly touched the Evolution Keystone embedded in his glove.

Feeling the strong bond between Xiaozhi and Pidgeot, the Evolution Keystone in Xiaozhi's hand and the Mega Evolution Stone on Pidgeot's body were connected. The Mega Evolution energy was transmitted to Pidgeot through the connection between the Evolution Keystone and the Mega Evolution Stone.

Pidgeot roared, and his whole body glowed, feeling the new power in his body. After a few seconds, the light dissipated, and Mega Pidgeot made a brilliant appearance.

Super Pidgeot has a larger body and wider and longer wings.

The original cream-colored feathers have turned pure white, the feathers at the end of the tail and wings are dyed blue, the eyeballs have turned red, and the pupils are white.

The crest on the top of the head is also more dazzling: three clusters of bright red long feathers have grown from a large cluster of yellow feathers, and the middle one is even longer than its body.

Super Pidgeot's muscle strength has been greatly improved, and it can fly continuously for two weeks without sleep.

"Is this super evolution?" Mana looked at the transformed Pidgeot with a serious face.

"Go, Pidgeot, use Storm."

"Greek, use Harden."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was once again speechless by Mana. Storm is a special attack skill. What's the point of letting Greek use Harden to strengthen its physical defense.

After using Harden, Greek's physical defense successfully increased by one level, and then it was hit directly by Storm.

The power of Storm is 110, and Mega Pidgeot has a special attack value of 135.With a speed race value of 121, it directly hit and killed the Crab.

Although the hit rate of Storm is only 70%, which is very unreliable and easy to miss,

But it is not a big problem, because after mega evolution, the characteristic of Mega Pidgeot is no defense.

Both sides' attacks will definitely hit, even if the opponent is flying or digging.

It just can't penetrate wide-area defense, hold, and quick defense.

This characteristic can be said to be a characteristic that benefits both oneself and the enemy.

"Crawler lost its combat ability, and Pidgeot won the victory."

"Come back, Crab, go, Tyrannosaurus."

This Tyrannosaurus is level 50, with the characteristic of Lightning Rod. When attacked by electric skills, it will not be damaged, and the special attack will increase by one level.

"Tyrannosaurus, use Horn Drill."

Due to the existence of Pidgeot's no-defense characteristic, Manabu directly used a one-hit-kill move, without worrying about the low hit rate, and planned to directly get rid of Xiaozhi's Pidgeot.

"Pidgeot, use Storm."

"Damn, Storm again."

The strong storm not only prevented the Armored Tyrannosaurus from approaching Pidgeot to attack, but also caused damage to the Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Seeing that the movement of the Armored Tyrannosaurus paused slightly, Pidgeot quickly launched a counterattack.

"Pidgeot, use Steel Wings continuously."

"Armored Tyrannosaurus, block it."

Manjo knew that he couldn't dodge, so he asked the Armored Tyrannosaurus to endure it.

The Armored Tyrannosaurus used both hands to protect his head and was continuously attacked by Pidgeot's Steel Wings. The effect was outstanding. Although Pidgeot's physical attack was not high, it was constantly lowering the blood line of the Armored Tyrannosaurus.

"Armored Tyrannosaurus, fight it, use the Slam attack."

"Pidgeot, use Storm."

The Storm once again blocked the footsteps of the Armored Tyrannosaurus, and also caused damage to the Armored Tyrannosaurus. The Armored Tyrannosaurus was already a candle in the wind.

"Pidgeot, give it the final blow, use the Destruction Ray."

"Metal Tyrannosaurus, use the Roll Attack."

It was the same reason. The Metal Tyrannosaurus suffered from the short-range skill. Before it rolled to Pidgeot, it was hit by the Destruction Ray and lost its combat capability.

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