
As soon as Li Yongnian opened the door, he saw a fat man in brocade clothes grinning at him.

"Who are you?" Li Yongnian asked.

"Who am I?" The fat man asked Li Yongnian in turn.

Li Yongnian:  …

"I haven't heard of anyone else..." Grandma Ciying said half of her words. After all, a fool is not allowed to call someone a fool in person.

"Rice!" The fool seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly rushed into the room.

Li Yongnian hurriedly stopped him, but the meat on this fool was not for nothing, so he ran away from Li Yongnian and ran to the table at home.

Then, the fat man just grabbed the food on the table with his hands and laughed silly while eating.

"Delicious..." The fat man's mouth was full of oil.

"Dad, who is he?" Yuguang looked curiously at the fat man who was eating and drinking.

Why is this man so disobedient?

You should use chopsticks to eat, or you will be beaten by your sister.

Yuguang wanted to correct him, so scared that Grandma Ciying hurriedly grabbed Yuguang, this person looks like a big and three thick, and it is not normal. If he suddenly goes crazy, no one can hold back!

"Why don't you call the village chief! Ask whose family it belongs!" Bai Lian frowned.

"Okay, let's go! I'm staying at home." Li Yongnian nodded.

A person who suddenly came in at home was quite square, and he was also an idiot. It made people worry and fear.

Bai Lian handed Li Yongnian a packet of medicinal powder, "This is what Master made."

"Yeah!" Li Yongnian grabbed the powder tightly, feeling a little nervous.

It's impossible for her own daughter to give herself the medicine powder that can kill people. This should allow him to sleep. However, he is afraid that the fat man in front of him is too fat, and it will be troublesome if it doesn't work at that time.

Grandma Ciying and Mrs. Li Zhao naturally didn't want to leave Li Yongnian behind. There are so many people, so much power. Don't look at this fat man, maybe the three of them won't be able to beat them together.

However, a fool has no discernment ability, and if he really loses his life, it will be even more dangerous.

This idiot is big and three rough, with a gloomy smile, and it is indeed a little scary just looking at it.

Bai Lian was not afraid, she threw Li Xiaoshe at home and stuffed a piece of grass-flavored candy into Li Xiaoniu's mouth. Bai Lian took Yuguang to the village chief's house.

"Go and see whose house this is." Bai Lian let Li Mouse out.

"Sister, who are you talking to?" Yuguang didn't see Li Mouse, thinking that his sister was talking to himself.

"Talk to Yuguang." Bai Lian said calmly, "Let's go! Go and see whose house this is!"

"Oh!" Yuguang nodded, walking even faster.

After a while, he arrived at the village chief's house. Before Bai Lian knocked on the door, the village chief came out.

"Village Chief!" Bai Lian pulled Yuguang over.

"Girl Lian, what's wrong?" The village chief looked at Bai Lian and Yuguang with a smile.

These two sisters and brothers are all white and clean, and they look very pleasing.

"Someone ran into our house, it seems-somewhat dangerous." Bai Lian said, "I don't know who that person is, it seems that he has some problems here."

When Bai Lian spoke, she also pointed at Yuguang's head, meaning that there might be something wrong with the person who entered her house.

"What? Are you a fool?" The village chief was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, and his face was a little bad.

Seeing the village chief's face, Bai Lian knew that the village chief should know the fool.

The village chief went home in a hurry. He could hear the voice of the village chief and his son talking, and faintly heard Li Jinyu's name.

"Go to our mountain and ask Wang Gui to bring a few people here!" Bai Lian patted Yuguang, "I'll give you a piece of candy when you come back!"

"Ang!" As soon as Yuguang heard that there was candy, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he ran towards the mountain.

As soon as Yuguang left, Li Mouse came back, "Master, that fool is Li Jinyu's husband, the only foolish son of a landlord's family."

"Got it!" Bai Lian nodded, and then put Li Mice into her purse.

At this time, the village chief also happened to come out. Seeing Yuguang's absence, the village chief also asked, "Where is Yuguang?"

"Go to the mountain to find Wang Gui!" Bai Lian didn't hide it either.

The village chief nodded, "Alright!"

Then the two went to Bai Lian's house. The village chief didn't tell Bai Lian the origin of the fool. After all, in the eyes of the village chief, Bai Lian was still a little girl, and talking to her polluted her ears.

Soon, the two of them arrived at Bailian's house. Listening to the voice of the house, the man was still eating.

"Hey...it smells so good..."

Grandma Ciying and Li Zhaoshi and Li Yongnian stared at him like this, but he didn't seem to feel that someone was looking at him, and only cared about eating what was in front of him.

All the meals from the Bailian family's table went into his stomach.

That person's face was full of rice, and the whole face was greasy and looked even more terrifying.

"Father, mother, grandma!" Bai Lian called out to the three dumbfounded people.

"Village Chief, look, this..." Grandma Ciying was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will make it clear to his family." The village chief comforted Grandma Ciying.

"Who are his relatives?" Grandma Ciying asked. "If it's a villager, it's just a meal."

"He is Jinyu's husband..." The village chief touched his nose.

"Oh, my family cooks a lot of food, it's all wasted, and I have to lose money!" Grandma Ciying said calmly.

"It should be, it should be!" The village chief nodded again and again, with a bit of confusion on his face.

This Li Jinyu is usually so arrogant and alone, and did not expect to marry a fool, anyone with a discerning eye can see that their family is for money.

However, the family did treat Li Jinyu well, and gave the Li family's old house a lot of money.

Then you are also optimistic about other people's sons, right?

This makes people run around in the village without looking for their family members, which is also immoral enough.

The village chief waited at Bai Lian's house for a while, but no one came to "redeem".

Wang Gui came over with a dozen men, and Yuguang was riding on Wang Gui's neck, looking very imposing.

Wang Gui and the others are all wearing black clothes, so that they are resistant to dirt and uniform when working, and they look well-trained.

"Why are you here?" Grandma Ciying was stunned when she saw Wang Gui and the others.

"The young master said there were bad people, and he was afraid that you would get hurt, so he came here." Wang Gui put Yuguang down and answered Grandma Ciying's words respectfully.

"Oh! It's true, you stand on the side for a while, and if there is a fight, you protect the children!" Grandma Ciying was very calm when she spoke.

"Yes!" Wang Gui was very surprised, but nodded respectfully and agreed.

I thought to myself, with so many people brought by myself, who would dare to make trouble?

No one noticed that Bai Lian just touched the purse, as if listening to the purse talking.

"Yuguang, come!" Bai Lian pulled Yuguang, locked him in Yuguang's small room, and gave him a piece of candy, "Don't come out for a while, or there will be no candy next time!"

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