Generally speaking, fried food, or roasted vegetables, in kaiseki cuisine, will choose fried dried fish, fried sweetfish, etc., try to use small fish, salty or pepper and salt flavor, to avoid greasy taste.

But the use of tempura in kaiseki cuisine … It’s kind of funny, isn’t it a little too bold?

However, this day tempura still looks a little different from ordinary fried shrimp and the like.

“I use clams and toon sprouts to fry them, and serve them with sweet soy sauce, which can restrain the greasy feeling to the maximum.”

Rei carefully observed the day tempura.

“Tempura is padded with oil blotting paper, which can also absorb a lot of oil…”

But this fragrance, why is there still a fragrance?

“Why does every dish have this fragrance?” Ling shouted inwardly.

“Is this dish also…”

The chief marshal and Ling respectively picked up the delicacies in front of them and sent them to their mouths.

“Clear fragrance! The fragrance of tea again! ”

“This is the aroma of Longjing.”

Xiao Lin Gentian smiled, “Wen clam itself is difficult to absorb grease. In addition, Longjing tea leaves with toon buds to increase the flavor and remove greasy, and oil-absorbing paper to absorb the grease from the face coat…”

“This is the tempura in kaiseki cuisine, the tempura that is never greasy.”

“This taste is really crispy, fragrant and crispy, and there is no other similar taste in the world.” Ling closed her eyes and recalled, “It is obviously fried food, but it is full of peace and peace when eaten, without a trace of fast food atmosphere.” ”

Xiao Lin turned around dashingly and slapped Chang Wei.

Then there’s the soup and staple food.

“I made the soup and staple food…”

The little secretary stepped forward and smiled slightly.

Chang Wei always saw her smile gently, as if she was about to give birth to golden wings behind her, a golden halo appeared above her head, and the heavenly sound of “Sister Doctor is coming…” echoed in her ears….

He shook his head, what was I thinking?

However, the little secretary does indeed always exude a healing breath, and he is worthy of being the heir of the medicinal family.

“It’s kelp miso soup, it’s really comforting.” The chief marshal smiled, “As an old-fashioned old man, it’s uncomfortable not to drink miso soup every day!” ”

“The staple is seafood risotto.”

Rei looked at the risotto in front of her, “But it’s really rare to see seafood risotto in kaiseki cuisine…”

“This is not an ordinary seafood risotto,” the little secretary explained with a smile, “In order to reflect the bland taste of kaiseki cuisine, I did not use heavy oil to stew. ”

“The rice is simmered in a soup made with sencha mixed with Sichuan bow, angelica, and baizhi, and the seafood on top is actually sashimi such as salmon and tuna belly.”

“The seafood in the seafood risotto is actually sashimi? What a luxurious feeling…” Ling pursed her lips, “But no wonder this fish meat is so fresh and sweet…”

“Moreover, the aroma of sencha in this rice is mixed with the aroma of Koshihikari rice, and this rice alone is enough to make people eat several large bowls in a row.”

“This miso soup should have goji berries in it.” The chief marshal put down the soup bowl and savored.

“Yes, there are goji berries, lotus seeds and fresh fat sea in it, and powder tea is also added.”

“Pink tea? Is it the pink tea that is made from the leftover leaves of Sencha? ”

“Yes.” The little secretary smiled gently, “I use sencha to cook rice, and the remaining tea leaves are ground into powder to make powdered tea, and put it in miso soup to let the aroma continue.” ”

“Continuation … Is it. The commander-in-chief nodded.

He turned to look at Ling and said, “Your Excellency the Censor also found out, from the very beginning of the aperitif to here, all the dishes have been strung by this aroma. ”

Ling nodded: “That’s right, the aroma of tea.” ”

“And it’s all medicinal food.” This kelp miso soup, as well as this risotto, after eating, I feel that the burden on the body has disappeared a lot, which should have the effect of detoxification. ”

“And the smell is reassuring, and it feels like the soul is healed.”

“yes, I don’t want to shout anything anymore.” Ling nodded and closed her eyes quietly, “Although it is delicious and terrible, it is even more pleasant to feel that the soul is in this quiet and peaceful ethereal state.” Shouting will ruin this wonderful feeling…”

“Ready for the last dish…”

The last dish was dessert.

“Well, I’m here again.” Alice stepped forward, “This is matcha with trehalose extract!” ”

The chief marshal and Ling, the two took the teacup made of clay and slowly tasted it.

“With a sweet but not greasy taste, mixed with the tiny powder of tea leaves, matcha of this consistency is more eaten than drinking.”

“There is no doubt that it is a pleasant dessert to eat, but it is also extremely peaceful and quiet.”

The two closed their eyes, not knowing what they were feeling, or pondering.

For a long time, Ling was the first to open her eyes.

“Having reviewed so many kaiseki dishes, this is the first time I feel like this.” She looked at Chang Wei and said slowly, “From the beginning of the passion, to the freshness and satisfaction that gradually spiraled up, the final feeling can be described in four words as ‘a book of satisfaction’.” ”

“Do you have any secret recipe for such excellent kaiseki cuisine?” Is it because of the selection of ingredients, or the magic of tea… That, if it’s not convenient to say, forget it, I’m just curious, it doesn’t matter. Probably afraid that Chang Wei would be dissatisfied, Ling hurriedly added.

“In fact, there is no secret, and Miss Ling can see it.” Chang Wei said with a smile, “We choose all the seafood for the ingredients, which is delicious without greasy taste that makes people feel calm.” ”

“The use of tea in cooking is the main thread that runs through the entire kaiseki cuisine.”

“In terms of taste, tea can bring a refreshing and fresh breath, which can calm the restless hearts of diners, and make people calm down and feel the delicacy hidden in the depths of the ingredients.”

“You were in a high mood and full of anger. Later, under the influence of the smell of tea, I became quiet and peaceful, free of distractions, and I was able to feel the taste of kaiseki cuisine with my heart, so I felt that the dishes were becoming more and more delicious, and I was more and more immersed in it. This is probably the pursuit of kaiseki cuisine. ”

Ling He looked at Chang Wei quietly, watching him smile and listen between the lines.

“Kaiseki cuisine comes from the tea ceremony, which is the way of enlightenment with tea, and enlightenment is the way of a gentleman.”

“A gentleman’s friendship is as light as water, a gentleman will observe when he sees great water, and the ancients should be like water.” The sea is a collection of water, broad-minded, and unfazed. ”

“Therefore, we use seafood as the basis of kaise; So, let’s take tea as a kaisei way. ”

“To understand Zen with tea is to enlighten the Tao with tea; Meditation with cooking is the way of kaiseki. ”

He bowed slightly, “In short, rough cuisine that is not worth mentioning, and rough insights that are not worth mentioning, see laugh.” ”

Ling lowered her head and frowned at what she was thinking.

Chang Wei saw Ling’s expression, but his heart was stunned.

Didn’t his essay with a perfect score impress the examiner?

For a long time, Ling raised her head and looked at Chang Wei, her eyes complicated.

“It’s true, it’s just a certification review, and it’s not a three-Michelin three-star qualification certification, what to do with such a powerful cuisine…”

She came over and looked at Chang Wei.

It’s a pity that it’s a Chinese chef… Otherwise, I really want to include it.

“But I’m looking forward to what kind of cuisine you can come up with when you apply for three Michelin stars in the future.”

She still couldn’t help but laugh: “Congratulations, you guys passed.” ”

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