The ability to optimize can be equated with a miracle, after all, in Tony's eyes, Yuu just touched his work, and nothing else moved.

But just this hand strengthened the ability of the Ark Reactor that he personally completed by 100%, which is not scientific!

But soon Tony was relieved, science was put on Yuu, who was the spirit behind it, and it had long been impossible to explain everything.

After being in contact with Yu for so long now, Tony still can't decipher Yuu's existence with any knowledge he knows!

After meditating and failing to get any answers, Tony soon gave up on thinking meaninglessly, and he had to give up the use of his brain in order to survive.

After seeing the power of optimization, Tony realized that his chances of being able to escape the Ten Rings safely increased by 10 times!

If You's optimization ability doesn't have any discounts and moisture, then as long as he is allowed to optimize all the suits he has handmade, then even if this Mark No. 1 suit is made of miscellaneous materials, it will be enough to break through the valley of hundreds of terrorists under this heavy protection.

"Yo, answer me honestly, can you optimize my suit as you did the Ark Reactor?"

The suit is Tony's escape hand, and when he asks Yuu, his target becomes even hotter.

Of course!

The optimization itself consumes very little to Yuu, not to mention that there are not many places that can be optimized for the Mark 1 itself, simple to crude attack weapons, plus the suit design with little room for optimization, it only takes 1 minute to optimize it!

The body of the Mark 1 was basically built by Tony alone, and Ethan on the side was mostly providing the task of delivering tools, and the two worked day and night to complete all the components of the suit in the evening of the seventh day, and the remaining part of the suit was its soul - the operating system.

The most essential difference between the Mark 1 suit and the other suits in the Mark series is that it is not equipped with the artificial intelligence program Jarvis for auxiliary operation, because the simple creation environment does not allow Tony to install a set of auxiliary operation programs on this simple suit, and everything can only rely on the circuit board for the simplest operation program, and before the program enters the suit, this suit is a set of large sealed iron cans.


Tony and the others were in the process of writing the final program, and the control room of the Ten Rings seemed to have discovered Tony's small movements, gathering a large number of soldiers in the direction of the cave, all armed enough to beat Tony and Ethan into meat sauce with bullets.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry... Damn the computer, hurry me up—"

Ethan waited in front of the computer for the program to be entered, and Tony, dressed in a suit, waited anxiously and anxiously.

"It's too late, there's still 20 seconds to break into the cave... Tony, I'm going to optimize this computer, you told Ethan to hide, get ready to rush!"

Tony nodded, and hurriedly beckoned Ethan to hide in the depths of the cave, and promised that if he managed to escape, he would definitely come back and take him with him!

Just as the enemy was about to rush to the iron gate and prepare to open the door, the program was loaded, and Tony, who was already able to drive the suit, moved the heavy steel suit and slammed to the iron gate.

"Open the door, rush in!" I don't know if it's a Rak or a local language, but the noisy footsteps outside the door are mixed with the clanging of bullets.

Bang –

Tony inside the door, a punch hammered on the thick sticking door, under the increase in the strength of the suit, Tony, who is just the strength of an ordinary adult, the power of a punch should be counted in tons.

The iron gate that flew out smashed into the soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang who were about to break in, and immediately smashed the two Ten Rings Gang worlds out of breath.

"Enemy, fire!"

"Fire, destroy it!"

"Hell, what the hell is this!"


The remaining soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang looked at the steel warriors who came out of the cave one by one in amazement, and they who lived in the Middle East never imagined that such a high-tech thing would appear in front of them.

Firing has become the only spiritual sustenance of the soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang, as if only the gun in their hands can bring them a trace of peace.

Jingle bell...

Dense bullets fell on Tony's suit one after another, but unfortunately the strength of this suit itself was able to defend against automatic rifle-level damage, and after optimization, it reached the level of defense against small artillery attacks.

Aside from a barrage of bullets, these attacks didn't cause Tony any trouble at all.

"Tony, there are 5 more people around the corner who want to come in, and there are 10 people guarding outside the cave, let's get out first!"

Tony is in charge of the battle, and Yu is acting as Tony's field of vision, relying on his invulnerability, Tony sprints to the front of the 3 soldiers in front of him, punches and elbows his left hand, and then slams his body into the enemy in front of him.

In less than 3 seconds, using the melee combat ability of the exoskeleton armor, Tony successfully knocked down 3 enemies.


The terrain in the cave passage was narrow, and the guns of the Ten Rings soldiers became useless burning sticks, and when the bullets could not penetrate, they could not even use grenades, and they were hammered all the way by Tony, and they were forced out of the cave.

"4 at 7 o'clock, 12 at 9 o'clock, 7 at 11 o'clock..."

Yu's notice always appears in Tony's ears at the most critical time, and the firepower from the soldiers of the Ten Rings Gang is indeed enough to reach Tony's hornet's nest a thousand times, but in the case of not being able to penetrate this suit, the so-called attack is more threatening than tickling.

"Flamethrower, release!"

More than a quarter of the weight of the Mark 1 comes from the small gas canister behind the suit, which powers the suit's only weapon.

The flamethrower, which originally had a maximum range of only 15 meters, has been optimized and upgraded to become a terrifying weapon capable of hitting 50 meters, and the flame dragon swept across the entire camp, and the entire camp was filled with fire for a while.

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