The Triwizard Tournament has always been divided into three games, of which the third game is the most crucial and the absolute winner or loser.

This does not mean that the first two games are not important, on the contrary, the first two games themselves serve the third game.

In the first two games, the Warriors will receive a rating for each game, and in the third game, they will enter the court in a first-come-first-order order based on the ratings of the crowd, which is enough time difference to determine the winner.

When the competition for the dragon egg ended, the warriors were treated by Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary, and when the wounds were treated, everyone returned to the previous field.

The headmasters of the three schools, plus two other distinguished guests from the Ministry of Magic, made up the jury of five people.

The first to score was the only woman in the judges, Madame Maxime, who gathered her wand in mid-air, and a silver ribbon-like thing erupted from the clutches, leaving a glittering "10" in the air.


The cheers around became more enthusiastic with the first score, and the "10" cheered by everyone in unison also gave Hermione, who had just performed almost perfectly, a well-deserved score.

The second, Mr. Crouch, spewed his rating into the air, which was the same as the previous one, a "10".

Countless cries are surging and the fire is rising. The atmosphere was hotter than any previous Warrior, and Dumbledore, who followed suit, lived up to expectations and left everyone with a satisfactory score - 10 points.

"Wonderful performance, Miss Granger! It's not hard to steal a dragon egg from a dragon, there are ways to subdue a dragon, and to get them to submit, you're the youngest wizard I've ever met—"

The evaluation made from Dumbledore's mouth naturally raised Hermione's evaluation in everyone's hearts again.

The rating continued, and Ludo Bagman still gave a 10-point evaluation, but Karkaroff seemed to be a special contrarian, and he deducted one point from Hermione, only giving a 9.

Fortunately, Hermione didn't have obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise she would have been able to put her wand directly against his neck while it was dark, so that Karkaroff would know why the flowers were so red!

Hermione was undoubtedly number one, and the second event would begin next year, on the morning of February 24, 1995, and it would be a long recuperation period.

During this break, the Warriors need to crack the hints in the Golden Egg to prepare for the next game.

Hermione, who got the golden egg, returned to her room as scheduled.

"Athena, do the whole analysis!"

Hermione threw it casually, and the golden egg suddenly stopped falling in mid-air, and it was suspended 3 meters above the ground, and at the same time, the main system of the magic brain Athena scanned the entire golden egg crookedly.

As Athena showed the structure of the entire golden egg inside and outside in the form of multiple floor plans, Hermione had already fundamentally determined the structure and operation of the golden egg.

To put it bluntly, the golden egg is a repeater!

Of course, unlike the repeater of technology products, the golden egg also has an encryption system, which says that a piece of information is retained in the golden egg, and only in the water through the transmission of the density of the water can it be interpreted in the correct band, and the scientific and technological value of this thing is not high.

But it's such a simple thing, if you open it without a head, you can only hear a murmur that makes no sense at all.

Not only is the noise unbearable, but more importantly, it contains a subtle curse, and if you continue to be exposed to this noise, you will have nightmares almost every day.

"I see... The second test needs to be in the water... But then again, what is my most precious thing? Father? Mom? Remote? "

Hermione remembered her precious things, and in any case, she didn't think that the Triwizard Tournament would kidnap his parents, and she didn't think that the organizers had the ability to make Yuu a hostage.

Wow –

A short figure came to Hermione with dinner, it was none other than the house-elf that Hermione had taken in, Twinkle.

"Miss Hermione, your dinner is here!"

"Thanks, Twilight!"

Hermione was glad she had taken Sparkle in, and someone like her who didn't have time to eat in the Great Hall once he was busy would be so busy that he would faint from hunger without a house-elf like Twinkle by his side to help.

For wizards, there is no place in this world that they can't go, and the secret realms of the wizarding world, which are thousands of times more dangerous than the world where Muggles are located, are all conquered under the various magical powers of wizards.

The second game of the Triwizard Tournament was indeed a bit of trouble underwater, but it was still not enough to be Hermione's trouble, and even if she wanted to, Hermione could come up with seven or eight solutions to deal with the underwater problems at any time.

Now that Hermione has even completed the Hogwarts course, Hermione has even completed the self-study, and Hermione even has the qualification to be directly exempted from attending the class on weekdays.

Of course, Hermione doesn't really listen to anything, and occasionally she will use the nature of the time turner to audit the daily lessons of Hogwarts as a non-existent person.

It was also the power of the time turner that made Harry, Ron and the others unconsciously think that Hermione had never missed classes.

This time turner is definitely a very interesting thing, it can't stop time like a time gem, and it can't reverse the time that happened, it's more like a time anchor, going back to a pre-set point in time within a certain time, so as to experience another past from the perspective of a bystander.

The biggest advantage of the time converter is that the price of its time travel is very low, except that its own time will still flow while going back to the past, which is equivalent to consuming its own time twice in the same period of time, and its life span is consumed faster invisibly, its side effects are almost small enough to be acceptable to anyone.

Before 1994 passed, the 10,000 Christmas Ball was the first to arrive, and the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament were undoubtedly the protagonists of this ball.

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