Water overcomes fire, fire overcomes ice!

According to ordinary people's thoughts, this should be the case, but in the world of ninjas, this is not a predestined thing, in the final analysis, it depends on the strength of the abilities of both parties.

Water can restrain fire, but as long as the fire is strong enough, it can also restrain water in turn.

The same is true of the relationship between fire and ice, where there is no absolute restraint.

Kakashi himself has the change in the nature of the chakra attribute, and the fire escape also belongs to the category that he can use, but he is different from the ninja who specializes in the fire escape, and the power of this move [Hao Fireball Technique] is naturally far better than that of the middle ninja or the lower ninja, but it still takes time to break through the blockade of the magic mirror ice crystal.

Combat is not a turn-based game, and if Shiraku is bent on rescuing Zaibu, it is naturally impossible for Kakashi to play.

The fire escape had just lasted less than 2 seconds, and there was a series of Chibon breaking through the air behind Kakashi, even if such an attack was not more than a one-hit kill, but Kakashi knew better that being injured would only fall into passivity.

The battle that belonged to the Ice Crystal of the Magic Mirror had already begun, and with the sheer number of people, Kakashi was completely unable to break through the blockade of the Ice Mirror in a short period of time, and after several dodges, Kakashi had already made a decision.

Chirp, chirp, chirp....

Outside the Ice Mirror, Naruto and Sasuke's ears, who had been guarding the Silent Slash, suddenly heard the sound of a rapid birdsong, as if hundreds of birds were chirping.

"It's Chidori, also known as Rachel, it's Kakashi's famous S-class ninjutsu, Naruto, if you don't cut it with a clone, you and Sasuke will help Kakashi together!".

With Yuu's reminder, Sasuke and Naruto rushed to the Ice Mirror together.

As soon as the two of them arrived outside the ice, they saw Kakashi, whose right arm was wrapped around the thunderbolt, who had just broken an ice mirror with that hand.

Rachel's penetrating ability is definitely an outstanding existence in S-level ninjutsu, and breaking the ice crystal of the magic mirror is just a matter of course.

What really stunned Naruto and Sasuke was Shiro, who was hit by Kakashi.


The white mask is swept by Rachel, and the crack convoy from top to bottom splits the mask in two, revealing the white face behind the mask.

"Girl, no, it just looks like it!".

Kakashi is Kakashi in the end, and he didn't recognize Bai as a woman at a glance, and for him both men and women are the same, as an enemy, only the fallen are good enemies!

The previous Rachel was definitely not just to break through the Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, using the dynamic capture ability of the Sharingan, Kakashi actually used Rachel to prepare to kill Shiro with one blow, but he still underestimated the Ice Escape Secret Technique created by Shiro.

The Magic Mirror Ice Crystal does not have a direct attack ability, nor does it have any strong defense ability, it only strengthens - mobility!

Kakashi's Rachel Thrust, who had already won the victory, was dodged by Shiro at the last moment, and only shattered Shiro's mask.

"Mr. Kakashi, it's really dangerous... The attack you just now must not be able to use too many times with your ability, so... Welcome back to the world of Magic Mirror Ice Crystals!".

The broken magic mirror ice crystals, under Shiro's re-sealing, not only reappeared, but even prepared to pull Naruto and Sasuke into the magic mirror ice crystals together.

The turtle in the urn?

Yu in the spirit state chuckled and shook his head, he didn't think that Shiro had chosen the right thing to do, and pulling Naruto into the magic mirror ice crystal was definitely the worst move.

Naruto doesn't have much of anything, it's just that the chakra is too much to use up, Kakashi may wilt after a few thunderbolts, and Naruto is intriguing who can rub dozens of spiral pills without panting!

"Kakashi-sensei, get out of the way-".

Instantly switching personalities, while Yu dominates his body, he rushes directly to Bai who is located in the ice crystals of the magic mirror.

“...... Don't blame me!" Seeing Naruto take the initiative to rush forward, Shiro immediately threw the ice Senbon in his hand, and the attack like a rain curtain instantly covered Yuu's front in front of him.

"Get out of the way, Naruto!" Kakashi tried to rush forward and grab Naruto, but his speed was no match for Chibon hitting Naruto, and it was too late when he shouted.

Demon Fox Dress!

The nine-tailed chakra wrapped around Yuu's body instantly turned the ice Senbon that was close to his body into a puddle of water.


Since the Nine-Tails reached a consensus with Yu and Naruto, attacks below the C-level ninjutsu level have been immune to the Demon Fox Clothes, and the power of Ice Thousand Books like Bai is even weaker, which is not enough to break the Demon Fox Clothes's defenses.

"Give me—get out!

More than 20 shadow clones appeared at the same time, and at the same time, in the hands of each shadow clone, a blue spiral pill went from the size of an apple to a larger lantern in a short period of time, and it was still expanding.

Naruto had just mastered the completed version of the Spiral Pill, and Yu had already evolved the Spiral Pill.

Big Jade Spiral Pill!

Not only is it a trick that can only be mastered by strengthening the chakra infused with the spiral pill, but it is also a trick that can only be mastered by further strengthening the control of the chakra, and the power is nearly 10 times that of the ordinary spiral pill!


Almost at the same time, the shadow clone holding the Great Jade Spiral Pill in his hand pressed the Great Jade Spiral Pill in his hand on the ice mirror without exception, and the ice crystals of the magic mirror that required A.-level ninjutsu to be able to penetrate from the inside with one blow were like plopping through glass, shattering at the touch of a button.


Bai, who was hidden in the magic mirror ice crystal, didn't expect Yuu's method to be so simple and violent, with almost no skills at all, and directly used the huge chakra to defeat the ninjutsu of the magic mirror ice crystal head-on.

The white who was blasted out of the ice mirror was inevitably hit by the impact of the Great Jade Spiral Pill on his body, although the person did not die, but there was no difference between being wasted for a while.

White, the capture is complete!

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