The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 104 The One-legged Guard

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Jiang Pan was still very unwilling.

He felt that he was really shooting himself in the foot. If he had known earlier, he would not have come to verify it in full view, and the night came quietly.

Originally, when he defeated Gu Chensha, his momentum in the Valley of Flame was absolutely in full swing.

He felt aggrieved when he failed to raise the star level at the Martial Dao Sacred Monument.

And many people would think that he was similar in talent to Gu Chensha, but his luck was better than Gu Chensha's, and he got more resources in Chaos Daomen.

"Huh? For so many years, the Martial Dao Sacred Monument is not a strong spiritual master, so it is inevitable that it will not make mistakes." Jiang Pan's dead duck stubbornly argued with Gu Chensha.

Gu Chensha smiled faintly, and said: "The Hsiung Ba Linghuang who stood at the peak of the Tianhua Territory back then said that the Martial Dao Sacred Monument in the Flame Valley was terrifying, so how could it be wrong?"

"Xiongba Linghuang?"

As Gu Chensha mentioned these four words, the atmosphere at the scene obviously became a little dignified.

Back then, Xiongba Linghuang was recognized as the number one strongest in Tianhuayu.

Many people have regret and respect in their eyes.

Xu Feng really gave a wry smile, he did say this back then.

The Martial Dao Sacred Monument in the Valley of Flame contains Dao Heart, like the small world of the spiritual master, of course it is not simple.

Unlike some other martial arts sacred monuments, they are simulated.

"It's ridiculous, you use a dead trash as an example?" Jiang Pan's mouth was disdainful, no matter how powerful Xiongba Linghuang was, he became a dead person, so what can he prove?

Those forces that were attached to the Xiongbamen back then, now, which forces are not lingering, and are hunted down by countless strong men, their families are ruined, their wives and children are scattered.

"Jiangpan, you insult Xiongba Linghuang like this? You don't know how to live or die." Gu Chensha couldn't help shaking his head, a little displeased.

He had regarded Xiongba Linghuang as his target all his life, but he never expected Jiang Pan to insult Xiongba Linghuang like this, but he couldn't find any reason to refute it.

"I don't know how to live or die?" Jiang Pan wanted to say a few more words,

But he found that in the middle of the crowd, a young man in coarse sackcloth quietly stepped onto the ring, his eyes were staring at him coldly, causing the hairs on his body to stand up, and he couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

The youth is none other than Xu Feng.

He tyrant Ling Huang asked himself in his previous life, he is worthy of anyone in Tianhuayu!

He led the Xiongbamen to help the Tianhuayu to resist the invasion of other domains, he led the Xiongbamen to help any place in the Tianhuayu to resist monsters, and he wiped out countless evil sects.

However, he did not expect that after his death, someone would start insulting him.

"Did you know? Xiongba Linghuang has five personal disciples? They are all geniuses among the best? If they are still alive, you are not worthy of licking their shoes?" Xu Feng said word by word.

Gu Chensha looked at Xu Feng in surprise, he found that Xu Feng's cultivation was only a seventh-rank spiritual master, but the majestic aura on his body shocked him.

"Hmph, a waste of a seventh-rank spiritual master? What do you want to argue with me?" Jiang Pan was in a bad mood, and failed to be verified by the Martial Dao Sacred Monument.

He was about to vent his anger on someone, but he didn't expect Xu Feng to rush up.

Xu Feng took a deep breath, with a vicissitudes in his expression, and said: "I don't want to argue with you? I just want to tell you that you are not qualified to insult the four words Xiongba Linghuang."

"It's ridiculous. It's just a dead person. Could it be possible that he can be resurrected?" Jiang Pan wanted to teach Xu Feng a lesson, but he didn't miss the opportunity to hit Xu Feng.

He cracked his mouth and said with a smile: "Tell me, if I kill you now, no matter how talented you are, what use will it be?" Jiang Pan knew very well that he did not dare to kill Gu Chensha, but he did not dare to kill Gu Chensha. It means that he can't kill the waste of the seventh-rank spiritual master in front of him.

"What an idiot!" Xu Feng looked indifferent, and said: "If I remember correctly, you Huandao Sect master insulted Xiongba Linghuang back then, and was beaten to death by Tu Jingang, the eldest disciple of Xiongba Linghuang. In the end, you still knelt outside Xiongba's gate for half a month before you got Xiongba Linghuang's forgiveness?"


Countless people took a deep breath, and everyone in the Flame Valley knew about it.

Since the Chaos Knife Sect is the strongest force in the Valley of Flame, no one dared to bring it up openly. After all, this matter was regarded by the Sect Master of the Chaos Knife Sect as the greatest shame in his life.

This sentence is also an insult to any disciple of Chaos Sword Sect.

"Boy, if you dare to say this in the valley of flames, you don't want to live anymore?" Jiang Pan's voice became serious.

The leader of the Chaos Sword Sect, Jiang Buzai, is his grandfather, and this incident is a lifelong shame for the Jiang family.

"It's ridiculous, let me ask you, do you dare to touch me at Chaos Daomen?" Xu Feng glanced at the many warriors present with sarcasm and disdain, and those people stared at Xu Feng angrily. The person who messes with the sword.

As if he didn't see the anger of those people, Xu Feng said: "Xiongba Linghuang was framed and killed by someone, the Xiongba sect is torn apart, and his disciples don't know whether they are dead or alive."

"But, the centipede is dead but not stiff. If your words just now spread. If you said that there is still an elder from the outer sect alive in the Xiongba sect, what kind of situation will you face in the Chaos knife sect?"

As soon as this came out, the faces of many elders at the scene of Chaos Daomen changed drastically, and they looked at Jiang Pan with some reproach.

In the entire Tianhua Territory, the Xiongba Sect can dominate the Tianhua Territory, not only because the Xiongba Linghuang is the strongest in the Tianhua Territory, but also because everyone in the Xiongba Sect is very loyal to the Xiongba Linghuang.

However, Xiongbamen has indeed disappeared in Tianhuayu.

However, in the heyday of Xiongbamen, there were thousands of strong spirit kings, and dozens of high-ranking spirit emperors.

Even if the Xiongba sect was destroyed and the Xiongba Linghuang died in battle, there is no guarantee that no one under his sect will be alive.

It's just that Xiongba Linghuang died, and his enemies were too powerful, and the living people of Xiongba's sect became low-key.

No one dared to underestimate the power hidden in the Xiongbamen.

Jiang Pan's face was a little pale, and he was really frightened by Xu Feng's words.

Even if a strong Spirit Emperor dared not show up aboveboard, it couldn't be easier to kill his little first-rank Spirit King.

"Hahahaha...well said...well said...well said..."

The voice was thunderous, and that voice was like thunder rolling, resounding through the entire Flame City, with a majestic momentum.

"What is Chaos Daomen? My family's five young masters, as long as one can survive, it is enough to sweep the entire Flame Valley." The old voice contained supreme power.

"Heroic dominance door powerhouse?"

Everyone was shocked, they didn't know where the voice came from.

Only Xu Feng on the stage had twinkling eyes.

"I don't know which brother came to the Valley of Flames. The younger generation is ignorant, so I hope you don't care about it. If you offend me, I, Jiang Buzai, will tell you right here!"

Over the flame city, another old voice sounded.

It was a white-haired old man with an extremely deep aura.

"Grandpa?" Jiang Pan was a little surprised when he saw the old man appear.

He knew that his grandfather had been in seclusion for more than ten years, but unexpectedly, he was startled by that mysterious strong man.

Jiang Bubu looked towards the ring, glared at Jiang Pan fiercely, and said in his heart: "I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and only he knows that the Xiongba sect was completely destroyed, but there are still many strong people who survived. Offending the Xiongba sect is tantamount to Suicide."

"The most important thing is that the five disciples of Chuanxiong Ba Linghuang are still alive, accumulating strength in secret, waiting for revenge in the future." As a first-rank Linghuang, Jiang Buzai can easily live for hundreds of years. Put yourself in danger because of a grandson.

"Jiang Buzan, take care of your chaotic swordsmen, or next won't be as simple as a warning." A big old hand tore open the void.

Coming out from mid-air, he slapped Jiang Pan hard on the face.


Jiang Pan's head was almost blown off, and his teeth were all shattered.

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath, staring at Jiangpan with some pity, daring to offend Xiong Bamen, it was really asking for their own death.


Jiang Pan felt the burning pain on his face, and his eyes were full of tears. He wanted to ask Jiang Buban for help, but he didn't know that the fierce aura shot out from Jiang Buban's body. If he dared to speak again, he might kill him mercilessly.

"Boy, what's your name? You're fairly knowledgeable." In the sky above the ring, there was an old man in a green robe with only one leg.

His face is full of wrinkles, and most importantly, he only has one hand.

"One-legged guard?" Jiang Buzai took a deep breath. No one knew the horror of this old man better than him.

One of the dozen or so high-ranking spirit emperors of the Xiongba Sect.

Back then, he followed Xiongba Linghuang all over the world from Lingwang, he could be regarded as half of Xiongba Linghuang's master, and later became the one-legged guard of Xiongba's gate.

It is said that this leg of his was lost to dominate the Linghuang, but I don't know why he lost a hand?

There were tears in Xu Feng's eyes.

He originally thought that he would never see someone who dominates the sect again in his life.

Didn't expect to meet the one-legged guard just after arriving in the Valley of Fire? The one-legged guard is still alive, which means that at least one of his five disciples is alive.

Xu Feng was roaring in his heart, he really wanted to tell the one-legged guard that he was Xu Feng, the tyrant spirit emperor!

But he didn't dare to bet, he wasn't worried that the one-legged guard would betray him, but he was afraid that his enemies would catch the one-legged guard, and those people would definitely search for the one-legged guard's memory.

The one-legged guard stared at Xu Feng. For some reason, he looked at Xu Feng with a feeling of familiarity.

"Report to senior, junior Xu Feng, from Tianchi City!" Xu Feng suppressed the excitement in his heart, and before he had great strength, he could not reveal his identity in front of anyone.

"Xu Feng?"

The one-legged guard chuckled, mocking himself a bit, and said, "I never thought you had the same name as Xiongba Linghuang, but I don't know how talented you are?"

The one-legged guard looked at the sacred monument with a nostalgic look on his face. He was a strong spirit king and followed Xiongba Linghuang back then. Xiongba Linghuang came to the Martial Dao Sacred Monument for the first time and the second time, and he followed them.

"Boy, go to the Martial Dao Sacred Monument for a test. If you can exceed five stars, I don't mind giving you advice." The voice of the one-legged guard sounded, and countless people were excited. (Wanyu Lingshen..4747468)--(Wanyu Lingshen)

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