The Spirit of God Million Domain

Chapter 4360 Yu Hai at the peak of the 9th level of Fa Tian Realm

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"Do you know who we are?"

A young man stared at Xu Feng with arrogance and arrogance on his face, not taking Xu Feng seriously at all.

The cultivation level at the peak of the sixth level of Fa Tian Realm exploded on his body, his expression was arrogant, his eyes were higher than his head, and his face was full of contempt.

"I'm really curious, what are your identities?"

There was deep doubt in Xu Feng's eyes.

It stands to reason that this palace is connected to Guangyuan Island. The young people inside seem to have quite good cultivation. It seems that they are not simply disciples of a small force, but come from a big force.

However, Xu Feng also knew that ordinary sixth-level forces might not be able to cultivate so many young talents.

"The head of the eight royal families of the Qingyang Dynasty, the Yu family of the Far Eastern royal family!"

When the young man talked about his family, his face was filled with pride and his eyes were shining.

"How's it going? Did the boy wet his pants in fear when he heard that we were from the Yu family?"

"Since Brother Yu Kai asked you to kneel down and commit suicide, then commit suicide quickly? Don't waste our time."

"If you make us unhappy later, we will make it impossible for you to live or die."

The young people of the Yu family all shouted.

Only Xu Feng's heart was filled with smiles.

Finally we can leave Guangyuan Island.

It seems that this underground palace is where you leave Guangyuan Island, but you don't know where the exit is.

At this moment, Xu Feng seemed to have forgotten about the inheritance of the underground palace and wanted to leave quickly.

As for the eight royal families of the Qingyang Dynasty, Xu Feng had heard of some, but didn't know much about them.

All we know is that the eight royal families have a very high status in the Qingyang Dynasty. Almost all of them are close to the fifth-level forces, and they are all the top sixth-level forces.

"I just want to ask you where to leave this underground palace." Xu Feng stared at Yu Kai and others opposite,

asked calmly.

Everyone in the Yu family thought that Xu Feng was frightened.

Unexpectedly, Xu Feng ignored them.

Now I want to ask where to leave from, which is completely ignoring Chi Guoguo.

"You don't know how to live or die, you dare to ignore us! You are simply looking for death, I will help you."

The young man from the Yu family who had just reached the peak of the sixth level of Fa Tian Realm was furious, and his whole body was filled with spiritual energy. When he took a step forward, his fists gathered together, filled with terrifying power, covered with spiritual energy, and struck Xu Feng's chest fiercely. The bombardment came.

The fist is accompanied by a violent wave, surrounded by spiritual power. The momentum was so terrifying that the void seemed to be torn apart.

"This kid is dead. Even if he is only at the fourth level of Fa Tian Realm and dares to provoke Yu Gang, he will definitely die."

"Yu Gang's punch contains all his spiritual power, and it is also a sixth-level top-notch Holy Spirit skill."

"This kid is also seeking his own death. He insists on provoking us!"

Seeing Yu Gang take action against Xu Feng, the rest of the young people in the Yu family felt that Xu Feng was bound to die.

It's a pity that Xu Feng, who is currently at the fourth level of Fa Tian Realm, looked at Yu Gang's attack and showed no signs of aggression.

Golden light filled the air, the peak power of the Danyuan body burst out, and he also used boxing techniques.

"The Boxing Technique of Life and Destruction of Heaven and Earth! Destruction of Heaven and Earth, endless life!"

Xu Feng used his own boxing technique, and his fists were filled with violent power, heading towards Yu Gang to meet him.

Yu Gang didn't expect that Xu Feng would dare to fight back, and a fierce light burst out in his eyes, saying: "You are overestimating your own capabilities!"

Bang bang...

Unfortunately, the moment the fists collided. Yu Gang's expression changed drastically, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

The whole person only felt a majestic force impacting from his arms.

The energy and blood all over his body surged instantly, and his face was full of ferocity. The next moment, his internal organs tumbled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. His internal organs were shattered by the shock. His whole body flew out and hit the ground heavily. His eyes widened and he couldn't die anymore.

Many young people from the Yu family, who originally had joking and sarcastic expressions on their faces, all had their mouths wide open, dumbfounded, and their faces full of horror. They immediately stared at Xu Feng and said, "Is he one of the Four Greatest Geniuses?"

"Boy, if you dare to kill members of our Yu family, you are dead!"

"Yes, if you dare to kill our Yu family members, you will die miserably!"

The depths of Xu Feng's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the third-level killing secrets in his body burst out.

"Since you Yu family members are shouting so loudly, I will naturally kill a few more."

He immediately rushed forward and punched out with both fists one after another.

The fist is filled with the third-level secret of killing.

Dozens of young people from the Yu family across the street were so frightened by Xu Feng's terrifying murderous intent that they didn't know how to resist.

Although they, the young people of the Yu family, are powerful. But his combat power was very weak, and he had never experienced a life-and-death battle. He had never seen so many dead people, and his face turned pale with fear.

What's more, he immediately started vomiting.

"A bunch of losers dare to provoke my brother. From my point of view, you are seeking your own death."

Mao Mao stood on Xu Feng's shoulder and said disdainfully.

"What do you want to do?"

Yu Kai looked at Xu Feng walking over with a look of horror on his face.

"kill you!"

Without any hesitation, Xu Feng stood up and punched Yu Kai with both fists.


Not far away, several footsteps came towards this side. Then a roar was heard.

Unfortunately, Xu Feng's boxing technique did not pause at all, and his fists bombarded Yu Kai's chest.

Blood spurted out from Yu Kai's mouth. His eyes widened and he didn't even understand why Xu Feng in front of him dared to kill him. Wasn't he afraid of the Yu family?

"Brother Hai... This boy dares to kill members of our Yu family. He is simply seeking death!"

The young men who rushed over looked at the dozen or so corpses on the ground, their faces full of ferocity and anger.

Yu Hai's face was gloomy, he stared at Xu Feng and said, "I told you to stop just now, didn't you hear?"

Xu Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard this. Is this man a fool? In a life-and-death battle, I will stop if you tell me to stop?

"I heard you! But why should I stop?"

Xu Feng looked at Yu Hai and asked with a joking smile.

"Why did you stop? Do you know who is talking to you?" A young man next to him asked fiercely.

Xu Feng raised the corners of his mouth and spread his hands: "Maybe he is just like them, a member of the Yu family?"

"Boy, you know that we are members of the Yu family, but you still dare to kill people. I think you are tired of living!"

The young man opposite had a ferocious face, his cultivation level at the eighth level of the Law Heaven Realm exploded, his eyes were blood red, filled with murderous intent.

"Brother Hai! Let me teach this boy a lesson and let him know that the Yu family is not to be messed with!"

Yu Huan had a ruthless expression on his face, a long sword appeared in his hand, and the secret of the second-level peak sword appeared on his body.

Xu Feng's eyes flashed slightly with surprise. It seemed that the eight royal families of the Qingyang Dynasty were indeed not simple.

The strength of these young men in front of me is far greater than that of the people he killed.

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