Spirit Qi recovered on the second day!

After spending the whole night cultivating, the same disciples began to be the same.

I don’t know how many people are on the internet lamenting.

“Half an hour station, catch fish 3 o’clock!”

“Martial Dao cultivation is really too difficult, not everyone can become a powerhouse.”

“Upstairs, I can’t help but think it’s too simple, I didn’t hear some martial artists explain!”

“Martial Dao initiation for at least a month, based on dissenting qualities, even the longer it takes to initiate!”


Without contact with the cultivation tentacles ahead, each one burst into flames.

After that, it was discovered that the Martial Dao was not so good.

Some people think of the other some capable martial artists!

Bite your teeth persistently!

Homomorphism has people, because not how much progress begins to catch fish.

But in the midst of this one moment, an entire news network shook.

Van Thanh An thi pharmacy group, pushed out martial arts to introduce knitting medicine.

If you need a bottle, you can help the Martial Dao for half a month!

All of the great vein’s eyes in the blink of an eye were concentrated in Yuncheng’an above.

“This can’t help but be inconceivable!?”

“Yesterday incompetent Spirit Qi restored, today knitting medicine came out.”

“It’s very clear that this is ahead of the preparations, The Absolute Spirit Qi with the beginning again.”

“Is it possible to be born one day like a martial arts alliance master! !”

. . . . .

Before that, Yun Cheng’an in the inner city is still a great reputation.

Knowing this is a ten-billion-dollar enterprise!

The only thing people didn’t think about first of all related to The Martial Artist was of course Yun Cheng’an.

“So where can you buy it!”

“Regardless of how much money is said, as long as the martial arts can be initiated.”

. . . . .

This is for a lot of people, in the blink of an eye.

A few intelligent people have made martial arts important.


So for anything the same martial arts correlates stuff.

Don’t want to ignore it!

This a little news, naturally all is An thi corporation released out.

That’s it!

This is all led by An Minh Nguyet, An Huyen allows it!

As for others, opinions are not very important.

On the internet argue loudly!

The more they were ahead of a million people, they all ran to Ann the trench below.

Inquiring about the martial arts introductory medicine news.

Covering all the hammocks that brought An thi group originated out.

Even if this An Huyen is a founder, it is no exception! !

As far as I’m concerned, Ann’s trust isn’t that bad either.

This for a few years, An Huyen has been charitable but has done a lot.

I just don’t want people to know!

Now, on the contrary, it’s all revealed.

This time, the greater the number of people for An.

Heavenly chants below!

The group will eventually announce at noon 12 news conferences.

Countless journalists rushed to Yuncheng inside.

Even if it was the Great Martial Dao Alliance, there was no less interest in this.

“Spirit Qi restored, it’s not just us who found out!”

“In front of the homogenous mission, there are many Martial Artists.”

“An established group a year ahead, found Spirit Qi restored at least here.”

“We can even work together!”

Lin Weibao’s calm face slowly spoke up.

At the discovery of the tidal wave Internet at the time, immediately investigated the entire precursor to the consequences.

An enterprise documentary, along with the initial news.

Very clearly self-written!

For this time Lin Weibao also did not have to pay attention, the more notes were still true medicine.

If there is this kind of knitting, it can indeed save a lot of time.

Nothing more!

The introductory martial arts also did not look at it, did not say anything.

Not even as good as science and technology!

The key is still behind cultivation.

Compared to this one, Lin Weibao was still more curious than An, but there were other medicines.

For knitting said, natural veins have research.

There’s just not a lot of results.

But it is impossible to scale universally, can only provide a few powerhouses.

Carrying this kind of excitement, Lin Weibao was still looking at this a news conference.

The time has come very quickly.

On the main stage is An Minh Nguyet, An thi needs a tiny flag.

But An Ming Yue ignored the strength or aspects of being the best contestant.

Of course, the majority of those who saw An Ming Yue’s face were all astonished.

“This one can’t help but be too young!”

“An Minh Nguyet, An thi the founder of Sun Fei.”

“According to the morality of speaking, this one should not come out to preside.”

. . . . .

Because Ann absorbs light, many natural disciples are no exception.

According to the lineage, it was basically not an Ming Yue Domain.

“I, An Ming Yue, are martial artists!”

An Ming Yue walked up to the first sentence and made the whole school calm down.

Accompanied by the blood pressure qi martial dao.

There’s no way to feel it head-on.

But the side may be from this place a few journalists on the body see a little deformity.

In contrast to what the others said, Lin Weibao’s eyes couldn’t help but move slightly.

“This one is not far away!”

First there’s judgment!


Based on the manifestation material, a year ahead An Ming Yue was just an ordinary person.

In other words, An was not very wrong a year ahead of him knowing the Spirit Qi restored.

It seemed that Lin Weibao couldn’t help but feel.

Now martial arts alliance, Martial Artist number but is very sparse.

A lot of martial artists, even from six years ago, began to cultivate.

It can only be said that the wrong quality is really too big!

“The martial arts initiation of knitting, it is still mainly through the blood qi of the alliance.”

“Help ordinary people who can initiate martial arts!”

“Now that Spirit Qi is violent, the research staff base speculates that the time is roughly maintained for a month.”

“This one-month period is the best cultivation opportunity.”

“A lot of martial arts don’t exist and don’t catch up with this battle.”

“It’s not the same to use knitting, one quick step.”

. . .

An Ming Yue’s face was full of voices.

Introduction to the martial arts of medicinal knitting.

Originally, some people even thought that it was okay to have this medicine.

However, according to An Ming Yue, his face couldn’t help but show seriousness.

Everyone doesn’t want to be backward! !

Moreover, normally introductory martial arts claims to be ahead of a month in time.

Just like that two times, it can be compared to cultivating for half a year.

Covering Lin Weibao!

He didn’t even notice the Spirit Qi recovering violently.

Added because Spirit Qi recovered the cause, the top of the resolution expanded the requisition.

This one but all are no initiating martial arts.

If there is no medicine, it will be outdated for at least half a year.

Unquestionably unreceptive.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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