Aura has revived?

Kong Ji was startled by Dong Dingguo's words, but then he reacted and laughed: "Stop it, leader, how can there really be aura? If there really is aura, there would be gods flying all over the sky!"

Two lives.

What outrageous things have you not seen?

Reality is not a novel, how can there really be aura?

Even when he had just traveled through time and space and was reborn, there were still some unrealistic fantasies in his mind, but after so many years, that fantasy had long been destroyed with reality.

After thinking hard about the things in his memory for so many years, Kong Ji had already recognized the reality.

Aura does not exist!

If it really existed, he would have practiced it long ago!

However, Dong Dingguo's next move stopped his laughter.

"I dare not say that there are gods, but I don't need to lie to you, just take a look."

Dong Dingguo opened the tablet again.

There was still a video on it.

In an empty room, a black hole was suspended in the middle. In the hole, wisps of white mist kept floating out and slowly dissipated in the air.

"Is this spiritual energy?"

Kong Ji was surprised: "Isn't it a special effect?"

"Of course it's not a special effect, but it's not clear whether it's spiritual energy, but this white mist is very similar to the spiritual energy you described."

Dong Dingguo slid his finger to jump to the next video.

In the video, dozens of people gathered together to practice.

Breaking bricks, high jump, running, and force measurement, each of which is far beyond the limit that humans can achieve.

Kong Ji clearly saw that someone could run 100 meters in 6 seconds, someone could jump three meters high on the spot, not to mention breaking bricks and breaking steel bars, which didn't look like props at all.

"Is this true?"

Kong Ji was dumbfounded.

The facts were in front of him, and he believed it no matter how he didn't believe it.

Whether it was spiritual energy or something else, in short, everyone in the video was a superman compared to ordinary people!

"Of course."

Dong Dingguo nodded: "There are many similar videos, and each of them changed after touching the white mist."

"This energy, temporarily named white mist, appeared three months ago, and there is more than one place. The white mist can bring incredible changes to humans. The longer you stay in the white mist, the stronger the changes, and no side effects have been found for the time being."

"Our experts have studied for a long time and have not found anything, so we thought of borrowing the wisdom of more people, hoping to learn from them."

Kong Ji pointed at himself: "So the spiritual energy revival I proposed was targeted?"

"That's right."

Dong Dingguo nodded: "The spiritual energy revival you mentioned is the idea that is most similar to the current situation. We have investigated your experience. At most, you have some strange ideas, but you should have never come into contact with similar things."

"It must be a coincidence that you can propose the spiritual energy revival!"

"Whether it is a coincidence or something else, that's why you came here."

Kong Ji's heart jumped when he heard it.

He had done something stupid before, such as sitting cross-legged on the rooftop in the middle of the night, hoping to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, or going to the top of Mount Tai to absorb the purple air, but he never did it again after failing.

Unexpectedly, Dong Dingguo had investigated everything clearly.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there might really be spiritual energy now!

"So. What do you want me to do now?"

"Research or be researched?"

Kong Ji swallowed his saliva.

Regardless of whether what Dong Dingguo said was true or false, such confidential information was revealed, and he knew that he could not go back to the past.

He was a little scared and a little excited.

"You are very smart."

Dong Dingguo praised, and then took out an ID from his pocket. After turning it over, there was a one-inch white-background photo of Kong Ji.

"It's not that you're being studied, and the country doesn't have no bottom line. It's just that your situation is very special, so you've been requisitioned."

"From this moment on, you already have a position."

"White Mist Investigation Bureau, third-level researcher, Kong Ji."

"And I'm your superior."

The salary of a third-level researcher is not low. Not only does he have social security, but he also has a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan. The most important thing is that the bonuses and benefits are so good that he's a civil servant.

Although Kong Ji is only 18 years old, he has reached the end of his life.

Of course.

He still has to go to college, but there will be some adjustments.

With the help of the White Mist Investigation Bureau, Kong Ji successfully bid farewell to his parents and came to the secret base in Kunlun Mountain on the western plateau.

"Captain, what should I do? Are we going to see the white mist now?"

After putting his luggage in the single dormitory and recording the pass, Kong Ji began to look forward to what was next.

Although he was a little excited to come to the secret military base for the first time, he was more looking forward to going to the room surrounded by the 'spiritual energy' and seeing the true face of the white mist or 'spiritual energy'.

"I know you can't wait, come with me."

Dong Dingguo waved his hand.

He is the captain of the first team of the White Mist Investigation Bureau's Research Department and Kong Ji's direct superior, with a high position and rank.

The two talked as they walked.

"The spiritual energy theory you proposed is very novel and very helpful to the progress of the White Mist investigation, but it is still just a framework, too rough. Compared with other researchers, your professional knowledge is much worse, and you are young, so you should learn more when you have time."

"I understand."

Kong Ji nodded.

The White Mist Investigation Bureau is a newly established department directly under the highest level, and it can be said to be in a high position and has great power.

This department can call on various resources, and it brings together high-end masters from all walks of life, all for the purpose of studying white mist.

He is a student who has just graduated from high school, and even with the knowledge of his previous life, he cannot compare with those people.

"In addition to studying white mist, there is another thing about the work of researchers." Dong Dingguo said as he walked: "Although the Investigation Bureau has brought together experts from all walks of life, they are all confused about white mist. They only know that it can strengthen the body after touching and absorbing it, but they have no clues for deeper research. It is very passive and the utilization rate is too low."

"You have an advantage in this regard."

"I remember you talked about the concepts of skills, realms, acupoints, meridians, etc. in the video. It is very novel, unique and unique."

Dong Dingguo admired Kong Ji's wonderful ideas.

A simple video of spiritual energy revival is not enough for Kong Ji to join the White Mist Investigation Bureau, but Kong Ji proposed a lot of new things around the concept of spiritual energy, which can be fully justified after adding them up. This is the key to his joining the Investigation Bureau.

Because many things have actually been found in some experts, but they are not systematic and very vague.

Kong Ji nodded when he heard it.

The concepts of meridians and acupoints he proposed do not have a systematic knowledge in this world. There are only some messy ideas, which are completely different from the ones that have been passed down for thousands of years in the previous life and are self-contained.

Even he himself did not expect that one day those things would actually come in handy.

"The base is studying how to use white fog."

"Your things are worth studying. Several experts in the base also recognized them after reading them. Some people even developed something because of them."

"You are the proposer of this theory. You should have more advantages in this regard. Think more, see more, and do more. If you can put forward constructive opinions, it will be of great benefit."

Dong Dingguo gave instructions and analyzed the situation all the way. Kong Ji listened carefully and felt very rewarding.

It was his first time joining a secret state organization, and he was also very nervous.

It is said that once you are in the organization, as long as there are no principled issues, you will basically not be fired, but if you can really research it, won’t it take off directly?

With excitement, Kong Ji finally came to the center of the base.

The entire Kunlun base is built around the black hole and white fog. The black hole and white fog in the center are surrounded by glass. There are all kinds of detection equipment around. Many researchers in white coats observe through various means on the periphery, and there are soldiers on guard around.

Kong Ji was brought directly to a Mediterranean man in his forties by Dong Dingguo.

"Professor Li Dingyuan, the leading medical expert in the country, has a lot of insights into ancient medical theories."

"Kong Ji, the originator of the concept of aura, you will follow Professor Li to do research at the base in the future."

Dong Dingguo introduced the two to each other.

As soon as the introduction was finished, Li Dingyuan came over enthusiastically: "Don't judge a person by his appearance, Xiao Kong."

"I have also watched those videos of yours, which involve a lot of theoretical knowledge in the ancient medical field of our country, and your research is more profound than mine."

"Especially the meridians and acupoints, which have always been considered non-existent, and no one has ever systematically sorted them out. For thousands of years, many of them have been lost."

"I have studied this for so many years, but I don't know as much as you do."

Li Dingyuan was very enthusiastic and did not look down on Kong Ji because of his age.

It is true that the things Kong Ji said have traces in history, but they are not specific and systematic enough. Some things are only mentioned in one or two sentences in historical documents, which are very vague and difficult to detect.

Even a medical master like Li Dingyuan did not know as comprehensive and detailed as he did.

Kong Ji said modestly: "Professor Li, you are too kind. I read more miscellaneous books. I would like to trouble you to teach me more in the future."

"Miscellaneous books alone cannot reach that level." Li Dingyuan waved his hand and smiled: "The master is the teacher. I am afraid that no one in the entire base can match your research in this area. Let's learn from each other in the future."

"If there is anything you don't understand, let's communicate with each other and learn from each other."

Kong Ji nodded and responded with goodwill: "Okay!"

Seeing that the two were chatting happily, Dong Dingguo did not bother them and left.

He had other things to do, and research was not his main job.

Kong Ji had a good chat with Li Dingyuan and did not care much about his departure.

During the conversation between the two, Li Dingyuan's rich medical knowledge opened Kong Ji's eyes, and Kong Ji's knowledge of meridians and acupoints also made Li Dingyuan very impressed. The two quickly became friends regardless of age.

"Professor Li, will the white fog be blocked?"

Kong Ji pointed to the glass house in the center and asked curiously.

The black hole in the room was like a black circular hole in the air, with no effect on the surroundings. Visible white mist slowly escaped from the black hole, and it didn't look like a lot.

"It can't be stopped."

"It was just built for safety reasons when it was first discovered. Many materials couldn't stop the white mist from escaping, so it was simply surrounded by glass for easy research."

"As for now, it's basically just a decoration, because the black hole is not dangerous."

Li Dingyuan shook his head and pulled Kong Ji towards the house.

The closer he got to the black hole, the more Kong Ji felt a lightness, as if his whole body had been baptized by some kind of baptism. Between his breaths, he could clearly feel that there seemed to be some kind of cool breath slowly penetrating into his body, making him Feel more relaxed than ever.

This feeling reached its peak until he walked into the glass house.

"Feel it?"

Li Dingyuan turned around and asked.

"Well, it's very comfortable. Is it because of the white mist?"

Kong Ji nodded, quite curious.

He originally thought it would be dangerous to get close to the black hole, but it turned out to be very safe. Apart from being comfortable, there was nothing strange about it.

And there were other people in the room, some even reached into the black hole and came out intact.

"That's right, the white mist can produce positive feedback to anything close to it, including changes in the surrounding glass and ground. The closer it is, the better the effect will be. The effect will not be so obvious after more than a hundred meters."

"I was not in good health before. Since I came to the base and came into contact with the white mist, my body has quickly become younger and my hair has also recovered."

Li Dingyuan pointed to his head.

The middle part of the Mediterranean Sea has visible stubble.

The glass walls that make up the room can also be seen becoming very blurry inside, as if white mist is blending into it and flowing slowly. The surrounding ground is also changing in a certain direction, and even the loess looks extremely shiny.


Kong Ji couldn't help but admire.

The white mist in front of me looks more and more like spiritual energy.

At least he couldn't find much difference for the time being.

Li Dingyuan was quite emotional: "This is Bai Wu, it is extremely magical and has many similarities with the aura you described in the video."

"Unfortunately, we know nothing about it and can only passively accept the changes."

"With such an unknown energy that can change the world, whoever can master its use first will be able to stand at the pinnacle of the times."

He turned to look at Kong Ji: "Your ideas in this area are very novel and unique. The concepts proposed in the video are also unprecedented. The old director brought you into the base with high hopes. I hope you can really rely on Bai Wu." I have researched a few secrets of exercises to deal with the big changes that may happen in the future!”

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