"Kong Ji, Kong Ji!"

Zhang Zhaoyang ran over with a team of people and helped Kong Ji up. Seeing that his face was pale, he was worried and asked, "What's wrong with you?"


Kong Ji took off the unopened parachute bag on his back, coughed a few times, and said weakly, "It's just that the power is over-consumed in a short period of time. It will recover after a rest. It's nothing serious."

"So that's why I saw you weak and powerless." Zhang Zhaoyang suddenly realized, and then couldn't help asking, "But what happened just now? You can fly in the sky and even break the speed of sound. When you landed, you didn't even open the parachute bag. It seemed that you were not under any force and just floated down slowly."

"I was stunned."

Zhang Zhaoyang was puzzled at the moment, but he was extremely excited in his heart.

It is the sincere wish of many people that human flesh conquers the sky, but today he actually saw it with his own eyes, which made him unbelievable.

Kong Ji said: "Actually, I have developed a new skill, or a spell."

Zhang Zhaoyang was confused and suspected that he had heard it wrong: "Spell? The kind in mythology?"


Kong Ji nodded slightly: "I just created this spell."

Zhang Zhaoyang pointed to the sky and said dumbfounded: "Just created? Aren't you in the air?"

"I don't know if you have heard of enlightenment." Kong Ji explained: "In simple terms, at a certain moment, forget all distracting thoughts, think and wisdom infinitely improve, enter an indescribable high-frequency state, all problems are solved, and suddenly understand all the unknown meanings."

"Just now when I was parachuting, I felt the danger of life and death in the sky, and thus entered the state of enlightenment."

"It was in this state of enlightenment that I realized this magical spell that allows people to fly in the flesh in a few seconds."

"I call it the physical body floating catkins wave flying technique!"

Kong Ji explained, and Zhang Zhaoyang barely listened to the general idea.

For him, enlightenment is something he has never experienced, and it is difficult to understand and he is not very interested.

But the words "flying with the body" instantly cheered him up.

"Flesh body floating and flying on the waves? What does it mean? What's going on?"

"You probably don't know how shocked I was just now. Humans can fly in the air at supersonic speed without any tools. It's incredible."

"Hurry up and tell me in detail about this flesh body floating and flying on the waves!"

Zhang Zhaoyang urged repeatedly, his tone full of impatience.

"Flesh body floating and flying on the waves, as the name suggests, is actually to make the body become like floating and light with the wind, and at the same time use the true energy to condense into a wave-riding body shape suitable for high-speed flight outside the body, so that the body can fly at high speed!"

"With your current skills, you can practice it, but even if you can practice it, it is at most the first stage."

Kong Ji smiled slightly and explained the reason for the name of the spell clearly.

"I see." Zhang Zhaoyang was puzzled: "But what do you mean when you said I can only practice the first stage? We are at the same level, you can fly, why can't I?"

"That's right."

Kong Ji nodded and explained in detail: "This flying spell has very high requirements for the practitioner's body and true qi. You must practice qi and body to a certain level to withstand the terrifying pressure of breaking through the sound barrier. Otherwise, at high speed, if you lose the protection of the true qi in your body and cannot withdraw in time, the consequences will be worse than what I am now, and even the body will explode into pieces."

Seeing that Zhang Zhaoyang was not Kong Ji warned him, "Don't think I'm exaggerating."

"I'm also at the fourth level of Pure Yang Gong now, but I haven't practiced my body, so when I was flying just now, I consumed most of my power in just a few seconds. Fortunately, I was in a state of enlightenment at that time, and my mind was extremely sensitive. My body moved inside and outside as I wanted, so I was able to exit the supersonic flight state in time. Finally, I used my remaining power to cast the first stage of magic to land safely from the air. Otherwise, what you see now is a ball of meat paste."

Kong Ji didn't dare to expose his true cultivation, but what he said was right.

At the high speed that breaks the sound barrier, the pressure that the human body has to bear is simply unimaginable. Without the protection of the huge amount of true qi, it will be completely shattered in an instant.

With the true qi at the peak of the fourth level of Zhang Zhaoyang's Pure Yang Gong, if he flies at full speed, it will be consumed quickly. If he is not careful and cannot grasp it, he will definitely end up being turned into minced meat.

Because his body simply couldn't bear it, the Qi had to be released and transformed and used as fuel, and the mind had to pay attention to the internal and external conditions of the body at all times, and bear the huge pressure brought by the external high speed. It was simply a matter of doing many things at once, and it was very difficult.

Just like humans flying a fighter jet, there are so many buttons and functions that it is dazzling, and it must be assisted by an intelligent computer.

If it can't be done, the end is the destruction of the plane and the death of the people!

Only by practicing the body training method to the level of Dan Jin can a lot of pressure be reduced, and you only need to pay attention to the consumption of Qi, so that you can barely bear it.

It is even simpler to reach Gang Jin, and you can fly more easily.

When you reach the final state of seeing the gods, you can be free and worry-free. As long as the Qi is sufficient, you can fly at will.

Of course.

If you don’t have a physical body, you can still use pure Yang Qi. As long as you can accurately grasp the opportunity, quickly exit and successfully land from a high altitude at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour and with one mind, you can also perform it.

Zhang Zhaoyang frowned upon hearing this and said, "From what you said, to practice this flying spell, not only must one have enough true qi, but one must also have a strong physique and mind? Otherwise, there is no way to practice it at all?"

"That's right."

Kong Ji nodded slightly and said, "I divide this flying spell into two stages."

"The first stage is to be as light as a swallow and as floating as catkins."

"When you reach this stage, you can fight against gravity, just like on the moon, you can fly dozens or hundreds of meters away with a light kick, and you can also achieve the state of stepping on snow without leaving any traces, entering water without sinking, and stepping on trees without falling."

"With your current skill, there is no pressure to complete the first stage. As long as you practice it, you can perform it at will."

"High-rise buildings, steep peaks, mountains and rivers, as if walking on flat ground!"

"The second stage is what you just saw, the physical body breaks through the limit and can fly directly."

"At this stage, once you cast the spell, you can instantly take off into the air, without the body landing, and can reach an extremely fast speed."

"It's just that the second stage has a very high skill level. Requirements, need to be able to release the true qi, be able to condense the true qi outside the body into a wave-riding body shape, minimize resistance, increase lift, so that the physical body can fly at high speed, and even break the sound barrier. "

"Of course, in addition to the release of true qi, high-speed flight also has very high requirements for the physical strength of the practitioner. "

"Although you are now at the peak of the fourth level of Pure Yang Gong, you can barely release the true qi, but the time is too short, not to mention that you can't last long, and your physical strength is not enough. You must complete the body training to reach the minimum Dan Jin, that is, the skin, flesh, tendons, membranes, blood, bones and even internal organs must be extremely strong to withstand the pressure. "

"It is best to open up the Ren and Du meridians and enter the highest realm of Pure Yang Gong. "

"In that case, the true qi is sufficient and the body is strong, and there will be no pressure in flying, and you can feel the pleasure of the physical body breaking through the supersonic speed. "

"Otherwise, enter the state of enlightenment like me, then you can grasp all kinds of movements in time without any pressure. "

"This is the physical body floating catkins wave-riding flying technique! "

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