The spiritual energy has revived, and all the exercises I compiled have been practiced

Chapter 89 The Birth of the Flying Sword (Please subscribe and vote)

"Fusion, fusion!"

"All spiritual things, all attributes, mixed into one, all stimulated!"

"The Ruyi Flying Sword moves according to your heart and changes in size!"


Kong Ji's whole body was filled with mana, carrying the strongest thoughts in his heart at this time. All the characteristics of the sword in his memory were integrated into the mana, and poured into the molten iron in front of him.

Until the end.

He already felt that his mana was completely exhausted, his soul was exhausted, and his body was approaching the extreme state of paralysis.

"I've tried my best."

At this time, Kong Ji could only cut off the transportation of mana, extinguish the fire crystal, and close his eyes to sense.

In induction.

A sword-shaped object with a dark yellow body and the thickness of a forearm was suspended in the void, and countless spiritual thoughts seemed to be transmitted from it.

Killing, sharpness, sharpness, hardness, transformation, intangibility, sword energy, flying, fusion, chopping, stabbing, chopping, teasing

"It's done."

Kong Ji immediately felt happy, knowing that he had finally succeeded.

The Ruyi Flying Sword in front of you is not just a simple sword that can control flight, but contains the magical properties of flying swords in various cultivation stories. It can inspire sword energy, kill enemies from thousands of miles away, change size, and even It is a true flying sword magic weapon.

In an instant.

Spiritual energy surges!

The overwhelming liquid spiritual energy continued to pour into the sword.



Zhang Zhaoyang suddenly roared, his pupils shrank, and he strode forward and raised his hands to block it. However, he didn't receive any attack, but his sleeve seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and suddenly a piece of it fell off!

"What's going on?"

"Invisible sword energy?"

Zhang Zhaoyang was horrified, as an invisible sword seemed to appear in front of him and was attacking him.

Li Dingyuan also shouted: "Everyone, be careful, the situation has changed, please pay attention to safety!"

at the same time.

Everyone else suddenly felt frightened in their hearts, as if they were being pointed at by some sharp object, as if someone was trying to prick them with a needle, and goosebumps appeared on their skin.

Some people were so frightened that they raised their hands to resist, some found that a section of their hair had been cut off inexplicably, and some were even so frightened that they screamed in terror, shouting, "Don't stab me, don't stab me."

There was a commotion.

Kong Ji thought about it and immediately put away the fire crystal and flying sword.

The moment he took it, the feeling became more obvious. He also knew that this wishful flying sword had indeed transformed into a magic weapon for cultivating immortals. It not only had various attributes, but could also be integrated into the Dantian as he wished. It was refined day and night, and its power continued to increase.

"I didn't expect that I actually developed a flying sword magic weapon!"

"You can do whatever you want, your magic power is mysterious and wonderful!"

With all kinds of feedback in his heart, Kong Ji instantly understood all the changes in this Ruyi Feijian, and he also understood the magic power more thoroughly.

"Kong Ji, is this the Ruyi Feijian you practiced?"

Seeing Kong Ji stand up, everyone came forward.

Li Dingyuan looked curiously at the small sword in his hand: "This wishful flying sword seems to have an extraordinary effect. Everyone felt like they were being pricked by needles just now. Is it because of the sword?"

Zhang Zhaoyang also stepped forward, with lingering fear in his heart: "How on earth did you practice? You can actually launch invisible attacks, which is completely inconsistent with common sense of physics."


"How can a purely material metal achieve spiritual attacks?"

"What's going on?"

"It's hard to understand. It can't be explained by existing scientific knowledge. It's a completely different system."

Everyone was talking and asking questions.

Kong Ji couldn't explain it. The cultivation level of the magic realm had not been exposed yet. After all, this kind of power was too powerful. If it aroused fear, that would be bad.

So he made an excuse.

"It should be that while I was refining, my soul meditated on some knowledge about the sword, which caused the change."

"The reason for the soul?" Li Dingyuan thought thoughtfully: "Is it similar to the principle of mental visualization?"

"Most likely."

Kong Ji nodded and said: "But I'm not sure. In short, no matter what, this wishful flying sword is indeed beyond the common sense that modern science can explain. We can only explore it slowly in the future."

"Aura itself is a mysterious thing. There are still many unknown things that we cannot understand at all, let alone explore its principles." Li Dingyuan waved his hand and said: "There are some changes in the process of refining the flying sword. That makes sense, let’s leave it for later.”

"I am more concerned about this wishful flying sword now. I wonder what its effect is?"

"Is it the same as the magic weapon you mentioned, possessing all kinds of mysteries?"

As soon as he spoke, everyone stopped paying attention. Knowing what effect it had on spiritual energy, they couldn't understand it at all, and some phenomena couldn't be explained. They simply stopped asking and turned to being curious about Feijian.

Kong Ji once talked about some concepts about magic weapons in the video, so everyone present also had a little understanding of magic weapons and knew that it was a very magical weapon.

"It should be about the same."

Kong Ji thought for a while and said: "After refining it successfully, I know this wishful flying sword very well. All its functions are clear. It can kill enemies through the air, move according to my heart, change its size, control flight, and strengthen its true strength." Qi, bursting out with invisible sharp sword energy, killing the enemy easily."

"Let me demonstrate it to you."

After speaking, he handed the flying sword to Li Dingyuan: "Professor, come and try to catch it."


Li Dingyuan was puzzled.

Kong Ji said: "The flying sword recognizes its master. This Ruyi flying sword has recognized me as its master. Outsiders cannot use it at all. If you grab it, the flying sword itself will counterattack. Even if you grab it by force, it will only be scrap metal."


Li Dingyuan was surprised and immediately stretched out his finger to touch the blade.


He cried out in pain before he even touched it.

Everyone could clearly see that there was a small wound on his finger, and blood was flowing out.

Kong Ji said: "This is the flying sword automatically counterattacking."

"It's so magical, let me try it."

Another professor didn't believe it and reached out to grab it.

His skill was one level lower than Li Dingyuan's. Just when he wanted to take action, he was still one meter away. The flying sword actually made a buzzing sound, and the tip of the sword turned and pointed at this person.

Invisibly, there was a sharp sword intent that seemed to be flying up and killing people at any time.

The professor was startled and didn't dare to move again.

Zhang Zhaoyang was surprised to see this situation: "Let me try it."

After saying that.

He used his power, wrapped his palm, and quickly grabbed the hilt of the sword.

As expected.

The flying sword immediately counterattacked automatically and launched continuous stabbing.

Zhang Zhaoyang was not afraid, laughed, and his power increased again: "You are still not obedient? Come here!"

His power has reached the peak of the fourth level. He thought that he would definitely win this time. The flying sword's own counterattack could not cause any harm to him, so he could only surrender.

As a result, the next second.

The flying sword seemed to have its own consciousness. Knowing that it was no match for the opponent, it actually jumped up, dodged the big hand directly, and jumped into Kong Ji's sleeve!

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