Jian Yi nodded and said: As long as your son's aptitude is good enough, it is not difficult to add a place. "

Xu Mu'an looked at Xiao Jingting with an uneasy expression.

Xiao Xiaofan blinked his eyes with a bit of confusion on his face.

Xiao Xiaodong tensed his face, stood aside, and remained silent.

Jian Yi took out a roulette and said to Xiao Xiaofan: This is a roulette for testing attributes, little guy, why don't you try it out? "

Xiao Xiaofan glanced at Xiao Jingting, Xiao Jingting nodded.

Xiao Xiaofan pressed his hand on the roulette wheel, and the roulette wheel suddenly burst into a dazzling red light.

The pure fire spirit root is actually pure fire spirit root. "Jian Yi looked at Xiao Xiaofan with excitement.

Even if the inborn spiritual body is the three spiritual roots, Xianmen will be willing to accept it, but, it is actually pure fire spirit root, and the single spirit is a talent that Xianmen can meet but cannot ask for, plus the natural spiritual body, to get such a talent , Xianmen's rewards must be many.

Xiao Jingting looked at Jian Yi's sparkling eyes and knew that this man was very satisfied with his son's aptitude.

Nephew Xiao, your son's aptitude is very good. If he has such aptitude, staying in this world will definitely be a waste. If I bring him into Xianmen, with his talent, those Jindan elders will definitely be tempted. , the future must be boundless. "Simply said.

Xiao Jingting frowned hesitantly, Jian Yi looked at Xiao Jingting's appearance, and said again and again: In your world, foundation building is strictly controlled, and it is difficult to build foundations. Your son stays here, foundation building. The chances are very slim, but it is different when you enter the Immortal Gate. With your son's aptitude, it is also possible to become the ancestor of Jindan. "

In fact, Xiao Jingting doesn’t like Xiao Jingting in Jianyi’s foundation building. However, Xiao Jingting is Xiao Xiaofan’s father. After Xiao Xiaofan entered Xianmen, if he was trained as a core disciple, he might have to curry favor with Xiao Xiaofan in the future. Very polite.

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaofan and said with a headache: When Xiaofan was a child, his brain was burned out and he was a little confused. "

Qingyun Xianmen is a good place, but it is still a place where the dragons and crouching tigers are hidden. Can Xiaofan live comfortably in such an environment?

Xiao Jingting felt a little sad in his heart, Jian Yi seemed to be asking for their opinions, in fact, their opinions were of no importance at all. From the looks of the other party, it was obvious that the other party could not give up Xiaofan. Although it was a good thing to enter Xianmen, Xiao Jingting still Some are worried.

This is not a problem. If it is burned out by high fever, a Qi Lingdan can make up for it. "Simply said without hesitation.

Chapter 106 Xiaofan leaves

Xiao Xiaodong looked at Jianyi's test roulette, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Senior, can I give it a try? "

Jian Yi nodded and said: Of course you can. "

Xiao Xiaodong pressed his hand on the formation plate, and the formation plate showed a blue-blue light beam.

Jian Yi put his hand on the array plate with a hesitant look on his face. Your aptitude is good, but you are still a little short of entering Qingyun Immortal Sect. "

Xiao Xiaodong nodded, his face as usual.

Jian Yi secretly sighed a pity in his heart, Xiao Xiaodong's qualifications are actually not bad, and he barely met the admission standards of Xianmen.

It's just that the ten places given by Xianmen have already been counted. It is difficult for him to bring one more person back, and he will bring two more people back. The other brothers and sisters who are responsible for collecting disciples, I am afraid that they will have a prejudice against him, Jian Yi I don't want to get into trouble for nothing.

Seeing Jian Yi looking at him with fiery eyes, Xiao Xiaofan hid behind Xiao Jingting and said timidly: Daddy, what is he thinking about! "

Xiao Jingting sighed lightly and said, "Senior said, I want to take you to Qingyun Immortal Gate, so that you can become an omnipotent and omnipotent power. "

Xiao Xiaofan hurriedly shook his head and said, "I don't want to go to Qingyun Xianmen, I don't want to go fast. "

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaofan and felt helpless. The Ouyang family tried their best to send the family members into the fairy gate. The great opportunity was placed in front of his son, but his son did not want it.

Children, if you become the ancestor of Jindan, you can live to be five hundred years old. "Jian Yi said with a smile on his face.

Xiao Xiaofan rolled on the ground and shouted dejectedly, "I can't eat well, what's the use of living for so long." "

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaofan and said: Xiaofan! Father, mother, father, and elder brother have poor qualifications, and can only live to be around a hundred years old. If you are promising, you can pull father, mother, father, and elder brother together in the future, and let father, mother, father, and elder brother live longer. "

Xiao Xiaofan blinked his eyes, a bit of deep thought appeared on his face.

Jian Yi looked at Xiao Xiaofan and stepped up to persuade: Yes! Children, your parents and brother don’t have foundation building pills, it is very difficult to build foundations. If you enter the immortal gate and make meritorious deeds, the immortal gate will be given foundation building pills. If you have more foundation building pills, you can give them Others, so that your parents also have a chance to build a foundation. "

Jian Yi said this, but he felt a little disapproval in his heart. Xiao Xiaofan was still young and forgetful. When he entered Xianmen and was taken by the elders of Xianmen, his impression of his own family faded.

The reason why Xianmen does not accept older children is largely because young children have less impression of the family. They were cultivated in Xianmen since childhood, and when they grow up, their feelings for Xianmen are far higher than those of the family. .

Like Xiao Xiaofan, who came from a humble background, but has the aptitude

The outstanding young man, when he grows up, mostly considers himself a disciple of the Immortal Sect, and seldom mentions his family.

Xiao Xiaofan gritted his teeth, a look of struggle appeared on his face.

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaofan's face and felt distressed.

Xiao Xiaofan looked at Jian Yi, hesitated for a while, and said: I am going to Xianmen, I want to earn a lot of foundation pills. "

Jian Yi nodded, smiled, and said, "Little boy, when you grow up, you will know how correct your decision is today. "

Xiao Xiaofan kept his face straight and did not speak, Xiao Jingting suddenly felt that this second son had grown up a lot.

Senior, when are you going to Xianmen! "Xiao Jingting asked.

Jian Yi considered it for a while, and said: Five days later. "

Xiao Jingting hesitated for a moment and said: I want to keep my son for a few more days and make him something delicious, okay? "

When Xiao Xiaofan heard Xiao Jingting's words, there was a bit of surprise on his face.

Jian Yi looked at Xiao Xiaofan's face, nodded, and said, "Of course. "

For the next five days, Xiao Jingting did nothing but cook all kinds of delicious food for Xiao Xiaofan, probably because he knew that he was going to leave his parents, Xiao Xiaofan, who had always had a good appetite, suddenly lost his appetite, Xiao Jingting cooked it for Xiao Xiaofan Lots of snacks that can be preserved.

Five days passed in a flash, no matter how reluctant Xiao Jingting was, Jian Yi still arrived on time and picked up the person.


When Jian Yi took Xiao Xiaofan to the spaceship of Qingyun Xianmen, Ouyang Jinyue couldn't help being stunned.

Senior Brother Jian, all ten places are full, why did you bring another child here? "Liu Yicai said dissatisfied.

This is a single spiritual root. I think the seniors of Xianmen should be able to accommodate. "Jian Yi said flatly.

Jian Yi's words were light and fluttering, but all the other people on Shenxingzhou were startled.

Brother Jane, are you sure? "Liu Yicai frowned.

Jian Yi nodded, and the old god said: Sure, I have verified it several times, it is indeed Shan Linggen. "

Congratulations to Senior Brother Jian, I didn't expect such a peerless genius to be found for you. "Liu Yicai said with a sullen face.

Jian Yi stroked his beard, smiled complacently, and said, "I'm lucky, I met a kid by chance, who is Shan Linggen. "

The other people on the spaceship looked at Jian Yi with strange expressions. Although there were a lot of gifts from those big families in the Wilderness Continent, they were nothing compared to the rewards from Immortal Sect.

Ouyang Jinyue walked over, grabbed Xiao Xiaofan's arm, and said: When will you participate in the selection! I don't even know! "

Xiao Xiaofan shook his head and said: I don't know either! He found it himself, I didn't find him! "

Ouyang Jinyue nodded and said, "That's it!" No matter what, we will be the same from now on. "

Xiao Xiaofan smiled reluctantly and said, "I miss Daddy. "

Ouyang Jinyue rolled his eyes and said, "Little brat. "

The arrival of Xiao Xiaofan made the other children on the spaceship a little repulsive. These children of the big family, vaguely bright moon Xiao Xiaofan's talent is higher than them, and each has a different mind.

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