Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes! The elder brother is extremely smart. Although he doesn't like to cook, he can cook. "

So, your eldest brother, is it easy to find a wife? "Muyun asked.

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes! The dude will definitely become a hot commodity in the future. "

Muyun nodded and asked casually: What about your second brother? "

The second brother can't, the second brother can't cook, the second brother can only eat and can't cook, but it doesn't matter, the eldest brother said, the second brother can find a rich man who can cook and marry. "Xiao Xiaojin said lightly.

Mu Yun: "..."


Xiao Jingting was busy in the field, and Xu Muan was helping.

Is that him? "Qiao Xiang asked.

Wu Li nodded and said, "That's right, Senior Brother Qiao, that's him, Xiao Xiaofan and Xiao Xiaodong are both his sons. I heard that this guy has a good relationship with Senior Muyun. "

Qiao Xiang looked at Xiao Jingting and said with some disdain: What! But it is a farm. "

Wu Li nodded and said: Yes! He was just an ordinary Lingzhi husband, and I heard that the steward Qiu, who was in charge of this medicine garden, was kind to him. "

Qiao Xiang looked in the direction of Xiao Jingting and said, "What qualifications does Xiao Jingting have! "

It is the root of three spirits. "Wu Li said.

San Linggen, with such a bad aptitude, actually gave birth to a son of Shan Linggen. "Qiao Xiang said in surprise, for Xiao Xiaofan, Qiao Xiang is still a little jealous.

Wu Li nodded and said: Yes! Good luck. "

Xu Muan immediately found Qiao Xiang's figure, Jing Ting, the two people over there seemed to be looking at us. "

Xiao Jingting rolled his eyes helplessly. Recently, the Spirit Medicine Garden in the North District has become a treasure. Everyone wants to come and take a look. It is obviously none of his business, but everyone wants to find him.

It looks like Qiao Xiang from the Peerless Sect. "Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: It seems that, it should be, this kid looks pretty good! No wonder Wushuangzong used him to win over Chen Lifeng before, this guy wouldn't come to me, right? "

Xu Mu'an thought about it and said, "I think he should have come to find you. "

Xiao Jingting rolled his eyes, what kind of bad luck did he have! Mu Yun, Qiu Yun, and Xie Wanran are the guys who are engaged in a love triangle. If you want to find him, even if you want to find him, now the people of Wushuang Sect are also looking for him. What kind of life is he!

Xiao Jingting scratched his head and said, "Okay, let's go out. "

Xu Muan nodded and walked out with Xiao Jingting.

Xiao Daoyou, hello. "Qiao Xiang greeted Xiao Jingting indifferently.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Hello, Qiao Shao, do you have anything to do with me? "

My engagement with Shao Chen, I think Shao Shao should know about it. "Qiao Xiang said.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: I know, I know, but isn't the engagement terminated? "

Qiao Xiang said with a dark face, "Chen Xu and I misunderstood a bit, and the engagement will be restored sooner or later. "

Xiao Jingting: Oh, that's it..."

I hope that you can keep your son away from Chen Xu, Chen Shao is not something your son can climb. "Qiao Xiang said coldly.

Xiao Jingting lowered his face and said, "Sorry, Master Qiao, my son and Chen Xu are friends, and I can't agree to your request..." He is an open-minded parent, and his choice is to go with the flow when it comes to his son's feelings. Well, in fact, he can't control it if he wants to, Xiao Xiaodong is the most thoughtful, and his opinion can only be a reference for his eldest son.

What did Qiao Xiang say? What is Chen Xu? His son can't afford to climb high, but his own son is so bad?

Qiao Xiang looked at Xiao Jingting with a gloomy expression, and Xiao Jingting stood in front of Qiao Xiang with a smile.

Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, you are thinking that your son will get on with Senior Chen's grandson, and then he will be on his way, right? "Qiao Xiang said fiercely.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Yes! If my son is really attracted by Chen Xu and Young Master Chen, then he will be prosperous, and he will eat and drink spicy food with Senior Chen. The little thing that Senior Chen leaks out of his fingers is enough for my son to cultivate into a golden elixir. "

Shameless. "Qiao Xiang cursed.

Qiao Xiang was shocked by Xiao Jingting's words. After Qiao Xiang entered the sect, the sect listed him as a key training target. Qiao Xiang has never lacked resources. At this stage, there is one more backer in the Nascent Soul period. It's just the icing on the cake. Qiao Xiang doesn't take it too seriously, but thinking that others will rise to the top by marrying Chen Xu, Qiao Xiang has a feeling of being robbed by others.

Xiao Jingting secretly said to himself: A junior in middle school, I can't afford to hurt you!

Master Qiao, if it wasn't for Chen Xu being the grandson of Senior Chen, a genius like you wouldn't have chased him all the way. "Xiao Jingting said with a half-smile but not a smile.

What is this guy Qiao Xiang saying so righteous and awe-inspiring! No one is cleaner than anyone


You... bullshit. "

Xiao Jingting looked at Qiao Xiang, smiled, and said, "Young Master Qiao, don't be so excited! This emotional matter is entirely voluntary. Young Master Chen Xu's status is precious. What he likes and what he doesn't like depends on his own choice. "

Qiao Xiang looked at Xiao Jingting and left angrily.


Xiao Xiaojin rolled and rolled, and walked towards Xiao Jingting.

Daddy, Daddy. "Xiao Xiaojin shouted from a distance.

Xiao Jingting hugged Xiao Xiaojin and said in amazement: Oh, Xiao Jin has grown up again! "

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes! I grow up so fast, so fast, and soon I will be an adult, Daddy, what did that big brother just come here for! "

Oh him! to demonstrate. "Xiao Jingting said.

Demonstration? "Xiao Xiaojin said somewhat puzzled.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Yes! Just a demonstration. "Qiao Xiang, this guy has a big family behind him. He has been attracting attention since his birth because of his spiritual roots. This guy is spoiled!

Xiao Xiaojin scratched his head and said: I saw him two days ago. "

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaojin and saw him? What is he gān? "

He went to Senior Muyun for help. "Xiao Xiaojin said.

Xiao Jingting touched his chin and said: Looking for Senior Muyun's help? "

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes! He doesn't have a wife himself, so he asked Senior Muyun to find him a wife. "

Has Senior Muyun agreed? "Xu Mu'an asked.

Xiao Xiaojin shook his head and said: No, Senior Mu doesn't have a wife himself, how can he help others find a wife. "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said solemnly: Yes! This bastard, he really doesn't know how to choose someone to help him. Senior Mu is more than two hundred years old and is still single. This stinky boy is embarrassed to let such a big bachelor help him talk about his wife as a hairy boy. "

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: I think so too. "

Xu Mu'an looked at Xiao Jingting and Xiao Xiaojin's somewhat similar odors, shook his head, and said in his heart: It's true that they are father and son, and they think the same.

I see Qiao Xiang's appearance, he seems to be very dissatisfied with Xiaodong! "Xu Muan said.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Yes! But it's fine. "

Their family has been taken care of by Chen Lifeng. If Qiao Xiang does too much, the sect will not sit idly by. Besides, I heard that an old Nascent Soul from the Wushuang Sect is going to be overturned. The Qingyun Xianmen and the Wushuang Sect have a good relationship on the surface. However, once the old man really turned up, maybe Qingyun Xianmen couldn't wait to get a piece from the Wushuangzong's territory.


After Qiao Xiang left, Mu Yun came.

Xiao Jingting intuition that he is very busy, send one away, and bring another.

Senior Mu, are you looking for me? "

Muyun nodded and said: Yes! "

Problems? "Xiao Jingting asked respectfully.

Mu Yun smiled and said: I want to learn to cook with you. "

Xiao Jingting suddenly felt dumbfounded, Senior Mu, haven't you been fasting for a long time? "

Muyun nodded and said: Yes! I suddenly feel that eating is a very enjoyable thing, and, your son said, if you want to marry a wife, you need to be rich and able to cook. "

Xiao Jingting: "..." That's the standard of the previous world! In this world, it's not very applicable!

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