Xiao Xiaodong thought for a while and said, "Why don't you sell it to someone from Lingbao Pavilion, they are rich and powerful!" "

Xiao Jingting looked at Xiao Xiaodong and said, "You mean, use the teleportation box? "

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said: Yes. "

Xiao Jingting patted Xiao Xiaodong's forehead and said, "Son, you are so smart! "

Xiao Xiaodong nodded and said, "If there is a father, there must be a son!" My father is smart, so I am smart too. "

Xiao Jingting:..." That Xiaofan was so stupid, he couldn't have picked it up.


Brother, how is it? " Zhang Qing asked.

After taking the medicine pill, it has been much better. "Zhou Lan said excitedly.

Zhang Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's fine. "

Zhou Lan sighed and said: The antidote of the golden-topped red-tailed scorpion has long been lost. I didn't expect that someone could actually give an antidote. There are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world, but it's a pity that the other party is mysterious and doesn't know his identity, otherwise If so, it can be concluded one or two. "If something happens to Yun Beixin, even if he takes it out, no matter how much precious resources he has, it will be difficult to make up for his mistakes.

Brother, the other party sent something again. "Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan looked at Zhang Qing and said: What is it? "

It's just some ordinary medicinal pills, and that person will sell them on behalf of them. "Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan said in surprise: The other party is acting weird! "

I think that the other party may be an alchemist with no background but a very good alchemy technique. "Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan thought about it and said, "Well, this alchemist is not easy. Even if you can't get married, you mustn't offend him. You give him the spirit stone first. You don't have to worry about the sales of the pills. We just happen to have a place here. Fangshi, go and take the medicine pill to Fangshi to sell it. "

Zhang Qing nodded and said, "Okay. "

Chapter 159

When he received the spirit stone, Xiao Jingting was a little excited. Here, here, the spirit stone came, and the spirit stone came so quickly. "

Xiao Jingting counted the spirit stones, and found that the price offered by the other party was a few points higher than those on the market. He was immediately overjoyed, there are so many spirit stones in the Lingbao Pavilion! "

Chen Xu thought about it and said: Lingbao Pavilion is different from ordinary organizations. "

Xiao Jingting asked curiously: Why is it different? "

Lingbao Pavilion is a powerful commercial organization. Many cultivators from sects came in to find opportunities, and cultivators from this organization came in to collect spirit grass. The people of this organization did not go there by themselves. Looking for the spirit grass, they brought in a lot of spirit stones and medicinal pills, and exchanged the spirit stones and medicinal pills for the spirit grass in the hands of others. "

Uncle Xiao, you know, after going out, the sect will check the cultivators who go out, and ask the sect to exchange the harvested income from the secret realm with the sect to exchange spiritual stones or contribution points, medicinal pills, general sects and cultivators The exchange is fair, but there are always some sects who like to take advantage of the cultivators under the sect. "

Some cultivators directly replaced the collected spirit grass with medicinal herbs, and after going out, there was no such scruples. "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said thoughtfully: So it is! Chen Shao, you know a lot. "

Chen Xu smiled and said: This is nothing. "

I would also like to thank Chen Shao for your delivery box. "Xiao Jingting said.

Just a gadget, nothing. "

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, "It's a gadget for Chen Shao, but I've helped your Uncle Xiao a lot. "

Xiao Jingting secretly said: Lingbao Pavilion heard that more than 100 foundation-building practitioners have come in. He is still mysterious, and people still respect him three points. If Bào reveals his identity, people may see him as weak, and maybe they will leave. Thoughts, Lingbao Pavilion's reputation is good, but, in this world, an organization that can stand for thousands of years, who can guarantee that there are no tricks.

Chen Xu smiled shyly and said, "It's good for Uncle Xiao." "

Chen Shao, you said that the spirit-cleaning grass only grows in the inner city of the Tianxia secret realm, and the inner city takes two years to open? "Xiao Jingting asked.

Chen Xu nodded and said: Yes. "

Xiao Jingting rubbed his forehead. If the information is not perfect, it is not good! He originally thought that there would be spirit washing herbs in the medicine garden, and he wanted to try his luck in other medicine gardens, but now it seems that it is not possible.

To enter the inner city of Tianxia Secret Realm, you need to cross the swamp. There are miasmas, poisonous insects, and demons in the swamp. It is not easy to pass through. "Chen Xu said worriedly.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Although the inner city still has a long time to open, but we have to prepare earlier. "

I heard that the inner perimeter of the medicine garden is the place where the good things are concentrated, and there may be pure spiritual liquid in it. "Chen Xu said.

Xiao Jingting asked: What is pure spiritual liquid? "

The things that can help the formation of infants are also very beneficial to the cultivation of cultivators in the Yuan Ying period. "Chen Xu said.

Can you help Jiedan? "Xiao Jingting asked.

Chen Xu nodded and said: Of course, but this thing is used to help the formation of pills, which is a bit overkill. "

Xiao Jingting: "..." Qiu Yun said that the Spirit Washing Grass is the most precious thing in the secret realm. It seems that Qiu Yun doesn't know enough about the secret realm. Who is more precious than the Spirit Washing Grass? It's hard to say. Let's see who needs it more.

Chen Xu held his chin, and said with anticipation: If I can find the washing spirit grass, I can become a double spirit root. "

Xiao Jingting said in surprise: "Double spiritual roots, how can they be double spiritual roots!" "

Chen Xu blinked and said: I am the three spiritual roots, and if you wash off one spiritual root, you will be the double spiritual root! "

Xiao Jingting's eyes widened, and he said, "Spiritual washing grass can only wash off one spiritual root?" "

Chen Xu nodded and said: Yes! However, the general washing spirit grass is used by people with double spirit roots, and it costs a lot to use it on three spirit roots. "

Xiao Jingting: "What are you doing! Qiu Yun, this guy, rubbed him again, but it's no wonder Qiu Yun, I guess Qiu Yun himself is not very clear.

I thought that washing spirit grass could turn a person into a single spirit root. "Xiao Jingting said with some disappointment.

Chen Xu glanced at Xiao Jingting and said: Uncle Xiao, don't be too disappointed, it's not bad to become a double spiritual root. "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Yes! "


Xiao Jingting passed some of the medicinal pills in the past every day, and sold them to the people in Lingbao Pavilion. The two sides maintained a friendly flow of medicine.

From the people in Lingbao Pavilion, Xiao Jingting knew that the eldest young master who was bitten by the scorpion had woken up and had recovered.

The people at Lingbao Pavilion seemed to be in awe of Xiao Jingting's ability to develop a detoxification formula.

With a mentality full of admiration for the other party, Xiao Jingting was speechless. It was rare to encounter such a good opportunity. Xiao Jingting decided to sell all the medicinal pills in stock. In order to maintain his unfathomable image, Xiao Jingting lied about those qualities. The pills that are not good enough are all refined by his apprentices.

After a period of time, Xiao Jingting exchanged nearly 2,000 mid-grade spirit stones from Lingbao Pavilion, and the shrunk small treasury finally filled up again.

Zhou Lan looked at the medicine pill in his hand, thoughtfully.

Senior Brother, did that senior send the medicine pill again? "Zhang Qing walked into the house and asked.

Zhou Lan nodded and said: I gave it, I gave it a lot. "

What's wrong? " Zhang Qing asked.

It's nothing, it's just a little strange. Look at this three-striped blood tuckahoe pill. This pill should be made of 100-year-old blood tuckahoe. However, 100-year-old blood tuckahoe is rare! This senior sent seven or eight bottles. "

What's so strange about this, maybe someone bought such a spirit grass? "Zhang Qing said.

Zhou Lan shook his head and said: If there is only one kind of medicinal herb, it is fine. However, there are many such medicinal medicinal herbs, and many medicinal medicinal herbs are made from very rare spirit herbs. This person has taken out a lot, and there are Some elixirs that few people know about. "

Zhang Qing touched his chin and said: Brother, do you suspect that the other party has a secret recipe for cultivating and cherishing spiritual plants? Also mastered a lot of Dan Fang? "

Zhou Lan nodded and said: Yes! The other party is very suspicious. Since this guy can come in, it means that his cultivation is not too high. He is doing such a mysterious thing, and most of them have scruples. I think this person may be afraid that people will know his privacy. made. "

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