Although Xu Mu'an is nominally Xiao Jingting's wife in the Xiao family, Xiao Jingting doesn't take Xu Mu'an seriously at all. In order to survive better, Xu Mu'an will always find ways to enrich herself. In fact, Xu Mu'an was not allowed to enter Xiao Jingting's study. Xu Mu'an always calculated the time and sneaked in when no one was there.

Hearing Xu Mu'an mentioning the library, Xiao Jingting suddenly remembered those hot atlases, and immediately blushed.

Chapter 29 Xiao Jinfeng's accident

I'll go to town tomorrow to buy something and then we'll get to work. "Xiao Jingting said.

Hearing Xiao Jingting say this, Xu Mu'an naturally had no opinion and agreed. "

The next day, Xu Mu'an looked at the things Xiao Jingting bought and was speechless.

You are back, I bought you a lot of things, come and see. "Xiao Jingting said to Xu Mu'an excitedly.

Look at these shoes, these shoes are called Yufeng Boots, which can increase the speed twice, and this clothes, this is a third-level vest, which can offset 50% of the attack power, this is the inner armor, which can protect the key parts, and also With this bead, if you throw it out, it will explode, but unfortunately it is a one-time item, it will be gone after one use, and I also bought some attack symbols, a piece of seven taels of silver, it's really fucking expensive..."

Xiao Jingting has been a human being in two lifetimes, and he cherishes his life very much. Although he covets Cui Yuncao, which can improve his strength, Young Master Xiao values ​​his own life even more.

How much money did it cost! "Xu Mu'an asked. Xiao Jingting bought two sets of things. The set for Xu Mu'an was placed on the bed, and his own set was already worn on him. Xiao Jingting also bought himself a pair of green bamboo swords.

Xiao Jingting smiled awkwardly and said, "One hundred and forty taels in total. "

Xu Muan was stunned for a moment. After the Lingzhi in the middle field was sold, he got more than 300 taels of silver. Xiao Jingting gave him 100 taels of silver. Originally, Xu Muan thought that Xiao Jingting had more than 200 taels in his hand, which should be enough money. It took a while, but this time it went down for one hundred and thirty taels. During this time, Xiao Jingting spent a lot of time on hiring a long-term worker. If it goes on like this, two hundred taels is not enough at all...

Xu Mu'an said to herself: Xiao Jingting has changed a lot recently, but this problem of spending a lot of money has not changed! However, it is better for Xiao Jingting to buy practical things with money than to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble! Although she tried her best to comfort herself, Xu Muan couldn't help but feel the pain.

Well, I was born to be useful, and the money will come back after all the money is gone. Money, if you earn it again, you will have a try! "Seeing Xu Mu'an's pain, Xiao Jingting comforted.

Xu Mu'an nodded and said, "Okay! "

The next day, Xiao Xiaofan and Xiao Xiaodong were told to take good care of their homes at home, Xiao Jingting took Xu Mu'an and walked towards the mountain.

Head of Xiao, go to the fields! "

The head of Xiao, next time you have to find someone to farm, remember to find the one from my family! "

Head of Xiao, you look really good in this outfit! "

The head of Xiao, the newly bought sword! It really matches you. "


Xu Mu'an tilted her head, looked at Xiao Jingting, and said: You are now a celebrity. "

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, "Let's go. "

When Xu Muan and Xiao Jingting went to the wild, they accidentally found a snake and an eagle fighting. Seeing this scene, Xu Muan and Xiao Jingting were stunned for a moment, and quickly hid.

Humans and demons are natural enemies. When encountering people in the wild, those fighting demons can easily unite the front to deal with the monks first.

I guess I made a mistake, the green cloud grass has already begun to emit fragrance. "It's just that the scent is still very light now.

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "It's okay, the environment in the wild is unpredictable. "

The giant snake and the giant eagle fought together, and the battle was fierce.

A small snake fell off the top of the tree, Xiao Jingting was startled, and immediately caught the attention of the two fighting demons.

I distract them, you destroy the green cloud grass. "Xu Mu'an jumped down the tall tree decisively, launched an attack on the two demons in the air, and led the two demons in the air to chase after them.

Xiao Jingting's heart tightened. Although he was worried about Xu Mu'an's safety, Xiao Jingting did not dare to give up the opportunity that Xu Mu'an had won for him. He quickly jumped off the tree and threw the green cloud grass into the jade pendant space.

Xiao Jingting was taken aback by the sound of an eagle chirping full of bào viciousness. He didn't expect the demon shòu to leave and return so quickly.

It turned out that after the giant eagle was led away by Xu Mu'an, he suddenly found that the aura of Cui Yuncao had disappeared, and left the giant snake and Xu Mu'an and ran back.

Xu Muan saw that the giant eagle and the giant snake were turning back, so she could only turn back.

Run fast. "Xu Mu'an exclaimed.

Xiao Jingting ran away quickly, only that his parents didn't give him two more legs.

Seeing the disappearance of Cui Yuncao, the annoyed giant eagle chased after Xiao Jingting, waving its sharp claws towards Xiao Jingting below.

Xu Mu'an shot three arrows at the giant eagle, one aimed at the throat

Tube, two arrows aimed at the wings.

Three arrows and two arrows failed, one arrow hit the giant eagle's wings, Xu Mu'an's sleeve arrows were sharp, and the giant eagle was pierced by the wings and flew very unstable.

Xiao Jingting didn't have time to rejoice, the giant python had already rushed towards him, Xiao Jingting immediately threw the black beads, and the beads exploded, shattering the scales on the top of the python's head.

Xiao Jingting looked at the giant python who was still showing his teeth and claws, and thought about the bead seller in his heart.

A sleeve arrow hit the seven inches of the monster python, and the monster python screamed in agony.

Xiao Jingting excitedly took out a stack of magic talismans and smashed them towards the monster python.

While the monster python was dizzy, he made two more swords towards the monster python's seven inches.

The giant eagle in the sky, seeing the tragic state of the monster python, flew away in despair.

Xu Muan took back the sleeve arrows she had left. A set of six sleeve arrows, within a certain distance, the sleeve sleeves and sleeve arrows will be sensitive and can be automatically retracted.

Xiao Jingting looked at the dead python in shock, and smoothed his chest.

Are you OK. "Xu Mu'an walked to Xiao Jingting and asked.

Xiao Jingting shook his head and said, "It's okay, are you okay, what's wrong with you?" I don't feel very good looking at you! "

The arrow just hit the wing of the flying eagle, and the eagle took my hidden arrow away. Xu Muan said with some regret. A set of Xiu Jian can play the most role, and if one is missing, it will be a lot worse. The Xiu Jian was the first precious gift Xiao Jingting gave him, and Xu Muan actually cherished it very much.

It's okay, I'll buy you a better set later. "Xiao Jingting said nonchalantly.

Xu Muan suppressed the loss in her heart, nodded, and said: Pack up, let's go. "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said, "Okay! "

Xiao Jingting murmured, "One talisman is seven taels of silver, five pieces have been used up, and one black pearl is twelve taels of silver, which is a big loss. "For this monster python, Xiao Jingting spent forty-seven taels. This monster python was bombed and tattered, and if it was sold, it would cost more than 20 taels at most. Big loss.

Xu Mu'an smiled and said, "It's fine if you're okay, but money is all you need to earn." "

Xu Mu'an privately felt that Xiao Jingting's fighting skills were too poor, and he was not able to respond well on the spot, and seemed to be afraid of snakes. Fulu is expensive and cruel. Many people use it to save their lives, but Xiao Jingting doesn't seem to want money. Throwing the same thing is really expensive, afraid that it will hit Xiao Jingting, Xu Muan just thought about these words in his heart.

Am I acting too badly? "Xiao Jingting asked, his caliper seems to be too bad, if not, it wouldn't cost so much.

Xu Muan smiled and said: After all, you are still a novice! It's like this for beginners. When I first started hunting demons, I was at a loss. A first-level jī could frighten me enough. "

Xiao Jingting and Xu Mu'an packed up the python's body and left the jungle.

Although Xiao Jingting chose a secluded way to walk, he still met many people. Xiao Jingting is now a man of influence in the village, and it is impossible to keep a low profile if he wants to.

Head of Xiao, you are really amazing. You killed such a big snake. "

Head of Xiao, you are amazing! Look at the appearance of this snake, it is powerless to fight you! "

Head of Xiao, you are really capable! Can hunt and farm. "

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