The other party's spaceship quickly overtook it, and when it passed by Xiao Xiaodong's spaceship, it didn't stop for a while.

Xiao Xiaofan looked at the spaceship that the other party flew over and said, "That spaceship is so imposing! "

Xiao Xiaodong: "..." Xiaofan, this idiot, grows others' ambition and destroys his own prestige at this time.

Qingpi shòu chased after him angrily, and when he met Xiao Xiaodong and others, he rolled up a huge làng head.

Xiao Xiaodong's little flower jumped into the water, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a monster that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a dragon but not a dragon.

Brother, your little flower has committed suicide by jumping into the river. "Xiao Xiaofan paused for a while, then said again: Oh, it's not dead, it's a swimmer, eldest brother, your body can swim."

Xiao Xiaodong was speechless listening to Xiao Xiaofan's startled cry.

Chen Xu's face darkened, and he said, "Your brother, this demon shòu, is not a jī, but a mirage! "

He had known for a long time that the monster that appeared in the mine inexplicably was absolutely extraordinary. The mirage was born from a juvenile and a dragon, and when it entered the water, it turned into a dragon. It was good at weaving illusions and liked to eat swallows.

Huahua opened her mouth and roared angrily. The blue mist on the sea suddenly became confused, and several ferocious phantoms of the sea appeared on the sea.

Everyone get started. Xiao Xiaodong shouted. The Qingpi Shòu was trapped by Huahua's illusion, but it was only temporary. Huahua's bloodline was higher than that of the Qingpi Shòu, but the level of the Qingpi Shòu was just a foundation building level. Not some half point.

Xiao Xiaodong gave an order, and the rest of the people immediately formed their positions and launched an attack.

With a wave of Xiao Xiaofan's fire cloud flag, the sea suddenly turned crimson.

Xu Muan didn't ask for the Huoyunfan, and gave it to Xiao Xiaofan. After Xiao Xiaofan got it, if he found a treasure, he would use it and wave it twice.

Qingpi shòu is full of anger in the sea, rampage.

Xiao Xiaodong felt a little regretful, the power of the Huoyun Banner was weakened by 20% in the sea water, otherwise, Xiao Xiaofan's attack would have achieved greater results.

Lei Xuan took out a staff. The body of the staff was made of a thousand-year-old spiritual wood. One end of the staff was inlaid with a shòu core of a thunder-type golden elixir demon. With a wave of the staff, the thunder and lightning from the sky hit the ground. On the green skin shòu in the water.

Xiao Xiaofan and the others showed their magical powers, all kinds of magic weapons, and greeted Qingpi shòu in unison.

The few foundation-building cultivators who were anxious to escape, their soul power swept to the green skin and were stopped, and they were not in a hurry to escape.

Those four foundations seemed to have stopped Qingpi Shòu. "

The magic tools in these guys' hands seem to be extraordinary! "Xie Jinyan said.

That flag is nice. "The fire cloud flag waved, the sea turned crimson, and the sea boiled.

The guy with the thunder and lightning attributes is not weak in the magic weapon in his hand. "

Which family are these guys from? It seems that they are not very old, and they are all building foundations. Miao said shabbyly. These guys are not weak at all. The senior Jindan in the family may not have the magic tools in their hands. Which family is it?


Under the repeated bombardment by Xiao Xiaodong and others, the blue-skinned shòu of the Golden Core Stage gradually showed a state of exhaustion.

Should we go back and help them! "Xie Jinyan rolled her eyes and said.

Miao Han nodded and said, "That's right, the other party just left us in order to save us from danger. It's really not good. "

Cao Tong echoed: "The two of you are absolutely right. "

Xie Jinyan looked at Miao Han, who was just and righteous, and a bit of sneer flashed in his heart, thinking: Miao Han must have also liked the magic weapon of this group. , She thanked Jinyan for the magic weapon, which was rewarded by a Jindan ancestor in the clan, and the other teenagers in the clan envied it very much, but compared with those in the hands of this group of people, her magic weapon was somewhat out of hand.

The green-skinned shòu looks a bit like a crocodile, with sharp fangs, hard scales all over its body, rough skin and thick flesh.

Although Xiao Xiaodong and the others' attacks were sharp, Qingpi's defense was astonishing, and they were able to withstand it.

Xiao Xiaofan said angrily: This big monster has such powerful defensive power! "His hand was sore when he waved the magic weapon, but this guy is still not dead.

Lightning, explode. "Lei Xuan tirelessly launched the attack.

Under the repeated attacks of several people, Qingpi shòu finally opened a wound, and Lei Xuan immediately seized the opportunity and kept attacking the wound.

Xiaohua spewed out a breath of mist towards Qingpi Shòu's wound. In an instant, Qingpi Shòu's wound was corroded, and the wound quickly expanded.

In addition to being able to breathe out the phantom mist with powerful hallucinogenic effects, Xiaohua can also convert this phantom mist into poisonous mist.

Here comes the man who escaped just now. "Xiao Xiaodong said.

Xiao Xiaodong’s face was cold. After a fierce battle, the spiritual energy in their bodies was a little depleted. These guys are coming here now to think of something.


The spaceship galloped over, a few cultivators stood at the bow, Miao Han smiled at Xiao Xiaodong and the others, and raised his voice: You have worked hard, we will help them solve this green leather shòu. "

As soon as Miao Han's voice fell, the pào stage on the boat was aimed at Qingpi shòu, and then the pào fire roared.

Xiao Xiaofan was so angry that they were about to succeed. As a result, these people ran over to pick peaches, and they were so righteous and dignified, a Jindan stage demon can also exchange for a lot of spirit stones.

The pào fire almost went past Xiao Xiaofan and others, Xiao Xiaodong pulled Chen Xu aside, this group of people seemed to be dealing with Qingpi shòu and shocking them.

A rope was rolled towards several people, Xiao Xiaodong and others were rolled aside together with Xiao Hua.

Dad, when did you come. "Xiao Xiaofan cried out in excitement when he saw Xiao Jingting.

It's been a long time. "Xiao Jingting said lightly.

Xiao Xiaofan was stunned for a moment and said, "It's been a long time? "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: Yes! "

Xiao Xiaofan said puzzledly: Dad, are you hiding and watching a play? "

Originally, I planned to take action, but since you can solve it by yourself, I didn't show up. "Xiao Jingting said.

Under the conditions of life and death, it is more helpful for breakthroughs. Such opportunities for battle are not common. If there is any danger, Xiao Jingting will naturally take action.

Those bastards should just shrink their heads and come to pick up bargains later, so if they want to get spirit stones from them, I am afraid it is impossible. "Xiao Xiaofan said angrily.

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, "It's no trivial matter for a Jindan stage cultivator to fight back when he is dying. "

Qingpi shòu roared angrily, and the monstrous wind rolled up, and bursts of golden light emerged from Qingpi shòu.

Xiao Xiaodong's eyes widened, and he said, "This green skin is not going to explode, right?" "

Xiao Jingting blocked Xiao Xiaodong and others behind him, nodded indifferently, and said: It seems that he is about to explode himself. "

Seeing this scene, Miao Han and the others on the spaceship were shocked and pale.

Xiao Jingting summoned five flying swords, and the five swords combined to break Qingpi Shòu's forehead, preventing Qingpi Shòu's self-destruction, and a golden pill flew out and fell into Xiao Jingting's hands.

Xiao Jingting rolled up his sleeves, and the green leather shòu in the sea was dragged out, allowing Xiao Jingting to stuff it into the space.


Miao Han on the spaceship watched the scene, and there was a sense of joy in escaping death in his heart, but also a little empty.

Thank you seniors for your help. "Miao Han cupped his hands and said towards Xiao Jingting.

Xiao Jingting stood on the bow with his hands on his back, and said in a very dignified manner: "You're welcome, you're welcome." "

I don't know the name of my senior. "Miao Han said respectfully.

Xiao Jingting. Xiao Jingting said frankly. Xiao Jingting secretly said: His name Xiao Jingting must be well-known in Yunzhou now, but he is still a newcomer here.

It turned out to be Senior Xiao, thank you for your help before. "Miao Han said.

Hey, don't be too close, as for the spirit stones, the ten high-grade spirit stones that have been agreed, don't think about defaulting on the debt! "Xiao Xiaofan stuck his waist fiercely.

Xiao Jingting's heart blossomed with joy, good son, it's not in vain! He also wanted to say this, but he is an expert now! Speaking of Lingshi's words, it would be too philistine, and it would be too detrimental to his image as a master.

Xiao Jingting glanced at Xiao Xiaofan and said reproachfully: Xiaofan, what is your attitude, this young master and young lady come from a wealthy family, will they send you some spiritual stones? "

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