Yu Jinzhi, this bastard, did not stand on the side of the Xu family, but on the side of the city lord's mansion. After this incident, the two sides could only stand on opposite sides.

Long Jingtian waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. "

Long Jingtian's mouth was flat. He didn't intend to help at first, but the other party's courage was too small. When he saw him here, he was scared and stupid. Don't show up, hide and take a peek.

Xu Qian looked at Long Jingtian's immature face, and thought of what he said in the investigation, Long Jingtian was ruthless, vicious, and committed all kinds of evil. The guy in front of him is really the freak with a famous reputation. It's a little different!

Xu Qian turned towards Xiao Jingting, looked over, and said: Xiao alchemist, I heard that you are already a fifth-level elixir master? "

The Xu family inquired about Long Jingtian's situation, and naturally they also inquired about Xiao Jingting and Xu Mu'an's situation. Xu Qian felt incredible about the situation.

Xiao Jingting's son and Long Jingtian of the Dragon Clan are a pair, not only that, Long Jingtian often works for Xiao Jingting, Xiao Jingting is a fifth-level elixir master.

It does. "Xiao Jingting said.

I have an unkind request. "Xu Qian said.

Xiao Jingting raised his hand and said, "Senior, but it doesn't matter. "

Xu Qian nodded and said slowly: The Xu family has a cooperative relationship with the largest Jinyun auction house in Jinjiatian. Every time the Jinyun auction house holds a large-scale auction, the Xu family will refine a few fifth-level magic tools and go to send the auction. , but, this time, several fifth-level immortal artisans of the Xu family

Something went wrong, so there are some on the auction house... The auction house said, if Alchemist Xiao, if a fifth-level elixir was brought to auction, they would be very grateful. "

Xiao Jingting nodded and said: "Okay, I see, just in time, I have a batch of medicinal pills I want to sell, but I can't find a way. "

Xu Qian smiled gratefully and said, "In that case, I would like to thank Alchemist Xiao. "

Xu Qian secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The situation of the Xu family was very bad. If people knew that the relationship between Xu Muan and the Xu family was not as close as everyone imagined, there might be more troubles.

In any case, Xiao Jingting and Xu Muan should stay for a while longer, and if Long Jingtian wants to come, others will not dare to move.

Father-in-law, what are you doing to promise this old guy! Before the Xu family, I wanted to pry your corner. "Long Jingtian looked at Xiao Jingting and asked.

Xiao Jingting smiled and said, "It's a lot of work. "As his strength improves, his vision will naturally be different, and he doesn't want to pursue it any more about his relationship with the Xu family.

I thought about it, it's too difficult to find someone by looking for a needle in a haystack. "Xiao Jingting said. If he can make a name for himself in the next world, it would be much easier for Xiaodong and Xiaofan to fly up to find someone.


Xiao Xiaojin and Long Jingtian were walking on the street, accompanied by a few teenagers from the Xu family.

Long Jingtian swept all the way and bought a bunch of snacks.

Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian who was holding a pile of snacks and felt his face get hot.

What other people do is not as good as what you do. "Long Jingtian said to Xiao Xiaojin very much.

Xiao Xiaojin smiled politely, thinking in his heart: Long Jingtian's appetite is always so good.

Hey, Yu Jinzhi. "Xiao Xiaojin and Long Jingtian walked into the largest commercial firm near Xu's house, and accidentally ran into an acquaintance.

When Yu Jinzhi saw Xiao Xiaojin and Long Jingtian, his face panicked.

Xiao Xiaojin and several Xu family teenagers around Long Jingtian showed indignant expressions when they saw Yu Jinzhi.

This guy is still in the Xu family's land. He really has a face. "

This ungrateful thing, if it weren't for Elder Xu, he would have died long ago, and he still has a face here. "

Half-hearted things, climb a high branch, and abandon the original partner. "

Xiao Xiaojin looked at the teenagers in the Xu family and pouted.

Although he was a little shameless about Yu Jinzhi's behavior, Xiao Xiaojin did not intend to stand up for the Xu family.

The Xu family is also a big family. This incident is a huge blow to the Xu family. However, as long as the Xu family is given a little time, it is not difficult for the Xu family to relax and clean up a Yu Jinzhi.

Yu Jinzhi was greatly favored by the Xu family back then, but now he is on the opposite side of the Xu family. It is estimated that this kind of ungrateful person will not make people feel good.

Chapter 343 Robbery Yu Jinzhi

Yu Jinzhi hurriedly avoided Long Jingtian and Xiao Xiaojin, feeling depressed and tight.

After Xu Yuan passed away, the treatment of Yu Jinzhi by the Xu family plummeted.

Yu Jinzhi couldn't help but feel a little resentful about the Xu family's behavior of devoting more resources to their own disciples. In Yu Jinzhi's opinion, what the Xu family said was treated equally, but he was regarded as a When it comes to outsiders, it is better to take care of the disciples of this clan.

This time the city lord's mansion attacked the Xu family, and the Xu family asked Yu Jinzhi for help, and Yu Jinzhi felt that it was time.

Yu Jinzhi ignored the Xu family's request for help, and expressed his goodwill to the city lord's mansion.

The Lord's reconciliation is reconciled, and he is not a human being inside or outside of the mess.

Yu Jinzhi felt funny when he thought of the news he had found.

The husband-in-law of Xu Mu'an of the Xu family, Xiao Jingting, is a fifth-level elixir master, how could it be possible?

This Xiao Jingting also has some understanding. Back then, after the Xu family found Xu Mu'an, they wanted to match Xu Mu'an and Xu Han. However, Xu Mu'an had high vision and did not accept it. Later, Xu Mu'an asked the Xu family to distribute it. As a result, halfway through, Xu Mu'an eloped with Xiao Jingting. .

Xu Muan left with outsiders. This was a big scandal. Although the Xu family tried their best to cover up the incident, Xu Han was slapped in the face.

Xiao Jingting is just a virtual immortal who has just ascended. If this guy was a fifth-level alchemist, he should have approached the Xu family to snatch Xu Mu'an back. What's the use of eloping with Xu Mu'an!

Yu Jinzhi stayed with suspicion, but what he heard was that Xiao Jingting was indeed a fifth-level elixir master, and he had to cooperate with Jinyun Auction House. It was said that Jinyun Auction House was very optimistic about Xiao Jingting.

Thinking of the situation in front of him, Yu Jinzhi couldn't help but regret it.

The City Lord's Mansion has reconciled with Xu Jiayan, and the Xu family is on the line of Long Jingtian. It is no surprise that when the fifth-level refiners of the Xu family recover, the strength of the Xu family will take a leap. , he, who fell into trouble when the Xu family was down, would become the public enemy of the Xu family.

Yu Jinzhi gritted his teeth, secretly hating that he had acted too hastily, and started before the situation was clear.

Yu Jinzhi was walking on the road with complicated thoughts, when he was suddenly hit by a strong force, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Long Jingtian appeared beside Yu Jinzhi, and several Xu family teenagers around Long Jingtian looked at Long Jingtian with admiration.

He passed out, he just passed out so simply. "A teenager from the Xu family said excitedly.

Long Jingtian nodded and said: Yes! Although this guy is an Immortal Sovereign, his physique is too weak. "


Xiao Xiaojin and Long Jingtian returned to Xu's house.

Xu Mu'an looked at Xiao Xiaojin and said, "I'm back, I didn't cause any trouble. "

There was no big deal, that is, Long Jingtian, who drank a little wine, was slammed by a few stunned youths from the Xu family, and he robbed Yu Jinzhi. "Xiao Xiaojin said indifferently.

Xu Mu'an nodded and said: Oh, that's not a big deal. "Anyone who comes out to hang out will always have to pay it back. Yu Jinzhi has received so many benefits from the Xu family, and at a critical moment, he turned his back on the battlefield, and he deserved to be robbed.

Just robbed? Did not kill it. "Xu Mu'an asked tentatively.

Xiao Xiaojin shook his head and said, "That's not true. "

It's just that the boys of the Xu family, with the support of Youlong Jingtian, stepped on Yu Jinzhi's guy several times. Long Jingtian was drunk, and his shot might be a little heavy. Although Yu Jinzhi didn't die, he probably wouldn't feel too well.

I robbed Yu Jinzhi, what was the harvest! "Xu Mu'an asked.

Xiao Xiaojin shook his head and said nonchalantly: "Mother and father, only an immortal emperor in the early stage, how many good things can he have. "

In fact, Yu Jinzhi's net worth is quite a lot, and this guy should have gained a lot of benefits from Xu's family over the years, and he has also made a lot of extra money.

In this guy's space ring, there are a lot of boxed gifts, which should be dowry gifts. Although Long Jingtian doesn't look down on those things, Yu Jinzhi should have spent a lot of effort to prepare them. I don't know, without this batch. Thing, will Yu Jinzhi's wedding go smoothly?

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