Lord Long Zun, are you trying to buy or sell? "Zhang Tianyi said with a frown.

Long Jingtian nodded and said: Yes! To let you see, the two of them also asked me to buy medicinal pills just now. I recommended them and they didn't buy them, so I finally threw them out. "

Zhang Tianyi: "..."

I want two. "Zhang Yuxue maintained a smile.

Well, 20 million immortal crystals are so cheap, you know that even if you eat people to death, you will not suffer. "Long Jingtian said in high spirits.

Zhang Yuxue looked at Long Jingtian and said, "Really? Senior Long, I'm really curious, how did your alchemy shop continue to open. "

Long Jingtian blinked and said without hesitation: What is there to be curious about? "

Zhang Yuxue: "..."

Long Jingtian sent Zhang Yuxue away, and Xiao Xiaojin came out of the house and said, Jingtian, how is the business! "

I just sold out two more Divine Essence Pills. "Long Jingtian said.

good. "

Long Jingtian smiled and said, "Xiao Jin, don't worry, with me, the medicine pill will never fail to sell. "

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes, I believe that you have always been the most capable. "


Boss, I want two Divine Essence Pills. "

it is good. "Xiao Xiaodong replied lightly.

The Shenyuan Heaven Repairing Pills that were sold in the store at the beginning were considered fakes, and they were all sold on the basis of Long Jingtian's face. However, after selling the pills for a while, Long Jingtian did not need to do anything else. , the Divine Essence Butian Pill in the store sells very quickly.

More and more people came to buy medicinal herbs, and there were even cases where they were sold out.

Pengxuan walked in and said, "Fellow Daoist Xiao, the business in your store is good! "

Xiao Xiaodong smiled and said, "Let's be so-so. "

I heard that the Divine Essence Patching Pill in your store is very good. Not only is the medicinal effect better than the one sold by the Alchemist Association, but there are no side effects. "Peng Xuan said.

Long Jingtian curled his lips and said, "Who knows, this medicine pill is still in the testing stage, and Xiao Jin doesn't allow me to eat it, but until now, I haven't heard of eating dead people. "

Peng Xuan:..."

I came this time to buy a batch of Shenyuan Tianbuying Pills. "Peng Xuan said.

Long Jingtian nodded and said: Yes, yes, enough. "

Fellow Daoist Long, the alchemists in your alchemy shop are really amazing! "Pengxuan said sincerely.

Pengxuan originally thought that Long Jingtian had just hijacked a few ordinary elixir masters, but now it seems that this is not the case. An elixir master who can refine an improved version of Shenyuan Tianmenu Dan can be an ordinary person, such an elixir. Master, should not be a nameless person, but it has not yet been determined which elixir master is missing.

Long Jingtian looked at Peng Xuan and asked, "Friend Peng, what's the matter with you?" "

Peng Xuan shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm stunned, fellow Daoist Long, you developed an upgraded version of the medicinal pill, but you have slapped the Alchemist Association in the face! "

Long Jingtian waved his hand and said solemnly: This kind of medicinal pill is nothing, it is the treasure of those guys from the Alchemist Association who have never seen the world. "

Peng Xuan:..."


Long Jingtian and Peng Xuan were talking here, and a beautiful female cultivator walked in.

Long Jingtian, you are really promising! Hide in Zhongtianyu and open a broken shop. "Long Lingyu stood at the door and said.

Seeing Long Lingyu, Long Jingtian's eyes flashed a bit of bad breath.

Long Jingtian was on the top of Longshan back then, and was ostracized, and his peers were very unkind to Long Jingtian.

At this time, Long Lingyu threw an olive branch to Long Jingtian and sent many gifts to Long Jingtian. At the beginning, Long Jingtian didn't accept Long Lingyu's kindness, but Long Lingyu didn't take it to heart, and still faced Long Jingtian. Shockingly cold and warm.

When Long Jingtian began to soften a little, he realized that the reason why Long Lingyu was good to herself was only because she made a bet with others that she would be able to subdue him.

After Long Jingtian found out, his teeth were itchy with anger.

A group of people surrounded him sneeringly and scolding him for wanting to eat swan meat.

more than you. "Long Jingtian said, Xiao Niangpi, how come you are still an Immortal Sovereign after so many years! I said that your performance is too good, you have been staying in the Heavenly Domain, you behave like this, are you doing your best to be on the throne?" show?"

Long Lingyu blushed and said, "Long Jingtian, you are shameless. "

Long Jingtian said angrily: Shameless, why am I shameless, you are shameless. "

Let me tell you, Elder Taishang values ​​me very much. "Long Lingyu said triumphantly.

The Dragon Emperor values ​​you. Sure enough, there is no one in the Dragon Clan. No wonder, the old man is going to die and beg bailai to invite me back. "Long Jingtian said as if he had understood something.

Are you dreaming that the elders will invite you back? "Long Lingyu said in disbelief.

Long Jingtian snorted softly, and said, "Dragon clan has exhausted your wine bag and rice bag, and the dead old man will naturally know how good I am." "

Long Lingyu looked at Long Jingtian and said: Long Jingtian, don't be too arrogant, you are just lucky. "

I'm lucky, you see how bad luck you are! Whoever marries you is simply marrying a death star. "Long Jingtian said.

Long Lingyu blushed and cursed angrily, "You, you bastard..."

Long Jingtian curled his lips and said: "Little girl, be polite to me, otherwise, I will strip you naked and leave you outside to attract customers. You bastard, you are still a bit pretty, so I will ask someone to touch it. , give one hundred immortal crystals. "

Long Lingyu's embarrassed palm slashed towards Long Jingtian, and Long Jingtian waved Long Lingyu and flew out.

Pengxuan watched Long Lingyu and Long Jingtian quarrel, and before he could react, the situation had escalated.

Chapter 362: Alchemy in Public

When Xiao Xiaojin came out, he just saw the scene of Long Lingyu being split and flying.

Do you not understand Lianxiangxiyu too much? "Xiao Xiaojin looked at Long Jingtian and said helplessly.

Long Liangtian said nonchalantly: I took a little bit of strength, if I did my best, that guy would be dead, don't worry, that guy is a dragon, and he is strong. "

Xiao Xiaojin:..."

Did you have a holiday with that girl? "Xiao Xiaojin said.

Long Jingtian glanced at Xiao Xiaojin, smiled and said, "You can see it." "

Xiao Xiaojin nodded and said: Yes! "

That damn girl, used to seduce me. "Long Jingtian said.

Xiao Xiaojin said suspiciously: No. "

Although Long Jingtian looks good in the eyes of the human race, it is said that his appearance is very unpopular in the dragon race! Long Lingyu is in the Dragon Clan, and her appearance and aptitude are not bad. How could she like Long Jingtian?

She seduced me because she made a bet with someone else how soon she could take me down. "Long Jingtian said.

Xiao Xiaojin:..."

Then you were taken by her? "Xiao Xiaojin asked.

of course not. "In fact, he was really tempted at the time, but before he confessed to Long Lingyu, he accidentally learned the truth. The truth had a huge blow to Long Jingtian, and from that time on, Long Jingtian had certain feelings for women. Psychological shadow.

Xiao Xiaojin patted Long Jingtian on the shoulder and said, "The concentration is good! "

Long Jingtian smiled and said, "That's needless to say. "

You said, why did that little girl come to Zhongtianyu? "Xiao Xiaojin asked.

Long Jingtian shook his head and said, "I don't know either! "

Could it be a repeat of the old trick to seduce you? "Xiao Xiaojin asked.

Long Jingtian frowned and said, "Impossible. "


Lingyu, are you alright? "Long He looked at Long Lingyu and asked with concern.

Long Lingyu's face was sullen, she shook her head, and said, "It's fine. "

Long He was full of depression and said: Long Jingtian, this stinky boy, really doesn't understand Lianxiangxiyu. "

This guy's strength is really powerful, there is no reason to advance so quickly! "Long Lingyu said dully.

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