The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he was, and he violated the owner's inability to dial his mobile phone number unless there was an urgent agreement, and he pressed the owner's number.

It took a long time for the phone to be picked up, and there was a lazy voice from the host: "What's the matter?"

"Master, my wife is missing." Deze went straight into the subject.

"What do you think?" The host asked in disapproval.

"Did you pick her up?" Deze asked tentatively.

"Why do you say that?" The host asked in a cold voice.

"I have solid evidence, otherwise how could I call the Lord Lord." The soldiers don't tire of it. At this time, as long as they can rescue Ren Jiao, they can do anything.

"I'm back from the artificial lake. I'm in the study and haven't been out. Besides, I should talk to you about the things to talk about. Why did you abduct your wife? Isn't she about to give birth?" Look.

"Anyway, the evidence in my hands is made by yours. If this is the case, the transaction between us will be over and it will be too much to admit." Deze also said stiffly.

"Okay, then I'll check." The church owner's tone softened.

Half an hour later, the host told Dai Ze that it was indeed his men who took Ren Jiao away, but she is now safe and will not be aggrieved in his hallway, after all, she is pregnant.

Deze was anxious as soon as he heard, "I'll pick her up."

"Not right now, after the transaction is over." The host sighed helplessly.

"What? Is this obviously a kidnapping of hostages!" Deze roared angrily: "My wife will be born in a few days. What if something happens?"

"Rest assured, there is a famous doctor in the hall, she will be fine." The hall owner answered confidently.

"As a master, how can you secretly take my wife as a hostage when we have a good situation? Is this a mistrust of me? So, this transaction is cancelled, and you do n’t have to exhaust it so much Effortless, even if my company goes bankrupt in the future, I pedaled on a tricycle and went to the streets to collect it. I ended up with this cooperation. Please send my wife back immediately, or I will go to the police. "Dai Ze Tingtang The Lord never promised to send Ren Jiao back, and the fire in his heart suddenly broke out.

After listening to his sudden blast like a machine gun, the church owner was not angry, but explained nicely: "I really did n’t know about this. It was done by my sub church owners. He also wanted to ensure the transaction. It ’s safe. After all, this time the amount is too big. If something goes wrong, we will go bankrupt even if we do n’t get caught. ”

"I don't care about this, you are the master of the church, don't they listen to you. If you don't see my wife, I won't tell the band of white hats when and where to trade." Dai Ze shouted angrily.

"Let's go, I'll discuss it again, to know that sometimes the host doesn't say that everyone else can hear." The host smiled helplessly.

"Don't play any tricks with me. The master's actions this time really hurt me. If only ordinary people would do it, my wife would give birth. She can't stand the frustration. Well, I'll wait for your news. "After speaking, Daze hung up the phone.

The more he thought about it, Deze suddenly regretted that he shouldn't provoke this group of desperate people at the beginning. Now it's okay, even his wife has folded in.

How to do? How to do? He didn't know anything about Tangkou. How could he help?

Suddenly he thought of Mu Li, but he couldn't go to him anymore. The more he couldn't panic at this time, maybe there were people monitoring him, so as not to give them any information accidentally.

If you think that he can only force himself to calm down, sit on the sofa, and consider the best plan to rescue the teacher.

After much deliberation, I felt that I should still ask for help. Since he couldn't find him directly, then he went to Lin Qing.

Anyway, his company and Tongda are cooperative companies, and his relationship with Lin Qing is relatively close. He often drinks tea and dinner together.

The church owner once joked that he did not like the Captain's wife.

Deze asked him how he asked, and he said that he had accidentally encountered him with Lin Qing several times.

At that time, Dai Ze smiled ambiguous. He was afraid that the host would suspect that he had a good relationship with her in order to establish a relationship with the commander of the army.

With this layer of relationship, it is reasonable for him to go to Lin Qing now.

At this time, Dai Ze knew that his words and deeds would not allow the master of the church to discover anything, even if he did not monitor him, he had to treat it as surveillance.

In Lin Qing's office, Dai Ze told Lin Qing that Ren Jiao had been abducted by those people.

Lin Qing couldn't help but be surprised, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, in order to ensure the security of the transaction, they took Ren Jiao as a hostage. Now I don't know what to do. I talk to them on the phone and the result is not optimistic." Deze said very worried.

"So what do you want?" Lin Qing asked softly, knowing that Dai Ze had come to her, she must have asked for her.

"Could you tell this to the commander of the army and let him think of a way for me, I'm really wrong." Deze pleaded.

"Okay, let me tell Mu Li." Lin Qing nodded quickly and agreed.

Dai Ze told her the dialogue between the host and him in detail, and Lin Qing asked him to go back and wait for the news.

When he left, he took away all the goods that Tongda Company had rushed to complete.

From this point of view, it seems that Deze came over to rush the goods because of the depression in his heart.

Besides, now that all his belongings are basically in this batch, it is reasonable and reasonable to come to Tongda.

Lin Qing sent away Daze and called Mu Li, of course, they used the secret contact method.

Contacts such as will only be activated in case of an accident.

Mu Li put down his miniature cell phone, which he had secretly contacted with Lin Qing, and his heart sank again.

Unexpectedly, the host had been so cautious about this transaction, and now took Ren Jiao as a hostage.

Save or not? Mu Li is tangled.

How can I save? Li Sheng has just escaped from the danger and regained the trust of the church owner. If at this time his shot is undoubtedly exposed, the whole body will be affected by one shot, so all the people are in danger.

But if you do n’t save, Ren Jiao is a pregnant woman, and she will give birth. If there is something, how can Dai Ze bear it.

Is this the trick of the host again, and wants to try out Daze again, and try out the man in the game?

Things seem to be in a dead end. If it is not saved, this transaction will definitely not be carried out smoothly, because this is a trapping plan, and those who stay in the hall will naturally be disadvantageous to Ren Jiao.

How to do? How to do? Mu Li was really stumped.

He even thought that Ren Jiao and Guoguo should be sent abroad earlier, so that the host would not take her away.

Suddenly, he remembered a secret whistle he arranged to protect their family around Villa Dize.

He immediately called and asked, but they didn't notice anything at all and thought that Ren Jiao was at home.

Mu Li could not help yelling at them, and then let them quietly withdraw.

It seems that the church owner had planned it long ago, otherwise it would not have taken people away without leaving such traces.

And Ren Jiao could obediently walk with those men. Does she know the people?

Mu Li couldn't think of the game and didn't know how to save Ren Jiao at such a time.

Half an hour later, he came to take care of the secret place of residence.

Li Sheng, and the master and guardian of the church were all present, and Mu Li told them about Dai Ze's situation.

The father of the main guardian of the church thought for a while and said loudly, "There is no other way. I go back to the church, then pretend to be sick, postpone the time to return to the United States, and by the way, get together with my son for a few days, and secretly protect Madam Dai."

Everyone thinks about it and think there is nothing better than this method.

Li Sheng is definitely going to trade with the host.

And you can't mess things up before the transaction, otherwise their plans will naturally be ruined.

"On the surface, Daze still has to continue to negotiate with the host and save his wife. It is estimated that the host will definitely not let her go before the transaction. In the end, Daze is forced to help but continue to facilitate the transaction. In this way, you will try to deal with the transaction as soon as possible. This group of people was wiped out, and then my dad was protecting Mrs. Dai's safety inside the hall. "The main guardian said here, looked at Mu Li, and asked carefully:" Master, can I have a request? "

"What request? You say it." Mu Li nodded.

"I think on the day of the transaction, after they set off, they disguised themselves to return to the hall to assist my dad." The host defender asked.

"This is too dangerous." Mu Li immediately rejected his request.

"No, I know the entrance. I can disguise myself as a person who goes in and delivers things, and then joins with my dad. For a large transaction, the owner will definitely go out and take away the elite soldiers in the entrance. The entrance was empty, "said the main guardian of the hall.

"Yes, at that time, I can bring the lady of the church with Madam Dai, so that her safety will be more secure." The father of the church's guardian law echoed.

Mu Li thought about it, and thought it would be okay to do so. He originally wanted to arrest all the people at the entrance of the trading place.

Then go to the people at the entrance of the hall, so that they won't fight against the grass.

Now that Ren Jiao is in it, naturally she cannot act lightly, otherwise it will hurt innocent lives.

After the people left behind the hall are surrounded, they will definitely kill Ren Jiao as soon as possible.

There is the main guardian of the church and the protection of his father, so it is naturally safe.

But Mu Li was still worried that it would be difficult for them to contend with the left-overs.

Just while he was still in trouble, the father of the church's protector seemed to see his concern, and said again: "Relief, Master Captain, I am an old man at the entrance, they dare not treat me, and I There are also a lot of people, and this is why the affiliate tabooed me, forcing me to abdicate to my son to protect the law. At that time, this is no small force. "

Mu Li listened to his words, then nodded in peace, "Okay, just do what you say, be careful. I will send someone outside the hall to meet you, and wait for Ren Jiao and the wife of the house, etc. When the personnel were safe, they sent a signal, and they rushed in to cooperate with you inside and outside to end the old nest in the hall. "

Everyone clapped their hands and said yes, Mu Li told them that they would have to be cautious when the time comes. In case of an accident, they will notify immediately.

Speaking of a watch for the main guard, the main guard turned the watch in his hand and turned it around. Nothing was found, and he asked wonderingly, "Why did the army chief give us a watch?"

"This is a secret connector. He is a watch, and no one can detect that it is not a watch." Mu Li smiled.

"How to use it?" Asked the main guardian curiously.

Mu Li gave him the method of use, and the host defender couldn't help but marvel. "It's a good thing, it's such advanced science and technology. Human beings are simply against the sky."

Mu Li smiled: "This is all a secret weapon, and it is only used in the army. You must not leak these things out. After this mission is completed, you will return to Zhao."

"Okay, you're guaranteed to return to Zhao." Tang Zhu protects Fa smiled happily.

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