Mu Li turned around and looked at Wu Yue, and couldn't help asking: "How are you here?"

"Master, you forgot that my flower shop is opposite the company, I am going home from work." Wu Yue explained with a smile.

"Aren't you busy with the branch, don't you want to come here?" Mu Li replied faintly, as if he was explaining for his suddenness.

"Oh, the branch is busy, here is the main store always coming and going, or rest assured, Lin Qing has not been off work yet? Why not go up to find her?" Wu Yue asked very concerned, there was something in her voice A little distressed emotion is inside.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll come down when she's finished." Mu Li replied pretending to be light and light.

"Then I'll wait with you. It's boring alone." Wu Yue asked tentatively.

"No, you go back, it's getting dark, I like to stand alone." Mu Li's voice was a bit disgusting, Wu Yue didn't dare to insist on smiling and said to Mu Li: "Well, I'll go Go back and see you, Master Captain. "

After speaking, she turned and left, as if there was no trace of nostalgia for Mu Li.

In fact, she could pretend it, but she really hoped to stay with him.

Finally, before the sky was going to be completely dark, Lin Qing finally appeared at the door of Tongda's office building.

It's just that Jiang Tao followed her, and the two of them walked out laughing and laughing, especially intimate.

If Lin Qing came out alone, it would be the case. This is undoubtedly a fuel for Mu Li, who has been waiting for his heart.

The fist rattled, and his eyes glowed coldly. Thanks to the sky, it was already dim. His expression was not very clear, if not, it must be terrifying.

Lin Qing exclaimed when she saw Mu Li: "Ah, why did I forget to tell you to work overtime."

Mu Li didn't say anything, but just hummed, Jiang Tao seemed to feel sorry, and pleased to say hello to him: "Good commander."

"What do I have?" Mu Li asked coldly.

Lin Qing knew he was angry, so he quietly pulled Jiang Tao's arm and motioned him to leave quickly.

Jiang Tao smiled and said to them, "I am leaving first, Captain, Mrs. Captain."

Speaking, he felt that the situation was not good, and fled away.

For fear of being slower, Mu Li will unload him by eight pieces. Only he and Lin Qing worked overtime, and forgot to wait outside Mu Li. For two young children, anyone would be angry.

Even if it wasn't his fault, Jiang Tao would be guilty. He knew that the commander of the army would not treat the commander's wife, but it was difficult to say to him, so Lin Qing fled without enough anger.

If he did not escape, he was afraid that his righteousness would hurt Lin Qing instead.

It's just that his escape made Mu Centrifugal very uncomfortable. Lengheng, "Be a thief and feel guilty."

Of course, he also saw Lin Qing's small movement just now, and naturally this sentence was also heard by Lin Qing.

Lin Qing heard him and was not angry, but took his arm and apologized: "My dear husband, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's too late, let's go home quickly."

"You still know how to go home, it's all this time, and the family has eaten early." Mu Li was still angry.

"Mom called you?" Lin Qing asked carefully, Mu Li hadn't got angry for a long time, she was afraid he would burn her today at the fire conference.

Mu Li ignored her question, but Shen Shen asked, "What has to be busy until now, and just the two of you?"

"This is a company secret. I ca n’t tell you, why do you doubt Jiang Tao? Did you leave Daze and you have a new yy object?" Lin Qing was finally irritated by his indifference, his face Pile up displeased colors.

"You!" Mu Li was angry when she saw her attitude change.

Lin Qing was not afraid of him, she was not afraid of the oblique shadow, and she did nothing wrong, so why was she afraid of him!

Say sorry to him, but just don't want to quarrel, it's not that she is really wrong. If Mu Li still insists on not keeping up with her, then her apology will be withdrawn.

Therefore Lin Qingang stubbornly met his eyes, arguing wrongfully and angrily: "What about me? I have nothing to explain to Jiang Tao for working overtime. It is my fault that I waited so long for you. I have apologized. What do you want! "

"Is this an apology? It's in your heart at all" Mu Li was frightened by her anger and her voice couldn't help lowering.

"What's the matter! Are you a fool and won't come up to me? Aren't you skeptical!" Lin Qing knew what he was about to say and interrupted him forcefully.

"I just want to see when you can remember me!" Mu Li's voice finally softened, it seems that he really made trouble out of reason.

There were too many things in a day, each one upset him, and it was inevitable that he would spill his emotions on Lin Qing's body.

He didn't really doubt how she and Jiang Tao were, but when he was waiting for hunger, they both laughed and laughed, irritating him, as if Lin Qing had no such person in his heart. I can't forget it so much, so happy.

"You are so funny! I don't bother you." Lin Qingyong laughed and turned to walk in front of the car to open the door.

Mu Li quickly followed, sitting in the driver's seat, the car started, not the direction of the home, Lin Qing did not ask where to go, neither of them spoke along the way.

Finally, Mu Li's car stopped at Li Sheng's teahouse.

"Wife, don't be angry with me." Mu Li took the initiative to show off to Lin Qing.

"I'm not angry, you are always angry." Lin Qing said lightly. "Okay, it's my fault, I'm sorry." After the emotional precipitation along the way, Mu Li finally put down his stance to admit his mistake.

Lin Qing turned to look at him, and smiled slightly: "I'm really not angry, I just feel sorry for keeping you waiting that long, okay, let's turn the page and we won't say any more."

"Thank you, wife." Mu Li reached out and took Lin Qing's head over, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

After they got off the bus, they went into Li Sheng's teahouse. Li Sheng was calculating at the bar. He accidentally looked up and saw that they were the two of them. He ran out of the bar and was greeted with surprise: "Mr. Captain, Lady Captain What are you doing here? "

"At this time Lin Qing worked overtime, we haven't eaten yet. What are some simple side dishes?" Mu Li explained.

"Okay, I immediately ordered the kitchen to prepare." Li Sheng nodded and agreed, then asked with a smile: "Go to the private room."

"No, just find a seat by the window and watch the night view of the city." Lin Qing didn't want to be in a separate space with Mu Li. He was furious at her just now, although he said nothing, but he was very upset. comfortable.

"Just as she said." Mu Li didn't dare to go against Lin Qing's will, he knew he was doing too much.

"Please follow me." Li Sheng personally took the two of them to the window, and then went to the back kitchen to prepare dishes.

Lin Qing looked sideways at the traffic, the street lights were bright, and her heart gradually calmed down.

After all, Mu Li's performance is also good. If she is awkward again, it is her fault.

Mu Li looked at the lobby casually, and found that the seats were basically full. Now that the dining peak has passed, there are so many people and the business is good.

And this is not the main business of the tea house. The main business of the tea house is tea, which is just a sideline.

Suddenly Mu Li's eyes touched a person, a cowboy suit, a baseball cap, this is not that.

Thinking of this, he could not help but a spirit, the spoon in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp crackling sound.

Lin Qing looked at him in surprise, only to see that he was looking down to pick up the spoon, could not help but said, "Will it break on the ground?"

But Mu Li didn't seem to hear it. After a while, he raised his head and said softly, "I'm afraid the debris will hurt you, pile a pile."

"Just call the waiter over." Lin Qing said puzzledly.

"It's too much trouble." Mu Li whispered, "Let's eat, all right."

Lin Qing felt that he seemed to behave abnormally, but he couldn't guess why, so he stopped thinking and drank his food.

Mu Li secretly looked at the young man. She didn't seem to notice the movement here and was eating carelessly.

Mu Li couldn't help whispering in his heart who this person was, and why he could meet him at random.

Is she following him? What is the purpose behind her?

Seeing him with Lin Qing, will he start with Lin Qing? Thinking of this, Mu Li's face became very tense. He was not afraid, but he was afraid that something would happen to Lin Qing.

Therefore, I couldn't help but ask, "Lin Qing, can you let Jiang Tao at Tongda Company?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing was inexplicably asked by this nonchalant sentence.

"We do n’t just want to relax when we go traveling, do we want a little princess? But now that you are so busy every day, then we go out traveling for nothing, and our body returns to a tired state, so you let the company go and let Jiang Tao take care of you How about being a consultant? "Mu Li persuaded Lin Qing to retire.

Lin Qing felt that he was justified, but her body was not moving, making her anxious and not confident.

Sometimes I do n’t know what I want, but it ’s more practical to continue working.

Therefore, Lin Qing was also very entangled and didn't know how to get along with herself. "How can I wait for pregnancy at home? It's boring."

"Isn't there still a mother at home and us? How could it be boring? Didn't Lu Xiao always go out to work at home? You can learn from her and how to stay bored at home." Mu Li continued to persuade Lin Qing.

"Lu Xiao is ready to go to work." Lin Qing said helplessly: "I can see that she is very unhappy at home."

"Soon you will get pregnant." Mu Li was not willing to give up.

"How do you know? If not," Mu Li stretched out her hand and stuffed a piece of braised pork into her mouth before she finished speaking. "Do not talk nonsense."

"Why don't you suddenly want me to go to work?" Lin Qing said aggrieved, "when you're really pregnant, can you stop?"

"I'm worried about you," Mu Li confessed that she was silent, and quickly changed her voice: "I'm worried that you're too tired, and your body is not in the best state of conception."

"I will no longer work overtime in the future, and let Jiang Tao handle the company's affairs. Is it okay for you?" Lin Qing was persuaded by him for this reason, and prayed and looked at Mu Li.

"Well, go to work on time, don't be too tired, or you will resign at any time." Mu Li finally let go.

"Thank you husband." Lin Qing smiled sweetly when he agreed.

Seeing that she had completely forgotten the unpleasantness that had just happened, Mu Li was very happy, and laughed softly: "Hurry up, the dishes will be cold."

After speaking, pick up a piece of braised carp, carefully remove the thorns, and then send it to Lin Qing's mouth with a chopstick.

When he looked up inadvertently, he saw a figure coming to their table, jeans, is it him?

Mu Li hurriedly looked sideways, and it turned out that the young man in a denim costume came over and smiled at him with his lips raised.

Lin Qing opened her mouth but couldn't wait for the fish, Mu Li's chopsticks stopped far from **** her lips.

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