The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1046: Inexplicable emotions

Her reaction was undoubtedly Wu Yue ’s guilty conscience, and she could n’t help laughing: “Well, how did Lin Qing change the messenger for the flowers today? What about your army chief?

"Wu Yue, why are you here again?" Lin Qing didn't listen to her words and asked displeasedly.

"Why can't I be here? Isn't my flower shop here?" Wu Yue looked at Lin Qing with amusement.

The scene at this time was like a few days ago, Commander Liao sent Lin Qing home and met Wu Yue at the gate of the community.

Lin Qing narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "Are you still okay? If it's okay, I'll go in."

"Go in, I just got off the bus." Wu Yue laughed.

"Your car hasn't been repaired yet?" Lin Qing teased. "Still addicted by bus?"

"I won't drive anymore after I prepare, walk, and take a bus when I'm tired." Wu Yue smiled mysteriously: "A healthy and safe lifestyle, you might as well try it."

"Come on, I don't have as much care as you do." After that, Lin Qing turned and walked inside the gate.

Wu Yue looked at her back, with an elusive smile on her face.

Besides, Mu Li accompanied Liao Sisi to repair the shoes, and then sent her to the company before returning to the military compound.

The bench hadn't been warmed up in the office, Xiaolong came in and reported that Commander Liao was looking for him.

Ten minutes later, Mu Li appeared in Commander Liao's office.

Commander Liao handed him a cup of tea and looked at him with a deep smile and said, "How are you?"

"What does Commander Liao mean?" Mu Li couldn't understand why he asked so.

"Does my girl often harass you?" Liao Lingling asked with a smile.

His question made Mu Li can't help but hesitate to know how to answer.

The answer is that Commander Liao seems to be very shameless. If he says no, he will lie against his principles.

"The only child lacks love. If she often harassed you, she may treat you as an older brother. I hope you can take more care of her. You also know the situation in my family. It is rare that she has this heart. With a sigh, "I always owe her a lot."

Mu Li listened to his words, and he could not help but understand the feelings of Commander Liao.

To be honest, Liao Sisi can also be tolerated for his sake. Mrs. Liao has been paralyzed in bed for more than 20 years. He has never given up and hasn't rumored. This is not easy for a man.

Commander Liao entrusted all happiness and joy to the daughter of Liao Sisi.

He certainly couldn't wrong her. Since she was her brother, he would love her and protect her like her brother.

It can also be said to comfort Commander Liao's fatherly love, so he smiled back and said, "Si Si is a lovely sister."

"It's too annoying. She is always alone at home, and her mother can't stay with me. I'm in the army all day. If you affect your work and life, you tell me I will discipline her." Commander Liao was helpless. She shook her head and smiled: "She can't cope with her clueless head."

"It's not annoying, it's good to be a child who is not restrained by nature. With her, she feels like she is back in her youth." Mu Li understands that Commander Liao loves Liao Sisi, and does not want to say anything bad about her. The big little girl, lively and cheerful without heart or lungs, may be the nonsense of Commander Liao, and there is nothing to worry about.

Even if she bothered her, she made him uncomfortable and couldn't tell Commander Liao that the father didn't love his daughter.

"That's good. Come and sit with Lin Qingduo at home when you are free. Rarely she has good friends, but she often mentions you." Commander Liao seemed to be relieved and laughed happily. .

"We will treat her like our sister and always get along well." Mu Li nodded and agreed.

Out of Commander Liao's office, Mu Li felt his head was big.

Liao Sisi became a little tail that he could not shake off, what should I do?

At this time, he thought of Lin Qing, Liao Sisi and Lin Qing became good friends and would not entangle him.

Under the guidance of Commander Liao, he also regarded Liao Sisi as the only child who was afraid of loneliness.

Thinking of Lin Qing, he thought of her entertainment at noon, and wondered how things were going.

Back at the office, she called Lin Qing, but she didn't want her cell phone to be on the phone, and no one answered the landline.

When people are unlucky, they drink their cold water and plug their teeth. At noon, they hold Liao Sisi on the street and swagger. There are words of misery, and he promises to treat her as her sister in the presence of Commander Liao.

Depressed, Lin Qing called, but could not find anyone, Mu Li could not help but sigh, had to calm down and start working.

Lu Xiao hadn't seen Lin Qing for a long time. He called Lin Qing in the afternoon to have dinner together.

At that time, Lin Qing was pouring a cup of milk tea in the rest room, but the two of them boiled a long time of phone porridge, blocking Mu Li's phone outside.

By the time she returned to the office, it was an hour later.

Mu Li made several phone calls in the meantime, but couldn't get through.

Immediately after work, Mu Li directly killed Lin Qing's office.

Lin Qing was very surprised to see him come in. He always waited for her at the door of the company.

"Husband, don't you miss me?" Lin Qing put down her pen, got up and smiled to meet him.

There was no smile on Mu Li ’s fortitude and good-looking face, and he did n’t see any expression, but just asked faintly: “So excited?”

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing asked puzzledly, "What is excitement?" "You know!" Mu Li's voice was filled with dissatisfaction, and Lin Qing finally understood that he was angry.

Could not help asking carefully: "What happened?"

"Are you off work now?" Mu Li still didn't answer her, but asked with an order.

"I can't go home for dinner at night"

"It's entertainment again? Or is it Tiancheng Group's business?" Mu Li didn't wait for her to finish, and interrupted her angrily.

"It is not"

"Did you just entertain at noon?" Mu Li asked coldly before she finished speaking.

"Yes, but"

"I'll just ask you if you can't go home for dinner at night!" Mu Li's voice smelled of gunpowder. Lin Qing hadn't seen him get angry for a long time, and he couldn't help feeling a little timid, and didn't know where he offended him.

But she had already agreed with Lu Xiao, how could she quit it? Did she not have the freedom to eat outside for a while?

She was angry with her without asking, she didn't know what was going on.

Lin Qing felt very wronged, tears swirled in her eyes, "I can't go home for dinner, I already have"

"You are busy right now! You can't get in the phone within an hour, and you're not in the office. Are you going to talk about business or to go?" Having said that, Mu Li accepted the conversation in time and left it for Lin Qing. A little room.

Lin Qing heard what he said and realized that it turned out to be angry because the phone could not be reached.

But why should he be so angry, she could ask her brightly and honestly, but she had only been on the phone with Lu Xiao for a long time and had not seen each other for a long time, so she had to talk a lot.

He didn't sleep for three or more times in the middle of the night, and he had phone calls and information. She didn't care about him. Why did he get angry with her?

She is in a situation, and also worried about her situation? Can she be like him.

The more he thought, the more angry Lin Qing simply didn't explain. He wouldn't listen anyway, whatever he thought.

So he smiled coldly: "I'm going to make an appointment. Although I am your wife, I have my freedom."

After speaking, Lin Qing began to pack and prepare to go to work.

Mu Li saw that her attitude was so blunt, he even left his sleeves.

Originally, he was in a bad mood, but Lin Qing didn't understand him. He couldn't find anyone on the phone. He was so outrageous and unreasonable that he didn't go home for dinner.

So what else did he say, let her go crazy and see how far she can go.

It is not a good thing for a woman to entertain outside and stay home for a day. Mu Li feels that Lin Qing is slowly becoming another party manager.

Mu Li didn't want to quarrel with Lin Qing, but listening to her not going home for dinner at night, and all kinds of desires to cover up, made him annoyed, the emotion was inexplicably upset, so the two broke up.

Back in the car, Mu Li started the car and rushed forward like an arrow off the string.

It's not the direction of the home. Since Lin Qing is out for entertainment, why can't he go out to play?

He is going to go back later than her, and let her explain to her family. Anyway, he is a man who is not afraid of not going home at night. He doesn't believe that a woman can stay home for the night.

After aimlessly running in the street for more than ten minutes, Mu Li's mood gradually calmed down.

When I think about it, it seems that I have done too much, and the speed slows down.

Would you like to go back? Mu Li is doing an ideological struggle. Is he really relieved to let Lin Qing go out for entertainment at night? Can she handle such an occasion?

Mu Li decided to turn around and return to Tongda Company. I hope Lin Qing has not left.

When he blasted his watch, risking his life, he rushed back to the door of Tongda Company.

But the doorman was informed that the company was off work, there was no one in it, and Manager Lin had gone.

Mu Li learned from the guard's mouth that Lin Qing was picked up by a Land Rover. As for the driver who was driving it, the female guard did not see it clearly. The anger in his heart rose again. No wonder she couldn't wait to get off work. .

I knew he would not leave, waiting to see who would pick her up and see where they would go.

Mu Li suddenly thought that Lin Qing had a GPS positioning system installed on his mobile phone. When he opened the search position, he found that he could not find it.

There was a bad cry in her heart, Lin Qing must have turned off the phone, and she turned it off. She turned off the phone. She was so angry in the centrifugal that she slammed her fist on the steering wheel, which was good for the car. Otherwise, the steering wheel will be scrapped.

Wu Yue appeared next to the car while he was out of fire.

She didn't seem to find him, and walked past the window of his car.

Then he turned around to look back, and then he was surprised at his face, and asked, puzzled, "Master, is Lin Qing still working overtime?"

"Can you still work overtime at this point?" Mu Li replied angrily.

"Then you" Wu Yue asked puzzledly.

"Need to tell you?" Mu Li smiled. "Too much control."

Wu Yue listened to his words, his face could not help but apologize, "I'm sorry, Master Captain, I'm nosy."

Mu Li didn't speak any more, and honked two horns, which meant to let Wu Yue go away and he was leaving.

Wu Yue bit her lip and said to Mu Li as if she had made up her mind: "Master, I don't know if I should say something, Master.

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