The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1049: Good girlfriend escaped

Lin Qing and Mu Li couldn't help but be taken aback. They looked at her and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What time is it?" Lu Xiao asked with an anxious expression.

"Nine o'clock." Mu Li looked up at his watch and returned.

"I promised Annan to return on time at nine o'clock, and Huahua caught a cold. She had to hold her mother to sleep, otherwise Annan couldn't figure out her. When she was sleepy, she would cry, Annan would be upset, and if she was upset, she would be upset OK, it will yell. "Lu Xiao said quickly, but Mu Li and Lin Qing both understood her meaning. This is the rhythm to escape.

"You want to go home?" Lin Qing asked anxiously.

"It's really my good girlfriend, oh, you still understand me, I'm going to die. The chicken must be flying at home, Annan went to the house to uncover the tile." Lu Xiao stood up and said, leaning towards Lin Qing made an air kiss gesture.

Then quickly picked up his coat from the back of the chair and put it on, then picked up his bag, made a stop gesture to the stunned Lin Qing and Mu Li, saying: "Good girlfriend, Annan's hair is small, you No need to persuade me, let me go back into the deep water alone, take care of yourself and take care of yourself, don't give it away. "

Saying she has gone far, then quickly ran out of the private restaurant.

It can be said that it was deserted and fled. Until returning to the car, Lu Xiao was stroking his chest and breathing heavily.

With a proud smile on his face, he said to himself: "I am so clever today, if I had to be torn in half by those two couples, they quarreled and fought with me, humming, slipping away."

"My wife is really getting more and more stunning." Suddenly Ling Anan's voice sounded in her ear.

Unprepared Lu Xiao could not help but took a nap and turned to look at the back seat of the car.

Ling Annan was behind, leaning Erlang's legs and looking at her happily.

"Why are you in my car? Don't say a word, startle me." Lu Xiao complained angrily.

"I have the key and the mobile phone, why can't I be in your car?" Ling Annan laughed.

"Too lazy to ignore you." Lu Xiao turned his head, turned the car keys, and started the car.

"Wife, I'll drive." Ling Annan said to see her angry and pleased.

"No, you're here to follow, not to be a driver." His little flowery intestine, if she can't guess, she will be a couple for years.

Ling Annan didn't explain, just rested calmly on the back seat, and flicked his knees with his fingers.

"You big men are feasible. I have dinner with Lin Qing, and you two have troubled each other." Lu Xiao thought of being embarrassed by Lin Qing and Mu Li in the private restaurant just now, and couldn't help but spill the fire on Ling Annan Body.

After listening to it, Ling Annan couldn't help laughing and said, "Is Mo Fei Mu also gone?"

"Huh! Isn't it? I just happened to run into awkward two of them and run on me, and I escaped." Lu Xiao thought of his cleverness, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with them? During this time, both of them are so good as glue, they rarely see red faces." Ling Annan asked curiously.

"Whatever you do, I'm driving. Don't let me get distracted." Lu Xiao refused directly.

Ling Annan couldn't help sighing: "What kind of society, the status of men is world-famous, even the military commander like Mu Li gives his wife a knee-jerk, let alone let me talk."

Xiao Lu could not help but smile: "feminine society is rampant, take it easy."

Then he said: "Recently Lin Qing really has a good relationship. The military commander is out of business, and Lin Qing has no temper, he is envious."

"Don't be envious, we are the same." Ling Annan said affectionately, "Did I come out to pick you up? Happiness is not."

"Happiness, you are watching me." Lu Xiao smiled scornfully.

"Well, it's back to the origin, I shut up." Ling Annan laughed.

The two talked and laughed. The noisy Mercedes was on their way home. They both said that they were beating, cursing, and loving.

Besides, Mu Li Lin Qing watched Lu Xiao leave, leaving her alone to face Mu Li, and scolded her for righteousness. What kind of girlfriend was a direct severance, she did n’t really go to her house, but she said she scared Mu Li. It scared her away, who?

Mu Li looked at her expression and had already guessed what he was thinking.

Could not help but asked: "Lu Xiao is not enough to be angered."

"That's it! It's not my girlfriend anymore." Lin Qing replied unconsciously.

"I'm not afraid that there will be Yuan Hongbao anyway, and I will encounter more good girlfriends, friends, old ones and new ones." Mu Li smiled flatteringly.

"That's it! One more, one more, one more." Lin Qing is still angry.

After speaking, she suddenly reacted, how did she sing and reconcile with Mu Li.

She suddenly changed her face and said angrily, "Who, you made you talk to me, did you not let me talk?"

"Aren't we two reconciling, why do you want to separate from me?" Mu Li looked at Lin Qing very sadly. "Do you really have the heart to toss me this way? I am your dear husband."

"You care about me. I went to Lu Xiao's house for one night and talked to her about what was wrong with you." Lin Qing said aggrieved.

"Wife, I was wrong. I apologize to you. Don't be angry?" Anyway, now that Lu Xiao is not there and there is no one else, no matter how Mu Li makes compensation to Lin Qing, no one will make a joke.

He was careful about this, and Lin Qing had already seen through it. She said that she was going to live in Lu Xiao's house, but she actually wanted him to apologize to her in front of Lu Xiao. Anyway, Lu Xiao was not an outsider, her girlfriend.

She was so grieved in the afternoon, let him apologize to her girlfriend, coax her happy, give her down the steps, it is not too much, but Mu Li was really like it, and he was Ling Annan Capital threatened Lu Xiao, or his machoism was at work, and if she only asked her, she would certainly not go.

No one heard the apology now. She was worried about his face and would not let him apologize in public. In this way, Lin Qing could only stand up and mournfully said, "I do n’t need to apologize, keep you Your face is good, go home! "

After hearing what she said, Mu Li quickly got up and laughed: "Are your wife angry?"

"Why mad? I'm so mad, you can still find a young happy and happy me silly." Lin Qing sneered, took the lead to go out with his chest up, Mu Li quickly followed.

Even if all the contests tonight are over, Mu Li is very happy, and he finally wins.

When Lin Qing offered to go to Lu Xiao's house, he knew what her purpose was.

It was still the most intelligent of Lu Xiao, who was able to slip away in a timely manner, so Lin Qing had no choice but to apologize to Lin Qing before Lu Xiao.

If Lu Xiao didn't leave, and promised Lin Qing to go to her house, Mu Li would definitely ask her not to go.

He couldn't be fortunate that Lu Xiao was only worried that the two of them would become more and more stalemate before they slipped away, leaving space for them, and did not see Lin Qing's intention.

Although taking a small advantage, Mu Li was still guilty.

After all, he was really overly aggressive with Lin Qing in the afternoon, only to blame him for being too stressed lately, which made him a little impatient, and the phone call made by Lin Qing for so long didn't get through.

Back in the car, Mu Li did not start the car in a hurry, but reached out to embrace Lin Qing in his arms and begged softly: "Wife, smile to my husband."

"I'm joking? What are you?" Lin Qing laughed angrily after listening to his words.

"Wife, I'm wrong, I'll laugh at you." Mu Li didn't expect to anger Lin Qing again.

"Well, turning the page makes you annoyed and drives home." Lin Qing waved his hand impatiently, tossing all night, and her anger was almost gone.

When he got home, he still had to play with him, and Shen Yuhe and Orange could not let them see that they were awkward.

In this way, she didn't have to act, she really turned the story around, and that's for her own benefit.

Living in a home, you have to live with anger. You might as well forget it if you are unhappy. If you ca n’t forget it sooner or later, if you ca n’t forget it, then you will be in Chengdu, a divorce.

"Observe, my Captain's wife." Mu Li was softened to hear her voice, and couldn't help but be glad.

Lin Qing fell asleep in the middle of the night, Mu Li was alone in the study, thinking of meeting the guy during the day, would the mysterious girl appear at night? He was looking forward.

The matter came to an end sooner, he was more pragmatic, he would not call him for no reason, there must be some purpose behind it, but he did not understand why the delay was not exposed.

However, until more than two in the morning, Mu Li didn't wait for the phone or information.

It was too late, he gave up waiting and returned to the bedroom to sleep.

Holding the phone in his hand, he put it on the table again.

In this way, if a call or message comes, he will not be woken up or discovered by Lin Qing.

In the morning, if Lin Qing finds out that his mobile phone is not available, he just needs to explain to her and forget it. It is better not to find it.

When he stepped out of the study and closed the door, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, feeling as if he had resolved a major event.

He was a little disappointed in bed, the lad appeared, but the mysterious girl did not appear.

He will call the young man to fulfill his promise, and then touch the situation by the way.

Perhaps the lad is not a mysterious girl. He approached him for a purpose, and tomorrow he will know what the purpose is.

The request he made with him must have something to do with his purpose, and the mysterious girl might just be a prank.

This is the best situation Mu Li can think of, so the crisis he faces is much simpler, just a young man.

As for the mysterious girl, I believe that Xiaolong will find her true body as soon as possible.

Thinking about it, Mu Li fell asleep, and in the dimness, heard the nanny shouting, "Master, is your mobile phone in the study? It's been ringing."

Mu Li heard a spirit rise, at this time Lin Qing was also awakened, staring at him sleepily and asking: "What's going on?"

Mu Li understood that someone had called on the cell phone that he had intentionally forgotten in the study, and he had been waiting for him to answer.

Could it be that mysterious girl again, how could she call at this time, but it was early morning.

But he did not dare to confess to Lin Qing, and had to pretend to be confused about the situation and said, "I don't know what happened."

Touching the cell phone under the pillow as he said it, didn't touch it, and then pretending to be suddenly realized: "My cell phone is forgotten in the study. Maybe something happened to me in the army. I'll check it out and you will sleep again."

He said he hurriedly got up and walked out wearing slippers.

"Master, go and see. The phone is ringing all the time, so noisy, I dare not answer it." The nanny shouted anxiously.

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