"Lin Qing, why are you here?" Mu Li saw Lin Qing walking in, and didn't notice her emotion, and asked happily.

Lin Qing ignored his existence and walked straight towards the woman who was sitting on the sofa and looking at the phone with her back to the door.

Mu Li knew that the misunderstanding had already formed, and some helpless explanation: "Lin Qing, think about looking for Commander Liao"

Before he finished speaking, Liao Sisi suddenly turned back and smiled at Lin Qingyiyang's mobile phone, "Sister Lin, I won. Just now Mu Li brother played with me to cut fruit, and I won."

Lin Qing now saw that Liao Sisi was sitting on the sofa with various tastes in her heart. I don't know if I should be lucky or worried.

Liao Sisi is a good friend of the two of them, just like an innocent old child, who knows nothing about the world, but Lin Qing can feel her affection for Mu Li, that is not ordinary worship, but the woman's enthusiasm for men.

Isn't Mu Li least like playing mobile games? He was so leisurely with Liao Sisi playing and cutting apples in the office.

However, she can't be jealous with an older child, even if she is astringent, she can only endure.

He smiled pretending to be indifferent: "Really? How can you punish if you lose?"

"Undress!" Liao Sisi blurted out effortlessly.

Astonished that Lin Qing could not help but open her mouth and undress? She couldn't help turning her head to look at Mu Li, his clothes were still on him, and it seemed that he had not lost.

Liao Sisi smiled: "Sister Lin, don't worry, I won't let Brother Mu Li lose to only one small nei. It's so embarrassing, at most I'm shirtless, and then I send it in the circle of friends. It will be blown. "

Lin Qing watched her childlike prank and sighed in her heart: "After all, she is young, even if she covers it, she has capital."

"I don't want to play with you. Your sister Lin is here. I have to go home from work. You can go." Mu Li saw her talk more and more uncomfortable.

Liao Sisi didn't go to see Mu Li, but took Lin Qing's arm, and asked coquettishly: "Sister Lin, shall I go to your house to have dinner? Would you be tired of eating at home every day? Dad would not let me go out to eat The restaurant said it was unhygienic. He must have no problem with me when I went to your house. "

Lin Qing could not refuse, but had to agree with her readily: "Okay, multiple people eat, how busy and happy the dinner table is."

Thinking of what lawyer Jiang told her, I wanted Orange to go to the military elementary school and go home with Orange and Orange to write homework after school, and I just happened to communicate at the dinner table tonight, even if anyone did n’t want to, she could n’t come to her After all, Mu Li and Shen Yuhe ’s opinions are still unknown. If they do n’t agree with life or death, it ’s difficult for her intermediary to do so. It is easy for Lawyer Jiang to misunderstand that she is making troubles. The friendship that is so easy to build is afraid. It will collapse in an instant.

So Lin Qing turned to Xiaolong again and said, "Today Xiaolong is doing well, so let's come together at night."

Xiaolong heard her words, his face was very embarrassed: "Mrs. Captain, you have fun with me."

"From the moment you saw me, you tried to report to Mu Li. It is very loyal, but Si Si is our sister. There is nothing to worry about. I believe that Mu Li also believes in Si Si. I knew it was her. What do you want to do? "Lin Qing seemed to say to Xiaolong, but she actually said to Mu Li and Liao Sisi. She trusted them and warned them not to disappoint her trust.

Liao Sisi didn't seem to hear what she said. She looked at Lin Qing in surprise and asked, "Sister Lin, what is Xiaolong worried about? I can't understand you."

Seeing her ignorant look, Lin Qing couldn't help sighing. She either didn't cover it up well or didn't know it.

Mu Li looked at Xiaolong a little displeasedly and said coldly, "Is there anything so nervous about Sisi, don't make a fuss in the future."

But his eyes were blaming Xiaolong, which couldn't do well.

Although he had a clear conscience for Liao Sisi, he didn't want Lin Qing to see him with her too much, which always meant something unclear.

Lin Qing looked at the expressions of the two unintentionally. Mu Li made her uncomfortable, but did not show it, but continued with a smile: "Xiaolong, remember to call lawyer Jiang and Orange at night."

Xiaolong hesitantly asked, "Are we suitable?"

"Of course, it's not appropriate for everyone to get together. Anyway, please invite one and two, too." Lin Qing smiled back, "and I have something to discuss with you."

"Who are Mr. Jiang and Orange?" Liao Sisi asked curiously.

"It's Xiaolong's fiancee and her little niece, a few years younger than our family Orange Orange." Lin Qing returned with a smile.

Liao Sisi nodded and smiled: "Oh, Xiaolong already has a master."

"Hey." Xiaolong was very embarrassed and smiled twice, but his face was full of happiness, Lin Qing will be happy in the face of people, that is from the heart, people can not help but sigh, love is a good stuff.

Liao Sisi sat in Mu Li's car and went home with them, while Xiaolong went home to pick up lawyer Jiang and Orange.

While on the road, Lin Qing had already called the babysitter, and guests had dinner in the evening.

Liao Sisi was sitting on the back seat, like a bird out of the cage, chatting with Lin Qing and Mu Li.

Lin Qing is okay, but Mu Li just perfunculates her, but Liao Sisi has not lost interest because of this, and she is still very happy to talk about the topic.

Lin Qing couldn't help whispering secretly, this thinking really couldn't understand her. Whether she was really naive or pretending to be naive, but a woman's intuition told her that she was absolutely interested in Mu Li.

It just depends on what range she controls this meaning. She is different from anyone. She is the only daughter of Commander Liao touching the palm of her hand. Mu Li can't be cold, and she can't embarrass her. She cannot accept the scope.


Liao Sisi was tired of chatting, and laughed at himself: "Sister Lin, Mu Li, do you think I'm annoying?"

"How come, you little girl is so cute, right, Mu Li?" Lin Qing answered with a smile.

"Of course, you are our younger sister, and of course it won't bother me." Mu Li pleased Lin Qing, not so much as she was getting closer to Liao Sisi, but rather simply answering Lin Qing's question.

Liao Sisi didn't care about this kind of disregard, and smiled happily: "I think you are happy if you think so, it seems that I was talking in Barabara all the way."

After arriving home, Shen Yuhe saw Liao Sisi, who was returning with Lin Qing's arm together, and asked with a smile: "Are you thinking of a guest today?"

Lin Qing replied: "There are also lawyers Jiang and Xiaolong's family. Everyone is here today."

"Okay, you get together, my old lady is also happy, everyone is old and likes to be lively." Shen Yuhe smiled with a smile.

"Old lady, you are not old, stand with me, who can say that you are not my sister?" Liao Sisi listened to her, immediately loosen Lin Qing's arm, pleased to walk over, holding Shen Yuhe's arm , Asked Lin Qing with a smile: "Sister Lin, do you mean it?"

Lin Qing couldn't help but smile: "You little girl, you'll be happy, isn't it, today is the truth."

"You guys, you know how to make my old lady happy." Although Shen Yuhe knew that they flattered her, she was still very happy.

Seeing her happy appearance, Lin Qing also understood one thing. No matter how old she was, she liked to say that she was young and beautiful, but it seemed that Liao Sisi was more proficient in making flattery.

The three were chatting happily, Mu Li came over and laughed: "So happy?"

"But isn't it? I feel like I'm young now that they are boasted by them." Shen Yuhe laughed.

Liao Sisi saw that she was happy, knowing that she was doing the right thing, so she tentatively walked towards Mu Li, holding his arm, and naturally asked: "Look, do I look like brother and sister like Mu Li?"

Mu Li hurriedly pulled his arm out and smiled awkwardly: "Don't make trouble, brother or sister, I feel like a dad before you."

Mu Li's words apparently raised Shen Yuhe a generation, and Liao Sisi immediately corrected him: "I and Aunt Shen are like sisters, how could you be like your father and daughter? Do you have my father and grandmother?"

"What is this, messy?" Mu Li frowned.

"This little girl, the weird elf is quite cute." Shen Yuhe sneered round the field with a smile.

Lin Qing couldn't help laughing, "Yeah, otherwise, it's good to be young, full of energy and interest."

Her voice had not yet ended, and Xiaolong and Lawyer Jiang appeared with oranges.

So this question about seniority was naturally put aside.

Orange Orange also just came down the stairs and saw the orange appearing at the door. He couldn't help wondering: "What's a good day today? Why are there so many guests? And Orange's sister is also here."

Lin Qing walked over and hugged him in his arms and laughed, "Does it have to be a festival to party?"

"Thank you mom for the surprise and happiness." Orange Orange said happily.

"Brother Orange, why are you a little man still spoiled in your mother's arms?" Orange walked over and put two middle fingers on his cheeks, making a look of shame.

Orange Orange blushed, but argued unconvincingly: "The son will always be a child in front of her mother, and it is happiness to be coquettish in her mother's arms."

His words unintentionally touched the pain point of the orange. Her eyes had crystal tears. After all, she was a child. After all, the strength of others' churches was weak. She looked at Orange Orange pitifully, and asked softly: Is this so? My mother has traveled far, far away, and I don't remember how warm and happy my mother's arms are. "

In the end, her voice was choked, so that the adults standing next to him felt wet.

Especially Liao Sisi, after empathizing, she did not grow up in her mother's arms since she was a child.

Hearing Orange's words, she held her in her arms and said with a choked voice: "Little girl, my sister understands your mood. Although we don't have a mother's arms, there is no lack of warmth and love, right?"

"Thank you sister, yes, I have my father and aunt." Orange heard her and laughed.

"Good, my sister will hurt you in the future." Liao Sisi said with a smile on her little face.

Lin Qing couldn't help laughing. This Liao Sisi once said that she was like a sister to Shen Yuhe, and called her sister in front of Orange Orange. Didn't she obviously overturn her previous flattery to promote her youth?

Attorney Jiang was standing aside and watching quietly, his eyes were filled with crystal tears.

At this time, Lin Qing could no longer stand by, and smiled and rounded the field and said, "Si Si, let me introduce you. This is Orange's aunt, Xiaolong's fiancee."

Then he introduced Liao Sisi to Lawyer Jiang: "This is the only daughter of Commander Liao."

Attorney Jiang greeted Liao Sisi respectfully: "Miss Liao, it's a pleasure to meet you today."

Liao Sisi quickly waved her hand and laughed, "Just call me Sisi, and I'm also glad to meet you, lawyer Jiang."

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