Mu Li bent his lips and said, "What do you think?"

Half a minute later, the rally car stopped by the road.

Mu Li got out of the car and opened the rear door.

The cool breeze rushed into the compartment, causing Lin Qing to shrink his shoulders.

Mu Li will fall on the co-pilot's jacket and hold it on her shoulder when Lin Qing gets out of the car.

It turned out not to be a dream.

Lin Qing looked around, but didn't know where it was.

"It's been more than half a month before the wedding, which is too long. So I will advance the honeymoon time." Mu Li has an expression that fulfills all your wishes.

Lin Qing seems to have digested this fact very well, taking two steps and admiring: "A city has such a good scenery."

Mu Li raised an eyebrow: "Who said we were in city a?"

Lin Qing snorted and looked around again.

There is a bit of a foreign feeling here.

Only then did she realize that they were on a coastal highway.

The scenery is very good.

Lin Qing looked up and looked for Mu Li's eyes: "Where is this?"

It was the first time she had seen such a beautiful scene.

Mu Li helped her close the corner of the sea where the sea breeze blew: "Bali."

Lin Qing made a sigh and thought the name was very international.

After two or three seconds, he suddenly said, "Bali, it won't be the one on TV."

Frequently mentioned tourist attractions?

To her reaction, Mu Li nodded approvingly.

Lin Qing suddenly had the illusion that she had crossed it.

and many more.

Wasn't she still lying on the bed at home before going to bed?

"Not surprisingly, I brought you to the plane."

But Lin Qing slept too much and didn't feel it all the way.

After Mu Li explained a few words, he stretched out his arms: "Because I hug you, I feel a little bit sour."

Lin Qing bit her lip, worried that he would jump out in the next sentence: "You're heavy again."

Fortunately, Mu Li didn't talk anymore, waiting for Lin Qing to massage his arm.

Lin Qing had to pinch him.

Seeing Lin Qing was perfunctory, Mu Li supported the door and pressed her to the body: "Or, is it difficult for you to come?

Lin Qing quickly shook her head to get back into the car: "The wind is so strong, I'll get in the car first!"

He was pulled back by Mu Li.

"What's the matter." He lightly touched Lin Qing's eyebrows with his fingers. "Here I'm here to watch the sea, stand still and don't move."

He supported Lin Qing's shoulders and let her make a half circle around, facing the coastline.

The sea and the sky are connected, and the waves are rising.

When fascinated, Lin Qing did not feel windy.

There seemed to be warmth in the wind.

The climate is already very good. When Lin Qing gets used to it, he will definitely fall in love with it.

Mu Li pointed to the distant landscape and introduced them to Lin Qing one by one.

There seem to be many buildings over there, Mu Li said that it is a place frequented by tourists.

"I've booked the hotel," Mu Li said.

Lin Qing was curious when did he do this.

With countless emotions hidden in their hearts, they drove to the hotel they booked.

Lin Qing waited, Mu Li spoke fluent English and spoke to the receptionist.

Mu Liding's room is the best location, facing the coastline and standing on the balcony with a wide view.

Can see the scenery far away.

He must have taken a lot of thought.

Lin Qing secretly thought that the smell of the sea breeze was also very good.

"Do you like it?" Mu Li walked behind her.

Lin Qing nodded.

"I did it just to make you like it." Mu Li stretched his body comfortably, hugging Lin Qing from behind.

The voice lingered low in Lin Qing's ears.

He always has a disturbing ability.

Seeing Lin Qing's cheeks reddish, he leaned up and gave a smirk: "Already moved to make a promise?"

Lin Qing immediately pushed him.

Mu Li grabbed her backhand: "Why, shouldn't tears be moved at this time?"

Lin Qing hummed and turned his head: "Only when you are sad can you cry. Of course you have to laugh if you are so happy."

Seems very reasonable.

Mu Li raised an eyebrow: "So, laugh at me."

This had been teasing her, but she really looked at Mu Li with a sweet smile.

It was a smile that Mu Li had never seen before.

The corners of the mouth are just right.

Mu Li held her back into her arms and said, "I like how you look now."

"Me too." Lin Qing blinked.

She tiptoed and kissed Mu Li's lips.

The air seemed to be a lot cleaner.

Mu Li also made arrangements for the next trip, but they had to change their plans due to the sudden rainfall.

Lin Qing seemed very happy when the original outdoor trip was arranged indoors.

This time, although she was abrupt, it was also her first time abroad.

Everything here is new to her.

At least for Lin Qing.

Mu Li came about a hundred times, and Lin Qing could explain it everywhere he went.

Lin Qing secretly felt that it was a pity that Mu was not a proper tour guide.

But after thinking about it, wouldn't it be overkill?

Inattentive, she slammed into a tall column.

"Lin Qing!" Mu Li brought her back and knocked her head hard. "Be careful, it's always fun to worry me so much?"

Although Lin Qing's head hurt, a breeze swept across her apex.

Maybe she was in a good mood. She also forgot the lesson she just learned, and looked up and took a step forward—


Hit it.

Lin Qing was depressed.

"The weather is not so good today, we will go to Tanah Lot tomorrow." Mu Li rubbed her forehead with a smile, "there is the most beautiful sunset there."

Lin Qing could not help but look forward to it.

She has never been with anyone before and has seen the sunset.

Lunch was set at a restaurant near the hotel.

This restaurant has no private rooms, making it easy for tourists to enjoy the view and warm atmosphere while eating.

The best row is separated by a low partition wall to create a private space.

Sitting in it doesn't feel cramped.

They are sitting there.

Due to her elegant style, Lin Qing's sitting posture seemed restrained.

Mu Li supported her chin with her arm and looked at her with interest: "I was afraid I would restrict you to this position."

In fact, when you sit on the other side, your vision is wider when you look out.

I didn't expect him to take these into consideration.

Before serving, Lin Qing's cell phone suddenly rang. She glanced and grabbed her cell phone: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Then he left the seat.

It was an unexpected call.

Lin Qing looked in the mirror of the sink for a while.

What did the senior call her?

There is no reason to think about it.

She calmed herself and straightened her hair.

When she came out of the bathroom, she glanced a little at both sides.

I don't remember where I came from just now.

At about the same time, someone patted her shoulder: "hey, areyoulost?"

The man behind him was mixed with a heavy accent, so Lin Qing didn't hear it for a while.

Lin Qing stepped aside and let the man pass.

The man, with an unexplained smile on his face, said a longer sentence in English. Lin Qing returned to the teacher the English he had read at the university, where he could understand.

I thought it was being followed by the bad guys.

"No, thanks." She said, then bowed her head and left.

When the man saw that she was going in the wrong direction, he held her and pointed to the other side.

The restaurant manager just saw Lin Qing's direction just now, but he was not wearing work clothes, which made Lin Qing very alert.

She retracted her arms and took two steps back.

I didn't notice that there was a restaurant staff behind me and I ran into it.

The tray in the waiter's hand was knocked over, and a bottle of whiskey on it fell crisply and loudly.

Lin Qing didn't return for a long time, Mu Li had felt something wrong.

He heard the sound at this time, and got upset in his heart.

Lin Qing felt that Mu Li must have seen who the caller was, watching the figure getting closer and closer.

"What happened?" His voice was unusually soft.

Lin Qing clutched Mu Li's sleeve tightly and looked at the man behind him with a guilty grin: "I don't know him, he kept pulling me away."

Seeing Mu Li is like seeing a straw for life.

Mu Li pulled Lin Qing behind him and negotiated with the man.

After two or three sentences, I understood the identity of the other party.

"Fool, that's the restaurant manager, who kindly helped you show your way." After explaining from Mu Li, Lin Qing was a little embarrassed.

The manager waved his hand and went to do other things.

Mu Li never mentioned Chen Qudong's phone call, and Lin Qing pretended to forget it.

When the two returned to the hotel and Lin Qing changed his raincoat, Mu Li's voice sounded behind him.

It sounds dull.

"Shouldn't we be hiding something between us?"

"Yeah." Lin Qing turned his back to him and changed his clothes.

Mu Li was far away, standing at the other end of the room.

Suddenly striding forward, Lin Qing was overwhelmed on the bed.

There was a look of hurt in his eyes.

Lin Qing's heart trembled.

"Did you all see it?"

Mu Li sighed, approaching a few points.

"I didn't answer that call." Lin Qing explained frankly.

Mu Li held her tightly in her arms: "Although I believe in you, I will still be jealous."

Lin Qing's heart warmed: "Fool."

There was heavy rain outside the window, and Lin Qing was a little tired listening to it.

Mu Li leaned on the bed, Lin Qing lying on the side moved.

"I'll wait for a while, call me later." She moved to Mu Li and lay on his lap.

Mu Li is planning an itinerary in the afternoon to see the rain outside, probably the previous arrangements have to be postponed.

Such heavy rains are very common, but Mu Li is a little irritable somehow.

Lin Qing was sleeping heavily in his arms.

They did not go out in the afternoon.

Because of slippery ground, Lin Qing accidentally fell when she went out.

Her knees were black and blue, and although she was fine, Mu Li was transported back to the room.

"It really doesn't hurt." Lin Qing got up and moved his knees exaggeratedly. "Look, nothing is happening."

Mu Liju looked down at her, and pressed her to a chair.

Bend over and poke on her knee.

"Ah!" Lin Qing took a breath and shouted without restraint.

Mu Li frowned: "Is this what you say doesn't hurt?"

Lin Qing had to be obedient.

Who knows not long before the rain stopped.

Lin Qing was very frustrated, sitting on the windowsill and staring at the growing crowd, and her leg was covered with the ointment Mu Li sent to the hotel service.

Mu Li was not in the room at this time, and the hotel attendant knocked on the door again.

"This was ordered by Mr. Mu." Lin Qing appeared before a bouquet of flowers.

This waiter speaks Chinese.

Lin Qing caught: "Where is he now?"

"We don't know about this." The waiter answered with a smile.

Lin Qing returned to the room and suddenly thought of something and called the waiter back.

"You have it," she said to the waiter for a long time, and the other party took notes one by one.

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