The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1103: Uninvited guest in the office

Mu Li sat in Lin Qing's office and waited for her to finish her work, complaining: "Let's go on vacation like this."

"Can I stay at home now while I'm on vacation?" Lin Qing smiled and stretched out: "Well, let's go home."

Mu Li nodded, stood up, stretched out her arms around her waist and walked out of the office together.

After working the next day, Lin Qing found a young girl in her office cleaning.

She wondered, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The young girl smiled at her: "Mr. Lin, I'm your intimate assistant. I just took office today."

"Well? Why don't I know this." Lin Qing's face was a little unhappy.

She is the general manager, but she doesn't know the personnel of Tongda Company. There is no such reason.

Both Jiang Tao and Manager Fang would definitely tell her if they recruited people. Besides, with the precedent of military training, it would not be possible to recruit them so quietly.

"It was the Captain of the Army who asked me to take care of you. It was not controlled by Tongda." The girl bowed respectfully towards Lin Qing: "Hi Madam Captain, my name is Xiaoqing."

"Xiao Qing? Think I'm Xiao Bai?" Lin Qingqi smiled back.

She knew that this must be a moth from Mu Li, which was inserted in a person, and she was so well-known that she was not under the control of Tongda Company. It was obvious that she would not take her eyes.

Tongda Company also has other pregnant women workers. Is she going to be special because she is the military commander's wife?

No, Lin Qing felt that she could not condone this kind of thing.

She said coldly again, "You don't have to be busy, whoever asks you to come to whom."

"Mrs. Captain, I will not prevent you from going to work." Xiao Qing's face showed a panic look: "Don't drive me away, there is still a sloppy child in my family waiting for me to make money to buy milk powder. . "

"What? You have a baby at home and come out to work? What about your man?" Lin Qing asked in amazement.

"I'm an unmarried mother, and my child's mother took it with me. I went out to earn money to support my family." Xiao Qing said her eyes were red and she could see that she was really sad, and Lin Qing didn't dare to say anything more.

An unmarried mother's sadness, she can appreciate even if she thinks about it.

She sat at the office table, turned on the computer to prepare for work, and about Xiao Qing's stay or waited for Mu Li to handle it.

But just when she was working, a strange voice sounded in her ear: "Mrs. Captain, your hot milk."

Lin Qing suddenly looked up and saw that it wasn't Xiaoqing, but an aunt, holding a glass of milk in her hands, smiling kindly at her.

The smile smelled like a mother, and the disgust that had been in my heart disappeared abruptly.

"Who are you?" The voice softened.

"Mrs. Captain, I'm here to take care of you. It's very hard for pregnant people to go to work. My name is Li, you can call me Aunt Li." Aunt Li is still kind-hearted, and Lin Qing's words were in her heart , But there is no way to vent it.

I had no choice but to sigh: "Is this what the Captain has asked you to do?"

Aunt Li nodded and smiled: "Yes, the army captain is really a good man. My wife is so distressed that my girlfriend is not so lucky"

Sighing, she couldn't help sighing, tears flickered in her eyes, and sadness couldn't hide the flow on her face.

Seeing her appearance, Lin Qing couldn't help but ask, "What happened to your girl?"

"When she was pregnant, she was subjected to domestic violence. She gave birth to a child and did not sit for a day. She had to do laundry to serve men. Now her body is useless. It ’s not as good as my wife, Lisuo, and men do n’t want her." Tears rolled down, and she hurriedly raised her placket and wiped her eyes, smiling sorrowfully at Lin Qing: "I'm sorry, Madam Captain, I shouldn't say this."

Lin Qing looked at her sympathetically and said softly: "It's okay, let's talk, the pain in my heart will be easier to say."

At this point Lin Qing had forgotten that Aunt Li had come to take care of her and was completely immersed in her story.

Aunt Li sighed again deeply: "After her daughter divorced, she brought her child without any source of living. She was in poor health and had to do some manual patchwork at home to supplement her household. My old lady, fortunately, was out of work and went out to work and give Children earn tuition. "

Lin Qing listened to her and was silent again. Aunt Li was working to save her daughter's nephew.

Just as Xiao Qing gave her infant children alive, she couldn't take them away.

She couldn't say anything in her heart, she just said softly, "Aunt Li, everything will be fine."

"Thank you, Captain, and Captain's wife, if you can't have such a good job." Aunt Li replied gratefully.

"Yeah, yeah, I found a whole job, but when they heard that I was a baby's mother, they didn't want me." Xiaoqing also echoed, "This job will make my son have milk powder to drink . "

"Yes, my daughter can also have the money to see a doctor." Aunt Li raised her coat again and wiped her tears.

Facing such two people, what can Lin Qing do besides comforting them?

She sympathizes with their encounters. They are all women, but have different destinies. She should be grateful for her happiness.

However, she felt suffocated, and Mu Li took care of her too much, instead it was a gentle bondage.

For example, ask her to take care of her and let her explain to her colleagues in the company.

This is in the unit, not at home in the office. If Ling Anan knows, he may not agree with such privileges, right?

Thinking of Ling Annan Lin Qing could not help but brighten his eyes, maybe he could help her.

An hour later, Lin Qing walked out of the door of Tongda Company, but did not want a young guy to come over, bow down respectfully to her, and then said, "Mrs. Captain, where are you going?"

Lin Qing looked at him in wonder, a look she didn't understand. Where did she go to have anything to do with him, and why should he explain to him?

The young man saw Lin Qing's dissatisfaction and quickly explained: "I am the driver and bodyguard sent by the commander of the army."

"Master again, I don't agree, you go back." Lin Qing couldn't help getting upset, what's up! In the office, she found two people to serve, but they were all bitter masters, making her unable to refuse.

As soon as she went out, there were still people waiting to wait for her. What bodyguard and driver were clearly watching her.

With someone around me, wouldn't there be freedom of movement.

Besides, she was unfamiliar with him again, so awkward, this time she resolutely disagreed.

"Mrs. Captain, this is my task." The young man seemed to have been prepared and replied respectfully.

Of course, Lin Qing understood the meaning of the word mission. Soldiers obey orders as a natural duty, even if they pay their lives for this.

Since it was a mission, she couldn't get rid of it.

She told him that it was useless, so she took out her cell phone and pressed Mu Li's number.

I didn't want to hear the prompt sound of the other party's phone which is temporarily inconvenient to receive.

Lin Qing looked at the young man provocatively and asked, "What if I just want to take a taxi?"

"It's not possible." The young man smiled slightly. "You can only take my car. This is my task."

Lin Qing walked to the side of the road with anger, just as a taxi came over, she beckoned to stop.

The taxi stopped by her side steadily, and the young man came over and showed his taxi bing card: "Please don't interfere with the official business, you go."

The taxi driver immediately stepped on the accelerator and ran away.

"Mrs. Captain, let's go. I'll send you where you are." The young man smiled again and made an inviting gesture to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing sighed helplessly, she didn't have to entangle with the soldiers performing the task.

After getting in the car, she asked, "What's your name?"

"Ma Chao." The young man answered with a smile.

"Ha, Ma Chao? The great sister-in-law of the war **** Zhao Zilong." Lin Qing couldn't help laughing.

"Mrs. Captain joked." Ma Chao grinned.

"Do you think the mission arranged by the army commander is reasonable?" Lin Qingyang asked.

"Just perform the tasks of the superior, don't want anything else." Ma Chao returned after listening to the question, and immediately replied solemnly.

"It's a silly soldier. Could it make you die?" Lin Qing laughed.

"Yes." Ma Chao answered without hesitation, Lin Qing was completely speechless.

At the entrance of the head office, Lin Qing said loudly, "Here you are. You are waiting here, are you going to follow me?"

"Yes, I will go with you." Ma Chao nodded.

Lin Qing sighed helplessly: "Well, my reputation has ruined you."

"Ah? Why did the Captain's wife say that?" Ma Chao asked in surprise.

"I came to the head office with a handsome guy beside me, what do you say I want to say?" Lin Qing looked at him with a smile.

"This" Ma Chao couldn't help hesitating, "but"

"Nothing, but you just wait here, and I will come out when I'm done. The headquarters is just this door. I can't lose it. Besides, I can't let you fail the mission, right?" Lin Qing reached out and patted his shoulder, smiling To comfort him.

Ma Chao had a tangled expression on his face, hesitated for a while, then nodded and promised: "Mrs. Captain, you can't hurt me, otherwise I will be taken off my military uniform and go home."

Lin Qing nodded earnestly and said, "Be assured, I understand your difficulties, if not, it won't be so easy for you to send me?"

Ma Chao listened to her and felt reasonable, so she was relieved.

Lin Qing got out of the car and walked to the company headquarters.

At the Ling Anan office, the secretary told her that Mr. Ling was inside.

Lin Qing knocked on the door and Ling Annan looked up from the computer to see her. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Lin Qing? Why are you here?"

He stood up, reached out and greeted Lin Qing to sit down, and then looked at the door.

Lin Qing laughed: "Mr. Ling, don't watch, he didn't come, I came to find you."

Ling Annan smiled embarrassedly: "I thought it was Mu Li who sent you over to resign."

"Don't Mr. Ling also look forward to me going home?" Lin Qing asked, pretending to be wronged.

"Of course not. I hope you can work until childbirth, and then come to work as soon as possible. To be honest, I can rest assured that Tongda sits with you." Ling Annan smiled and sat opposite Lin Qing, and returned seriously.

"But, Mu Li him" Lin Qing suddenly felt speechless, and didn't know how to talk to him.

Ling Annan nodded clearly: "I understand, what are you doing to me this time?"

"Mr. Ling, can you persuade him? Don't be so nervous, I have given birth to a child." Lin Qing couldn't help sighing.

"Did he arrange a lot of people to take care of you?" Ling Annan understood at the first hearing and asked with a smile.

Lin Qing nodded awkwardly: "I was arranged for two in the office, and there was a bodyguard and driver who said that he was not subject to access control, but I was the general manager."

Lin Qing was so aggrieved that she couldn't keep talking.

Ling Annan smiled easily: "It's okay, everyone can understand that since you want to go to work, you have to pay a little for this, so that Mu Li can rest assured, don't take it to heart."

After listening to Ling Annan's words, Lin Qing was completely desperate.

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