Mu Li couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

"Master Captain, Mrs. Captain, has arranged a new job for us this morning."

"Why don't you send a company with Tongda to work for Tongda? Why either let you go, or accept your work, without discussion, I just hung up." Mu Li hung up after he said, not at all Give Xiaoqing a chance to speak.

Xiaoqing held the microphone, and there was a beeping sound inside.

She looked at Lin Qing helplessly and said in distress: "Mrs. Captain, it's not that we don't listen to your arrangements, it is really"

"Yes, Mrs. Captain, Xiaoqing and I are just taking care of you and will not hinder your work." Aunt Li also begged, with regard to work issues, they were reluctant to give up this source of life.

Lin Qing originally thought that there was a policy and she had a policy. She arranged a position for Xiaoqing and Aunt Li in Tongda to solve their worries, so that they would not have to obey Mu Li to be her nanny.

Who knew that Mu Li had already prepared and signed an employment contract with them.

During the contract period, they could only obey Mu Li's arrangement and give Lin Qing an office nanny.

Can not drive away, leaving Lin Qing's heart is particularly uncomfortable, one morning her face was gloomy, and her mood was very bad.

Xiaoqing and Aunt Li looked in their eyes and were in a hurry, they were also in a distress.

They tried to help Lin Qing and left from here, but they did not dare without the command of the army chief.

Seeing them tangled, Lin Qing couldn't bear it anymore and had to put away her mood to do things.

At half past nine, Xiao Qing carefully handed over a cup of hot milk tea and pleased: "Mrs. Captain, do you want to hear a joke?"

Lin Qing took the milk tea. How could she listen to the joke and realized that Xiao Qing wanted to make her smile and adjust her mood, she said loudly, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"Mrs. Captain, you must keep your peace when you are pregnant." Xiao Qing encouraged with courage.

"Yes, Captain Madam, my daughter was unhappy when she was pregnant with her baby. Now my grandson is very weak, and he is susceptible to colds and illnesses. Hey, I ’ve been in a bad family." Aunt Li couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Qing smiled helplessly: "I understand, I'm not in a bad mood."

"Mrs. Captain, you are really happy. Many people ca n’t ask for this kind of happiness, not because of their honorable status, but because of how the commander-in-chief treats you." Xiao Qing continued to persuade Lin Qing boldly.

Lin Qing waved his hand impatiently. "I take a break and don't want to mention these things again. In the future, you can work at ease here, and I will not let him drive you away."

"Mrs. Captain, I don't do it for myself." Xiao Qing replied a little awkwardly after hearing what Lin Qing said.

The fate between people is very wonderful. Xiao Qing feels like Lin Qing's sisters in the past, she is willing to take care of her.

"Thank you." Lin Qing smiled politely again, and Xiao Qing stopped speaking.

On the weekends, it is the time to learn calligraphy.

Early in the morning, Liu Fei called Mu Li and told him that the time was set between 9 am and 11 am.

Mu Li did not tell Lin Qing in advance that when Liu Fei came, Lin Qing was playing with oranges in the living room wearing home clothes.

Seeing Liu Fei and Wu Yue walk in together, her first reaction was that she couldn't let the seniors see what she was like now.

Subconsciously stood up, and while they were changing shoes in the porch, they had not come in, and hurried upstairs.

Orange Orange shouted in the back: "Mom, Teacher Liu and Aunt Wu Yue are here. Why are you leaving?"

This shout didn't matter, Wu Yue and Liu Fei looked at the sound, and really saw Lin Qing going upstairs.

Lin Qing couldn't help looking back, just facing Liu Fei's eyes, she turned her head hastily, feeling that she must be ugly and embarrassed, accidentally under her feet, and almost fell.

Mu Li looked at him aside, and his heart was straightforward. As for the senior, why was he so excited?

Arranged Liu Fei to go to Orange's room to guide him to practice calligraphy. Wu Yue was accompanied by Shen Yuhe to speak in the living room, and Mu Li returned to the bedroom.

When Lin Qing was sitting in front of the dressing table to dress up, he was furious.

Ringing Lin Qing in her arms, supporting the edge of the table with both hands, staring at Lin Qing in the mirror, she asked lightly, "Did you dress up again?"

Lin Qing shook her body and shouted, "I comb my hair, don't bother me."

"I help you comb." Mu Li picked up the comb from the table and started helping Lin Qing comb her hair.

Mu Li stayed aside, Lin Qing was not good at dressing herself anymore, so she hurriedly painted her lips and eyebrows.

Mu Li combed Lin Qing with two very rustic twisted braids, but proudly asked, "How is it? My craft is okay?"

Lin Qing couldn't laugh or cry. Can this hairstyle go out? Standard rural chick.

"I don't need you to comb, I'll do it myself." As Lin Qing was about to loosen Mu Li, the twisted braid that he could not easily make up.

Mu Li was unhappy, and his expression sank: "You just don't respect the fruits of my labor?"

"Lin Qing couldn't help but mumble, he took the initiative to help her, but didn't ask him.

"That's it, don't toss anymore." Mu Li said, pulling Lin Qing up from the dresser.

Holding her waist to the closet, Yun Dan asked lightly: "What clothes do you want to wear? I'll help you find them."

"Whatever." Lin Qing grieved, and returned coldly.

Mu Li opened the closet, and found a floral shirt, a pair of straight jeans from the inside, and said with a smile, "How about this one? It just matches your twist braid. It feels refreshing and retro."

Lin Qing sneered: "This is your taste?"

"Why do you question my taste?" Mu Li asked, "I think it is most suitable."

"Old hat!" Lin Qing vented his anger relentlessly.

This is the first time that Senior Liu has come to teach Orange Orange. She can't meet each other.

But is it Her Majesty's own, isn't it for Mu Lishen? He still teased her like this.

"Jeans, floral shirts, twisted braids are very retro student style, isn't it right for nostalgia? I think the senior Liu sees you dressed like this, I'm afraid he can arouse his feelings, isn't this what you want? "Mu Li gently slipped his finger over Lin Qing's cheek and said casually," I think you are as beautiful as your student days. "

Lin Qing couldn't stand him like this, it might be better to scold her directly, coquettish.

The yin and yang are even more unbearable, and any good mood is lost.

She simply couldn't go out to see Liu Fei, lying in bed angrily, curled up in a quilt, to protest.

Mu Li also went to bed, got in, and laughed, "Wife, aren't you trying to make me do bad things?"

Lin Qing had to drill out of the quilt, and sighed helplessly: "What do you want?"

"Wu Yue is chatting with her mother downstairs, can't you go down and say hello?" Mu Li reached out and took her in her arms, asking softly.

"Will you let me go down?" Lin Qingqi smiled at Mu Li's unharmed face.

"Well, why don't I help you comb your hair and pick your clothes?" Mu Li had a serious interface.

"You have to be mad at me to be happy?" Lin Qing was really annoyed.

"You are the mother of my two children, how could I be mad at you." Mu Li looked at Lin Qing and asked very puzzled.

Seeing his pretending to be stupid, Lin Qing sighed impatiently: "Please, let me be clean for a while, you can go down first."

Mu Li said with a smile, "I'll wait for you to go down."

Lin Qing was lying on the bed again, and closed his eyes and ignored him.

Mu Li no longer bothered her, but lay beside her and played with her mobile phone.

Time passed minute by minute. Seeing that two hours were coming.

At the corner of Mu Li's mouth, a faint smile appeared, and he asked, "Calligraphy class is almost over, don't you go and see?"

Lin Qing pretended to be asleep with her eyes closed, and she made up her mind that no matter what Liu Xuechang thought, she would not go down.

Dressed like this, a clown traveling through time, how to see people.

Since Mu Li teased her and simply fulfilled him, he avoided the senior Liu directly.

Mu Li shouted a few times, seeing that she did not agree, and no longer entangled, continued to look at his cell phone.

He didn't worry Lin Qing was in a hurry. She thought that she shouldn't say anything, and Mu Li would go on her own. She couldn't leave Mr. Liu Fei, the great calligrapher, if neither of them would go on.

For nearly two hours, Mu Li remained calm and continued to lie on the bed reading a book, only to say, "You won't go down with the guests?"

"Aren't you not going? Go with you." Mu Li said for granted.

Lin Qing felt that he was just making troubles and making fun of her, and scorned Liu Xuechang, didn't he face him again.

Simply climbing up, regardless of the wind on his clothes, he walked out of the door.

Mu Li also got up from the bed and shouted, "Are you going down? Wait for me."

His voice was full of pride, as if he had succeeded in something.

Lin Qing ignored him and quickened his steps.

"You go slowly, pregnant with pregnancy." Mu Li took a few steps to catch up with her, embraced in his arms.

Lin Qing twisted her body and struggled. He simply took it slowly.

On the surface, the pretense is indifferent, but inside is anxious.

When the two went downstairs, Liu Fei was already sitting in the living room.

It seems that the calligraphy class has finished, Lin Qing can't help but be relieved. Fortunately, it's too early to come down, if not only afraid that Xueyuan Liu has left.

Liu Fei seemed to feel that Lin Qing was in a bad mood and didn't talk much.

After just saying a few polite words, he got up and left.

Shen Yuhe tried to stay, saying that the kitchen was ready for dinner, and it was noon with his eyes closed.

Wu Yue also urged him to go back and eat alone, so it would be better to eat here.

Liu Fei thought about it and finally nodded in agreement.

Lin Qing was very happy, and being able to stay for dinner proved that she had no cold feelings for her and Mu Li.

When he was studying, the famous Liu Xuechang was in Lin Qing's heart an unattainable talent.

Although it is an adult today, this kind of thinking is still deeply ingrained.

Wu Yue was also very happy in her heart. She never dreamed that she could eat at the home of the military commander. Although she was a guest, the warmth of the family gathering was enough for her to chat after her loneliness.

When Liu Fei was giving Orange Orange to class, Lawyer Jiang also sent Orange Orange and said he would learn calligraphy with him.

Naturally, I ate together at noon. Rarely many people had lunch, and Shen Yuhe was very happy.

On the dining table, Lin Qing kept serving vegetables and advised everyone to eat more.

Mu Li was originally disgusted that the family was always noisy and could not be quiet on weekends. The family sat together to enjoy the holiday warmly, but when Shen Yuhe was so happy, he had no emotions.

After lunch, Liu Fei sat with Wu Yuelue for a while and then left.

Mu Li and Lin Qing took Orange to play on the street.

At the entrance of a shopping mall, Liao Sisi met Guan Qingyun by chance.

This was Shangguan Qingyun's first meeting with Mu Li after confessing his relatives, and his expression was awkward.

After saying hello, he wanted to pull Liao Sisi away.

Liao Sisi hasn't seen Mu Li for a few days. There is no end to talk about how she is willing to leave.

Shangguan Qingyun's embarrassment fell in Mu Li's eyes, and he beat her with a few words.

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