It wasn't anyone else who was lying on the ground, it was Huang Hecai, the urger to the debt collectors at night.

Mu Li turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and saw that his face was covered with blood, and his body was hurt, so that he didn't wake up. He should be in a coma.

I don't know what happened. Although Mu Li won't die, he won't let Huang He enter the door.

He took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number. Soon several guards arrived in a car.

"Master, what's the command?" The head of the army saluted him.

"Take this person into the car and take it to the military area hospital for rescue." Mu Li Shensheng ordered.

"Okay, Master." Several guards carried Huang Hecai into the car.

"This matter must be kept confidential and arranged in a confidential ward. No one should be near except the necessary doctors and nurses."


Back in the bedroom, Mu Li didn't turn on the light, fearing to alarm Lin Qing.

With the weak light of his mobile phone, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, then went to bed, and lay down gently against Lin Qing.

"How come back?" After all, she woke her up.

"Mrs. Liao was ill and refused to go to the hospital or to see the doctor. Dr. Qiu Jiang coaxed her." Mu Li feared that she was worried and said the situation next night.

She didn't sleep waiting for him. Although Mu Li felt sorry for her staying up late, she was still very happy.

If she slept soundly, Mu Li would be so careful not to wake her up.

"Oh, that's good, hurry up, it's late." Lin Qing curled up in Mu Li's arms like a kitten, and found a very comfortable posture, and soon it sounded a little snore.

Mu Li evoked a beautiful arc in the corner of her mouth in the dark, and holding her Xinxiang's body quickly went to sleep.

All day long hustle and bustle finally settled down, and the whole city was immersed in the boundless night.

The next day, Mu Li got up, hurriedly ate some breakfast, and pushed to see Mrs. Liao before leaving.

On the way to the hospital, he called Ma Chao and asked him to send Lin Qing to the company for work.

At the hospital, at the door of the ward, the guard of the guard Huang Hecai told him that the man was awake, but his condition was very bad. He refused to cooperate with the doctor and asked to see the army chief.

Mu Li walked into the ward, and surely Huang He immediately said to him, "Master Captain, you have to save me, only you can save me."

"Let me save you, why not get treatment?" Mu Li Shensheng asked.

"They cured my injury, but they couldn't save my life. They went to the same place when they went out." Huang Hecai begged with a snot and a tear: "Only you can save my life."

"Still a gambling debt?" Mu Li frowned.

"I promise not to gamble even if I starve to death next time, they simply give me a set and play with me." Huang Hecai looked like he had only seen the coffin, making Mu Li hate his teeth.

"What's my relationship with you? Last night, I haven't settled with you yet!" Mu Li sank and snorted coldly.

"How to say, my brother-in-law is you too"

"Shut up and talk about throwing you out to feed the dogs!" Mu Li shouted before he finished speaking.

"Well, I won't say, then you can save me!" Huang Hecai continued to beg for mercy.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Mu Li couldn't help but hesitate.

"You heal first, it's absolutely safe here."

"If they find it," Huang Hecai asked anxiously.

"Here is the army. Do you think a few gamblers who can collect debts can come in?" Mu Li showed disdain on his face.

Huang Hecai's eyes flashed a complex emotion, and Dodging Muli's eyes: "No."

"Then it will end!" Mu Li, though saying so, caught his strange expression sensitively.

Out of Huang Hecai's ward, Mu Li told a few words in the ears of one of the guards before leaving.

Out of the hospital, Mu Li rushed to Commander Liao's house again. Doctor Jiang told him that Mrs. Liao's condition had stabilized, and that Liao Sisi had contacted Commander Liao, and he would soon be back.

Mu Li went to visit Mrs. Liao, and she looked much better.

His face was the paleness that was not exposed to the sun all year round, instead of the abnormal red color last night.

I was relieved, and came out of Mrs. Liao's room, and asked Dr. Jiang to wait for Commander Liao to return.

Then he told Liao Sisi to let the kitchen do a good job and make up for Dr. Jiang. He stayed up late last night and got out of the panda's eyes.

Liao Sisi told him that the kitchen was already preparing meals, which were all good dishes.

Mrs. Liao's condition is stable, and their sisters have smiles on their faces.

There was nothing left in the Liao family, Mu Li left and left.

There is still a major case waiting for him in the army, and these days I don't know how everything is packed in one place.

Let's just say that the hospital, Yang Fan Xiaolong is now Huang Hecai, and he is always inseparable.

He was angry at the thought of Huang Hecai. At that time, the old man was in debt for a while, which caused him so much trouble.

No matter what, he was stuck like dog skin plaster again, disgusting.

Regardless, such a person is a bottomless pit. If you want dissatisfaction, you ca n’t fill it up. The farm incident finally came to an end, and this made a comeback again. Mu Li felt inexplicably heavy.

I am afraid that it is not as simple as owing a gambling debt, it is likely to be used by others as a **** against him.

Thinking of this, Mu Li's expression became colder and colder, and wanted to restrain him? dream!

At the army compound, he walked into the office building and pressed the elevator.

The door opened and went in, about to press the close button, but didn't want to flash in alone.

"Master, what a coincidence, we had a chance to meet again in the elevator." What flashed into the eyes was Yang Fan's youthful and proud face.

Mu Li could not help but jump at her heart! It's already disturbing enough.

His face sank like water, but he nodded slightly, without any other response.

"Master, you look very tired. Did you sleep last night?" Yang Fan asked, seemingly concerned, but with a hint of ridicule in his eyes, he looked good.

Mu Li was looking at her mobile phone, pretending not to hear her, and ignored her.

"Master, do you play games on your mobile phone?" Yang Fan couldn't respond when he saw Mu Li. He felt neglected and inexplicably wronged, but also very unwilling.

God knows how much she has to do in order to seduce the army leader on the stairs or in the elevator.

Mu Li suddenly took the stairs and suddenly took the elevator. It was not easy to beat him.

As she leaned closer to Mu Li's side, the probe wanted to see what he was playing.

Mu Li stopped her in time with her hand: "Whatever you do!"

He then flinched toward the corner of the elevator.

This kind of keeping distance is a kind of provocation and contempt for Yang Fan.

How can a person who has been spoiled like a little princess since he was a child suffer this?

The more Mu Li ignored her, the more she wanted to get close to him, and the better she could see him, she was attracted unconsciously, but she resisted subconsciously, a very contradictory psychology.

Yang Fan leaned towards him, and had to lean next to him.

Mu Li frowned in disgust, "Please keep your distance, this is the minimum courtesy and morality."

Such a naked warning made Yang Fan's face very unbearable, but he was in the elevator without a third person.

But it also gave her a reason to refute boldly, "Master, do you hate me so much!"

"Hate? I've never liked you before, how can I hate it!" Mu Li laughed and stood at the furthest distance from Yang Fan again.

"You, you, it's too much, how can you hurt me a girl like this!" Yang Fan finally couldn't help the grievances in her heart, and tears poured out.

"Don't cry, what am I doing to you?" Mu Li saw Yang Fan crying and warned him sharply.

When he said this, Yang Fan was crying terribly.

Just at this time, the elevator arrived, and Mu Lifu also left.

The Yang Fan behind was in full view, and came out with tears in his face.

The situation of the two people puzzled those officers and soldiers who were going to take the elevator. Which one is the trouble?

Yang Fan was taught by the Captain, or was he bullied by the Captain?

So the rumors about the two of them were flying around, the relationship between them was ambiguous, and one of them escaped and cried in the elevator is the best evidence.

Of course, it's more about Yang Fan, what a white whirlwind, what went out to handle the case and rest in the presidential suite and so on. The mayor's golden money is different, not only upsetting the military area compound, but also dragging the military commander into the water.

Everyone regards Yang Fan as a grand lady who is arrogant and arrogant.

It was more sympathy for the commander-in-chief of the army, and I was ruined in her hands.

Mu Li has finished his business and is preparing to go to the Special Operations Division to see how the case is going.

Xiaolong went in and said, "Army Captain, Xiaolong's sick leave is over and he will come back to work."

"Why don't you rest at home for a few more days? Besides, we're getting married, and it's not too late to return to work after the wedding." Mu Li looked at him with some surprise.

"I want to come back to work and lie in the hospital for so many days, it's almost moldy." Xiaolong scratched his head and smiled sorry: "It's just that I haven't recovered my memory. Will the military commander abandon me?"

"Of course not, I believe that some things will be in the subconscious." Mu Li nodded in trust, "Go with me to Special Operations Division."

"Observe, Master Captain." Xiaolong answered happily.

The two came to the Special Operations Section and discussed the best solution to the case based on the facts summarized by the Special Operations Chief.

Although this case is large, it also has obvious flaws, that is, the gangster is more arrogant.

Every time after committing a crime, a girl is taken away, find a place to play enough, and then throw it out.

So they decided to make a breakthrough from here and send a beautiful female comrade to do the bait.

Follow them to the old nest, and then, according to the positioning system on her, the gangsters will be wiped out.

In addition to the clerk in the Special Operations Division, there was only Yang Fan, a female comrade in arms, and she certainly couldn't.

Not to mention that there is not enough mental quality to deal with emergencies, and her performance in the army alone is not suitable.

However, Yang Fan did not know where to learn the news. The Special Operations Division wanted to select beautiful female comrades in other places to help solve the case.

She rushed into the Special Operations Chief's office in a fierce rush, asking why she was not used by her beautiful Special Operations Officer, but she was going to borrow from another department. Isn't it obvious that she was not in her eyes?

If she is not in the Special Operations Division, since she is still involved in this case, she cannot be ignored, she must go!

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