"Foolish, who asked you to change your plan!" Come here is Mu Li.

The special warfare section chief saw the army chief personally go out, not only did not feel relaxed, but the pressure was even greater.

If something happens to the commander of the army, it is not something he can handle as a special warfare chief.

But this time is not the time to complain. You can only respond with 100,000 spirits.

There are more than ten gangsters, and they are all trained in special warfare.

"You're here to save me, aren't you?" Yang Fan's voice was very excited. She did not expect that Mu Li would personally come out of Malaysia to lead them to break through.

If the plan is changed halfway, the arrest plan cannot be implemented, otherwise the identity will be exposed if the gangster is prepared, and it will be difficult to carry out similar arrest operations.

Yang Fan naturally understood these situations. She just wanted to see what kind of action Mu Li would take.

Whether to abandon them and let them survive on their own in the attack of the gangsters, or to rescue them by hand.

If rescued, does it mean that he has affection for her? Can't bear to see her fall into the hands of the gangster.

"Don't make nonsense, originally planned to continue!" Mu Li glanced at her coldly, and whispered.

Then he shouted loudly: "Dead woman, you come out again to hook up with Xiaobailian, and you think it's great that you can kickboxing. When you are killed, you know that your three-legged cat is not used to show off.

The special warfare chief understands that this is the purpose of the military commander to play the love enemy.

He unequivocally provoked: "She is now my woman, and I am very satisfied with her performance, it is very suitable for my taste, who are you special, and why to stir, just these bird people, Not good enough for boxing. "

"Well, I'll see what you can do." Mu Li sneered.

The three murmured back to back. In fact, their voices were loud. The gangsters around them also understood, love triangle.

After fighting for a while, all three were out of control and controlled by the gangsters.

But the rescue should not have occurred, and the gangsters headed were impatient: "Are they really not police?"

"Should not be, if so, how could these three people be," the brother next to him echoed.

The gangsters, headed by some, shouted loudly towards the grove, "Leizi, your people have been caught by us, and hurry up to redeem the hostages. Otherwise, the male castration will be a slave, and the woman will be a welfare to the brothers. "

No matter how they shouted, there was still nothing moving around. The gangsters headed by it waved at ease: "Brothers, take them with you, it seems that these people were not sent by Lei Zi."

Three people were shoved into the car and then blindfolded again.

Yang Fan could not help protesting: "I can't see anything in the car, why should I cover my eyes?"

"Little damsels, don't talk nonsense, keep your strength, wait until the brothers will make you not even talk." A gangster sneered and reached out and squeezed her cheeks.

The Special Operations Chief secretly kicked her, begging her not to make trouble.

Because of her, the commander of the army has been put into danger. If she does not cooperate again, the gangsters will be suspicious, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Yang Fan stopped talking and sat motionless in the car, she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

For Mu Li, the temptation has been tempted. He can come in person is the best answer, which makes her inexplicably warm. With Mu Li beside her, she is not afraid of any danger.

About half an hour later, the car started to bump, and it seemed that it had left the city and embarked on a country road.

About half an hour later, the car stopped and they were taken out of the car.

Then he walked for a while before he was able to untie the black cloth on his eyes.

It was found that they were already in an empty room, with nothing but a few chairs inside.

"What are you doing here with us?" Mu Li said coldly.

"The man's castration was a slave, and I found that your skills are very good. This is a special treatment. If other people have been beaten half-dead and lost." The gangster headed and said slowly, holding his arms.

The sullen little eyes looked at Yang Fan again: "As for this little lady, I will give my brothers welfare."

"What is welfare?" Yang Fan asked, puzzled.

"That's the brothers lined up, waiting for you one by one!" The gangsters headed by them smiled.

"You guys, how can you do this?" Yang Fan scolded: "despicable, innocent, do you know who I am?"

"No matter who you are, even the mayor Qianjin came here, **** isn't it, they are still riding in turns by the brothers." The gangsters headed smiled wretchedly, revealing a three-footed look: "I can't wait to wait It ’s early to see what it looks like. It must be amazing. "

Suddenly there was a noisy footsteps, and then came a group of people.

The man headed was very temperamental, with sunglasses, tall, walking and shaking his body, and had a big brother model.

"Brother, you are here. You have fished a mermaid today, and the brothers are waiting for you to try it out." The former gangster named Yang Fan pointed out to that brother.

"Yes, it really is a superb girl." Brother took off his sunglasses and stared at Yang Fan for a while and laughed loudly.


"The comer took her to the milk bath and waited for the offering table to enjoy my courtesy."

As soon as his words fell, two middle-aged women who looked like maids came to Yang Fan and pulled her out.

Yang Fan immediately looked at Mu Li and sent him a distress signal. Why didn't she act? She didn't want to be treated as a confession, and what kind of milk bath she would take.

Mu Li took a look at the actual situation, pretending not to see Yang Fan's eyes, but exchanged a look with the Special Operations Chief, and then pulled out two pistols from the waist with a flash of thunder, and held them in one hand. One, at the same time, rushed to his brother and pointed the pistol at his head.

The Special Operations Chief also held two pistols and shouted loudly to the disciples: "Do not move, you are surrounded. If you don't want to die, put down your gun and raise your hand to surrender."

As soon as Yang Fan saw that they were in action, he couldn't help but feel happy, took out a pistol, pointed at the gangsters, and said to the two servants around her: "Hurry up and wait for your help."

The two servants left with gratitude, and they were both taken from nearby villages to cook for them.

Brother saw himself being held captive, and immediately asked angrily, "This is the surprise you guys brought me today?"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the headed gangster said in a crying voice, "I don't know what happened."

"You stupid donkey, I will die in your hands sooner or later." He scolded his teeth.

At the same time, trying to distract Mu Li's attention, he pulled out the gun on his waist. He had been kicked by Mu Li before he could pull out the gun.

"Don't play tricks on me, obediently let your people surrender, maybe there is still a way to live, otherwise you will be executed." Mu Li's voice was cold, and gunfire came from outside. He knew that the special police and the other officers and men of the special operations department had already engaged in a fire .

Brother saw that the situation had gone and had to order, "Drop the gun."

So the gangsters lowered their guns, and the elder brother hippie smiled with a smile: "Don't point your gun at me, they all put down their weapons."

Mu Li pinned a gun to his waist, and then reached out to touch him. Without touching the gun, he put it down.

However, the special operations section chief did not dare to relax, and the safety of the commander-in-chief was his responsibility.

The special policemen outside rushed in to report that all the tartars outside had fallen into power.

The special operations section chief then lowered the pistol, relieved, and finally completed the task safely.

Just as everyone was cleaning up the scene, one didn't notice and the eldest brother ran to the corridor behind the room.

The Special Operations Chief immediately caught up and shouted, "Stop, don't move, otherwise I'll shoot."

But the gangster didn't stop, but rushed into a room and closed the door.

When the Special Operations Chief rushed over and opened the door, there was no one inside.

He looked in the room in amazement and found that there was a secret passage, but the agency had been damaged, and he could no longer open the secret passage, and immediately reported the situation to the commander of the army.

Mu Li immediately ordered the secret passage to be blasted and pursued, but after all, he was escaped by the gangster brother, and there should be someone who answered him at the exit of the secret passage.

But anyway, this major robbery and **** gang was completely wiped out, except of course the gang boss.

During the trial of all the gangsters, Mu Li discovered a strange phenomenon that no one knew the origin of the gangster.

And these gangsters are all fooled by the streets bought by his high and new technology. Anyway, they are written about the unemployed nomads, whoever gives money to those who kill their lives, they will not ask the details of the gangster.

In other words, nobody in this emerging gang knows its background, its origins, and how it suddenly popped up in this city overnight, even if it is the owner of the gang.

Such a situation, even the countless city criminal investigation brigade, are deeply strange.

Although the case was broken, Mu Li's heart was unusually heavy. The gangster fled, with a mystery that no one can solve.

Suddenly he had an intuition. The recent emergence of Huang Hecai might have something to do with this gangster.

Is it the courage he gave? If it weren't for how dare he come out and make trouble with him, he would be asking for money and coming to the door.

With his knowledge of the gangsters in this city, there is no such master, especially after the annihilation of the church, the gangsters in this city have a feeling of being invincible, and they have been converging. Even the most chaotic bars and nightlife places Both are much better.

It seems that it is still necessary to find a breakthrough from Huang Hecai. He has a hunch that the gangster will not stop, and Huang Hecai will not stop.

Anyway, this case is broken, but there is something that can't fit in Mu Centrifuge.

When summarizing the case, he severely criticized Yang Fan. She temporarily changed the rules of action, nearly ruined the entire plan, and put everyone's efforts to the fore. Secondly, the crime group could not be exhausted.

Yang Fan has been completely captured. In such a dangerous situation, he can survive the danger and turn the tide, not only saving her, but also the entire case. Mu Li is the hero in her mind and no one can match it.

She thought she had fallen in love with him, just as Mu Li appeared in front of her.

The situation was critical at the time, and she and the special operations section chief were in danger of their lives.

It was his intervention that resolved the crisis and allowed the two to proceed as planned.

Therefore, in the face of Mu Li's criticism, she accepted without hesitation and conducted a profound review.

Of course, she did not tell the secret in her heart. The reason for her willfulness was to test Mu Li. His performance deeply conquered her heart. Since then, she is willing to be his little sheep and put away her sharp edges and horns. Give him the tenderness and love of a woman.

Yang Fan is very confident that she can use her strength to conquer Mu Li and be a good soldier.

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