Lin Qing has a famous saying that he knows that tears are weapons of the weak, not women's patents.

Now Lin Qing was crying in front of her, so sad tears, Mu Li's heart was broken.

It's easy to talk to Lin Qing, and she calmed down her emotions slowly.

But his shoulders still shuddered.

"Wife, if you are not deflated, hit me twice." Mu Li said holding Lin Qing's hand and hit him on his face.

Lin Qing pulled his hand back. "I'm not as **** as you. You and Yang Fan are not clear. I didn't say anything, but you don't care for me, what a manly husband."

Xueyuan Liu is just her senior. Although Lin Qing does not deny that her feelings for him are different from ordinary people, there is absolutely no division.

Mu Li always didn't understand this. She imposed various restrictions on her, and she got angry when she thought about it.

Because of her different feelings for Xueyan Liu, she hopes to maintain her image in front of her. A good wife and a good mother seem to be the only way to match that elementary school girl who liked him then.

Instead of helping her to maintain such an image, Mu Li seemed to have knocked over the vinegar bottle. Wouldn't she have plunged her into an embarrassing state, as if she really had any selfishness towards Xueyuan Liu.

"Don't blame me for being angry. Can you and the senior Liu pay attention to the influence? You are a pregnant mother." Mu Li couldn't understand Lin Qing's thoughts, but said this again.

Lin Qing couldn't help laughing: "You might as well tell Liu Xuechang that I have an unforgettable relationship with him and have a different dream with you."

Mu Li was dumbfounded by her speechlessness, glaring, wanting to say something and afraid to provoke Lin Qing to anger, she had to hold her back.

"I'm your woman, don't I want to give him the appearance of a happy little woman? You know? The success of a woman is not how big her career is, and how happy her family is. This is different from men to women." Lin Qing sighed. , Stood up, walked to his desk, and packed things.

Her words touched Mu Li very much. Women turned out to be different from men?

Does Lin Qing mean that her success is the happiness of her family and her career is not important.

In other words, she wants to give Liu Fei a look like a happy housewife to prove her success?

However, he made troubles everywhere, even when Liu Fei was giving oranges to class, he imposed various restrictions on Lin Qing.

She did not show affection for her, but looked like a tiger, as if she was afraid that Liu Fei would run away with Lin Qing at any time, wouldn't it prove that Lin Qing was unsuccessful? Isn't that why she failed?

How could his dignified military commander lose to a little calligrapher, he was unwilling.

Lin Qing had packed up and saw her go out, Mu Li quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

"Run away from home." Lin Qing returned without thinking.

Mu Li was anxious when he heard it. He quickly got up from the sofa, reached out and grabbed her, "What should I do if you run away from home?"

"How? You are a baby? Can't you take care of yourself?" Lin Qing laughed.

Mu Li has never felt so reckless as if he couldn't live without Lin Qing.

However, if you think about it, you really ca n’t live alone without leaving Lin Qing, and you do n’t care about the face of the army chief.

Dragging Lin Qing's arm and begging, "You can't run away from home unless you bring me too."

"Bring you? So what am I doing away from home?" Lin Qing was mad at him.

"Anyway, I don't care. If you run away from home, take me with you, or the girl will miss me." Mu Li saw him pretending that Lin Qing was not so angry, and he went out, and continued to play with her, Lin Qing is happy.

She's pregnant now, and she can't be emotional and emotional all day, and when things are talking, she has to coax her happy.

"I can really pull it. When did you learn to talk poorly, which woman trained you out." Lin Qing laughed.

"Look, you are wrong this time, first go through the vinegar jar. Mu Lixun smiled:" It's okay to be angry, anyway, we will be off work soon, we will go home together. "

"I said that I would run away from home before I would go back to you." Lin Qing said angrily.

"The husband and wife have no revenge overnight. They are not allowed to regenerate. I don't want to go home now. I will take you out to play." Mu Li stretched her arms around her waist and laughed.

Lin Qing patted his hand without leaving any traces. "Will I be clean? Will I go? I went to Yuan Hongbao's house to see. I haven't seen her for a long time. I really want a little bell. The chubby little looks are so cute."

"Really go to Yuan Hongbao's house?" Mu Li asked.

"Look at the villain's heart and gentleman's belly again." Lin Qing smiled.

"Did you just go there that day?" Mu Li reluctantly replied.

"How long has that been? Besides, it was because you had a good fight with Yang Fan, and Yuan Hongbao was also worried." Lin Qing heard him talk about the last thing, and was panicked again. Last time Yang Fan made a selfie with him. She was so busy on the Internet that she didn't say anything. Now that she and Liu Fei are in a normal relationship, he does not spare.

Mu Li was afraid that she would think of those disturbing things again, and hurriedly said, "Don't turn over those old accounts, go to Yuan Hongbao's house, right? I'll make atonement for you, can you take it?"

Lin Qing thought about it. Since he took the initiative to admit his mistakes, he had to forgive and go around. It was also the old saying that the husband and wife had no overnight resentment, so they forgave him. "Well, you send me to . "

Seeing her promise, Mu Li knew that she had forgiven him, and the heart settlement between the two was released, and she was very happy.

Taking advantage of the situation said: "Yang Fan can't drive away in the compound of the military region. Don't worry about what happens in the future?"

"Why, did you give me a vaccination earlier?" Lin Qing was unhappy when she heard it. "No, you also know that it is a non-stop master, I'm afraid what will happen." Mu Li quickly explained.

"You can be ashamed of what you want, no matter what I want to do? Besides, what happened to you, what have I said?" Lin Qing asked unhappyly.

"Yes, I talked too much, my wife is a kind woman." Mu Li reached out and gently covered her belly, smiling.

"Hum, I'm a belly-bellied woman," Lin Qing said.

After that, she thought of another thing: "Since you have already told me, then I also tell you."

Having said that, she suddenly shut up again and sold off.

Mu Li couldn't help wondering: "What do you tell me?"

"That's what you told me!" Lin Qing simply puzzled him.

"I tell you about it?" Mu Li said suddenly understood, he told her not to be jealous of his gossip and Yang Fan's gossip, then Lin Qing meant, told him not to eat meaningless vinegar for Liu Fei.

Now that he has understood Lin Qing's thoughts, he will certainly not be jealous of Liu Fei.

If Lin Qing's heart isn't on him, she won't be jealous of him, she will be eager to break this relationship. Her life with Mu Li is not good, and Liu Fei sympathizes with her, so what to her.

It is precisely because Lin Qing's heart is on him that he desires him to maintain his happiness instead of being jealous.

"I see, don't worry, I won't be jealous anymore, it will only make you face longer." After talking about Mu Li Haha laughed, as if the dark clouds were all gone.

Looking at Lin Qing's surprised look, he could not help but smile proudly: "I'm not a stingy person, your senior Liu is my friend, and he is also our baby son's calligraphy teacher, can I not get along with him ?"

Listening to what he said, Lin Qing was a little surprised. The attitude before and after this changed too quickly, but made people doubtful.

She gazed into Mu Li's eyes and found nothing wrong, but she was still not relieved and could not help asking, "You won't have any bad eyes."

"Huh? You just look at your husband and me like this?" Mu Li asked with a frown, and asked unhappyly.

"Isn't there any bad mind?" Lin Qing was still uneasy.

"Well, if you think I have a bad heart, just save it. Anyway, I'm Mu Li Dangzhenzhenzhen, and I have a clear conscience." Mu Li promised with a pat on his chest.

Lin Qing didn't look like he was lying, and knew he would not lie, so he believed what he said.

"You're changing fast, it seems like you've changed people suddenly."

"It's not that I changed my person, it's because I have a rapport with you and understand what you think." Mu Li laughed mysteriously when she heard her say that.

"Come on, let's climb up the pole, and I can really believe you in the future." Lin Qing said, holding his arm in his hand, and smiled: "Let's go, take me to Yuan Hongbao's house."

"All right." Mu Li agreed quickly, and the two walked out of the office.

When passing by the next room, Lin Qing said to Aunt Li and Xiao Qing inside, "I'm leaving a little in advance, you two can clean up and get off work."

"Okay, sister Lin." Xiaoqing agreed.

Looking at the two like a conjoined baby, Xiaoqing couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

"Aunt Li, Captain is really nice to Sister Lin. It is a blessing to meet such a man."

"Why not, good people have good rewards," Aunt Li nodded happily.

Previously they were worried. The two would quarrel, but they didn't expect it to rain.

Xiaoqing and Aunt Li packed up, and they went downstairs together to go home.

They work with Lin Qing and are not subject to the restrictions of Tongda Company.

When I met Shangguan Qingyun in the hall, she sneered with her arms in her arms and said, "Well, it's really a good job to be a servant. You leave when the master is gone, but we, the serious workers, still have to rely on them. You are few, so it ’s better for the new society. "

"What are you talking about? We are servants to eat by labor." Xiao Qing couldn't help but excuse her.

"Eating by labor? The waiter's life is also labor? It's a real laughter, shameless people don't know if it's a shame!" Shangguan Qingyun heard Xiaoqing dare to talk back to her, even more bitterly.

Aunt Li pulled her hand and whispered, "Don't talk to her, there is nothing good to say about her."

Xiaoqing listened to Aunt Li's words and stopped arguing with her, but just poked at her and snorted coldly.

Shangguan Qingyun felt that this was a naked disregard for her. Where could she stand it? She was in nowhere to spit out the fire. Now grabbing Xiaoqing is just a chance for venting. If she doesn't drive her away today, she will Not called Shangguan Qingyun.

"Stop it for me, explain it plainly, who didn't eat by labor." Said Shangguan Qingyun reached out and dragged Xiaoqing who continued to go forward with Aunt Li.

Xiaoqing said angrily: "Why are you doing this, can I hide if I'm looking for something? Why don't you give up?"

"I still don't want to forgive me today, how?" Shangguan Qingyun sneered: "It's just you who is worthy to ignore me?"

When Aunt Li saw that things were bad, Shangguan Qingyun seemed to have a wicked fire on her body, and quickly urged: "Miss Shangguan, your grownups should not give her a lot of general knowledge. I told Xiaolin that she would punish her."

Aunt Li was also kind and wanted to persuade her, but she heard her words in Shangguan Qingyun's ears, but the sentence was nailed. Someone asked Xiaolin to say that this was not an obvious warning to her. Xiaoqing was not her fault She is from the Captain's wife.

Aunt Li is old, and Shangguan Qingyun doesn't share her general knowledge. The old man ca n’t mess with it, but Xiao Qing can provoke her. Regardless of whether she is the captain's wife or someone, she first learned her anger.

"Minger taught Mr. Lin a lesson? I will teach it today, and I dare to be so irrational in the future!" Said Shangguan Qingyun slaps and hits Xiaoqing's face.

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