Dingdang, who has already reached the full moon, has begun to interact with others. Orange and orange lay beside the cradle, making him giggle. Yuan Hongbao couldn't help laughing: "Orange and Orange have a good time playing with Ding Dang. Just stay and be a companion to Ding Ding. No matter how funny I am, he won't laugh so happily. "

Shen Yuhe laughed: "Little dolls are just looking for little dolls. They don't have the same language as our adults."

"Isn't it? In the future, I'll push Ding Ding Dong out to play and see how happy he is." Yuan Hongbao sighed.

She turned to the male movie star again and said, "Don't you let me come out with Tinkerbell? Look, how good he plays."

"I'm afraid he's too young to come out of life. I didn't expect this kid to be happier." The male movie star boss shook his head and smiled.

"Then let Yuan Hongbao stay here for a few days, and it will not be easy to make the child toss and toss back and forth." Lin Qing laughed out loud, "You won't disagree, right?"

"I." The male star stared at Yuan Hongbao and saw her, you dare not agree to try it, and quickly nodded and smiled: "Agree, agree, I am assured that Hongbao lives here, this is the residence of the army commander It's safe. "

"Okay, that's it." Lin Qing clapped her hands and laughed happily.

"What is so happy." Dr. Jiang walked in with a smile.

When she saw the male movie star big brother and Yuan Hongbao's family, and their cute fat son, she couldn't help showing a happy smile on her face. However, she also had such a period with the male movie star big brother. Until now he is so happy that his wives and wives are happy in their hearts.

"Congratulations to the big brother," she said, taking a red envelope out of her pocket, and smiling in Xiao Dingdang's arms. "This is for you from your aunt."

Yuan Hongbao knew that she had pursued big brothers, but that was a thing of the past, and she also knew that Dr. Jiang had a close personal relationship with Lin Qing, and now that Dr. Jiang is very simple and faced, he has accepted this former Love rivals.

Holding Tinkerbell's little hand and laughing, "Thank Aunt Jiang."

The male movie star was also very happy to see this scene, and said to Dr. Jiang sincerely, "Thank you."

"Hi, everyone is an old friend, thank you." Doctor Jiang smiled and looked at the door again: "Lao Jiang, come quickly."

Jiang Tao's biological father appeared at the door. This was his first visit to Mu's house, and he was with Dr. Jiang.

Lin Qing couldn't help but look at Dr. Xiang Jiang with a smile and asked, "Have you already decided to be together?"

Dr. Jiang smiled embarrassedly: "Yeah, a rare old companion, also for the joy of the children, decided to marry Jiang Tao next month."

After listening to her, everyone could not help but applaud. Doctor Jiang, like a shy girl, reached out and held Jiang Tao's father's arm. The happiest person was Jiang Tao and Chang Chang.

Then came the commander Liao's family. The mayor and Yang Fan also came. They were uninvited. They said that they encountered commander Liao and followed them to make fun.

Although Mu Li did not want Yang Fan to come, but since the mayor did not hesitate to come forward, he was hard to say anything and could only welcome.

By six o'clock, all the invited guests came.

The entire Mujia villa was very lively. Attorney Jiang and the servants were busy in the kitchen.

And in the backyard banquet scene, Xiaolong had already arranged with several soldiers.

It's early autumn and the evening breeze is perfect. It is just right to hold a banquet in the courtyard in the open air.

Everyone was having fun and eating, and it was not until the late night banquet.

When I returned to the bedroom, it was already midnight.

Mu Li took Lin Qing in his arms and said with some distress: "Wife, are you happy or tired today?"

"Tired and happy, I like that everyone is happy together." Lin Qing curled up in his arms like a kitten, smiling sweetly.

"Sleep, it's very late." Mu Li patted her spine softly and said softly, he felt tired and dizzy.

In the middle of the night, Lin Qing was awakened by Mu Li. He was like a small stove and burned badly.

In the dream, Lin Qingmeng dreamed that he was holding a small stove, and woke up, but found that Mu Li was the stove in the dream.

She reached out and tried his forehead. Oh my god, it was so hot that it was like putting on charcoal.

He reached out and took out the thermometer from the drawer of the bedside table, put it in his mouth, and it burned to 39 degrees and a half.

Lin Qing was frightened. She shook Mu Li vigorously and asked, crying, "How do you feel, burning so badly, let's go to the hospital."

Although Mu Li was confused, but he understood Lin Qing's words, he shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I'll talk tomorrow."

"No, you burned so badly that you can't delay." Lin Qing took out her cell phone and wanted to call Dr. Jiang, but thinking that Dr. Jiang must have just returned to bed for a long time, he had to call the military region hospital, saying that the army The grown-up has a high fever.

Tens of minutes later, the doctor at the military region hospital took Mu Li to the military region hospital with the nurse for emergency treatment.

The next day, Mu Li's high fever still persisted, and he started talking nonsense, like a nightmare.

Lin Qing was very worried, but the attending doctor couldn't tell the cause of Mu Li's fever, and he couldn't diagnose it.

auzw.com Lin Qing was frightened, but she did n’t dare to tell Shen Yuhe because she was worried. She had to rush back when she had breakfast and told Shen Yuhemu to leave for a business call early in the morning. Already.

Shen Yuhe did not suspect he was there. He had breakfast and Lin Qing pushed to the company and went to the hospital again.

Seeing Mu Li's pain in bed, her heart broke.

"Don't you have a way to cure him? Let him have a high fever like this? Are you doctors or doctors?" Lin Qing couldn't help getting angry at the doctors, how could they be helpless against a high fever.

"Mrs. Captain, Lord Captain, the fever is really strange. There is nothing unusual in the body, but there are symptoms of high fever, like" a doctor said and swallowed again.

"Like what it is, speak it out." Lin Qing asked displeasedly, when it was all like that, still so verbally.

"It ’s like talking about evil in the countryside, stepping on something dirty at night. Where did the military chief go at night?" The doctor asked carefully.

"Your doctors believe this, but not science?" Lin Qing listened to him and shook his head with a bitter smile. Is this still what a doctor said.

The doctor heard Lin Qing's words and was very ashamed. He shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Besides, there is really no other way to explain the high fever of the military commander. We have asked the best doctor for consultation. The situation is unknown. "

"What? The situation is unknown? In other words, isn't he saved?" Lin Qing was desperate as soon as he heard it. The doctor said so, and who can she count on.

"It's better to ask a witch doctor to try it. Sometimes these methods really work. There are many such things in the countryside that cannot be explained by science." Yang Fan did not know when to stand behind them at this time.

Lin Qing looked back at her in surprise: "How are you here?"

"I have a cold. I heard that the army commander is sick. Come and take medicine to see him by the way." Yang Fan's answer was reasonable.

"Isn't this in the hospital? Do your doctors agree with the great god?" Lin Qing smirked at the doctors.

Those doctors were very ashamed, bowed their heads and said nothing. The high fever of the army commander is really strange, there is no reason for it, and no complications have occurred in all organs of the body. However, he is a symptom of high fever, and all kinds of antipyretic treatments are ignored. It seems to be really evil.

Even if they are atheistic medical workers, they have to feel confused about it. If it is not evil, how can it be impossible to find out the cause by medical means.

Seeing that they didn't answer, Lin Qing felt despair again. Since the doctor couldn't come up with an effective treatment plan, she jumped to the gods and looked for Chinese medicine. As long as she could admit Mu Li's illness, she recognized it.

"Mrs. Captain, just give it a try, maybe it will work?" Yang Fan was also worried, "You can't help seeing these doctors, you can't let the Captain grow up just like that."

She was justified in saying that Mu Li couldn't just suffer like this. Her face was tortured with high fever all day long and her lips were blistered. Nonsense, her heart was about to break, and she could not wait for him to suffer the crime.

"Do you have a way to find such a person?" Lin Qing pinned her hope on her.

"As long as you agree, I am willing to help you find it." Yang Fan nodded and responded, "I know that it is very bad for a person to jump to a great god. This person is more evil. Most people please not move him, and his medicine is not difficult to buy. Rare is a drug introduction. "

"As long as you can invite and cure Mu Li's disease, I will do as much as I can." Lin Qing heard her know such a person, immediately grabbed her hand, and looked forward to the request: "Go and help I'll treat."

"Okay, Mrs. Captain, I'll help you, but as to whether he can come," said Yang Fan, embarrassed.

"No matter what conditions he wants, he can promise him." Lin Qing promised.

"I'll try it." After speaking, Yang Fan hurried away.

The doctors were still standing blankly, Lin Qing stomped angrily and said, "Don't expect the great jumping god, you are doctors, you must continue to find ways to treat him."

The doctors nodded and agreed, "Okay, let's go now."

Back in Mu Li's ward, he suddenly woke up from a nightmare, "Don't take me away!"

He sat up sweating and looked around in horror. Lin Qing hurried forward and hugged him gently. He said softly, "Husband, it was a nightmare, and no one would You took it. "

"I dreamed of my dad and wanted to take me away. I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave you." Mu Li was shaking, his voice was shaking, and the high fever had tortured him as an underage. The aura of the army captain.

As long as you fall asleep, you will have nightmares, and you will be awake and suffer from high fever.

He seemed to be tortured by an unknown torture, and it was better to die.

"What the **** is wrong with me?" Mu Qing asked briefly, looking at Lin Qing with sobriety.

"It's okay, it's just a fever, it's good to have a fever." Lin Qing comforted him softly, barely showing a smile.

"But how do I not feel like a fever, my body is cold and hot, and I will be entangled by nightmares as soon as I fall asleep." Mu Li suddenly asked in panic: "I won't be yelled?"

"How is that possible? It's all made up here. It's a cold and a fever, and a few days of injections will be all right." Lin Qing couldn't help but be shocked.

She has also read in the book, how painful would be for the captives, would Mu Li be captive?

But that night, all the banquets were acquainted with familiar friends, and no one was suspected of being yelled. If it was really yelled, which part went wrong?

"Cold, I'm so cold." Suddenly Mu Li dug her tall body into her arms.

Lin Qing covered the quilt with him and hugged him tightly, "It's all right, I'm here."

Mu Li shouted hot for a while, took off his clothes or shouted hot.

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