And there is no need for Lin Qingduo to say anything, it was everyone who solved the situation with the hint of her finishing touch.

This is more convincing, and everyone feels that she is Holmes, and she hates the truth even more, since then she really has no place in Tongda.

It was so cruel that Lin Qing was so insidious that she really looked down on her.

But to this day, she has nothing to say, she will be fired!

"What do you guys think about this?" Lin Qing asked, raising his hand in a quiet gesture.


"You can't get fired. She is the commander of a thousand bucks. She can't get fired, would she be so bold?"

"What do you say then?"

"I want to say that writing a review is too big to see the effect. If you repeat it, even the queen mother won't be able to keep it."

He was talking about a young man with a very good-looking appearance. Lin Qing recognized it as the cold dream of the finance department.

The reason why I remember it was that the name was strange, and reading made it cold.

Leng Menghan didn't seem to have a trace of warmth. Lin Qing was also curious about what kind of mentality his parents should give him such a cold name.

However, Leng Menghan is only a small staff member of the Finance Department. The two have no chance to communicate, so they have no way to ask.

Only occasionally to say hello, Lin Qing still had a good impression on this young man.

He suggested that Lin Qing felt very good. If he just fired Shangguan Qingyun like this, he would not be able to explain to Commander Liao.

It seems that she did not take good care of her, and she had the burden of commanding Liao. However, she did not get fired and it was difficult to convince the public.

This is also because she did not try the case subjectively, but let everyone guess the result step by step. So, she didn't say much, and Shangguan Qingyun could say more.

It wasn't that she shunned her, but that Commander Liao was kind to her. If the cooperation case with Tiancheng Group was not helped by Commander Liao, Tongda Company would not have a smooth footing in the real estate industry, and the development momentum was strong.

Both sides have further deepened cooperation with Tiancheng Group, using their respective advantages to form a group, continue to break the waves in the real estate industry, and create more and greater influence.

Ling Annan attaches great importance to this, and has once stated that he will use the power of the head office to help them create a sky in the real estate industry.

All this stems from the cooperation case that Commander Liao helped her to reach, otherwise Tongda Company would not succeed so quickly.

We all know this line of water | very | deep, if not the senior Tiancheng Group took it with them, they might be drowned.

Because of this, Lin Qing's gratitude to Commander Liao naturally fell on Shangguan Qingyun.

She is the hard-won daughter of Commander Liao, who has been in the country for more than 20 years and finally reunited. She hopes that she will be at ease and that Commander Liao will be at ease, as she is led by Shangguan Qingyun.

However, Shangguan Qingyun didn't fight, she challenged her bottom line again and again, this time, so much trouble, she was also worried about how to end in order to calm the people's anger.

I am afraid that employees will say that she is short-guarded, and they are afraid that the employees will propose punishment that makes her difficult to implement.

Leng Menghan's words solved her difficulties, and everyone seemed to agree with the proposal.

She nodded and asked, "What do you think, Xiaoqing?"

Xiaoqing didn't want to make things big. She also knew that Shangguan Qingyun's identity was special and she didn't want to be her enemy.

"Mr. Lin, I think Ms. Shangguan just wants to make a joke for me. It's just a prank. I won't pursue it, and I won't take it to heart."

"Well, now that you say so, let Shangguan Qingyun write a review and then remember it too much as a warning!" Lin Qing smiled gratefully towards Chao Xiaoqing. She didn't die in the end. the amount.

"Huh, I won't appreciate it." Shangguan Qingyun said coldly, "She's not worth it!"

After speaking, she turned and rushed out of Lin Qing's office. Everyone couldn't help sighing. This man was really helpless. He obviously hurt people, was tolerated, and didn't know how to be grateful. But he should stay away from her in the future.

The matter has been resolved, Lin Qing said with a serious look: "This is the end of the matter, no one is allowed to mention it, otherwise it is to stir up the right and wrong. Well, you all go back to work. Leng Menghan and Jiang Tao left . "

Leng Menghan was a little nervous. I didn't know what Lin Qing had left him.

Seeing everyone leaving, Lin Qing said to Jiang Tao: "Review the review written by Shangguan Qingyun, you should collect it and stare more at her, so don't make any trouble."

Although Jiang Tao was embarrassed, he agreed: "Okay, sister Lin, don't worry."

Lin Qing nodded, "Go ahead, I have something to do with Leng Menghan."

After Jiang Tao left, Leng Menghan looked at Lin Qing very worriedly and asked softly, "Mr. Lin, what am I doing wrong?"

"Why do you think so? What do you think is wrong?" Lin Qing looked at him and asked a little funny.

"Me, I don't seem to be wrong anywhere." Leng Menghan thought hard, and replied with some uncertainty.

"Really?" Lin Qing asked loudly, his eyes full of scrutiny.

"Really." Leng Menghan nodded.

"If not, you must show self-confidence." Lin Qing encouraged him, feeling that Leng Menghan was indeed confident. It should be caused by a living environment from a young age, growing up in a harsh environment.

Leng Menghan smiled a little embarrassedly and asked prudently: "Is Manager Lin going to ask me anything?"

Lin Qing smiled: "I feel that the words you said in this incident are very special."

"Did I say something wrong?" Leng Menghan heard Lin Qing's words and asked quickly.

Lin Qing shook her head. "Don't be so unconfident. Be confident in what you say."

"Thank you for your encouragement," Leng Menghan said gratefully, and then said with a trembling voice, "I adore you."

Lin Qing laughed: "If he worships others, it is better to work hard to strengthen himself. The audit team leader of the Finance Department is vacant. I think you can do the job. Are you confident?"

"Ah!" Leng Menghan was surprised to hear this decision. "Can I?"

"Don't ask me, you think you can go on, if not, then I look for someone else." Lin Qing said very lightly.

Leng Menghan bit his lip and seemed to be thinking about how to deal with it.

In hesitation, he looked up at Lin Qing's encouraged eyes, slowly regained his confidence, nodded earnestly, and said to Lin Qing, "Mr. Lin, I can do well and will not let you down."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you, don't let me down." Lin Qing was very happy to see him agree.

From his body, Lin Qing saw the shadow of Jiang Tao once, but Jiang Tao was much more sunny than him and was too melancholy.

It's just that I just communicated, and some words are hard to say. I can only wait for a later understanding and then take the right medicine.

With Leng Menghan, he decided that he would take over as the audit team leader of the finance department. Lin Qing asked him to go back, then called Jiang Tao into the office again and told him about it.

Jiang Tao felt that it was quite appropriate, and Manager Fang seemed to like him too. It was that this man was usually too restrained, did not like to talk, and was afraid that his ability to coordinate and communicate was not good.

Lin Qing listened to him and nodded: "Let him try it, give him more encouragement, and maybe it will be better."

The appointment notice was issued soon, and no one objected. The audit team leader has been vacant for some days, and I feel that Leng Menghan's appointment is quite appropriate.

Now the only headache for Lin Qing is Shangguan Qingyun. Although the mobile phone incident has been resolved, she knows she won't stop there and has to call her into the office and knock again.

Shangguan Qingyun had a good attitude in front of Lin Qing, and she should respond whatever Lin Qing said.

Just begged her not to tell her father about her performance in the company.

She said that her mother was able to walk around the room recently, and she was in a good mood, so they couldn't make them unhappy.

Lin Qing couldn't help sighing. She always did this. When she hit her alone, she always said what she agreed to, and she also played an emotional card. But what happened afterwards, she couldn't listen to her at all.

"This is the last time. If similar incidents happen again, I really can't protect you." Lin Qing had to warn her with a stern face.

"Relax, I won't be against Xiaoqing in the future." Yunguan Qingqing, said by Shangguan Qingyun, said, "I can't think of a little nanny who is so powerful. I understand why Wei Zhongxian Li Lianying"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Qing frowned and interrupted her: "Shut up! Use your mind at work, don't go wrong all day."

Shangguan Qingyun stuck his tongue out and smiled sorry: "Well, I take it back, that metaphor just now is inappropriate."

"You go back and do things. If you don't work hard and lose your way, even if it doesn't dismiss you, what's the point of mixing here?" Lin Qing waved his hand impatiently. She had no idea about Shangguan Qingyun's education. Already.

After Shangguan Qingyun left, Xiaoqing came in with a cup of hot soy milk and said with a smile: "Sister Lin, drink soy milk."

"Xiao Qing, the phone thing is over, it really aggrieves you." Lin Qing looked at her a little sorry and said softly.

"Sister Lin, I don't feel wronged, really." Xiaoqing said, passing milk tea to Lin Qing.

"You can think like that, Shangguan Qingyun is really special, alas, my general manager is also very helpless, and I can hide from her in the future." Lin Qing also did not want to say these words, but It must be said that Xiaoqing is not an outsider.

Xiaoqing understood and said, "I understand, Sister Lin is really fine."

"Xiao Qing, you will be a regular employee of our Tongda company from tomorrow. She was hired with Aunt Li's family. She went to the finance department and you went to the marketing department. Do you look good?" Lin Qing said her own intend.

Xiaoqing quickly waved her hand. "Sister Lin, I can't help you. I'm good at serving you like this. I'm afraid I can't be a regular employee."

"You can look down on yourself, others can look down on you." Lin Qing looked at her seriously and said, "Do you understand?"

Xiao Qing saw that she was serious, and nodded, "I understand."

"If you don't understand anything in the future, ask Xiao Liu for advice. You can see that he is sincere to you. I hope that your lover will eventually become a family member and give you the little babe in the middle of a baby, a complete home." Said.

"Sister Lin, me" Xiaoqing was very moved after hearing what Lin Qing said, but she still didn't have the courage to accept Xiao Liu's feelings, and felt that she didn't deserve him.

Lin Qing understood her mind and encouraged with a smile: "Listen to your heart and feel happy and happy, so don't worry."

Xiao Qing nodded, her voice choking back, "Thank you, Sister Lin."

Lin Qing knew that she was bullied because of her identity. Making her a full-time employee of Tongda Company was affirmation and protection, so Shangguan Qingyun would not dare to bully her easily.

It is to make Shangguan Qingyun understand that Xiaoqing is her person and give her a good arrangement.

The next day, Xiaoqing, together with Li's daughter, Li Xiaoyun, became a formal employee of Tongda Company.

After Mu Li knew the news, the first one stood out against it: "Wife, can you let Xiao Qing officially enter the Tongda company after taking maternity leave? Can Aunt Li take care of it alone? You are in need now . "

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