They have known each other since Aunt Liu and Ma Xiaoyan graduated from the University of Finance and Economics. They have been doing this business before their health collapsed, and they are familiar with business.

Ma Xiaoyan thought about it, and replied very seriously: "The leader of the cold team is very low-key and introverted, and does not like to talk, but he has a rigorous and meticulous work, which is a typical financial personality. I think he is good.

Lin Qing believes that what she said is true, which is how she always feels, but what about those short messages?

"In the future, you should keep him more, such as who is closer to you, etc." Lin Qing exclaimed.

"Did he make any mistake?" Ma Xiaoyan asked puzzledly.

"No, I want to look at this person from various angles to see if I can be the person, but don't tell anyone about these things, including him, everything must be done without leaving traces." Lin Qing whispered.

"Understood." Ma Xiaoyan nodded and led away.

As soon as she left, Shangguan Qingyun came in, and a scornful smile arose from the corner of her mouth: "Sure enough, there is a back office that is different, and ordinary auditors can also enter the general manager's office."

"What do you want to say?" Lin Qing looked at her coldly. It was really good that the scar had forgotten the pain. It was only a few days before the cell phone matter, and she began to wonder again.

"Mr. Lin, Xiao Qing, you protect it, and your fault is not bad. You care for Aunt Liu's daughter, and you can easily go in and out of the general manager's office. How can you let us young people without a background live?" Shangguan Qingyun was exaggerated. Make a bitter gourd look.

Lin Qing sneered: "Your commander is your commander, isn't that enough?"

"Well, what kind of commander did you mention to me? It was really my back office that let me march into the compound of the district. You see Yang Fan wearing a military uniform all day, and even the commander-in-chief was taken by her" said here, Shangguan Qingyun realized that she was taciturn, and quickly stopped the topic. He smiled, "Dao Weifeng. It's like me, staying here doesn't hurt father or love."

"What the **** do you want to say!" Lin Qing didn't have time to listen to her gossiping and waved his hand impatiently. "If nothing is wrong, please go out, I'm working."

"Drink, this is an order for chasing customers. You will regret it." Shangguan Qingyun sneered, holding his arms.

"Remorse? Why did you say that?" Lin Qing smirked. "You won't come and play with right and wrong again."

"Who is sure who is right or wrong? People cannot live without right and wrong." Shangguan Qingyun said quite calmly.

"Say, what do you want to do with right and wrong?" Lin Qing looked at her with amusement to see what new tricks she could play, but those things, not tired every day.

"The Lord Mayor wants the Lord Captain to be his son-in-law." Shangguan Qingyun leaned close to Lin Qing's ear and said mysteriously.

This sentence fell in Lin Qing's ears, no less than a heavy bomb, the Lord Mayor wants the Lord Captain to be his son-in-law?

Where did she put her? Does the Lord Mayor know that Mu Li has married and had children?

No, it must have been Shangguan Qingyun's own right and wrong. She did not believe that the mayor would be so confused.

"Really? But just thinking about it, the army captain is not a free man." Lin Qing said calmly on the face, and said gently.

"Just think about it? Yang Fan ’s flesh was cut to eat by the Captain, just thinking about it?" Shangguan Qingyun couldn't help sneering: "You are just too kind, just wait for the day to be ruled by Yang Fan, Lord Mayor What I want to do is impossible, let alone Yang Fan's flesh has been eaten in the stomach of an army captain and grown into his flesh. Can you say that they are not one? "

"Waffle! How many of you are here to confuse me." Yang Fan's cutting of meat was interpreted by Shangguan Qingyun. Lin Qing was really annoyed. What a whole, such a mess, can be said.

"I am foolish and confusing? Isn't Yang Fan and the mayor invited the army chief to dinner at noon today? Father and daughter banquet, what is the level? What intentions, can't you see?" Shangguan Qingyun seemed to doubt Lin Qing IQ shook his head and sighed.

"I was also invited, but I didn't go." Lin Qing's Yun Qing answered lightly, and if she was provoked by Shangguan Qingyun, she was fooled.

"Ha, have you been invited? Was it delivered by the commander-in-chief of the army or the father and daughter in person? Even if you go, it will only cause sorrow." Shangguan Qingyun's analysis made sense.

Yang Fan and the mayor did not invite her, but Mu Li told her. In this case, it is worth thinking about whether she really invited her.

"Mr. Lin, for the sake of being a colleague in a company, and you have a good relationship with my dad, I will tell you these things. Do n’t be caught by the dove, but I do n’t know yet. When you cry, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the temple door at that time. "Shangguan Qingyun said very righteously, as if incarnation of the justice messenger, was injustice for Lin Qing.

Her alarmist sounded alarming, although Lin Qing pretended not to care, but her heart had already turned over.

If Yang Fan wasn't so fond of leaving, she wouldn't cut off the meat on her arm and treat him, even if she could not help but hesitate.

Although Yang Fan is ten years younger than Mu Li, the age of a man is not a problem, and it should be said that he is a golden spouse.

Naturally, the mayor will not object. The lover's heart will inevitably complete her feelings, and Mu Li is indeed the best of Lang Cai. It is worth paying for his income to become a dragon.

However, Lin Qing did not want to show the slightest fragility and distrust in front of Shangguan Qingyun.

She smiled slightly: "Even if they think so, they may not be willing to meet their wishes, my man, I understand."

"Che, do you think you are the big girl of Huanghua? Both mothers of two children, don't confuse here. What is Lao Zhuhuang, go home and look in the mirror yourself." Shangguan Qingyun heard her words and could not help laugh.

Lin Qing was degraded for nothing and she was annoyed again. As for doing so!

"Get out! What kind of virtue do you think you are? Show me something here."

"Hey, you're angry, you can see that I poke your pain. I'm not sick in the poke. Hurry and treat it yourself. Don't let others poke you to death." After that, Shangguan Qingyun waved, " Leaving, loyalty, love to hear. "

After she left, Lin Qing fell on an office chair, shaking with anger. This Shangguan Qingyun really couldn't stay in Tongda Company, and it bothered her for three days and two ends.

Without her inconsistency, lest the world be chaotic. If it's okay, she can mix things up.

"Sister Lin, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Qing came in to see Lin Qing's anger, and exclaimed.

"I'm fine." Lin Qing tried to calm her emotions. She couldn't be fooled. Shangguan Qingyun wanted to make her angry. If she was really angry, she would lose.

But none of her words made sense, which is what she has been worried about. Yang Fan's feelings towards Mu Li are not ordinary.

But after she cut the meat for him, she felt that she was jealous of being jealous with her again. As long as Mu Li could not treat her, she was willing to treat her as her sister and deliberately ignore her emotions.

"Sister Lin, has Shangguan Qingyun troubled you again? Is she still doing it for me?" Xiaoqing asked worriedly.

"No, she has put down your business, don't worry." Lin Qing tried to smile and explained softly, "I'm fine, are you fine?"

"This is a document from our market and requires your signature." Said Xiaoqing handed in a document.

Lin Qing nodded, took the document and looked at it seriously, and then signed it.

After work, Mu Li came to pick her up. Her face was still not very good. She had already adjusted almost. Seeing Mu Li was sad again.

"Wife, are you in a bad mood?" Mu Li asked cautiously.

"What did you talk about at noon?" Lin Qing asked coldly.

"No, nothing to talk about." Mu Li didn't seem to know how to answer, and looked a little flustered.

His response verified Shangguan Qingyun's words, which made Lin Qing's heart even more sad.

"Yang Fan is really good to you. If you can cut meat, how can you repay her?" Lin Qing asked inadvertently.

"It has nothing to do with me. Since it is voluntary, what can I repay her?" Mu Li was also distressed by this matter, he was unconscious at that time, otherwise Yang Fan's meat would not be required.

The mouthful of **** flesh was eaten into the stomach, cured, and owed her lifelong love.

He ca n’t give what she wants. If she is indifferent, she is ungrateful. If she wants to be true, he ca n’t reverse Yang Fan ’s bad impression in his heart. Even if she eats her meat, she feels more like A conspiracy.

Yes, a conspiracy, Mu Li thought of a sudden inspiration here: "Is it really a conspiracy?"

He didn't offend anyone, but was suddenly cast by maggots, and only by maggots, without other actions.

It's not like those who have a plot to do underworld. It's like paving the way for Yang Fan and giving her a chance to perform.

If not, after being wormed, he should control his mind and let him tell some secrets or do something instead of lying quietly in the hospital with a fever and cold and hot.

It is not easy to train tapeworms. Some tapeworms need to be fed with flesh and blood in order to obey the owner's wishes. And it takes time, as many as ten or eight years, adolescents three or five months.

Needless to say that the maggots are precious, but the maggots on him have not played a greater role, and the matter itself is strange.

Is there such an opportunity, do not take advantage, just want his life? No need to bother at all.

And in the days when he was wormed, no one came out to blackmail him, so how could he cure him.

There seems to be only one explanation. It has something to do with Yang Fan. She is a thief calling for a thief.

Thinking of this, he could not help saying, "Conspiracy, wife, you must stay away from Yang Fan in the future."

Lin Qing didn't understand what he said, and looked at him in wonder: "Why do you say that again? What happened between you?"

"Don't you feel weird this time?" Mu Li asked softly.

"Yeah, it's weird, how could you get worms? Who is the worm? Can't think of it." Lin Qing was also puzzled.

"Who benefits it?" Mu Li continued to ask.

"How can such a thing be beneficial to anyone?" Lin Qing asked, puzzled.

"Yang Fan! She saved my life with flesh, and achieved her wish, as if locked me with an invisible iron chain." Mu Li's expression on the face was indescribable, and she fell into the cover of a little woman It's really not glorious.

"She is really attentive to you, if not her" Lin Qing still didn't understand.

Mu Li couldn't help sighing: "Well, wife. Don't think about it anymore, just keep in mind that in the future, you will be far away from these thoughtful women like Shangguan Qingyun Yang Fan. They are not pure people. About the maggots I will find out the matter. "

"Shangguan Qingyun is getting more and more excessive." Lin Qing sighed as she thought of what she said.

"What did she tell you?" Mu Li asked alertly.

"Nothing, right and wrong." Lin Qing didn't want to move around anymore, he smiled bitterly.

"Don't believe what they say. How far away they can be, or, wife, you go home for delivery. If you are bored, just go with me to the military area compound." Mu Li raised this question again.

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