After the meal, the people dispersed, Mu Li sent Lin Qing home, and returned to the military area compound.

Send the big brother's photo to Xiaolong, let him contact the international police, and check his details.

Xiaolong told Mu Li that he had found the results in Thailand.

It is likely that Yang Fan was dropped off in the hospital. Several girls who were sent to the emergency department at the time were in the worst condition.

Although the hospital later learned of her true identity, she gave priority to rescue, but Xiaolong personally asked the nurse who had been with the ambulance and told him that even the gods had lost their skills and it was a miracle to be rescued later.

Several other girls died, but Yang Fan survived. They were all surprised.

Mu Li asked him to continue to investigate the matter and find out the identity of the boss. He is likely to be Thai.

Putting down the phone, Mu Li couldn't help falling into thought.

The mysterious girl whom he and Lin Qing traveled to Thailand by chance was definitely not accidental, it should be a carefully arranged game.

It is probably Yang Fan, she should be good at Yi Rongshu, and the mysterious girl should be her too.

Being an excellent spy, having multiple identities is not a problem at all.

He felt that he should talk to Yang Fan again and listen to her details.

Near the end of work, Yang Fan took the initiative to come to his office to talk about her thoughts and said that she wanted to eat with Mu Li at night.

Mu Li agreed after thinking about it. After work, the two came to a Sichuan restaurant.

Ordered a small hot pot, a few special dishes, pickled fish, couple's lungs or something.

The two ate hotly, the Sichuan cuisine was spicy, and they were very sweaty.

Then emotions came up, Yang Fan was a little excited, Mu Li took special care of her.

From time to time, give her a paper towel, pour a glass of water, wipe her mouth or something, like a loving young couple.

Coupled with Yang Fan's feeling that she might have become Mu Li's woman, she opened her heart to him.

"Did we seem to have seen it long ago?" Mu Li stared at her affectionately and asked softly.

Yang Fan nodded shyly: "Yes, we have known each other for a long time."

"Last time I was traveling in Thailand, the pink girl you met was you." Mu Li asked softly.

Yang Fan looked at him in amazement, "Do you feel like it?"

Her words had already been promised, Mu Liying said, "I have such a thought at the first sight of you."

"I am very impressed with the pink girl. She is beautiful and generous, like a little fairy." Mu Li immersed in fond memories.

"It's me, but I don't know you are so impressed with me." Yang Fan finally admitted.

"Why did you meet us? Was it a whim?" Mu Li looked at her in amazement.

"Yes, I was just boring in those days. It was like being a tour guide to find a fresh and exciting life. I didn't expect to meet you. It was very suitable and very popular." Yang Fan was also immersed in good memories.

Of course, she concealed something. In fact, when Mu Li was still traveling in Thailand, the big brother's plan had already begun.

The reason why she was sent to approach their husband and wife was to understand them, and to interfere.

Once the plan starts to be implemented in the future, Mu Li will naturally think of this adventure in Thailand, and many things will be thought of on this powdery girl who does not exist.

"This is the fate, in the vast sea of ​​people, regardless of the end of the world, they will meet." Mu Li pretended to accept her statement, could not help feeling.

Then he asked a question: "Why is your Yirong surgery so good? The face of the girl in pink is completely different from your face now."

After listening to his words, Yang Fan smiled proudly: "I have studied Yi Rongshu since I was young.

"So amazing?" Mu Li was surprised, then he asked curiously: "Can I see your real face?"

Yang Fan nodded without hesitation and promised, she turned around, took down the person | skin | face | face, and turned around to face Mu Li.

Mu Li was suddenly stunned, and she was indeed a pink girl, that was her true face.

"Yang Fan is fake?" Mu Li could not help but panic, "Where is Yang Fan really?"

After seeing Mu Li's reaction, Yang Fan realized that he was playing a big game. He should not forget it for a while, and exposed his true face.

She should say that she is real now, and the pink girl is fake.

When I say it, I can't take back the water I poured.

She was turning her brain quickly, trying to find a reason to pass, the more anxious the brain, the more short circuited.

"Is Yang Fan dead?" Mu Li reminded her when she saw that she was silent.

Yang Fan looked at him in amazement, with a horrified look on his face. "How do you know?"

"I don't want to watch you go further and further away in the evil way. I hope to help you live in the sun and lead a normal life." Mu Li has read the information about Yang Fan and knows that she was trained as a spy since she was a child Later, he has endured various cruel tests. It can be described as a life of nine deaths, endured all kinds of tragedies, and eventually becomes an outstanding spy without a soul.

Even if it is so beautiful in human nature, it is more valuable, and she will yearn for a quiet and peaceful life.

From her feelings for him, Mu Li was convinced of this, and thus accurately hit her door.

Yang Fan was really impressed. She couldn't help but twitch. No one had ever said that to her.

Since she began to fall in love with him, her thoughts have become more and more swollen. She is completely tired of living as a spy without soul and self. She lives a life of bloodthirsty on the edge of the knife. What I accept is not to live for myself, but to live for the never-ending task. Seeing that we are at the age of marriage, we are still alone.

It is impossible to get married and have children like a normal person, and have a stable home.

As long as she does not hang up, she will live for the identity set in the mission and change roles constantly.

"You really can help me?" Yang Fan raised his tears in his eyes, looking forward to Mu Li with high expectations.

"As long as you can cooperate, I can help you." Mu Li nodded to her seriously. After reading her information, Mu Li deeply felt the helplessness of her life. Although she knew she was full of evil, she still treated her. Compassion arises.

She is like an actor, directed by big guys to do the drama in each specific role, not that she wants to act, wants to be a bad person, but has to obey the director's arrangements.

Yang Fan gained confidence from Mu Li and nodded slowly, she was willing to believe that this man she loved deeply.

Just yesterday morning, after noon, she took a taxi to the farm.

Her car is still in the farm, and she needs to get it, and she has let Mu Li away without permission. She also needs to go back to take charge of the crime and resist punishment by the boss.

The power of the big guy is very strong, unless she has the same strong backing, otherwise he can't escape his palm.

When she did something wrong, she could only go back to admit it and punish her. She was occasionally unable to complete the task. She was also afraid of trying to escape, but she failed. She was arrested, and she was beaten with a whip, and then splashed with salt water.

When it's almost finished, the real torture will begin. Throwing her to the dozens of sturdy brethren who are under her control, the men who usually treat her with three feet are as hungry as they get delicious food. Lion, can't wait to tear her up.

After a lap, she had to lie down for another week before the wounds would heal slowly, but the trauma of her heart would never heal.

As soon as Yang Fan appeared on the farm, his wife immediately appeared.

She didn't talk to her with a straight face, but just took her to a room where the men were already waiting to punish her.

It was all afternoon that she dragged the dismantled body out.

She was then brought before the big brother and told her to continue living as Yang Fan and use Mu Li's feelings to find ways to get the red-headed documents issued by the Central Military Commission to the military region to atone for her crimes. Maybe he will do what she wants.

This was her last chance, otherwise she would die terribly.

After coming out of the farm, Yang Fan knew that her betrayal was not used to complete the previous missions. The boss would definitely not trust her again. The only thing that could save her was to get the red-headed document.

None of her identity background mattered, she decided to follow Mu Li and Pan.

Only in this way can Mu Li trust her more easily and get the document easily so that she can be free and they can be together.

Anyway, she is not the real Yang Fan. As long as she changes back to her original identity, no one will find her except Mu Li.

It turned out that, as Xiaolong investigated, the real Yang Fan was drowned and died. The big brother asked her to easily become Yang Fan, return to the country with the mayor who had been successfully bought, and use Yang Fan's identity as his daughter.

As for what agreement the mayor reached with the boss, Yang Fan didn't know.

After listening to Yang Fan's narration, Mu Li let her continue to hide.

Yang Fan agreed, she did not tell Mu Li she was going to steal the red head documents to redeem freedom.

She knew that Mu Li would definitely disagree, and would also strengthen the supervision of documents, making the theft more difficult.

After dinner, Yang Fan wanted to leave Mu's room with Mu, and Mu Li told her that Lin Qing's health is not good these days, and her baby's condition is unstable. He must go back to accompany him.

Yang Fan did not insist, she hoped to be a sensible and well-behaved woman in Mu Li's eyes.

After the break up, Mu Li called Commander Liao and asked him out. He told him the information found by Xiaolong together with Yang Fan. Then the two made a plan to draw snakes out of the hole and waited for them to be implemented immediately after work on Monday. .

The next day was Saturday. It was rare and nothing happened. Mu Li thought that he had promised to take his family to the farm, get up early in the morning, and prepare all kinds of supplies.

After having breakfast, I called Liu Fei and this week the calligraphy class was suspended. The family went on a farm tour.

On the road, Orange Orange was particularly excited, singing and smiling happily, asking what was planted on the roadside cropland from time to time.

The autumn is high, the sky is blue, and Mu Li is driving slowly, so that the family can better enjoy the scenery outside the window.

Even Shen Yuhe was very interested, chatting with Lin Qing and Orange Orange from time to time, which made Mu Li happier.

It has been a long time since the family came out to play together, and he deeply felt his negligence as a son, husband, and father.

When he was young, the car came to the farm. He first took his family to the country house that had been prepared.

A maid has been arranged to take care of their diet and living for the past two days.

After a short break, Orange Orange can't wait to go out to play.

Mu Li took everyone out, and first went to the picking garden not far away.

It's almost late autumn, and there are only persimmons full of trees in the picking garden, like little lanterns.

Some picking workers stepped on the ladder to pick persimmons, and Orange shouted that he would climb the ladder to pick persimmons.

Mu Li had to help him climb up the ladder, watch him picking persimmons, and was afraid that Lin Qing, who was bulky, would not be able to walk, and kept telling her softly, walking carefully.

Lin Qing had to take Shen Yuhe's arm to comfort him. I walked slowly with my mother, don't worry about me. "

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