Now that Liao Sisi has just entered a large state-owned enterprise, he always works overtime on weekends and has rarely been able to practice calligraphy.

Lin Qing succeeded Liu Fei to learn, and she wrote about it, and even Muli praised her for her talent.

The written words can be hung in public, and no one will scold them.

Being so touted by him, Lin Qing couldn't help being complacent, often showing off her writing brush in the circle of friends, winning a little praise, which greatly satisfied her vanity.

Liu Fei was very interested in seeing her studies, and often took her to attend occasions, sometimes in reality, sometimes online. Under Liu Fei's introduction, she also joined the city's calligraphy association. A permanent member.

Learning from Liu Fei made many people envious, and there were many who worshiped her under the door and wanted to learn calligraphy with her.

Lin Qing knew that she was a few pounds and a few pounds, but Huyou didn't understand calligraphy.

Orange Orange sees his mother study hard, he is not willing to fall behind, and the level of calligraphy has been greatly improved than before.

Become a proud lover of Liu Fei, often showing off that he is an aura child in front of others. If he continues to practice, the future is unlimited, I am afraid that he will be higher than him at that time, even if it is a hobby, it will be Up on the level.

Lin Qing was very happy to hear it, and was more confident in practicing calligraphy with Orange Orange. For a while, the mother and child were obsessed.

So that every time Mu Li returns home, they see that they are writing in the study, and then take pictures to show Liu Fei, let him comment on who writes well, sometimes Orange Orange wins, sometimes Lin Qingsheng, because Liu Fei can't see Name, so review results are fair.

Xiao Dieer grew up day by day, and in a blink of an eye for three months, the fat little girl who was as cute as a doll could already stand with the help of an adult.

Orange Orange likes her younger sister very much. After finishing the homework every day, she either makes her sister play or practice calligraphy with her mother.

He happily said that since his mother gave birth to his younger sister, he was happy at home every day.

Lin Qing was naturally happy to see her child happy, but she still hoped to go out to work. Xiaodeer had passed 100 days. She once again suggested to Mu Li to go out to work. She also read many recruitment notices from the Internet and voted. Many resumes have been accepted by several companies.

Lin Qing wanted to go for an interview, and Mu Li couldn't let her go. She wanted to stay at home for a year before going to work.

But Lin Qing didn't want to stay that long. She had mold at home. After one year, she was afraid that she would not be able to keep up with this rapidly changing society.

Feeling extremely depressed, Lin Qing photographed Lu Xiao's family to find her complaining, watching her anxiously get angry, Lu Xiao smiled unhurriedly: "You finally know my suffering, hey, now I'm giving up going to work Thoughts, unless you have a second child. "

"Are you pregnant?" Lin Qing asked, happily.

"No, Ling Annan wants you to have a baby and wants it. I told him that if I had a second child and let me go out to do things, I would have a baby, otherwise I would not give birth." Lu Xiao said with a tangled face, "Look It seems easy to give birth to you, but I'm really scared. "

Lin Qing knew that the child was forced to slip away last time. She still had a shadow. She immediately comforted her: "No, rest assured. If you want to be born, let's be a companion."

"Hey, I'm always behind you." Lu Xiao shrugged helplessly. "I'm pregnant now, and I will be two years younger than Xiaodeer. I can't play together."

"You're making it cheap, both of my children can help you with your child." Lin Qing answered with a smile.

The two women chattered in the living room, Lin Qing came out to relax and feel better, and no longer wanted to go to work.

When Ling Annan went home, she saw Lin Qing playing at home and smiled and asked when she was going back to work.

Lin Qing told him that he wanted to apply for another company and challenge his ability.

Ling Annan asked with a smile: "Isn't it good for me? I just thought of running away. I heard Mu Li said that I still don't believe it, how could I leave me here?"

Lin Qing quickly explained: "Of course I can't bear it, but I want to challenge myself even more. Now Jiang Tao is doing a good job at Tongda, and I'm relieved."

"Then you can go to my other branch office." Ling Annan was really reluctant to let go of the general Lin Qing and tried to persuade her.

Not only is she capable, but she is also good at hiring. It is a pity that such talents have gone because all the directors arranged by Tongda Company can stand alone in other companies.

Seeing her husband so good at her girlfriend, Lu Xiao was both happy and sad.

Glad that Lin Qing is so capable that he did not have a good time under the tree of the army chief, but he did not let Xu Mei create a sky in the workplace by his own ability.

The sad thing is that she is decadent, and she has been staying at home as a housewife since she got married.

She felt deeply out of touch with the society, and even if she let her go to work, she was afraid she would not be able to do it. She even began to feel a sense of fear in the workplace. Although she often fought with Ling Anan to work, if she was really allowed to go out, she might really want to lose her fish without water.

Lu Xiao knew that she couldn't do that. If she left Ling Annan innocently, she would have the capital to survive.

But Lin Qing and Ling Annan were chatting and did not notice the loneliness on her face.

"Actually, I want to make a breakthrough based on my own ability. In Tongda's year, I have not caused a lot of things for the company. You also know the nature of Mu Li's work. I don't want to drag you down. When Lin Qing saw Ling Annan really wanted to keep her, she had to say her true thoughts.

Lin Qing felt that it had something to do with her accidents.

She doesn't want to bring any trouble to the group because of herself, re-apply for a company, start from the bottom, and hide her true identity. This is the career career she wants. At that time, Mu Li won't treat her differently. Kind of interference.

In Ling Anan's company, he will feel that she has all kinds of privileges to her in the same way as in his own company.

The intelligent Ling Annan quickly understood what Lin Qing really meant, and no longer forced her, nodding in agreement.

"If you're not happy doing it outside, come back anytime."

"Okay, I will thank you."

Lin Qing was eating at Lu Xiao's house at noon, and then the two returned to Mu's house again, with little flowers.

In the evening, Ling Annan also came to Mu's house. Mu Li ordered the kitchen to make a few more dishes and two drinks.

Sorrow is even more sorrowful when the wine enters, and the two big men face each other like women.

Mu Linian Lin Lin Qing couldn't stay at home, she had to go to work just after confinement, so she could not stop her at home for three months, and now she was noisy going out to work, posting her resume or something.

He felt that Lin Qing returned to work at Tongda Company and he was also assured that he would go to a new company and a new position. Everything must be started from scratch. How much effort would be required, should the two children still care? Xiao Dieer was only a few months old and needed her mother even more.

Mu Li can't help but sigh, marrying a strong woman as a wife is really painful for a man. If he is a housewife, he can support her at home, be a man behind her, help her to take care of her family, and have a sex. Replacement.

But he is also a career type, so many things in the army are waiting for him to deal with.

Commander Liao is about to retire, and he has recommended to the military commission that he take over as commander.

This matter is basically a matter of nails, but it's just a matter of time. I'm afraid I will be more busy then.

Listening to his complaints, Ling Annan was drinking one after another.

He also had a hard time in his heart, but Lu Xiao was a birdie, but he couldn't help anything at all.

However, I take care of my family at home, look at my children, and I'm still unwilling to quarrel all day to do things, but my ability to be there isn't to do things right when I want to do things.

He hopes that the husband and wife have been working hard in the workplace, going out to work together, and leaving work together. Something in the company can be discussed.

Ling Annan even smiled and said that if he married Lin Qing at that time, Mu left Lu Xiao.

This is satisfactory, and it is not that both of them are full of grievances. It is Yue Yue who led the wrong red line.

After listening to his words, Mu Li could not help but frown, and asked coldly, "Did you fall in love with our family Lin Qing?"

Ling Annan quickly laughed and explained, "How dare I, and not to say that my friends and wives can't be bullied. To be honest, I really can't stop Lin Qing's ability, I can only match you, and I am a little worse than her. Better."

Mu Li couldn't help laughing, and reached out and patted his shoulder, "Your boy, you always have a smooth mouth, it's harder to catch than a loach, and it's really hard to tell your way."

The women have finished their meals and left the table for a long time. The two big men are still drinking and groaning.

Who said that only women can talk, and men can also think about it with a little happiness.

Three months later, Mu Li was promoted to commander. When Xiao Dieer was six months old, he officially became commander of the military region, replacing commander Liao.

Commander Liao is old and retired to the second line, spending more time with his family to support him every year.

Shangguan Qingyun is still working at Tongda Company, but now she does not only make troubles as before, but works very hard. She becomes a powerful assistant to Jiang Tao. Her affection for Jiang Tao also slams into the wrong direction and makes a new boyfriend. He is an officer in the compound of the military region. This officer, Mu Li and Commander Liao, both have great importance and a promising future. They fell in love at first sight at the party and quickly fell in love. The wedding was already on the agenda.

Turning back to the shore, Shangguan Qingyun and Jiang Tao became good buddies and became good friends with everyone.

While working in customs, Liao Sisi became an outstanding customs enforcement officer with strict law enforcement. He fell in love with a young man in this field. His marriage was also mentioned on the agenda.

Commander Liao planned to hold a wedding with their sisters and then take Mrs. Liao to travel around the world.

When she was a child, she missed many things for her career, and Mrs. Liao had been lying on the bed for more than 20 years. It was time to make good compensation for her. Therefore, it was decided that in the second half of her life, they would cherish their feelings and travel together.

Mu Li took office as commander that day was a good autumn day, and was pushed to a new post. The pressure was greater than joy.

His inaugural address was very modest. There was no slogan that made people enthusiastic, and there was no seaport boasting.

Just a few words, but they won applause from the officers and men.

Back home, Lin Qing hosted a celebration party for him.

Relatives and friends all came to congratulate him, but Mu Li was a little upset and felt too exaggerated, but there was nothing to be happy about being promoted to commander. There was no other benefit except that the pressure was heavy.

Lin Qing told him that he was just a relative and friend gathering together and there was no one else, or he could be used as a farewell party for Commander Liao.

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