Having said that, he paused a bit and continued: "Of course there may be some things in her that we don't understand. It may be because we have different education environments for growth and her life cannot be understood by you. Do you understand?"

After hearing him say so much, of course Lin Qing didn't hear any of it, she didn't understand.

Mu Li was still praising Baixue, and felt that she was noble and noble, but she had a super comprehensive quality of cultivation, and the flaws were not concealed. Some of the shortcomings on her body were just some family imprints, which just showed her noble birth.

This is slowly envy and admiration, Lin Qing was very disdainful, but this attitude was not the same for Yang Fan.

The same is Miss Guan, why is Bai Xue different? Is it because she is the daughter of a key member of the Central Committee and sent by the Military Commission? She thought that Mu Li was a soldier who was not afraid of the powerful, and unexpectedly contaminated the local habits.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mu Li knew that she still misunderstood him, so she no longer explained it. Bai Xue's ability is very strong. Although she is a young woman, she can serve as the captain's post. His left arm and right arm.

Mu Li can also feel the reuse of Bai Xue by the Military Commission. It is clearly down to exercise. After a year and a half, he will be transferred back. He may decide which military region to take up the senior post. Now the Military Commission is vigorously training and digging women | cadres.

He doesn't have to go through with her, as long as he doesn't make any mistakes in work, he just ignores everything else.

Although Bai Xue is now serving in the military area compound, he is not really a person in the military area compound.

He couldn't understand Lin Qing with a sentence or two, but he was silent, and no longer explained. One day, she would understand his heart, and time would prove everything. This was the principle he always adhered to.

"Sleep, wife." Mu Li embraced Lin Qing gently in his arms and whispered in her ear.

Instead of falling asleep, Lin Qing said: "All day long except sleeping is annoying. I want to go to work. Otherwise, I will become a sorrowful woman."

She finally remembered what was important tonight and hurriedly spoke out while Mu Li was still asleep.

Mu Li pretended not to hear, closed his eyes to sleep, and was once again ignored by the gorgeous.

Lin Qing couldn't help feeling aggrieved and broke away from the embrace of Mo Li, turning her back to him.

Mu Li stepped upstairs behind her, Lin Qing shook her body hard and said angrily, "Don't touch you, you can't talk to you."

"What do you want me to do? Didn't you say it's OK, wait for Xiaodie to go to work after one year old? This is already my biggest bottom line." Mu Li sighed. "Such a child, you are willing to leave Does she go to work? "

"But I feel bored at home every day. I need to go out to live a full life. Little Butterfly's mother and Aunt Li look at it without any problems, and I will apply for a company that does not work overtime." Lin Qing immediately Speaking out his excuse, but Mu Li still disagrees, he has his thoughts.

"You can go to work now, but only Tongda company, or Annan's company, the other can not." Mu Li hopes that she can return to Tongda, where she is familiar with everything and is not tired, and When you are done, you have a lot of time.

Jiang Tao is now the general manager of the company. Lin Qing doesn't want to go back to fight for his seat. He can use the special consultant assigned by the head office to settle in the company. Mu Li just doesn't want her to be too tired and hard. If there is a place to go, just pass the time Already.

Women should love each other and teach their children. Even if they go out to work, they must focus on their families. Otherwise, what the world wants men to do, women can have children and go out to earn money to support their families. Men can completely retire.

Lin Qing didn't want to go back to Tongda Company to work. Naturally, she wouldn't agree to Mu Li, and the two talked about going to work tonight.

Soon to the National Day holiday, Mu Li wanted to distract Lin Qing.

Discuss with her that you can take oranges to travel on vacation. Lin Qing feels bored at home. She also wants to try to leave Xiaodeer to see if she can adapt. If she really goes to work, she will definitely not be at home every day. Accompanying the child, working overtime, traveling, and any other situation may be encountered, so I readily agreed.

Lin Qing had prepared an outing route early, and waited for the orange holiday to take him out to play.

I didn't want to, but because of the accidental illness of the day before the holiday, Orange planned to simmer.

Orange Orange was ill with no warning. He had a high fever and was sent to the hospital. He was diagnosed with acute pneumonia and needed hospitalization.

Lin Qing took Orange to live in the children's hospital, accompanied by all-weather staff, while Shen Yuhe and Aunt Li helped look after Xiaodie at home.

Three meals a day are served by the maid to the hospital, and Mu Li will also accompany him after work.

After retreating from a high fever, Orange has gradually developed his spirit. He bounced in the hospital when he was not receiving an injection, and seemed to be very happy. Children would feel fresh whenever the environment was changed, and there were many children in the hospital who could play.

With a cheerful personality, he soon made a lot of good friends, and the nanny sent them delicious food, and he would share them with them. He also had buddy feelings at a young age.

Lin Qing looked very happy. At first, she was afraid that Orange Orange would be bored when she was hospitalized, and noisy to go home. Now she doesn't need to worry at all.

Orange Orange lives in a VIP suite ward, which is relatively spacious, and children will come to play every day.

Some children are more seriously ill. Orange will know how to cheer them up and give them their favorite toys to encourage them to be strong.

Lin Qing felt that among the children, Orange Orange seemed to be a small adult, unlike the feeling of being a child at home, very responsible, which surprised her. Every time Mu Li came to work with Orange Orange after work, Lin Qing will tell him about Orange Orange, and Mu Li also feels that Orange Orange has really grown up. In this environment, he becomes more brave and more compassionate.

auzw.com On this day, Orange Orange finished dripping, and told Lin Qing that he would go to Ward 201 to see a child and make an appointment with him. After he finished the operation, he would be the first time Look at him in the past, you can't miss the appointment.

With a cotton ball dripping on his hand, Orange Orange went out, and Lin Qing was not allowed to follow, saying that adults should not listen to children.

Lin Qing knew that it was safe in the children's hospital, and there were no children with severe or infectious diseases. They were all patients with chronic diseases such as cardiopulmonary, ear, nose, and throat, and everyone was familiar with each other without worrying, so he let him out.

There happened to be a group of volunteers in the hospital, and Orange Orange actively participated in it.

Bai Xue was among them. She recognized Orange and walked over to say hello, "Is your name Orange?"

Orange asked surprised, "How do you know my name? Do you know my parents?"

Bai Xue gently touched the back of his head and smiled back, "I went to your house for dinner that night, don't you remember? I'm from the military area compound, too."

"I remember, are you the pretty sister in military uniform?" Orange Orange suddenly smiled happily as he discovered the New World.

Bai Xue nodded happily: "Yes, that's me, you can call me Aunt Bai Xue."

"Aunt Bai Xue, would you like to volunteer too? May I work with you?" Orange Orange asked happily.

"Of course, aren't you ill? Can you come with me?" Bai Xue asked with some worry.

"No problem at all." Orange Orange replied like a little grown-up. "The doctor said that I could be discharged for a few more days. I was reluctant to stay here, but my mother said that this is a hospital that can't live longer."

"If you are ill, you will be discharged. This will free up the ward for the children who need treatment. Otherwise, if there is a child who is ill, you can only make a bed in the corridor without a ward. Is it pitiful?" Bai Xuejian Orange Orange Can not understand the meaning of hospitalization, explained to him with a smile, Orange Orange understands a little, nodded.

Shirayuki looked up and looked around, and found a small bed at the end of the corridor, a little boy lying on it, his mother sitting while watching his infusion.

"Look, isn't it inconvenient for the children over there to have no ward to live in the corridor?"

Orange Orange This will completely understand. If the patient is cured and not discharged, the waking patient will not have a ward, which will also affect the treatment. After all, there are so many hospital houses.

Even if he was unwilling, he could not occupy the ward. Orange Orange said to Bei Xue very gratefully: "Thank you Aunt Bai Xue, the doctor told me to leave the hospital, and I will leave. If you want these children, you can come and see them. . "

"Orange is really good and a good child." Bai Xue nodded happily. "Auntie said that, you will understand, great."

"It was auntie that made me understand a thing." Said Orange Orange gratefully gave Bai Xue a gesture of blowing kisses.

Seeing his cute little appearance, Bai Xue couldn't help squatting down, put him in his arms, kissed his face, and made a real contact.

Seeing that Orange has never returned, Lin Qing was later than usual, very worried, and came out to look for him.

Just when he saw Bai Xue's intimate behavior in the corridor, she couldn't help wondering that Mu Li had brought her?

Her child is almost secret, is there any attempt?

Lin Qing walked forward with a strong hostility, and what Mu Li said to her that night, she still remembers the newest, and her jealousy will swell with it.

"Orange, come back? It's time to take medicine." Her voice was clearly displeased.

Bai Xuewen listened to her, immediately raised her head, and greeted her with a smile: "Hello Madam Commander, I came to join the volunteer today. I didn't expect Orange to be hospitalized here or bring any gifts. Here is 500 yuan. , Buy him something to eat. "

As the saying goes, raise your hand and not smile at the smiling person. Since Bai Xue said so, Lin Qing had to show his smiling face and perfunctoryly said, "We will receive the money, and the money will be fine. Thank you, Bai Xue."

"Well, I also feel that sending money is a bit obtrusive." Bai Xue's character is very bold, see Lin Qing do not want, and did not force it, put the money in his pocket again, and then smiled and asked Orange: "What do you want to eat tomorrow Aunt brings you. "

"Thank you Auntie, I don't eat snacks, I just eat." Orange Orange replied with a smile.

"That's right, Orange Orange is so good, wouldn't your aunt buy you a racing toy tomorrow?" Bai Xue asked softly.

Orange Orange thought about it, and seemed to agree, but was afraid that Lin Qing would not agree and asked her for advice.

Lin Qing shook his head slightly at him, and Orange Orange understood, waving his hand and smiling: "Thank Aunt Bai Xue, I have a lot of toys, I don't need to bring anything, I'm very happy to see me."

Listening to him like a little adult, Bai Xue couldn't help but touch his little head again.

Just then, Mu Li came to the hospital after work and saw Bai Xue wondering, "Why are you here?"

"I came to volunteer and happened to meet Orange." Bai Xue explained with a smile, and saw Mu Li's head with a fallen leaf. Now it is autumn, just when the leaves are falling, it is natural to reach out and help him take it off. She smiled, and the two felt like an old wife and wife.

Lin Qing couldn't stand it anymore, and stretched out his hand, and he returned to the ward without saying hello.

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