The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1272: Suffer from the back

"So what's going on? Why am I here?" Lin Qing's face couldn't help showing a terrified look. Who brought her here? Before she went abroad, she was drugged, and she and Liu Feichi were placed on a bed, and horrible memories struck again. She couldn't help fighting a cold war. Why was there always someone while she was asleep? It was horrible to tamper with her.

Mu Li understood her thoughts, reached out and took her in her arms, comforted softly: "Don't think too much, sleep stupidly, you don't know when you come back here, maybe you are too worried that Orange will not be found when you return."

Lin Qing nodded doubtfully, Mu Li took her back to the new room.

Ask Bai Xue to accompany her and tell her not to leave Lin Qing half a step.

Later, the hotel waiter brought breakfast and Lin Qing ate in the room.

At the same time, Mu Li took Xiaolong back to the room where Lin Qing started renting with the hotel president.

They watched every corner of the room carefully, eager to find clues.

Although it was possible to comfort Lin Qing, she may sleepwalk here, but Mu Li understands that this is simply impossible. The two rooms are far away. How can Lin Qing not be aware of herself on such a long road?

There was only one possibility. She was taken to this room before she woke up, and then she was given medication to sleep for a whole morning.

And this room, after being cleaned up by the waiter last night, has not been rented.

Therefore, no waiter came over, and no one knew that Lin Qing was sleeping inside, but it was already sky-high to find her.

The hotel video was destroyed, and no room was rented to enter easily. All of this shows that the criminals are familiar with the environment here, and there may be insiders who can destroy the hotel video and open the empty room. There is no explanation other than that.

The hotel security is still good, no strangers can come in.

Even if they could mix in, including those staying customers, they would not be able to destroy the hotel surveillance video.

Everything shows that it must be the so-called insiders of the hotel, and it is also the management that will have many of these permissions.

Mu Li asked the hotel's president how many foreign personnel were in the hotel.

The hotel president told him that they are small cities with few foreigners, and of course it is impossible to work in their hotels, even if there are foreign teachers in schools.

With that said, the orange case and Lin Qing's inexplicable transfer were not caused by offending people, but what was it?

Mu Li was puzzled. Is there anyone in the country who knows that Lin Qing took her child to travel abroad and bribed the management staff to carry out the abduction?

But who is this person in China? Recently, he has not had any cases in his hands, and he has not venerated with anyone. No matter how he thinks, such a thing is impossible.

But when it happened, Mu Li was also very anxious and more tangled.

Orange Orange disappeared, there was no clue for a few days, even the people of State Police X started to give up.

Mu Li naturally can't give up, and since Qingcheng disappeared, Lin Qing has been washing her face with tears, immersed in deep blame, blaming herself for not optimistic about the child, preferring to be kidnapped by the gangster rather than hurting the child.

In this foreign country, her life is unfamiliar and her language is incomprehensible. She is afraid of being kidnapped.

At this time, Lin Qing received an inexplicable multimedia message on her mobile phone.

It turned out to be an ambiguous photo between Mu Li and Bai Xue. In the photo, the two were hugging together in the small city of country X and walking together in the afterglow of the setting sun. Both of them had happy smiles on their faces, not at all like I'm looking for children but travelling out.

This made Lin Qing's mood even lower. When I thought that Mu Li was almost invisible these days, I always went in and out with Bai Xue every time. The two sometimes talked and laughed. She was really depressed at first. More blocking.

Sima Bin has already returned to China. The hospital called and asked him to go back to prepare for a major operation, except that he couldn't do it.

The compound of the military region did not stop, and there were no major issues but major events. Mu Li had no choice but to send Xiaolong back to China to help him stabilize the situation.

Actually, she wanted Bai Xue to go back, after all, it was inconvenient for her to stay here.

And Mu Li knew that her face had misunderstood her deeply, and she didn't want to see her. Besides, it really didn't affect her.

However, when Mu Li received a phone call from the military staff, Bai Xue was not in the hotel, but went out alone to look for Orange. He would not be able to return at half past one, and had to let Xiaolong go back first.

Xiaolong didn't want to go back and let Bai Xue stay. I was afraid that there would be more accidents, but he was helpless. When he left, he had to urge others from home to guard against Bai Xue, and never let the commander and his wife What happened again.

Those people who promised their heads would not be reconciled, and they were usually bought by Shirayuki. Naturally, what they see is also political eyes closed. Only when they do n’t see it, they do n’t remind them at all or appear on purpose. In front of Bai Xue, the good things that hindered her, but also gave Bai Xue and the commander the opportunity to let them be alone to please Bai Xue.

Lin Qing was too sad because her orange was missing. She had been in bad health and she had a cold. She stayed in the hotel and did not go out to find her. In fact, even if she went out, it would not help.

Every day she watched Bai Xue go out with Mu Li, and her heart hurt.

When she was at home, she lived in the shadow of Bai Xue. In order to escape, she took her children abroad to travel and relax, but did not want to encounter such a major event that the child was lost. under. Obviously she is her husband, but she has a sense of powerlessness.

I always felt inferior to Bai Xue, and Mu Li's high opinion of Bai Xue made her feel a sense of crisis.

Mu Li is a person who can't be easily emotional. Once in love, it won't change easily, just like with her at the beginning, they have been together for so many years.

Who knows that if Mu Li is passionate about Bai Xue?

One morning, Lin Qing was sitting in the restaurant on the left side of the hotel's lobby on the first floor to eat, and Mu Li and Bai Xue went out to find oranges together after they had eaten. As they walked out of the hotel door, there seemed to be something falling on Bai Xue's head. Reaching out to help her down, there seemed to be a tender smile on her face, and everything was so natural, like a couple who had been highly acquainted for many years.

The scene stung Lin Qing's eyes. She didn't dare to look at it anymore. She hurriedly looked away, but couldn't help but filled her tears.

The female soldier who accompanied her felt the strangeness of her and asked with great concern whether she was uncomfortable.

Lin Qing shook her head, saying that she was okay. After having breakfast, she returned to the room and lay down.

With a horrible experience of being moved by Qiankun, Mu Li was afraid to leave Lin Qing alone in the hotel.

He couldn't accompany her every day, but also went out to find Orange. So he called a female soldier from China to accompany her every day to be her bodyguard.

In this way, Shirayuki was vacated, and accompanied him every day to find Orange, so that everyone in the hotel thought Bai Xue was Mu Li's wife, and Lin Qing was his sister or sister.

Whenever someone asked her this way, Lin Qing didn't bother to explain. Think what they love.

If you do n’t talk about it, you can save yourself a little face. If you talk about it, it ’s embarrassing. Your husband is not like your husband. Is there such an awkward thing in the world? This makes all the shameless people go abroad.

It is in this situation that Lin Qing feels worse every day.

Orange hasn't got any news yet. More than ten days have passed, and Mu Li and Bai Xue are inseparable to support each other and go out to find him, all this makes Lin Qing anxious.

Irritable and worried, I do n’t know what orange is now. Was it trafficked by a trafficker or was disabled by a beggar and begged on the street? Lin Qing thought about all the horrible things, except to scare himself a little. No.

I have always had a bad cold. I lay in the hotel room and waited for the news. Sometimes I felt slightly better. Then I went to the restaurant to eat. Sometimes I felt sick. I didn't bother to get up and ate in the room.

Ten days later, she had lost a lot of weight while lying in bed waiting for news, but Mu Li and Bai Xue who ran outside all day had not seen any changes.

Looking at the MMS message on the mobile phone, Lin Qing's chest seemed to be inserted into a dagger, and he couldn't breathe.

In the photo, Mu Li and Bai Xue didn't say how close they were, but embraced them very warmly. With that look, Lin Qing thought of what was once facing him, but now he gave it to another woman without hesitation.

"Mrs. Commander, it's time to take medicine." The female soldier came over with a glass of water in her hand.

Lin Qing, upset, knocked over the water glass on her hand, and said angrily, "What to eat? It doesn't look good, do you have to let me eat to make you happy?"

The female soldier looked at Lin Qing in a grievance, and did not understand why she was so angry.

"Mrs. Commander, I am sent by the Commander to take care of you. How can it be as long as you think, as long as you are in a good mood, you will get better. How can it be so stuffy in the room all day?"

"Look at your sharp teeth, you will know that it is not a good person, get out of my way." Lin Qing was angry with others for the first time, or she took care of her innocent female soldier.

The female soldier exited silently from the room, and quickly entered with the cleaning tool.

"Who told you to come in?" Lin Qing shouted loudly before her anger was gone.

The female soldier did not speak, but just gently cleaned the broken glass on the ground. When Lin Qing's mood was slightly calm, she explained with a smile: "Mrs. Commander, these glass pieces will hurt people because the glass is broken. Many things, nothing will happen without touching them. "

Her words were very philosophical, and Lin Qing couldn't help but silence.

The glass is filled with water, but once it is artificially broken, it will not only be filled with water, but will also become a weapon that endangers personal safety.

This is like getting along with each other. It was originally safe and sound. Once you break some harmony, you will become enemies, and even have radical behaviors that endanger the safety of life and property.

Perhaps this is the relationship between her and Bai Xue, and she is still safe and sound, and no one will hurt anyone.

But once this harmonious relationship is destroyed, it will certainly lose some balance, and it is inevitable that two people will not become enemies.

Although Bai Xue had Sima Bin, she followed Mu Li step by step, so Lin Qing always felt that they were not a relationship between men and women, but a cooperative relationship.

In other words, Bai Xue likes Mu Li, but takes Sima Bin to cover.

This is also blocking other people's mouths. I have a boyfriend and he can understand me. We have a good relationship. What do you care about?

As long as Sima Bin stands beside Bai Xue and supports her unconditionally, she is safe. No matter what kind of ambiguous relationship with Mu Li is intelligence innocent, pure and immaculate subordinate relationship, no one can say anything.

No one knows the truth, anyway, Lin Qing feels that Sima Bin does not look like her boyfriend, a man who is not jealous and has everything to do, probably only in feminism.

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