The two asked almost in unison, and Mu Li sneered: "Do you want me to be outside forever or do I feel like I'm back in trouble?"

Yang Li and Lin Qing were stunned by such words, and they looked at each other quickly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Qing asked faintly. She tried to suppress the unhappiness in her heart. She is already the old wife and wife, so she can't be so emotional, otherwise she should have had a loud argument with him yesterday afternoon.

"Take me as fart, right?" He noticed Lin Qing's emotions were unhappy and his tone eased slightly.

"Going for a walk, what's the big deal? You and I are equal, right?" Lin Qing still faintly replied, Mu Li was not qualified to accuse her of anything, didn't want to quarrel with him, but to his commander and his family Long face.

"You don't know how worried I am. There was a shooting. Do you know how serious this is?" Mu Li looked at her in an unconsciousness and couldn't help muttering. Didn't the two go north?

Who knows what Lin Qing said next time, immediately overturned his guess: "What's serious? It was just playing with a gun in the street and killing enough people to stop it. We came back from that street. Isn't it safe? Don't worry, God won't let us die, we have to stay and find our son. "

"What?" Mu Li rushed forward, lifted Lin Qing from his seat, and shouted loudly.

They just returned from the street where the shootings took place? It's so calm and calm!

I do n’t know if bullets do n’t have eyes, they will die!

"What are you yelling at?" Lin Qing pushed him off displeasedly. "The situation is so bad here, you don't worry about what my son yells at me."

Lin Qing said he couldn't help but his eyes were red, and his tears fell down. If Orange touched those gangsters, could he escape? God Amen, if you help me find my son, I am willing to use my life to exchange, Lin Qing prayed in my heart.

Seeing that she was in tears, Mu Li couldn't bear it again. He sighed helplessly, after all, he couldn't bear to blame her.

Lin Qing was lifted back to his seat. He also sat down, calmed his emotions, and then ordered Yang Li: "Tell me what you saw."

Yang Li glanced at Lin Qing. Lin Qing didn't speak, so she told Mu Li what they had encountered.

After listening, Mu Li fell into meditation, and a sense of alertness outside people flashed in his eyes.

"You came across the shooting just after you went out? In other words, did you just start there?" Mu Li asked in a voice.

Yang Li nodded and said, "Yes, as soon as we left, the crowd came to us, and the gangsters just arrived."

"Do you still have to look like that person? Can you give me a rough picture?" Mu Li asked again.

Yang Li said there was no problem at all. She had kept the person's appearance in mind, so Mu Li went to the front desk and asked for a pen and paper from the receptionist. Soon Yang Li drew the sketch of the man.

At a glance, Lin Qing saw that the similarity reached almost 90%. She couldn't help wondering, and asked Yang Li incredibly, "Have you learned this?"

Yang Li said with a smile: "I also started to learn after work, as long as I have seen it, I can draw it, and after I change jobs, I can go to the street to draw sketches for life."

Mu Li couldn't help but laugh and said, "I see Jedi, your sketches are notoriously great."

Later, he took the sketch and passed it to the domestic dragon, and asked him to go to the public security department to investigate the person's information.

Then he asked in a loud voice: "The man said at the time that someone in the military area compound joined their organization. Is there any more detailed information?"

Psychologically, he is also reluctant to believe that Hong Qiang, who was once the most trusted around him, will also be countered and join the underworld.

Lin Qing and Yang Li both shook their heads and said that there was no more information. They also wanted to inquire at that time, but the person no longer said a word.

Yang Li suddenly came up with an idea and said, "Will the man give us such a message for any purpose? There may be such a person, but the specific situation may not be the same as what he said, but he just wants to transfer us. Sight, mischief, mislead our judgment. "

After hearing what she said, Mu Li made sense and said, "It's not impossible."

"So, maybe this person may be in the compound of the military region now?" Lin Qing asked tentatively.

Mu Li nodded again, Shen Shen said, "This may be possible."

In short, the appearance of the man was definitely not accidental. Since he can recognize them, it means that he must have done some homework, and also knows that Orange is missing. He should know them well.

Inferred in this way, the man is likely to come out to interfere with their judgment and shift the target.

Orange Orange is missing. Although after more than ten days of searching in country X, everyone knows that they have lost such a child.

However, Mu Li ’s identity was not revealed to the public. From the perspective of citizens of country X, he was just an ordinary foreign father who lost his child, which would not cause a large-scale impact. He did not seek it through the Internet. He just did not want to let people in China know this. News, lest some bad guys take advantage of this matter, causing more trouble.

In this way, this matter can be regarded as confidential and not much can be known.

Hong Qiang certainly didn't know that Orange was lost. If he hadn't, he would have come forward, and even he didn't know that Mu Li had come to country X. From this point, he should be ruled out as a suspect.

The man's message pointed at him, as if Hong Qiang had taken Orange Orange.

What's his purpose of turning his eyes like this? What kind of truth do you want to cover up?

Mu Li couldn't help but fall into meditation, Yang Li tolerated a bit, but finally did not say his doubts about Bai Xue. After all, the commander had a good relationship with her. If there was not enough evidence, it would only make him think that he was playing tricks.

She could only say, "I don't think Hong Qiang can do anything excessive. Although he is not very familiar with him, he is still a little heard."

After hearing what she said, Lin Qing's heart couldn't help shaking.

Although she had suspected Hong Qiang once, Hong Qiang had no such motive for taking Orange. After all, his wife had just given birth to a child, and she was too busy to take care of adults and children. Will call her for help and help take care of Bai Wei's delivery.

"I also don't think that Orange Orange will be taken by him, and he will not be able to join the underworld organization." Lin Qing was a little lackluster after all.

She also thought about the hardship of Hong Qiang's life. Under such circumstances, would he be forced to do something unwilling to do for the sake of money, so that he could be countered by the black forces.

"Do you really know this man, Hong Qiang?" Suddenly, Bai Xue's voice sounded behind them, and everyone turned back.

I don't know when she stood behind them and seemed to listen for a long time.

For the first time, Mu Li showed an unhappy expression on Bai Xue: "Why don't you sit down and eavesdrop while standing behind? This is not the style of our soldiers, and there is nothing to betray."

Bai Xue was unhappy to see Mu Li, and quickly explained: "I just heard Yang Li and Xunzi's words when I arrived. I didn't know what you were talking about."

Mu Li nodded and motioned to her to sit down and stop investigating. These were all irrelevant matters.

After Bai Xue sat down, he said to Lin Qing happily, "Sister-in-law, congratulations on your return safely, did you encounter any danger on the road?"

Lin Qing shook her head and smiled slightly at her, saying that everything was fine and there was no danger.

Mu Li still remembers what she said just now, as if she was very familiar with Hong Qiang. When she came, Hong Qiang had already gone abroad. There was no intersection between the two. How could she know that Hong Qiang was a person, and Deny their evaluation?

So he asked, "Do you know Hong Qiang?"

Bai Xue smiled lightly: "Of course I know him. He is an alumnus of my classmate. He often listens to my classmates telling their stories."

"What story?" Lin Qing couldn't help but asked curiously. She couldn't think of Bai Xue really knowing Hong Qiang. This world is so wonderful.

Bai Xue told them that Hong Qiang's status as special assistant to the commander of the army was a news point in itself.

In addition, he went abroad to accompany his many-year-old girlfriend, which made many people talk about it.

Hong Qiang is a military personality, more restrained and low-key, but his girlfriend Bai Wei is different. If you ca n’t talk, you will naturally show off your boyfriend to his classmates, and his special identity, and will tell you vividly. She worked as a babysitter and Hong Qiang in the army captain's house. These things are very different. It will inevitably be the talk of everyone after dinner. So she knew them in the Chinese circle of country X and even the entire European community of Europe. Between things.

After all, Bai Wei is a lady of thousands of gold. She has a high quality of life and some princesses are ill. Hong Qiang is very happy with her.

There are even rumors that Hong Qiang paid her a ticket to sell blood for a piano concert.

It must be known that in country X, selling blood is not allowed. It has always been to obtain blood from unpaid blood donation, and it can only be sold at a small clinic, so there will be risks.

In other words, Hong Qiang, who was studying abroad, had no financial resources, and was studying for a degree himself. He and Bai Wei had to rely on living expenses sent from China every month. Bai Wei is also a person who can spend money, so life is very difficult.

Hong Qiang is macho again. Sometimes Bai Wei will inevitably complain, and the relationship between the two will inevitably be tense.

As the so-called penny stumped the hero Han, Hong Qiang did all the hard work in order to make money. Even if this was not understood, he was blamed by Bai Wei and humiliated her.

Without doing coolies, there is no money, you can't let Bai Wei have face in front of her classmates, and she can't even sustain her life.

He is not a rich man. He gives his beloved woman the life he wants, and still has a stable salary in the country. When he comes here, he has nothing, and his previous savings are almost spent.

So in the Bai Wei's circle of friends, such a saying is quietly popular. Hong Qiang makes black boxing in some underground clubs to earn money. Sometimes he also makes personal bodyguards and hires people to fight. After all, he is a military man and can only rely on him. This body has the capital to eat.

After Bai Wei introduced these situations, he smiled helplessly: "Do you think that Hong Qiang in this situation can still be alone?"

Everyone was silent. For the situation of Hong Qiang, it was even more awkward for him to read.

Lin Qing thought of what Hong Qiang had said to her, and his embarrassment coincided with all that Bai Xue said.

If he is really forced into a situation where he has no choice but to fight black punches, be a bodyguard, and help others fight, then it is not an accident to get in touch with the black forces.

Hong Qiang is very capable and will naturally become the object of their struggle.

Thinking of these Lin Qing feeling heavy, but no matter what, she couldn't believe that even if he joined the underworld, he would change his character and become a bad person who might not be forgiven.

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