"Okay, I will try my best to forget these. I haven't kissed any other man except Sima, and it's his initiative to be with him." Bai Xue looked at Mu Li in embarrassment, his eyes looked different from the past.

This difference makes Mu Li even more embarrassed. In order to hide this embarrassment, he said loudly: "Let's go back, it's too late, and they will definitely worry."

Shirayuki nodded, and said with a weak voice, "Okay, let's go back now."

However, she did not take a few steps, but her body was weak and fell into Mu Li's arms.

Mu Li was terrified. I didn't know what happened to her. She quickly sat on the steps of the green belt and held her in her arms for emergency treatment.

At this time several policemen came over and asked, "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Mu Li asked in wonder: "Don't you know what happened nearby? Are you still patrolling here leisurely?"

"Isn't that just a shooting? What's weird?" The policemen smiled lightly.

"Aren't you going to save them? Don't know that they will be in danger of their lives?" Mu Li asked in surprise again.

"We are also sent to death. Without them, they can live a few more people. We can only avoid them and let them play for a while. They will evacuate." The police helplessly spread their hands. This situation is not something they can decide and can only adapt.

"Where are you so much nonsense, is the woman in your arms dead? Did you just escape from there?" One of the young policemen smiled sneer, "We came to help and was said, in fact, we can be awesome No matter. "

"She won't die. You don't know about the shooting like this, just afraid that many people will die?" With Mu Li's first aid, Bai Xue was awake.

The slightly older policeman sighed: "Isn't it? At the beginning of the shooting there, we immediately rushed over. Many brothers died in the crossfire, and the victims were even greater. Later, we were few and lacked equipment. The shooting was hiding in the police station, but it was not so bad. "

It seems that the policeman is also full of grumbles. After all, as a police officer, he cannot bear the responsibility of the police, which is a shame to them.

"So bad?" Mu Li was surprised.

"You see, we all carry guns, right? But do you know that there are no bullets at all?" The old policeman laughed absurdly, and it was funny that the government had no money to buy ammunition for them. Fighting with gunmen? It is not the same as those citizens who are going to die. This embarrassing state only appears in this government.

I never expected such a situation to happen. At that time, the policemen were the bosses and they carried guns on the streets. Who was not afraid when they saw them? That would be real.

"What are you telling them? Isn't it shameful enough?" The young policeman was young and energetic after all. After listening to the old policeman, they were already furious, but it was true that there were no bullets in the gun. It was useless to say anything.

Mu Li no longer cares about the topic they talked with, it has nothing to do with him. Now it is important to take care of Bai Xue, he asked out loud: "Where is it uncomfortable, why is his face so pale?"

"My back hurts," Bai Xue said weakly. "I may have been bitten by a snake or something while in the culvert."

When Mu Li heard her say this, she couldn't help taking a breath. How long has it been? If she was bitten by a snake, the poisonous gas has already spread to her body. I hope it is not the snake, but something else. Bite it.

"Help her look at the wound. There is a vampire bat here, and it's very biting," the old policeman suggested loudly.

Mu Li quickly put Bai Xue on his legs, then gently pushed her camisole up to look at her wound.

Sure enough, there were a few red tooth marks. At first glance, they were bitten, but I was not sure what was bitten, not like a snake.

Mu Li looked out for help to the old policeman and asked, "What do you think this bite wound? Is it serious?"

"It's a local vampire bat. It's slightly toxic, but it's not fatal. You need to go to the hospital for an injection." The elderly policeman experiencedly inspected the wound and advised Mu Li.

Mu Li nodded, reached for a taxi, took Bai Xue into the car, and took her to the hospital for treatment.

After taking the anti-batox serum, the doctor told Mu Li that it was all right, just take it home and rest for a few days.

Mu Li returned to the hotel with Bai Xue, and when he entered the door, he felt quite at ease.

At the scene of the shooting, it was simply a scene of war, and the non-shooting area felt like two worlds.

Bai Xue was still weak, and Mu Li hugged her into the hotel.

The front desk asked in amazement, "Is this lady injured?"

"Yes." Mu Li didn't dare to look into her eyes. After all, she came back holding Bai Xue, which was awkward.

He was also afraid of being met by Lin Qing. If something could be hidden, he would hide it. If the explanation is really unclear, today, after all, he betrayed the relationship between the couple and embraced Bai Xue for so long.

But in that situation, they have no choice but to sacrifice and bones, they just choke to death.

What are they afraid of? Just when Mu Li was holding Bai Xue and preparing to enter the elevator, Lin Qing and Yang Li came out.

Seeing Lin Qing, Mu Li couldn't help shaking his body, loosening his hands, and almost dropped Bai Xue on the ground.

"Wife, me, we" Mu Lizhang wondered how to explain.

auzw.com Lin Qing is very calm, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, it's no wonder that things have happened between them.

"No explanation, no explanation, since there must be a reason for it."

"Yes, wife, but" Mu Li listened to her and became even more disturbed.

"It's almost eight o'clock. I'm going to have dinner with Yang Li. Do you want to take a seat?" Lin Qing still looked calm, as if the two were not married, but ordinary friends.

After hearing what she said, Mu Li knew that it was not the time to explain, and she would not even listen to the explanation.

I looked at my arms with my eyes closed and didn't know whether it was a real sleep or a fake sleep to avoid embarrassing Bai Xue, saying, "Let us take two seats."

Lin Qing nodded, and left with Yang Li.

Mu Li holding Bai Xue was like holding a big fireball, which was especially uncomfortable.

Back to Shirayuki's room, put her on the bed, and asked softly, "How are you feeling now? Would you like to come down with me to eat something? Or should I bring it to you later?"

Bai Xue was lying on the bed with a pale face. She smiled at him apologetically, and said embarrassingly, "Sorry, Mu Li, I'm giving you trouble, my sister-in-law."

"Relax, you are my little sister, she won't think much." Mu Li smiled as gently as possible.

Bai Xue smiled gratefully: "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'm not going to eat anymore. Please bring me a copy."

"Okay, tell me what you want to eat." Mu Li nodded with a smile.

"Just casual, I don't know what to eat, just take one according to my taste. I don't necessarily have appetite. I will sleep first." Bai Xue's voice was weak, her upper and lower eyelids seemed to be stuck together, as if sleepy Extreme look.

Mu Li nodded, gave her a quilt, and went out.

Instead of going downstairs to eat directly, he first returned to the room and took a cold shower, then put on a clean pair, put his dirty clothes in the trash can, and then went out.

When he went downstairs, he didn't take the elevator because he didn't know how to face Lin Qing. He knew that he must be guilty. After all, he did something to be sorry for her today.

Instead, take the stairs slowly, so that you can have more things to adjust your mood, try to pretend that it is nothing. Although he has close contact with Bai Xue, it is not for affection but for the situation.

When I walked downstairs to the restaurant, my mood was almost calm.

But when he saw Lin Qing, he immediately became nervous. After all, he was not a good liar.

"Wife, I'm here." His voice turned with a hint of trill, which made him very helpless, trying to squeeze a gentle smile on his face as if nothing had happened.

Lin Qing glanced at him lightly and said, "We're almost finished, you just came."

"I went back to the room to take a shower, changed my clothes, and walked down the stairs." Mu Li explained that she was jealous of staying in Shirayuki's room for a long time.

"Take the stairs? Why? Is the elevator broken?" Lin Qing seemed to ask casually, but his eyes were staring at his eyes tightly, as if to look into his heart.

"The elevator is not broken, but suddenly I want to take the stairs, exercise, yes, exercise." Mu Li was stared at by her nervously, and finally found a reason for her frankness.

"Exercise? You go outside every day. Isn't exercise enough?" Lin Qing sneered, and there was absolutely no silver in the place.

"Yes, only exercise can adapt to heavy walking." Mu Li said with a smile: "I'm so hungry, eat quickly."

Speaking of sitting down at the table, picking up chopsticks and gobbling up.

Yang Li stood up in a timely manner and laughed, "You can eat, I'll go to the room before I'm full."

Mu Li waved her hand and smiled, "Okay, you go back."

Lin Qing also said lightly, "I'm full, too."

"You're waiting for me here, let's go up together." Mu Li said out of fear that she would leave.

Lin Qing sighed, "Well, I hope I won't delay your business."

"What's this? You and I are husband and wife, what's the delay?" Mu Li frowned.

"Don't you go to Hong Qiang? How are you talking?" Lin Qing asked, seemingly inadvertently, "Okay, adults and children?"

"They are all right. Hong Qiang promised to help me find the child together. I have complete trust in him." Mu Li answered very surely, doubting anyone would not doubt Hong Qiang. Although it had been two years apart, some had penetrated into the bone Things will not change, especially the comrade-in-arms feeling of their soldiers.

"So do you trust Bai Xue? Why are you together?" Lin Qing asked back, trusting Hong Qiang, then Bai Xue would become the first suspect, according to the clue provided by the man.

Mu Li was silent. He hadn't thought about this issue. In the subconscious, he hoped that Orange Orange was taken away by people who didn't know him, not those around him.

As for why he was with Bai Xue, he couldn't even explain that he had to remove the memory of the shooting from his brain.

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