He and Bai Xue's concubine were unconscious at all, how did the tracker know their whereabouts and shoot?

No way

Mu Li had a headache. These days have always made him feel that the people around him may not be trustworthy people, as Lin Qing met the man in the shooting.

Mu Li's suspicion was not unreasonable, but Lin Qing could not listen now.

She thought that it was him who justified himself, and just made sense of it.

"It's weird. You guys are very dedicated. It's not easy to put up so many poss to shoot them." Lin Qing laughed. If they didn't give the photographer a chance, how could they capture those shots and be crooked? Don't resent that the shadows are oblique.

"Have to think so? Are our husbands and wives so indifferent?" Mu Li was disappointed. He thought that Lin Qing's calmness was trust in him. Even laughing at her was emotional, but now it seems She really didn't trust him.

In order to find Orange, these days he is busy running, is it easy, although he has been with Bai Xue, but there is nothing between them, he only loves her, he has no **** with any woman, To Bai Xue is only brother-sister-comrade-friendship.

Couldn't she feel his pampering of Lin Qing's pampering?

I had to take Orange out of the tour and lost my child. Now I ’ve been struggling to find the child for more than ten days here, but the family does n’t know it, and I still keep trying to hide it. Every time Shen Yuhe wants to see Orange Orange, he has to try his best to find the reason. All this is additional pressure. As the commander of the military area compound, he has to leave everything and look here.

Is it easy? At first he didn't let her come out, she had to come out.

Looking for so many days outside, did he accuse him? No.

She just refused to show affection, and should not have ridiculed him, as if he was not looking for a child but cheating outside.

In such a situation, how could he have a mood to cheat, the son lost, she was anxious, wouldn't he be anxious.

If he can't find it one day, he will be in danger for another day. He would like to find it immediately, for which he is willing to pay any price.

In such a mood, how did Lin Qing not understand.

Mu Li grew more and more angry, and suddenly got up from the bed, walked to the coffee table, picked up a pack of cigarettes, opened the seal, put it in his mouth and lit it.

Take a deep breath, and then spit it out, knowing that Lin Qing does not like to eat second-hand smoke.

Mu Li still had no scruples, not even opening the window. He used this to express his anger.

How can a mother's heart not understand his father's heart?

"Will you please leave the room to smoke?" Lin Qing frowned, accusingly displeased.

"Have you considered my feelings? Have you respected my feelings? You just want to be yourself, what happened to my cigarette? In the past ten days, do you know how hard I am outside? As a wife, you sympathize with me Is this heart that is also suffering for losing his son! "In the end, Mu Li is already gritting his teeth, although he is a man, he will be wronged.

What happened to the woman? Could it be just sitting in the room and losing his temper, regardless of the life and death of the man outside, just rubbing after returning home, what happened to his cigarette? Bai Xue helped him find a child. What happened to her when he cared about her unexpectedly?

As a wife, you ca n’t trust your husband, especially in this case, is n’t that sad.

Lin Qing didn't say it was okay. When she said, Mu Li was more energetic, struggling to swallow the clouds and fog.

Lin Qing hated the smell of smoke the most, and he was coughing desperately.

What does he mean? What were she doing wrong?

What it feels, what kind of torment, is really so that people will not catch it.

Mu Li's grievances are in Lin Qing's eyes just want to cover up and become a guilty conscience.

After smoking a branch and lighting a branch, the room was filled with a strong smell of cigarettes, the window was not open, and the smell of cigarettes could not be reached. Lin Qing coughed, and the tears came out, but Mu Li turned a blind eye and continued to swallow the clouds. Spitting, there was no intention to stop without her.

Mu Li was now angry, and his grievances overwhelmed reason.

Lin Qing was coughed and cried, he thought she was pretending to show him something, begging for pity, so that she wouldn't be fooled. The woman could n’t get used to it, the more she got used to the asshole.

Lin Qing couldn't breathe because of a cough, she struggled to get out of bed and ran to the bathroom to avoid the smoke.

Her eyes were flushed, and Mu Li was so cruel to her now that she used to know that she did not like to eat second-hand cigarettes. No matter what the pressure was, she would not smoke in front of her to relieve stress.

But now, he deliberately stabbed her with second-hand cigarettes. Once a man has changed his heart, he will be particularly cruel. It seems that this sentence is good. She finally believes that everything is a matter of life and death. Intolerable.

Why are you still here? It's not that he can live without him. Even without him, he can find his son. Well, since love is far away and you don't want to be with her, why should she be suspicious.

Lin Qing came out of the bathroom, and the room was still full of smoke. Mu Li did not converge because she avoided it, but made the smell of smoke in the room even bigger. He couldn't help himself.

There really was no need to stay any longer, Lin Qing packed up and pulled the suitcase and went straight to the door.

Mu Li watched her move silently, but she didn't want to stop. She dared to lose her temper with him and wanted to run away from home. Such a woman was in a state of instability. He didn't clean her up and wanted to see what would happen to her.

Lin Qing came out of the room very smoothly, in fact she regretted it.


Once she came out, it was difficult to come back again. How she hoped that Mu Li could keep her, then she would stay with it.

But Mu Li ignored her at all, but made her own chimney and smoked one by one.

Lin Qing had no choice but to pull out of the door and closed the door. She even stood in the corridor and waited for a while. If Mu Li could come out to find her at this time, she would still forgive him and stay with him. Back to the room.

But Mu Li didn't come out, Lin Qing was desperate, and confirmed that the guess in his heart was true. He must have something to do with Bai Xue, and he was anxious to leave.

In this way, she just didn't want them to be satisfied, and why did she give way to that woman, her husband to her home.

So she knocked on the door, put the suitcase in the doorway, and quickly walked towards the corner of the stairs.

Then he looked into the corridor secretly, Mu Li heard the knock on the door, came out of the room, looked around no one, but found that Lin Qing left the suitcase at the door, and he understood what was going on.

Lin Qing didn't want to leave, but she didn't just go back, so she left the box to prove that she would return.

There was a smug smile at the corner of his mouth. It didn't seem stupid. He knew that he shouldn't run away from home. Well, I forgive you. When you go out and turn back, I only think that nothing happened. Couple.

He expected it to be so late that Lin Qing would not go far. At most, he would sit in the downstairs lounge, where the receptionist would be on duty 24 hours later, and he was not worried about her safety at all.

So Mu Li pulled the suitcase into the room, closed the door calmly, and continued to swallow the clouds and mist.

His mood must be relieved by the use of cigarettes, or he has to vent somewhere, and when he finishes smoking, he will open the window and let out the smoke.

Seeing Mu Li pushing the box back to the room, Lin Qing still did not come out to chase her, and her heart became more depressed, and she was more sure that Mu Li wanted her to leave, so she could be with Bai Xue.

I really want to run back and ask him if he wants Baixue or her. Orange is still missing, why not?

But she resisted, and it was estimated to ask for nothing, and Bai Xue naturally did a pretty good job on their surface. Instead, she asked for nothing.

So she walked downstairs with arrogance, and she came downstairs. The receptionist at the front desk saw her puzzled and asked, "Miss Lin, why did you get up so early? It's still some time before Tianming."

Lin Qing smiled and said that she couldn't sleep and wanted to go out for a walk.

The receptionist looked at her very worried and suggested not to go out. It was unsafe outside and very dangerous.

Lin Qing felt that it was all right. Since the gangsters were very arrogant and dared to carry guns under broad daylight, they must be sleeping at this time and would not commit crimes.

The receptionist thought she was right, as if she hadn't heard of anything wrong at night.

Lin Qing came out of the hotel. Except for two rows of yellow street lights on the road, there were no pedestrians. A gust of wind blew, adding a bit of desolation. She couldn't help fighting a chill, although it was early summer, the wind was still very strong cold.

The machinery moved slowly, walking slowly on uninhabited streets.

Lin Qing didn't know where he was going, but he walked forward blankly, the road looked so long, he couldn't see his head.

Suddenly a bright light cut through the sky, Lin Qing could not help but fight another chill, it was lightning, and it seemed to be raining.

Before she could react, a thunderbolt rang again in the sky, and then a gust of wind blew, followed by heavy raindrops.

The summer rain was so sharp, and said that it would rain without hesitation. Lin Qing stood in the rain and did not know whether to return to the hotel or continue to move forward.

Can she return to the room when she returns to the hotel? Mu Li didn't seem to care about her leaving home.

But if I do n’t go back to the hotel, if I keep going forward, where can I go?

Who is unfamiliar with country X in this country? Who can she ask for help except Hong Qiang?

Hong Qiang's family just added a baby, everything is busy, and Mu Li has already found him in the afternoon. Lin Qing didn't want to trouble him any more, so he dismissed the idea of ​​going to his house.

Just as she was tangled, it was raining harder, pouring down like a splash.

Watering on Lin Qing's head, he couldn't breathe, it was difficult to breathe even under pressure.

Tears flowed involuntarily, mixed with the rain, Lin Qing didn't know whether it was rain or her own tears, anyway, it was so rushing, she crouched in the heavy rain and cried.

A thunder exploded above her head, drowning her cry, it seemed that the old weather was more powerful, but she was so insignificant.

Tired of crying, Lin Qing sat down in the rain, wet all over like a chicken.

God is sometimes so unfair, it always goes down when you are most difficult.

Suddenly a harsh brake sounded, a Lamborghini stopped beside Lin Qing, her eyes wet with tears and rain full of hope, was Mu Li worried that she was lost in the rainy night and finally sent someone to pick her up?

But when the person who got off the car crouched in front of her and held a big umbrella above their heads, his face gradually became clear. Lin Qing was disappointed to find that it was not Mu Li but a strange man.

However, he had some imagination with Mu Li, and it's no wonder that Lin Qing mistakenly thought it was Mu Li when he got out of the car.

"Why, isn't it that the person you want to see is disappointed? Is there still a challenge in this case? Come with me." The man's voice was very nice, with a charm, which made Lin Qing attracted involuntarily. Can't help nodding.

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