I saw a group of burly men wearing a cardigan outside the door.

The middle one was wearing a robe, a horse gown, and a felt hat. At first glance, they were Chinese gangs.

Lin Qing hid behind her pillar and covered her mouth, watching quietly.

She guessed that the man in the robe was probably the grandfather of the servants, the man who rescued her last night.

Perhaps the consciousness had been very unclear at that time. Upon waking up, she felt that she had not much impression of the man.

But his gentleness made Lin Qing memorable, and he was in the right place with the robe man in front of him.

Feng Feng was sitting on the teacher's chair in the middle of the hall, while the other men were sitting on the two chairs opposite him.

Sitting one after another, the atmosphere did not dare to go out, and Feng Ye was very comfortable.

He leaned a little lazily on the arm of the teacher's chair, tilted Erlang's legs, and took off his felt hat and threw it on the square table.

The maid came over to tea, and he took the tea cup lazily and took a sip: "The temperature of the water in the tea is too high."

The servant was so frightened that he immediately knelt down and kept hoeing for help.

Lin Qing talked about her throat after the post, she didn't know what Feng Ye would do with the unlucky maid.

Soon, an older maid came down, kneeling with the young maid, and said, "I'm sorry, Feng, I was improperly adjusted. She only came here for a few days. Please see if you have spared it. This time, I will fine-tune it in the future. "

After hearing what she said, Grandpa waved his hand impatiently and motioned them to go, "Replace a glass."

The servants agreed to leave, Lin Qing could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that the Feng Ye is relatively easy to talk, did not continue to hold the investigation, or really sweat for the new servant.

Soon the tea was served again, and Feng Ye didn't say anything this time, but just let down with a sip.

After the maid left, Feng Ye began to host a meeting in the gang. Lin Qing couldn't understand it. She was a bit tired and groaned. Now it was almost noon. She hadn't had breakfast.

Just then, the young maid who had spoken to her came to Fengfeng to report back, saying that the lady in the upstairs guest room had disappeared, and when she got up, she saw that she would disappear when she served her meal.

Feng Ye could not help frowning, and asked displeasedly, "Have you ever found it?"

"Huifeng Fengye, I have found it, but no one is upstairs." The young maid replied worriedly.

"Not upstairs, just downstairs, keep looking." Feng Ye's voice became lazy again, anyway, he would not be shameless in his villa, he could not go out at all.

Even when he walked into the courtyard, he couldn't get out of his gossip map. He was very confident about this.

Hearing his order, the men stood up and seemed to want to find it.

"You sit for me, but is it a delicate woman looking for you?" Feng Ye reprimanded him.

The men sat down again, and the young servant immediately turned to look for Lin Qing.

Lin Qing saw all this in her eyes. She didn't know whether she should go out or keep hiding.

Just now they seemed to be talking about secrets. Although she didn't understand it, it did not mean that they would not be wary of her and would kill her as a spy. In this country x, everything is possible.

Lin Qing felt that it was better for him to continue hiding, but when can he hide?

If they have been waiting for news here, and the young maids can't find themselves, will they be looking for it with great fanfare, and when they find it again, the situation will be serious.

It would be better to go out now and say that you are hungry, come down to find food, and then you will hide when you hear someone coming.

Thinking about it like this, Lin Qing took a brave courage to return home to death, when she was ready to go out.

Suddenly two men walked in with a servant, and the servant seemed to be stunned and covered with blood.

Lin Qing was frightened, and quickly uttered a helpless mouth again, afraid to keep silent, trying to see what was going on.

It turned out that the maid was new and unfamiliar with the topography of the villa. As a result, she broke into a place she shouldn't go to, and was treated as a spy. She was immediately beaten to death, and then sent here.

Feng Ye didn't even think about it. With a wave of his hand, "it was buried and killed."

His answer was simple and clear. Killing is as easy as killing a chicken. It doesn't take human life seriously.

Lin Qing, who was hiding behind the pillar, was terrified, and the rabbit was so sad that she thought of her destiny and did not dare to rush out.

But her stomach was really too hungry, and she screamed in the stomach, which she couldn't control, even the helpless stomach would not help.

Feng Feng, who was sitting on the seat, seemed to hear the voice from here. He couldn't help but glance at this. Lin Qing just looked out with a probe and quickly retracted his head. The tense atmosphere covering his chest was scared.

"Come out, I have already seen you." A very light voice fell into Lin Qing's ears like Wulei booming.

How to do? Escape or obediently go out to die? Where can I run? It's spies who don't run away, she hides behind the pillars.

"Come out, never come out again." Feng Ye's voice aggravated, but it still sounded good, but the tone from the violin to the cello.

Lin Qing was scared. It didn't seem to lie to her but she really saw it.


In this way, she can only go out, it is just a life, anyway, let it be.

Lin Qingxi came out from behind the pillar and walked slowly to Feng Ye, a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

"I came down to find food. Thank you Lord Feng for saving my life last night. The little lady is grateful." She started off as a strong one, showing why she was hiding behind the pillar: "You came back suddenly and scared me, Will hide. "

Feng Ye held up a pair of slender danfeng eyes, looked at her with a smile, and asked lightly: "I can't think that the commander's wife is so humble, it really is a bird-like person. How can the commander be willing to make you sad?"

Listening to his words, it seems that she knows Lin Qing very well. She even knew that she was the commander's wife.

This made Lin Qing very unhappy. He knew her, but she knew nothing about him.

Feng Ye, the name seems a bit familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen or heard it.

"Is Feng Feng very familiar with me? Do you know the commander?" Lin Qing asked curiously.

Feng Shake shook his head and said casually, "Is the Commander I can get to know? But I can meet the Commander's wife, I'm satisfied, but I don't know if you would like to make me a friend."

Lin Qing didn't know how to answer. She knew nothing about Feng Ye, and naturally didn't know his purpose, so she didn't dare to take any responsibility.

I had to deal with it vaguely: "I am very close to making friends with you, but I have no such blessing and know nothing about you."

After listening to her words, Feng Ye could not help laughing, a man who was even more wicked than a woman could be so imposing.

"I will slowly understand, just stay here for a few more days."

Listening to what he meant, Lin Qing couldn't help but be surprised again. Is this the rhythm of keeping her a guest?

She understood that she was useless to Feng Ye, and the reason he kept her was nothing more than that she was Mu Li's wife.

In this case, she might as well show him a showdown again, vaguely remembering what she had said last night.

"I'm the mother of two children and I'm no longer eligible to be your friend."

"Che, I'm not looking for a girlfriend, what if you have two grandchildren?" Feng Ye suddenly looked at her in amazement, and smiled narrowly: "Maybe you want to be nothing with me"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Qing hurriedly stopped and said, "Feng Ye, don't guess blindly."

Seeing her embarrassment, Feng Ye laughed loudly: "Okay, don't guess, you can live here with peace of mind for a few days, just take a break, it's boring to go back, your husband is busy lately."

Before waiting for her to say anything, Grandpa Feng snapped her fingers and said loudly, "Set the table and have lunch."

Then, he winked at the young maid. The young maid immediately noticed and walked to Lin Qing's side and smiled and said to her, "Miss Lin, please go to the restaurant for dinner."

Feng Ye started to talk with his staff again, but Lin Qing, the language they used, didn't understand at all, didn't know what they were talking about, and nodded, and followed the nanny to the restaurant.

Why does Feng Ye know her so well? And she knew she was nervous about Mu Li.

So it seemed that he rescued her from the rain last night, not a coincidence, but deliberately, it should be that he knew she had come out of the hotel in the middle of the night.

Is he the main messenger behind the scenes? Lin Qing couldn't help wondering why he was so painstaking.

Knowing that she had a bad relationship with Mu Li, even if she knew that she was abducted, she would not come to rescue her. He couldn't be beaten at all. It didn't seem to be because of this.

Lin Qing was also confused and didn't know what to do if he changed.

There is really no benefit in going back. Mu Li and Bai Xue are warming up. Maybe she walks away without getting in the way.

Simply, stay here for a few days, if you are really worried about her, you will naturally find her.

Knowing her importance, I will cherish it in the future, maybe distance can really test a person's true heart.

"Miss, here it is," said the young maid, who led Lin Qing into the restaurant with a smile.

Lin Qing came back from her thoughts, nodded and smiled at her, it was a response.

Although Lin Qing is also the commander's wife, she has seen all the big scenes, but this is the first time she has seen such a luxurious restaurant.

The kitchen is open, the dining room is large, the floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides, the lighting is particularly good, the solar energy shines into the room, the room is strewn with various potted plants, and there is a soberness of setting the table in the park, as if intimate contact with nature The dining atmosphere is particularly good.

In the center of the restaurant is a long Italian-made retro dining table. It is estimated that it can accommodate dozens of people at the same time. Is it convenient to dine at such a long table? Lin Qing couldn't help tangling.

As if to see her mind, the young maid laughed beside her: "Several guests will have several dishes, six dishes in the first round, these six dishes are almost the same, and the second round will be carried out, and then There are six dishes, sometimes more than ten rounds. "

Speaking of which, the young maid kindly reminded her: "Don't rush to eat the dishes, just taste the delicious ones. At noon today, Grandpa Feng ordered that ten rounds of sixty dishes be served."

After listening to her, Lin Qing was completely blind. This feeling is the treatment of the emperor. Who can afford it? Ordinary people can afford sixty dishes. It costs more for a meal and costs less. Can you eat it? ?

Looking at her surprised expression, the young maid smiled again and continued to explain: "Actually, most dishes are basically untouched. After all, you ca n’t eat so much, but there are many servants here, so you can withdraw. We will eat separately. "

After hearing what she said, Lin Qing nodded.

It is better to give the servants food than to throw it away, at least not to waste.

She continued to look around the restaurant, near the east wall. It was a large bar counter, filled with many precious red wines, and the packaging was very valuable.

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