Now all the hopes are pinned on Feng Ye. She even thought that if Feng Ye helped her find Orange, she wouldn't mind spending ten years here as a servant to pay off her debts.

Orange orange, where are you? Mom really misses you.

Orange orange, where are you? Dad really misses you.

At this time, Mu Li was also standing in front of the window of the hotel room, looking at the blue sky outside the window and praying.

At the same time, he was also worried about Lin Qing. She ran away with her luggage and left home that night. He thought she was just doing something. She would be back soon, or go downstairs, or go to Yang Li's room. After all, where can she go in an unfamiliar country?

Originally, he wanted to chase out immediately, but when he wanted to be angry with each other, it was easier to say something more unpleasant than to calm down and chase after each other. He was also very angry, but only a few photos, she should not At this time he made a big deal and made him very difficult.

Regarding Bai Xue, he can't do anything. It's very hard to help find children running around these days, and he has been injured several times and is in danger. All this is because of helping them. Otherwise, he will be more comfortable in the country, not at all. These things will happen.

At this time, he can only ask Lin Qing to look at the overall situation and give him enough trust to understand that there is nothing messy between him and Bai Xue, so as to maintain the status quo and find oranges together. This is the most important thing.

Who knew that Lin Qing ran away with his luggage, which clearly embarrassed him.

There was nothing at all, and it made her toss like this.

How could a person who was so general in the past become so confused, Mu Li was also stunned.

Lin Qing's behavior directly pushed the three of them into an embarrassing situation. How will they get along in the future?

He very much hoped that Lin Qing could figure it out and have a good relationship with Bai Xue, even if it was just maintaining the face.

Because of this, he did not go down immediately. When he came out, it seemed that Lin Qing had already pulled down luggage with his luggage. Then he returned to the room and sat there for half an hour. When his mood was almost restored, he got up and went downstairs to find him. Lin Qing.

No in the lounge, and the receptionist said that he did not see Lin Qing.

When Lin Qing went out, she happened to entertain no longer at the service desk, because it was already late at night.

Mu Mu could not help but startled, not good, it seems that this silly woman really left home.

But he still had the last hint of hope and called Yang Li, hoping that she would be there, but the answer was still no.

Mu Li put down the phone and rushed to the street, but looking at the intersections on the street, he was confused again. Which direction would Lin Qing go? He knew nothing.

I had to look for it along a road by intuition, but did not see Lin Qing's trace.

It was too slow to walk in this way, he beckoned a taxi, and continued to search along the road.

The result was still nothing, he couldn't help anxious, had to let the taxi driver turn around and go back to the hotel, and then searched along another road. The result was still nothing.

With the last road left, Mu Li watched the car go farther and farther. There was still no Lin Qing. He couldn't help but be anxious. When Lin Qing came out, she didn't bring money or a card. She couldn't take a taxi.

At this moment, a sudden heavy rain began to flow, and Mu Li couldn't help but feel anxious.

The driver master was urged to continue searching, but the driver master told him that in such heavy rain, the road conditions were not clear at all, the wiper was too late to wipe off the rain, and was confused by the windshield. He could only stop the car and wait for the rain to stop. go.

Mu Li was worried that Lin Qing had been exposed to heavy rain. Her body was so weak that she was just sick, how could she withstand the rain.

I begged the driver master to help him, but the driver master was unmoved, saying that in such a dangerous weather, even if he helped her, he couldn't find the person he was looking for. The road conditions were very bad and he couldn't see clearly in the car. Look outside the car.

Ren Ren Muli begged for intimidation and threat. The driver master just did n’t get on the road. He had no choice but to get out of the car. He continued to look for Lin Qing in the heavy rain. He only had one conviction, and he must find it. , How could she bear a weak woman.

God seems to be against him deliberately. The rain is getting heavier and the rain is pouring down, making it difficult for him to breathe, as if nailing him to the road, so he looks for a whole night in the heavy rain, until At dawn the next day, Lin Qing was still not found, but he was tired and hungry and fainted on the road. He was found by the patrolling police and he was awakened and returned to the hotel.

Yang Li and Bai Xue only knew about Lin Qing's disappearance. As for the reason, Mu Li didn't say that he didn't want to embarrass Bai Xue and let others guess what, just said that Lin Qing came out to call and the result disappeared.

Hong Qiang came to the hotel to discuss Mu Li's search for Orange, and heard that Lin Qing was missing.

He was very anxious and guilty. If it wasn't for him begging Lin Qing to help him take care of Bai Wei who was pregnant and giving birth, maybe Lin Qing's mother and son are now living a happy and peaceful holiday in that beautiful town, and this situation would not have happened at all.

Orange Orange has been missing for more than ten days. After more than ten days of torment, Lin Qing also disappeared.

Mu Li and Bai Xue took the special forces brought in from China to search here for more than ten days without any clue. It seems that it was not an accident but a planned kidnapping case.

If he thought about it, Hong Qiang suggested to Mu Li that he should seek help from a well-known local gang.

Perhaps their power will be wider than that of the police. Some police will not be able to reach the range, so the chance of finding oranges will be greater.

Orange Orange is missing, and the Commander's wife is missing. This is definitely not an isolated incident.

Mu Li also thought about this problem. If Lin Qing was not taken away in the heavy rain that night, he could definitely find her. However, Mu Li is not familiar with the local underworld forces, and he couldn't help but say, "I'm afraid they won't help."

"For them, as long as they have money, they can do things well." Hong Qiang replied with confidence.

Mu Li looked at him in amazement, thinking of the information that Bai Xue had provided, saying that Hong Qiang might go with the gangster, and he could not help asking: "Are you familiar with them?"

Hong Qiang felt the alertness in Mu Li's voice and a disturbed expression on his face, which was definitely a problem.

Hesitating for a moment, he finally nodded as if determined, "I can reach them."

"Huh?" The alertness on Mu Li's face turned to search, and he seemed to be asking, do you really have to collude with the gang?

Hong Qiang smiled bitterly, acquiesced to the fact, Mu Li's face could not help but become ugly.

He took soldiers for many years, and even when he went abroad, he even broke down, and became a gangster. If it was spread to the country, would he still have a face in the army? Hong Qiang is no one else. He is the most special assistant he once was, just like Xiaolong now.

And with the relationship of Hong Qiang, he has become a factor of instability. Who knows if he will collude with Hong Qiang.

Who can guarantee that Hong Qiang did not deliberately send him out, in fact he is the big brother of the black forces outside China?

Mu Li can imagine these gossips, and how many people are watching the commander's position. If it was not Commander Liao's strong recommendation, it would not be his turn to be the commander. In fact, his qualifications are still relatively young, and he is the youngest commander.

Hong Qiang also understood that his status might bring trouble to Mu Li. He smiled awkwardly and confessed the cause and effect.

Generally speaking, Bai Xue said that because of his distressed life, he was forced to go to the black market with his physical skills. This is the fastest way to make money. As for physical injuries, there is nothing he can bear. After all, he is a soldier. There is no fear of bleeding or sweating.

As long as Bai Wei's life is happy, every time she earns her life and sees her spend happily, he feels very satisfied.

Bai Wei's smile is more important than anything, even if she is physically disabled.

Later, someone fancy his physical capital and introduced him to work as a personal bodyguard.

However, Hong Qiang still needs a diploma and also takes care of Bai Wei. It is impossible to be a long-term bodyguard, only a short-term one, such as helping people fight, asking for a debt or something, can also increase part of their income.

Later, in a course of serving as a bodyguard, he lost the owner's valuables and lost it, so he took a huge debt, and he did not dare to tell Bai Wei that he could only carry it by himself, desperately He punched on the black market and was almost killed several times.

Going home with a scar, Bai Wei was also skeptical at first, asking him what was going on.

Hong Qiang knew that he couldn't hide it, so he told her that he was working as a personal bodyguard. It was unavoidable that it was normal for him to fight with others, but he was not afraid. After all, he had already been trained in the army. This way, the quickest money would come, wait for him If you have a lot of money, you will stop.

Bai Wei was very touched after listening, crying so that he would not do it.

However, Hong Qiang told her that it was not something she could do if she did not want to do it. She had to complete it during the contract period, and would not do it when she had earned enough money from the contract.

This is why Bai Wei finally decided to help him have a baby. Hong Qiang paid too much for her.

Later he was told that he could help him pay off the loan, but asking him to join their company was usually nothing, just follow the security when needed.

Hong Qiang was naturally very happy that the pie dropped in the sky, and he agreed without thinking about it.

The man gave him a contract for him to sign, and he was excited to sign his name.

It was later discovered that this was a so-called money laundering company of a gang, and he joined the gang.

After signing the contract, he could not regret it, and he could not repay the huge debt, and had to accept this fact.

But he was determined not to do anything against his party spirit and conscience.

Hong Qiang told Mu Li that he was behind the boss and he did n’t know who he had n’t seen. He only contacted the person who introduced him into the gang at first. He heard that the boss was also a big hit beside the boss. He could ask for him. , Help begged the boss to help find Orange, as long as he goes out, there is nothing that can't help.

The members of the gang are all over the world, and the president of country X is on an equal footing with him. It is a character who wants to be windy and rainy.

After hearing what he said, Mu Li couldn't help condensing his eyebrows. Although he disdain to deal with the dark forces, Orange Orange disappeared for so many days but failed to find a trace of clues. It was not bad to let Hong Qiang try.

He believed that Hong Qiang was forced to helplessly before joining the underworld organization, and when he had a chance, he helped him out.

The person he brings out has the confidence to believe in his character, not the wrongdoer.

"Okay, if you try it, you ask in your own name."

Mu Li Shensheng commanded.

Hong Qiang nodded and immediately took out his cell phone and called: "Song Brother, it's me."

"Yes, I have something to ask for your help. It's not a big deal. It's just helping find a missing child."

Hanging up the phone, Hong Qiang told Mu Li that Song Song was going to interview him, and he would go immediately.

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