The Spoilt Wife’s Happy Life with the Commander

Chapter 1297: Sign a contract with me

Feng Ye seems to be very busy when he is busy, but he does not see anyone for a few days, but he is very busy when he is free. He stays in the villa all day and accompanies Lin Qing to play in this luxurious villa.

The longer he stayed, the more Lin Qing couldn't help but feel that Feng Ye was a terrible mysterious man, and it didn't seem to be Earth people.

Let's talk about this luxury villa. It looks small, but it is actually just above ground, and the underground part is magnificent, no less than the whole country X, and there are also rural towns and even various factories, etc., of course, including Various entertainment facilities really made Lin Qing's eyes open.

But her mind is not on these, more than ten days have passed, and Orange has no news.

Every day Feng Ye takes her to play on the ground, or takes her to the earth palace to hunt for treasure, or she disappears for a few days to do her business.

But he never talked about Orange. Lin Qing tried to speak several times, but he left the subject to talk about the others.

On this day, it is still the old practice for the two to sit together at the oversized dining table. There are ten rounds of dishes and eight dishes per round.

After almost eating, Lin Qing finally couldn't help but asked, "Feng Ye, haven't you found Orange?"

"Come here, Lin Qing tastes the red thing in your bowl. It's a kind in the deep sea. The meat is particularly delicious and beautiful. This fish is extremely rare. You have to dive into the sea below a few kilometers to find it. And not every luck is so good to find, so it is particularly expensive. Even the Queen of England cannot eat it every week. If you like it, I can let you eat it every day. ”Feng Ye exaggerated Introduced the plate of red fish in front of me.

Of course, there is also a plate in front of Lin Qing. Lin Qing knows that this is the trick used by Feng Ye. Every time he switches the topic, Lin Qing does not dare to disobey his good mood and will continue to talk along his topic. Then her topic will be forgotten, but this time, she cuts off, even if she offends Feng Feng, she needs to know the answer.

She is here to be able to find oranges. If she can't find oranges, what's the point of her staying here?

"Feng Ye, thank you for the delicious and precious fish. Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to know if there is any orange eyebrows, is there still no clue?" Lin Qing's voice brought sadness and despair. With a little crying, if even Feng Ye can do nothing, so many oranges are hopeless, unless they are

Feng Ye saw her so insistent, her face changed slightly, and asked displeasedly, "Don't you believe me?"

"No, no, I'm not indifferent, but Orange has been missing for too long, almost a month." Lin Qing was afraid that Feng Feng was angry and played an emotional card to win his sympathy: "You can Be considerate of my mother ’s heart. My son ca n’t find it. Even in Xianchi, Yaochi, I feel like eighteen layers of hell. "

Her words showed her attitude. This was the first time Lin Qing had said her thoughts so decisively to Feng Ye.

That is to say, no matter what kind of glory and richness she enjoys here, in fact, she is not happy all day, she is living in **** just because she is a mother and son lost.

Feng Ye heard her words and was silent. It took him a long time to slowly lift the slender danfeng eyes, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't think about it. I didn't think you were so miserable."

"Can Orange still hope to find it?" Lin Qing shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I don't dare to say the pain, because Feng Ye is very entertaining, but I don't worry about my son's suffering, please forgive Feng."

"I can understand you, although I am not a mother, but I am a son." Feng Ye's voice slowly lowered, and he could see that he was immersed in his thoughts.

After a long time, he whispered, "Your son was taken away by a fleeing cult in Europe. They think he is the reincarnation leader, so you do n’t have to worry about his safety. Naturally, he is well taken care of, but If you want to bring him out of that cult, you also need to think long-term, otherwise they are likely to burn out, and that is a group of desperates. "

After hearing Feng Feng's words, Lin Qing couldn't help but marvel at the soul. She also knew a little about the cult organization in his mouth, and it was ridiculous to even choose Orange Orange as the reincarnation leader.

No wonder he disappeared so strangely, and he couldn't find anything after his disappearance. His feelings were taken away by the cult.

Although orange orange has fallen, Lin Qing's heart is not heavy because of it.

You need to know that although orange is not dangerous, it is tantamount to being forced into a cult. He is still young and cannot distinguish between right and wrong. If he is mixed with them for a long time, and if they are cultized by them, then it is troublesome.

Moreover, Lin Qing also knows that they are good at using a kind of cymbal technique, often used to deceive those who are not willing to join the church. Once they are successfully deceived, they will follow for life.

I don't know if Orange Orange has been deceived by them, Lin Qing is really worried. Some news is more torment than no news.

"Well, you should understand why I didn't tell you your distress, right?" Feng Ye frowned and looked at Lin Qing very worried. "You really don't need to worry, I'm trying to find a way, Orange Orange will be safe Come out, I'm sending someone to clear up and see him tomorrow. "

"Really? You're going to see Orange Orange?" Lin Qing asked him, surprised.

Feng Ye nodded earnestly: "But you don't need to bring any words and things, I just go to see the situation of Orange, make sure he is safe, and see if there is a good way to bring him out." Listening to what he said, Lin Qing's original thought of asking him to take a word also swallowed.

"Thank you, Lord Feng, as long as you can rescue Orange Orange, I will be a cow and a horse to repay your kindness." Lin Qing suddenly reached out and grabbed Feng Feng's hand. Saving Orange Orange depended on him. Can you know that Orange Orange is falling, There will always be a way.

"That's what you said?" Grandpa Feng let her hold her hand tightly, and raised her eyebrows half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Don't you regret it?"

"Of course, as long as I can save Orange Orange, I'm willing to do anything for you." Lin Qing answered absolutely, without any hesitation. At this time, she only had Orange Orange in her heart, and it was good to save Orange Orange. Everything else was nothing. important.

"Then sign a contract with me and rescue Orange, you are my person." Feng Ye continued to laugh with a joke.

"Ah?" Lin Qing suddenly had an ominous foreboding, that she was led away by the invisible thread?

"Why? I regret it so soon?" Feng Ye could not help but shook his head with a smile, expressing his resignation against Lin Qing as a child.

"No, I didn't regret it. As long as I can find Orange, I can do it." When the words are poured out, Lin Qing naturally can't regret it, and at this time, he can't say nothing to Feng Ye, otherwise, he If you don't save your oranges with your heart, wouldn't oranges stay in that cult for a lifetime and become the master of the martyrs.

"Haha, you, okay, when I'm kidding." Feng Ye shook his head with a smile and resumed the old indifference. "Eat vegetables, otherwise, this fish is cold and not delicious."

Lin Qingwen nodded vigorously, "Everything is working."

Having said that, she picked up the deep-sea fish in the plate in front of her and ate it with a big mouth, and it was deliciously meaty, with a smooth mouth and a faint smell of sea, but it just teased the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, not that kind of salty.

"Orange and Orange have fallen. It is great." Although she knew that Orange was in a cult, she was still very happy. After all, she knew where she was when she was falling. I don't know anywhere, I can only search blindly.

If it weren't for Feng Ye's information, they wouldn't be able to find the whereabouts of Orange even if they had rummaged through the entire earth.

Suddenly, Lin Qing thought of a question, and she asked, "Mu Li, do you know the news?"

"I have n’t told the commander, in fact, he knows that it will not help. The cult's whereabouts are particularly weird. They live in remote areas and live in the construction of underground palaces. It is difficult to find their whereabouts, and they are not in the commander's sphere of influence. But I ’m afraid I wo n’t buy his account, so do n’t tell him first, lest it be bad for rescuing Orange Orange and make a fool of the snake. ”Feng Ye replied faintly, and his words made Lin Qing unable to argue and made sense.

Mu Li is an adult commander, but it ’s just that he can call the wind and rain in the country. Who can treat him as a dish internationally, and that cult organization has always been hostile to the Asian race. I am afraid that Mu Li knows the news and hastily Going to the rescue will offend them, but it will cause more trouble.

Now that Feng Ye can follow them, there must be his way to save the orange. At this time, Lin Qing chose the unconditional photo envelope master and pinned his hope of saving the orange.

"Everything is up to Feng Ye to take his idea." Lin Qing smiled and nodded, agreeing with his decision.

Feng Ye was very amicable. After talking with Lin Qing in the morning, he took a few relatives to visit the cult underground city in the afternoon.

Lin Qing was waiting for news in the villa. She was sitting on a lounger near the window of the lobby on the first floor, holding a book, but she couldn't see it at all. She stared at the yard eagerly, waiting for Feng Ye to bring it back. Orange orange for the exact message.

However, until the sun went down, Lin Qing still didn't watch Feng Ye come back. She was very worried. She didn't know if Feng Ye was in trouble, or if Orange Orange wasn't in the cult at all, that was a misinformation.

Time passed minute by minute, and the sky outside was completely dark.

The young maid stood beside her and whispered, "Miss Lin, it's time to have dinner. It's all that, and I think Feng Ye won't come back."

After listening to her words, Lin Qing turned back from her thoughts, and she couldn't help turning her face red and embarrassed, as if she was a woman named Feng Ye, waiting for him to eat at home, but the orange thing, young The maid didn't know, and she couldn't explain to her, she just let her continue to misunderstand, "Wait a second, maybe the road is delayed."

The young maid no longer reluctantly heard her say this, nodded, and walked towards the restaurant.

Lin Qing has been sitting on a reclining chair. Although the light is on in the courtyard, she never sees Feng Ye coming back. She is agitated. Feng Ye is in trouble in the cult.

She didn't dare to think about it, and didn't want Orange's whereabouts to be false news.

Suddenly a car stopped in the courtyard, Lin Qing couldn't help shining his eyes, came back, and finally came back.

She got up from the lounge chair excitedly, and ran out to greet her, but found out that it was not Fengye but Fengye ’s followers that got off the car, and her face was immediately disappointed, like the disappointment of his wife who hoped to return home. Expression.

Feng Ye's entourage was surprised to see Lin Qing and the expression on her face, thinking that she had been captured by Feng Ye's gentleness, and had affection for him. After all, Feng Ye's brilliance could hardly be resisted by any woman.

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